The Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 03:38

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/16/2012 - 05:59

Such a shame that this site has decided to believe the complete and utter crap that this idiot is making up! It's disgusting and just a damn shame! This Donny Gillson has been COMPLETELY DEBUNKED AND EXPOSED NUMEROUS TIMES on YouTube and other websites and radio shows. Even in his latest videos where he is now supposedly showing the "New Nibiru (System)" pictures have already been debunked and shown how he is MAKING those images appear like they are. He is using SkyView's different options and views and tweaking them in such a way that it shows whatever coordinates he or anyone enters in as a "sphere like object".


He calls EVERY lens flare, light, cloud, star, sun, moon, you name it, a UFO Ship, Planet, Nibiru, Solar System, Vimana, Tacos, Pac-Man, Eyes, Faces, etc... just about anything this fraud can think of he will call it. What's MORE DISGUSTING is that ANYTIME this man is questioned, corrected, proven wrong, or just flat out disagree with him, even when it's in a positive way he will automatically block or ban you and have your message deleted. He will cry about "his right to freedom of speech" but doesn't give anyone else their right to freedom of speech. If you don't agree with him then you are AUTOMATICALLY labled a "Troll" or a "Shill".


Just this last month he has said he has "found Nibiru" at least 10-15 DIFFERENT TIMES!!! He has called Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Mars, The Skull Nebula, and other Nebula's as being Nibiru, and the list just keeps going. Now he is trying to compare his lens flare pictures of nothing to crop circles and other stars he has TAKEN pictures off of SkyView. A person on YouTube by the username of TBar1984 has completely debunked and exposed this man for what he is and what he knows, which is nothing. Other YouTube users with the names of TheNordicTruth, TheTruthResearcher, Foghaze, ZombiexNMx, JerseySkies, TheDailyDonny, and LadyHarleyRider1213, just to name a few and there's many more that have taken their time to show how this man manipulates images and prove the things this Donny Gillson has tried to make claims or theories are completely false and wrong.


Donny Gillson will twist the truth around to what he wants people to believe and try to make it look like he's being attacked, made fun of, and basically how he's an innocent victim that does no wrong, but again has been exposed for all the things he does and says to people either in comments on their channels or video comments and or on his radio show. He will try to delete his comments he leaves on people's channel or what have you, but they are usually captured and saved and shown to everyone how this man really is. A lot of his stories will also change as he tells thim over and over, which also proves how he'll add or change things up just to make himself look like he's the better person and how everyone is just picking on poor Donny.


Just recently his ex-girlfriend/roommate Vicki aka HOTTIEnRENO (who was also his radio show co-host) has exposed him as being a Sociopath and deceiver and completely written him off now that she has finally cut all ties to him. Now this was a person who would always stick up for him and completely agreed with, etc.. now that she no longer is living in fear of this man she has come clean about who Donny Gillson REALLY IS!


There is so much stuff on this man that it's just unbelievable. He wonders why "mainstream media" and others won't take him seriously, well it's because he is a phoney, fake, and a fraud. He has taken other peoples work and manipulated their images (Ian Musgrave's images of Comet Hartley) and then tries to call them out as being liars and that there's this "Astronomer Conspiracy" just to try and make himself famous and also to try and to provoke them to come on to his little radio show. Every time this man has been debunked and proven wrong he will try and come up with something new and even more unbelievable. The more people that write him off and just get tired of his stuff the more he will push and provoke to try and make a name for himself as well as trying to hype up his radio show in trying to get them to come on for a debate or face off in which he will talk over them, mute them, and just be a complete jerk towards them. All for "entertainment" which he has admitted countless number of times that he does this all for entertainment and how he has no knowledge of astronomy and what have you.


This Donny Gillson is a joke and is really giving a bad name/image to the real "truthers" out there.


I will leave you with one question which also pretty much proves his "Nibiru" images from a passenger plane is completely worthless and nothing more than reflections/lens flares.


When he got and was showing the first image that was from Australia, he was stating how it could only be seen in the southern hemisphere and the reason it was supposedly showing up on Neumayer Station's web cams. Yet a week later or so he gets another image of pretty much the same thing, but this time it was from a plane coming into Los Angeles, California. How come all of a sudden when his so called Nibiru could only be seen in the southern hemisphere is now showing up in the northern hemisphere?


Also why aren't there many more pictures, sightings, stories, witnesses, etc... that show and say the same thing, ESPECIALLY when his latest picture taken from a plane coming into Los Angeles when there are TONS of people? Only one picture of these so called planets that are all coming towards earth?


For something that was supposedly visible like it was in the two pictures from an airplane in two different parts of the world and yet there is no other reports or pictures and NO ONE ELSE can see them? Come on now. That right there is the first indicator on how this story is worthless.


There would be thousands if not millions of other people seeing and capturing the same thing and everyone would be able to see these planets, suns, or whatever Donny Gillson wants to call them and it would be all over the "mainstream media" because there would just be no way to cover up something this big. There are millions of amatuer astronomers out there and not one has see these multiple suns or planets and there's no other pictures. Again there are just to many amatuer and professional astronomers out there and it would be impossible to keep it hidden and covered up. There is just NO WAY it could be done.


