EARTH ALLIES 10.6.2012... Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/9/12 'The Gift of Youth' By Greg Giles

Submitted by AnaShyNa on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 18:15

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 19:29

We are all divine and We are all part of the creator source. If humanity all but realise this and have a knowingness within them there is no need to rely on others to make us "youthful" etc. We give away our knowingness of becoming one with the divine creator When we give permission and rely on other beings to do this.

You make a good point, but i would love to be 22 again, and know what i know now, and have my parents young again, when they were full of life, with age comes wisdom, and i would love to reset back to my peak in health with the wisdom i have gained. that would be priceless.

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 19:53

In reply to by mayo31311

This is your ego, the attachment. Let go of the want and surrender your body to the divine within. Know that you are the I AM and let it flow through you. When you give out of love through your thought and act, the power of god within flow unlimitness. God is love.

Of Course. I accept it.
I 've been looking for this gift my whole life. I know there is a gift like the Elixir of Long Life, which works like this.
I just want to mention a little how it Is said it work.
The sacred alquimic at the end of continuous sacrifices, working with the sacred fire, receives the Elixir of the Eternal Life in all his seven bodies.
I am ready to receive the Great Gift
Rene Duran

Thank you how often have we said to ourselves if only I
Knew then at the age of 18 what I know now at the age of 66 how much better my life could be a gift from the heart is a true gift welcome into my life

Ok, thanks for these big, colorful, flashy offers and dreams.....

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 19:57

I, for one, am very happy that our space brothers are willing to help us out with healing techniques.  I wouldn' mind looking much younger than my nearly 68 years, but I would truly like to see better and get diabetes diminished or abolished.  I've had this debilitizing problem for 29 years with no success though I've literally tried everything thats come down the pike.


I'm very aware that I've somehow created my problems and I work on them every day.  I would love to live my life without ANY judgement, but everytime I take a blood sugar reading, I'm forcefully reminded that it's not going to be that easy.


I've also had knee replacement, having broken my left leg 5 times over the years.  You are probably going to laugh at this one, but I used to stare out the window and wonder why they didn't come and fix my leg.  I was actually annoyed about it! WHERE do you think that came from?  


If they have techniques that actually work....well, count me in!



Carolyn P.


p.s.  I'm not comfortable joining the different websites just yet. 


equine_si (not verified)

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 20:36

Reading this post made me smile as it brought confirmation to me regarding an event that I experienced approximately 20 years ago.  One day I was in meditation and out of the blue my inner voice said "I am not going to experience a physical death in this lifetime."


It was totally unexpected and even though it sounded bizarre at the time I knew that it was the truth.  I have only shared that with a couple of people over the years for obvious reasons and now this experience is just a short step away.  The coolest part for me is that my mother has been suffering with a serious respiratory disorder for about 12 years and has been on oxygen for the last 4; I have spoken with her about the gifts that are coming our way and that restoration of heallth is one of those gifts.  The sparkle of hope that I see in her eyes makes it difficult to be patient as we wait for this to occur.  My Self and my parents wait with great anticipation for these amazing transformations to take place.  Thank you in advance!  Love and Blessings to you all...

Love Of Light

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 21:08

Bring it on!!!.........To look and feel younger again and healthy, count me in! Very weary of having to wear custom insoles in my shoes....very limiting in the style of shoes available to me. Having problems with my legs and feet swelling badly as well as neuropathy in my feet....can't wait for these problems to ge gone.  Love and Light to all!



My Birth name given to me by my mother is Rudy and my Spiritual name given to me by Yogacharya Tonmoy Shome is Bholanath. I currently live in Montevideo, Uruguay, South America, were I manage a Health Company called Oxivital. This company was an idea that my father had about 10 years ago (after having moved my mother, my brother and i from the USA 16 years ago)  that was intended to help the Uruguayan Health Care Sindicate in being more effective in the treatment of people with dificulty with breathing on there own because of pysical damage or malfunctioning (Oxigen terapy). 

We made positive relationship with Praxair which is a brazilian multinational gas company(with base in Uruguay) who supplys us with the oxigen we give our patientes. We now work for 3 big public hospitals ofering our service of "Oxigen homecare delivery and asistance" in the best way we find posible and available to us given the posibilities we now find ourselves in.

Everyday I see people getting ill and suffering and dieing and even though I think to know that all is how is should be, it still makes me sad to see this still happening in my reality. But there are moments in which one person makes it out of having to use our service. A person who gets better! And even though it is only for that moment, the joy and happiness in feeling the positive-ness emaneiting from this person who now i see as my Father, GrandFather, Mother, Brother, Sister, is what reminds me what it means to be alive!! I guess I just can´t discribe just about how much love i would be able to feel if all of my patients would just get better so I would no longer have to assits them with there breathing so we could both enjoy this beautifull world that is just a breath away in harmony and balance with our mother Earth=Gaia=The Planet We Live In.

So I publicly, oficialy and lovingly respond to your message that was pulicly, oficialy and lovingly directed to my-self:

"With the help of THE GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT, I give all my love and compasion to change the medical sistem of my country be bringing into Conscience thiese new tecnologies which will improve the overall wellbeing of our society=family"

"I choose to be part of the change and I will help in whatever is needed to live my dream of a world without fear"

"I will begin shareing this message now to as much people=hearts as i can till I recive your direct respons and thoughts about what my participation in changing the world really is as the role I came to play in this life"

"Together we can make this happen!"

I Now send infinite love and light to all in creation...


