STARDUST 12.6.12

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 00:24


12.6.12 - I sat for communication and sent golden light coursing through my body.  I visualised roots going down deep into earth and sent healing light through them like torches into the caverns.  I am chanting the ohm beneath the earth where the waterfalls and the rivers flow and the enchanted ones come to listen and to join in.  Ohm . . . Ohm . . . Ohm . . !

I was filled with purple light and could see the outline of a person surrounded in white light; I feel it is me but I have a bald head - I have no hair at all. These words came strongly:- 

I am perfect - I am pure - I am Holy. 

We speak to you of ‘Mother Earth’ we sing her praises. 

At this point there was such a commotion outside that I opened my eyes and saw three huge black Crows or Ravens – keepers of sacred text!  I kept my eyes open and continued.


We send our patrons to challenge you – to guide you; misleading at times to encourage you to grow, encouraging you to decide for yourselves on which course is best.  We overcome a mountainous array of obstacles that bar you from heaven itself.  We abscond from our duties of watching over you, satisfying that inner craving that leads us forever onwards towards our destination.  We march as an army of Light, broadcasting our message, speaking our wisdom and pointing out what has been left aside.  Pointing out that ray of hope on the horizon, beckoning you forward, examining in greater detail what is necessary - what is perfectly in order and maintaining a level suited to your needs.  We ask for action and propel you to that place destined.  Translucent energy . . . manifesting waves of pure love, pure energy; creating ripples on a stream of knowledge that propels you further and further up stream, sallying forth to register our intent and purpose for being on this Earth at this time!  We understand the growing necessity to stand on your own two feet and we attend to our duties, flourishing and steadfast to the cause, openly . . . (I am saying these words with my eyes open, perhaps they are training me to have my eyes open when I speak)! 

A malfunction has arisen that gives cause for distress!  I’m bringing the energy back up now, back up to the cosmos and then back to the heart centre to feel that pure love. 

We have opened up our misgivings, our worries that all is not as it should be, but we are here to tell you that all has its purpose.  We proclaim you ‘Star Beings’ extraordinaire and we have opened up this channel so that you may accomplish an extraordinary mission on Earth . . . spellbound, opening up your vision, directing your energy, your focus to these Light Beings on Earth, opening like flowers with their petals reaching towards the sun.  You blossom and grow in our love and we tend to you and watch you, aspiring to greater, prolific occurrences that promote peace and tranquillity.  We allow this honourable connection to grow, manifesting a growing proportion of energy needed for the task in hand.  We proposition you with our love and leave it in your hands as to how you accomplish this task.  We generate further studies and open up a whole realm of possibilities, amplifying this connection and propelling you safely into the midst of discontent.  We have sacrificed a great deal on this journey and we recognise your constraints at a time when all is coming into fruition.  We enable a startling amount of information to be made ready for your perusal and we adjust our frequencies so that we may encourage you in your progress.  We reach out and touch the unseen; we reach out making formidable progress encircling you in bands of gold.  We broaden your knowledge and bring you up to date, motioning a further foray into the unknown, encircling you in our brilliance; dazzling you and overcoming a whole network of imbalances that holding you back from achieving your goal. 

We aim to bring you a new set of experiences that shall mould you and keep you from resisting our gentility of spirit.  We are governed by the natural force of Love and we relay our messages one by one, asking you to gather this information together to complete our document.  We have raised the portcullis and offer you sanctuary!  We prepare to be summoned for a higher cause known to those who wait at the gates.  We ask you to be aware of those follies that tempt mankind, sublimating our true regrets at not being able to take you that little bit further.  We regret there has been a closing of that particular door for now, but we will investigate and disseminate those discussions that take us to the back of the line of support.  We will in all instances, however, push you forward when you have overcome what is necessary to make that move forward.  We ask you to take a back seat for now as you have other commitments, and we relish our times of togetherness.  In perpetual motion . . . transforming entire galaxies, opening up a network of grandiose commitment; challenging the most, mealy mouthed among you, showering you with our blessings.  There was never seen such a grander army as the ‘Army of Light’ and we love to challenge you . . . to tickle you into submission; experiencing the highs and the lows, keeping a steady perspective at all times.  Wallowing in self pity never gave us the impetuous to reach out and stay connected; it was that hope in your heart . . . that abundance of hope that kept you going in bleak times, when the wind howled at your doorstep, when the icy torrents fell upon you; when you were defenceless at the helm!  Where there is hope there is a heart that is strong, weathering all conditions, all elements. 

We will win through this time of discord; we will overcome the dark shadows encircling Earth.  We will overcome all malfunctions that hold us back from achieving bliss and the honeyed voices of those we love, of those that have gone before; of those that pick up the thread of life, holding on to that single thread of hope and the desire to bring about a change for the betterment of all mankind!  And as we reach out to join you from beyond a veil of uncertainty; we tell you that your obligations to us as your friends, your brothers and sisters of Light are great . . . as are ours to you!  And we blend together as one, opening a network of services that shall propel us into a new dimension of oneness, of greatness, of all encompassing love and freedom of spirit . . . and we shall sing together once more!  Be true little ones; be true to your hearts!  We shall overcome that gap between us, stepping over that border into the summer lands.  We open our hearts and praise you for the service you do and we envelop you in our love and thank you and uplift you, motioning for you to join us in the not too distant future, where we shall become brothers in arms once more; a golden network of services right across the globe and extending out into the cosmos, reaching out to those planets and stars that beckon us further forward on our next mission of excellence! 

I get the feeling this could be the closing chapter of my second book - but there is another story and more work to be done and maybe a third book!  Am I right friends?  Oh ye of little faith we march ever onwards!


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