~Marc Chauvette's Bio:~ A LOVE BEING REVEALED~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 09/10/2011 - 07:13

Great essay Mark.  We may see it as perplexing to walk in this state of mind at first, but it does get easier everyday.  Knowing that this is to soon be the new agreement in human society, makes it easiy to appreciate and celebrate!  Like the Master advised, we should look up and know that our redemption draws nigh.  I keep thinking Jesus meant that in a physical way, as well as, being able to enjoy the etherial benefits immediately... Namaste


Mirra of Pondicherry Lives Today by Amitakh Stanford www.xeeatwelve.com Mirra Alfassa (1878-1973) is often known as Mirra of Pondicherry. She is reverently known as "The Mother", which is a title of respect for a female spiritual teacher in India. The irony is that Mirra is in fact the aspect of the Divine Mother who is the main aspect of the Divine Rescue Mission to liberate trapped True-Light beings from Darkness. Before Mirra died, she had already realized that Nirvana was an illusion. As Fragrance, Mirra knew that even the so-called spiritual enlightenment that so many yearn for is an illusion of Darkness. As Fragrance, she had experienced several incidences of being at "Oneness" with the whole universe, where everything seemed to be in perfect harmony, perfect peace, total freedom, beauty and every cell and everything is connected to one another. At those moments, all is knowing, all is perfect, all is in perfect harmony, beauty and love. (These "Oneness" experiences are not the same as the stillness, peace and harmony that can be experienced in a deep state of meditation.) The "Oneness" experience can occur while someone is performing almost any normal activity such as gardening or walking. It is a spontaneous experience not induced by any intoxicants or mind-altering chemicals. Yet, when the "key" was finally "given" to Fragrance, and when the Higher Powers of the Mother merged with the physical self of Fragrance, she had a sudden re-awakening and she was able to see through the illusion during her next episode of experiencing the "Oneness". She knew then that like Nirvana, Samadhi and Enlightenment, this "Oneness" is also an illusion that sends searchers into a futile circle that leads nowhere even though the searchers are convinced that these illusions are real. All of these concepts are examples of the falsehood of this dimension where people are deceived into thinking that there is a solution to the suffering/ignorance of humans. The "Oneness" illusion is used effectively by Darkness to convince true seekers that there is no evil and that all is going according to the Divine Plan. Thus, this sinister illusion sends true seekers into a state of ignorant complacency, when things are really very desperate here for True-Light beings as they are not only imprisoned by Darkness - they are being spiritually assassinated and many have been lost to Darkness. MANY SPIRITUAL TEACHERS HAVE CONSCIOUSLY OR IGNORANTLY TAUGHT THE ILLUSION OF "ONENESS" TO OTHERS WITH DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES TO TRUE SPIRITS. The True Oneness with the Divine can only be truly experienced after the separation of True Light from the False Light, which has not yet occurred. Hence, nobody on Earth has experienced True Oneness with the True Creator (Light). What some people have experienced and called "True Oneness" is only a pseudo-experience of "Oneness" brought about by an illusion of Darkness. There are many illusions within the illusions - virtual realities within virtual realities - in this world of Virtual Reality controlled by Darkness. Darkness had imposed confusing, distorted metaphysical knowledge that would be almost unsolvable in a single human lifetime. Further, the confusion and falsehood that are so deep, complex and intertwined occurs in all dimensions of this pseudo-creation including the astral world. Therefore, the astral beings are in a deep state of confusion and are just as deceived by the Virtual Reality of the astral world as those in the physical are. For too long people have mistakenly honoured the Usurper and called the Usurper "their creator", whilst all the time the Usurper has been their captor, abuser and jailer. The Usurper wears the façade of a benevolent deity while all the time It is the murderer of Truth.

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