It's not cloudy everywhere in the world 24/7, there's no supposed "chemtrail" spraying everywhere in the world 24/7 to supposedly "hide Nibiru". Heck it's been so clear and blue the past month where I'm from. Only times any clouds start to come or form is usually at night, but there's been no chem streaks all over the sky or anything of that sort.


Yet there is just one man who is the only one that is able to capture this so called Nibiru in all or most of his blurry images which have been manipulated with filters and colors to supposedly bring "hidden stuff" out more? Come on now. There's only one picture from Australia/Southern Hemisphere that captured these 3+ planets or multiple suns and only one image from Los Angeles California/Northern Hemisphere that captured the same 3+ planets/suns or whatever and no one else saw or captured the same thing? No one else is reporting or seeing these on a daily basis? I mean if they are that visible and still coming towards earth then you would see these everyday. They couldn't just appear and disappear at will. No, they would still be seen by everyone and it would be all over everything media wise and they would just continue to get bigger and brighter, especially if they are supposedly 4-5 times bigger than the earth or jupiter as Donny Gillson has and continues to make claims on. Just the other night he was saying that Nibiru is 40-50 times bigger than jupiter!!!


See how silly this nonsense is? See how much of a fool this Donny Gillson character is? This man is willing to do and say ANYTHING just to try and get famous and now make a buck off of all this. He definitely has shown his true colors on how he's really only doing this for money/donations as well as to get a bigger ego. He claimed he did this for mankind and loves humanity, but then ask's for money and donations so he can continue to do his so called research and work? If the world is going to end because Nibiru is coming then why even worry about money in the first place? It would be useless if the world ended or at least came to an end for how we know of it and if you survived all the so called destruction, disasters, pole shift, whatever, then money would be useless.


No, he's doing all this and continues to make stuff up when he gets proven wrong so he could try and make a buck off of the whole "End of the world in 2012" crap like all the other people are trying to do. Well, when nothing happens and there's still no "Nibiru" come next year, then he's going to have a LOT of angry people that donated or gave him money wanting their money back because they will finally realize how all of the stuff he was saying was just a bunch of lies and made up just to try and make a buck off of their fears.


This site has now lost creditbility just for featuring this Donny Gillson and how he's supposedly showing pictures and what not of Nibiru. Such a shame.

a private problem with Donny Gilson please solve it somewhere else as he's not on this site to reply, and your comment is neighter helping nor constructive. We do not sustain this kind of behaviour that goeas against anyone as we're here to unite and not to divide. If you feel you still like the old paradigm you're free to follow it elsewere or we ask you why you are on this site. If you have a constructive way of exposing you matter we'll be glad to hear it otherwise leave it there.

Here noOne gets persecuted.

Here we meet Love as One.


Thank you

It's not a personal problem, it's a problem for everyone that he is lying to. Take this site for instance. On the surface and from someone that doesn't know who Donny Gillson is or the stuff he has said or shown in the past then this would be absolutely amazing. Though, even with just some common sense and a little questioning because like Donny Gillson says it himself "Question Everything" then these pictures and claims must be questioned as well.


Why only two pictures and no other reports, pictures, or witnesses about seeing these planets, multiple suns, lights, orbs, or whatever? Surely just looking at the pictures you have to wonder what in the world is it that you are looking at? You go outside and take a filter or whatever to try and look at the sun and to see if you see these things as well and when you do you don't see anything? The whole thing about these matching up to a crop circle is just a coincidence and really, when you look at them they don't match up at all. Where's the big one leading the way? After the three that kind of match the other smaller ones behind it don't match at all as the crop circle shows them all in a line, maybe not in a straight line, but it's one "circle" after the other. The smaller (reflections) are not in that same type of position.


All the "formations" and "zig-zags" he talks about can be seen or made up by looking ANYWHERE in the sky. You can take a picture from anywhere in space and make out "kite formations" and "zig-zag/s-like" patterns anywhere. It's just like playing connect the dots. Then the second to last picture that shows a sphere like object and he has his name "Donny Gillson 2012" on it to try and claim copyright or whatever, well it's not even his in the first place. He got that shot from SkyView. Secondly it's not a planet, sphere, or anything that he's claiming it to be. If that was a planet or as he's claiming "Nibiru" then why are there no stars, space clouds/dust or anything behind this so called "planet"? All he is showing is a picture from SkyView that was brought up using a certain view with different options selected to make it look like a sphere. It's kind of like the camera or telescope was taking a picture of space while inside a glass bowl basically. You can do the same thing with any coordinates (or at least whichever area that particular telescope/satellite was taking pictures of space at) and as long as you set some other settings or options that SkyView gives you then you can make it look like a sphere as well. You can also make it have color, be flat like a regular picture (which is how it's supposed to be) you can also have it put a grid overlay on it which is what really proves that sphere like picture is not a sphere at all, it's just the way it came out with certain settings.


