~The Magnetic Pole Shift is coming in this Fall as Part of Earth's Ascension~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 08:40

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/13/2011 - 09:38

Details, details, details... Are they all really needed, is not focusing on this a distraction? For me it is! Maybe some out there need all this mumbo jumbo? It might be so that this info is correct, but is this what needs to be payed attention??? For me the most important action that needs to be done is keeping my Eye single, focused on Love and consciously becoming Love, that if I be lifted up I may draw all mankind to me. Why should we be involved in protesting the wrongs of the world across the planet? is this not just part of the illusionary game forced on us by those who do not have our best interest in mind? Is not reacting to it feeding into the illusion? If you ask me the devil is in the details!

 Stay focused everyone to the Light of unconditional Love, Keep your eye single! Do not feed into duality! Every day confirm your commitment to choosing Love above all else! Our job is to be beacons of light in the sea of confusion and duality, we stand fast on the steady rock of Love shinning our Light of Love for the greater good of all, dispelling the darkness of the fearful mortal mind! and attracting all those of Love and likeness. We are wayshowers and spearheads! We do not promote fear to achieve our goals! We do not use fear to promote Love!

Namaste <3

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/13/2011 - 11:04

Mr Stankov's work is a breath of fresh air and the closest thing to the truth in terms of my own experience and channellings.  Lightworkers do 'often' make the mistake of practising the problem that enslaves us in this reality - that blind faith is salvation by its own right rather than another recycled belief system.  If we trust belief only then we are also susceptible to belief too - and it is the route of darkness if we're not careful.  I agree that love is the channel of ascension and growth, but love compels us to seek out truth.  Lightworkers at large are generally right-brained by nature so trust instinct and broad brush, holistic answers as their compass (myself included here btw).  The very final part of the light body process demands we cross the bridge to the left (or vice versa) - to appreciate and balance opposites (so reject the science and the detail and life is still out of balance).  This is the route of ascension and path out of polarity - it is the only way to the 5th dimension as it is the real embodiment of love (giving to the other - ie your non self).  Please therefore, if you haven't made this journey already, listen carefully to what Mr Stankov is saying.  Carl Jung once said that idealism is also a religion - the sentiment that love will save the day is still only fantasy unless you have evidenced truth within your own heart which is beyond division, fear and speculation.  This article may sound frightening but it is important to heed the warning.  The world has been full of darkness as long as we've been in 3D, yet the lightworking community contintually shift ownership of the problem to an external force or other rather than asking why a benevolent, omnipotent creator tolerates our suffering.  We talk about creating our own reality yet in the same breath speak of darkness as being out there - already an implication that there is latent darkness in ourselves because we acknowledge its existence; we cannot be liberated from 3D without this awareness.  So unless we've completely owned this message, there is a chance of the dark hitting at full force and I think we owe tremendous gratitude to Mr Stankov for trying to get this message to hit home.  I am not underestimating the reality of events that are to come - I have had many visions and they correspond completely with this article. 

BTW not being negative here - more a wake up to say there is no access to love without strength, will and courage.  There is no story of love that doesn't ask us to take a right of passage.  We are too afraid of talking of our dark sometimes - the great thing about love is that it can say yes there is dark, but I've danced with the devil - and will do again - and I ain't afraid.


Guest (not verified)

Tue, 09/13/2011 - 12:15

In reply to by Jinjugal

I hear ya, even so I can not help but speak my truth if I am compelled to do so. I can not stress enough the importance of keeping our Eye single, to stay focused on the goal, not whats happening on the sidelines. Doing so we are aiding more than we can comprehend in our mortal minds. Instead of concerning our selves on separation, focus on the Divine Union taking place, instead of being concerned about catastrophic events, focus on grounding your Love in Gaia and in the mass consciousness of all life. Stand fast in Love, this is true strength, surrendering ego to Love is a true act of courage, keeping your Eye single unto the light of unconditional Love is the greatest act of will! 

Namaste <3 I Love you!


Just love for those in fear. Also, my heart goes out to those who are addicted to the drug that made television.. and other means of mass media influence such a powerfull tool:.....DRAMA.Very popular also in families. I remember  family members creating endless suffocating dramas in order to stay in soma and away from truth. Just love for those in fear and drama.

Je vous salut Stankov,

Love, Achara.

anup mech (not verified)

Wed, 09/14/2011 - 07:52

what can i sayy...i am so new to this..but somehow i have come here..i wont deny that from a very small age i wanted to take part in something very big..but i dint know what.but i held that in my psyche..until now..wen i am actuali reading this...

ithink i see now wer iam heading...

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