VIsionkeeper: Creating home

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 06:56


Creating home


In times as insane as what we are living in right now, it is so important to learn how to live a peaceful life, to create a home life that feels safe and loving and represents who you authentically are. We all need one sane place we can go to that allows us to be ourselves, to go within and expand our lives into what we choose them to be. We don’t need big expensive homes, we don’t need to own our homes, home can be wherever we are if we take time to create it. Home should be pleasing to your eye, welcome you when you walk through the front door, make you feel safe and happy and heal you when all else fails.

 So little of what we have in the world now is truly something we can call our own. The government has intruded into so many facets of our lives now, we must at least fight to keep our homes our own. They are our sanctuary, an extension of who we are, they provide comfort when we need it most. We need to keep the energies within our homes clear and peaceful, all discordant energies should be kept outside the front door if at all possible. If we make a real effort to live from our hearts and think from our hearts that should not be an issue.

Spend some time walking around your house looking at everything. The decorating, the books and music or lack there of, the art hanging on your walls or lack there of, the paint colors you’ve chosen, the clothes hanging in your closet, the food in your refrigerator. All of these details express who and what you are. Are you being honestly represented by what you see? If you look around, can you tell who you really are? It is a good way to get to know yourself better. My home for example is rustic and earthy, lots of green plants, the books cramming my bookshelves are mostly spiritual or self-healing, herbal books, my art is mostly nature and calm, my music is mostly quiet/spiritual music with well-known artists included for when I feel like getting rowdy, my kitchen is filled with pots and pans as I love to cook, my cabinets filled with organic foods as well as my refrigerator. You can begin to see a bit of what I am about. The more you know yourself, the more obvious it becomes. Your home is your castle, an extension of who you are, give it respect and love.

While you are looking around your home, do you have areas where you can be quiet and calm and go within, or is it busy because you are a busy person, always on the go, involved in many things? Regardless of how much of an on the go type of person you are, one still needs a quiet space as well. It could be a room, a corner, even a bathroom where you can go to be alone, perhaps soak in a hot bath by candle light. If you don’t have a quiet location, how can you possibly get to know yourself? If you spend every waking moment being busy doing something, you might ask yourself what you are hiding from, what don’t you want to face about yourself or your life that you spend all your time distracting yourself?

It is very important to create an environment within your home that comforts your soul/spirit as well as you. So often we think about how we can make our lives better but forget about what our souls/spirits need. To feed our souls/spirits we must radiate love and gratitude( live and think from our hearts),  give them comfort, they need beauty, peacefulness and simplicity. If our souls/spirits are healthy and happy, so too are we. If our homes are filled with things and are chaotic, unclean and lacking beauty then our soul/spirits will reflect the same as well. Green plants offer you much-needed oxygen as well as they bring nature inside to you so you can stay connected. Different colors represent different emotions, have you chosen correctly? Go look it up online.

For decades now many builders have been pushed by greed to build to build square boxes with little or no character. They are lifeless and boring and encourage the life within to be the same way. First they brainwashed us all then stuck us in square lifeless cages because they were easy to build quickly and make a profit from. Over time we became as lifeless as the boxes we were caged in. Obviously we can’t all move or build new houses but we can do things within the four walls to bring them back to life. Color is the least expensive place to start. If your walls are bare and boring paint them warm colors and add art. The new light bulbs being forced down our throats are not only unhealthy with mercury inside but cast off a white UN-cozy glare that definitely alters the ambiance in a room.

There are many ways to create a loving peaceful home and the best way to begin is to make sure it reflects not only who you are but your soul/spirit as well. If our homes feel happy and loving we will as well. We cannot make changes to ourselves if we stay stuck in the same old mindset. Open your heart, be willing to try new things and get to know yourself well enough to know what you need to feel complete. Keep things simple and less chaotic. Instill love into your home by opening up your hearts and being love!

Blessings to you all,



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