King David (not verified)

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 21:17

I'll take it! 


I love it, I am a healthy 170Lbs of what would still be twisted steal, sex appeal and God's give of love at 59 earth years tomorrow at 1:52PM, but gladly accept your offer of youth as I was mistaken for Arnold at a club in California once at age 35ish at 180Lbs, I love museling up. 

Daniel Linangen (not verified)

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 23:51

THIS... Is my issue I've asked for to be to service till fully regarding help wanted.

This is MY ask for help!

Beam me up, I'm heading for the crystal healing chambers..

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 23:57

Sounds fantastic. Please book me in. I have complete confidence and trust in the GFL to deliver what they say. Not sure why but I feel that I will be going home very soon to be with my space family.

Thank you so much.

JMA (not verified)

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 00:06

This sounds wonderful.  I would love having help for youthful radiant health.  I need to shed 60-70 lbs of weight. Thank you GFL.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 00:29

Ask and you will receive,

I do my visualisations of receiving the healing chambers so that my family can be like new again.

My husband has arthritis, my mother has Alzheimer's, she is a young girl in a 84 yr old body, and I myself have had a double mastectomy and low esteem issues and my daughter could benefit from having lymphatic help so we would all wlcome this wonderful technology as soon as possible.

Thank you so much.


Sun, 06/10/2012 - 01:11


My family and i would like to get help from you. My mother had breast cancer in 2010 and she is worried about relapse and would like to completely healthy in the body. She is 61 years old and want to look like 35. My husband and i would also like to get help from you to look like 20 years old. I´ve gained weight and have trouble losing weight. We look forward to meeting you. Thanks for the wonderful offer! Love to you!


Sun, 06/10/2012 - 01:42

It´s me again. Forgot to mention one thing. My dog has chronic stomach problems and i wonder if you can heal her from that? I love my dog so much and just want her to get well.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 02:07

What a generous offer; I could certainly do with a little help to repair some physical damage, as could another family member. Having my problems alleviated, together with "regeneration" would allow me to *really* get on and assist the GFL in anyway I can.

I am more than willing to participate in any GFL projects if deemed suitable.

Thank You ....

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 04:49

You know its all beautiful what your saying,i just want you to remove the dark cabal,and its minions,restore the financial sector,after being brainwash by religion,i have difficulties trusting anybody,ill take care of myself.


Sun, 06/10/2012 - 04:57

Are you kidding!!!  This would be yet another fantastic dream come true.  In fact, this might be one of your greatest selling points to get humans to trust in this Great Transformation.  Start out with these "healings"  and "age resets" and you got us, hook, line, and sinker!  I would be so full of jubilation and glee if my physical body could be transformed as you offer.  This, the human race is ready for, I promise.  My excitement bubbles over in anticipation!  I extend my hand out to you and offer you, my dearest star sisters and brothers, my personal invitation to our world.  I want you in my life and I will do cartwheels around my entire block to have your offer manifest. 


See you soon!  Robin Pettit

Hey Sister ROBIN...


I'm Sister Bernadette..

And who ever gets in line first...

Will Keep A seat nice and Toasty For I'm rite behind or infront.....


WE'RE Goin for the ride of this Universe !!


THIS IS what will GRAB OUR fellow Humans ATTENTION TA Wakie-Wakie-Wakie !!



I LOVE You Sister Robin   ((((({{{ HUGzzz }}}))))


ryan_just_ryan (not verified)

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 05:52

Dear Brothers and Sisters which i can not remember but only can feel we are One,

My humble prostrations and love to you all. You are in service to the same One and you are welcome at Tewksbury, Massachusetts USA anytime.

I am not one for talking on phones or drawn out experiences. I am working on my patience but in truth i am impatient for God, the complete experience.

I welcome wholeheartedly, all these things will be added unto me and hopefully all of us who are earth trodden at this time.

So in short, yes, please and thank you yes! Let Thy will be done God not my will.



Sun, 06/10/2012 - 06:21

You had ME at ****** H E L L O ****** !!


Soooo..... I will W E L C O M E  All You have ta offer.. I have FULL TRUST In My Brothers & Sisters.. Aunts.. Uncles.. Cuzzzins  and Whom EVER else I belong TOO !!!!! :o)...



I AM Bernadette ( I must BE in Pre-H E A V E N !!!!!




ALLLLLL DE WAY  *****""" H O M E """***** 


OHHHH  BOYyyyy I'm IN for the TIME OF well.... My new Adventure INDEED !!


I   **W I L L** C U Soon ... 



I Welcome MYSELF BACK HOME where * I * Belong  !!!!!!!~~~

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 06:49

After reading about the offer my answer is YES PLEASE. Getting older and being ill more is no fun for anyone.  I was made aware that technologies exist which have been hidden deliberately from us to stop our evolution, and that healing all illnesses,ailments and reversal of age are all possible.


I would want everyone to benefit from this but of course its a personal choice as to whether to accept this gift or not.


I'd be crazy not to accept something this good with no strings attached and look forward to meeting and working with our brothers and sisters very soon in our Golden Age.

Shirley Bresee (not verified)

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 18:06

It would be with great joy that I would receive here on earth. I have raised 3 diabetic children, one of whom has passed on . The other 2 suffer great distress from diabetic symtems. So I say , please get here as soon as possible. Much Love and looking forwaed to the time you arrive.



marga (not verified)

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 07:48

Dear galatic federation of light,

I am deaf and I would like to hear the bird's singing and people talking to me.

thank you,

love and light ,


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