It wouldn't be so bad if this guy just didn't know any better and just happened to stumble upon it and once proven wrong and shown the correct way or given the correct info and he admitted he was wrong, but that's not the case. Donny Gillson KNOWS exactly what he is doing and trying to do. He is purposely creating that and other images the way he wants them to appear to try and fool people that don't know any better and won't question him or what he's showing and just accept it as he's showing the truth and or telling the truth.


He also uses these pictures of space taken by various telescopes and such as real time images or like if he's looking in that area in real time. He will go and say/use 3D simulated images and or artist renditions as being real. He also is just using what they call "Pareidolia" when looking at images. Pareidolia is basically seeing some kind of figure, formation, picture, or whatever that is recognizable to your brain out of anything, like looking up at the clouds and seeing a face in them or saying how one cloud looks like "whatever".


I can understand if you knew nothing about this person and or anything he has said or shown previously and just so happened to stumble upon his story on Before Its News and was thinking how amazing it was and stuff, but had you looked a little deeper you would have seen that none of this is new and it's just another thing he has came up with because all his other claims have been debunked, proven false, etc... Just by his claims of Before its News supposedly hiding or keeping down his information is completely false and just another thing he uses to try and make people think that he's on to something or must be showing things that the establishment/government or whomever don't want people to know.


He started to kind of get "famous" and a lot of hits to his stories when he first started posting, but then people started to see what he was up to and also see his previous info, videos, or whatever and saw he was just a fraud. Just another doomsday fear monger and people just stopped being interested in him or his claims because like I mentioned just this last month alone he has called many different things as being "Nibiru" and now he has kind of settled on this picture that shows a sphere, but that has been recently debunked and others are working on exposing it even more. If you keep following his so called work and research then you will see that he will move on to something else and or make some new claims about something.


My comments were just to inform you of the kind of person you were advertising and promoting on your website. We all want to know the truth, but people like Donny Gillson is what gives "Truthers" a bad name and the reason why we're not taking seriously. Plus this is just scratching the surface. As in the article you can see how he starts to use his religion views/beliefs as well. Well that's just a small portion of how he tries to force his religion down people's throats and is constintily preaching and again will view you as a "troll" or whatever if you don't agree with his views or if you just don't believe in religion in general. Plus for him to claim he's this man of Christ and all, but then to see the kind of stuff he's doing or the foul names he has called people along with just his foul mouth in general and promoting drug use (Marijuana, acid, and other hallucinogens) then you really have to wonder about this guy, his mental state, and how bad he really is.


He will of course deny everything and try to say people are bringing him down because he's supposedly on to something and trying to knock his image or character, but if you look through some of the videos on YouTube about him and the things he's done and then tried to hide by trying to delete his comments so people can't see the things he does when he tries to pull that he's the innocent victim card on people and you will see that his stuff or work if you want to call it is just nonsense. Plain and simple nonsense.

Thanks for expressing how you feel, and after reading the message I found a few parts that are most certainly not the kind of beliefs we want to share on the Galactic Free Press. I placed a note at the top of the message about this.


I do agree with what Andrea said, and I think you're causing undue stress to yourself over this. All the fighting against Donny's information, actually brings more attention to it.

This has become something YOU need to deal with.  Be careful what or how you use your words as they reflect an image of you... What you see in others is a reflection of you and as all of us who have read your comments will agree, you have a lot of work to do my friend.  Find peace within yourself, before you judge...  and then these things will never bother you again and we all will be able to decide for ourselves what is real and what is not for us.  Thank you.

bugstomper (not verified)

Sat, 06/16/2012 - 06:02

With photoshop, I too can copy a pattern of 'glowing spheres', and post it as real on the internet! LOL!

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/16/2012 - 13:42

Like it was stated that it would just be a matter of time before someone fully and completely debunked Donny Gillson's newest claim of supposedly capturing Nibiru. His sphere like image that he's going on and passing around as "ELC-20049-DNY" aka Nibiru or Nibiru System is nothing more than Cassiopeia A in space or rements of Cassiopeia.


This is why his article or story should just be removed completely because he is purposely misleading people just to benefit his ego and his pockets by asking for money now. He seriously thinks that by showing places in space that no one has ever seen or know about that he can tweak the pictures either through the settings of SkyView or through his photo editor by adjusting the colors, contrast, brightness, etc and then call it whatever he feel like calling it. Though, fortunately there are people out there that do know where abouts in space he's getting images from and know astronomy to prove and show how wrong this man is, yet there are people that continue to be blinded by Donny's delusions and continously follow and believe every word this sick man is feeding them.


Please watch the following video and also take a look at the information in the description of the video as it fully explains how Donny Gillson is creating these images. What it looks like is this particular telescope or satellite was just taking shots of one area and that is the reason that no matter what coordinates you enter using the 0408MHz Radio it will bring up the same general area and with the other particular setting he sets it to is what will wrap the normal 2D image to appear like a 3D sphere like object image.

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