
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 06/28/2012 - 17:13

Much effervescence right now...more than 600 online users on the site at the moment. something is building up...

Anonymous (not verified)

Thu, 06/28/2012 - 17:53

Absolutely! Effervescence is the mood of the moment as the spirit of love fills the air with a sense of freedom. What a special time to be aware of who I AM!

Yes what an incredable time to be here!
Much love to all who have looked inward and found
there reason for being.. Together we are an unstoppable
Much love to all.

Having read all this information this morning... I am so hopeful that all will take place and we will be free, but after so many disapointments I am not getting too excited... we have all waited so long to see freedome from so much oppression,and so many broken hearts... It has been so much  a heart centered wish for my last 20 years to see a peace in this world... many tears have been cried for the many who suffer, and the dream of laughter and joy for harmony and peace, to see people truly and honestly IN love with one another is something I have only imagined! My prayers for the best possible outcome remain.

Anonymous (not verified)

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 08:55

For Me, true Love is an unlimitted, vast, unstoppable Living Energy that no matter Who, what or where you are, no matter the Past, or mistakes or even being Passive, and giving up, when all else fails and we tend too suffer in silence, becoming Solitude and Introverted inside ourselves, then is when True Love finds You and when it finds You, it will not turn you loose. And I am not speaking of just Mortal Love, I am speaking of the counterpart of Mortal Love. Immortal, Eternal, Internal. The Three Trinity's. This to Me, is a balance, harmony, peace, serenity, whole that dwells between the tangle world we live in and the SuperNatural. For, we are taught that we are finite and I find that to be wrong. Your mind is infinite, endless imaginations can come from it and even lived. Even I take my utter misfortunes and turn them into blessings in disguise or they become blessings in disguise by themselves, things have a way of working out on their own, if we Rest and allow them too. Like water, it slips thru our hands if we try to hold on to it, it is like Life, if we hold onto it, it slips thru our hands, but if we let if flow free, then our hearts are open to the things that seemed impossible. All things are possible, we just forgot to believe. And it may not and most likely will not turn out the way One planned, but is leading you to a grander solution, where as, You are not the Problem anymore as you thought and then again, you become secluded, inward, into the journey of your own heart and realize that you missed yourself! Yes, people or society can make you forget Who you are but Love has a way of finding You and showing You, reminding You of Who You Are, which is an unlimited, immaginable, creating spirit, that will not believe in the word No or can't or a world that say's No or can't.


I believe we were dreamed into Life by a Vast, Immortal, creative, wise Soul/Spirit that has an infinite Mind and we are too be likewise. Unfortunately, from birth and also society and such, we are taught to Fear, doubt, and even doubt ourselves, producing hate and self non love, guilt etc. People use fear to control in some form or another and it builds like a great Rave. But the Creator intended Real Love, compassion, dreams. We are a part of that dream! As the Creator seen that all was dark and void, yet the Creator saw thru the dark and void and made Love and Light, We are to do the same, in a world that is dark and void, we are to create Love and Light and if no one listen's, then you become a passer by, maybe they will in time, maybe they will not, it is out of our hands like water slips thru our fingers. If a flood comes, all one can do is let it run it's course and Hope for the best in true Reality. Most people of the world do not want to hear wisdom, and have to learn and see for themselves. Usually it takes a huge wake up call first, then perhaps they change perception and perhaps not, we can only Pray they do, with our gentle spirits.


I believe there are People of the World, within the World that feel the Calling. As tho, We are being gathered. We feel it, we hear it in the wind, see it in the stars, listen too it when the Sun goes down and whispers goodnite over top the tree lines. The Moon rises and in the dark vast skie's, still many stars appear. We are like the Star's amongst the dark skies. A light, many lights.


We awaken at night, wondering why, or be busy and then stop in our tracks, listening, feeling that we are being watched. Looking around, thinking we are crazy, we find we are not as it happens more and more, steadily. We yearn for that Peace we felt, or that calling, until, we lose the World and follow it The Calling, and we trust it. Seldom in an uncertain world as today, are there things too trust, but we trust this with all of our hearts, while the world seems to be falling away into its destruction. We, as One, are finding the Truth, ourselves, and possibilities of a nother Wonderful Event. For with any bad event, always comes good. It is the seed to Knowledge, wonder and as we are solitude, we find that what we had was not worth the trouble, nor tomorrow, for then we somehow trust, tomorrow will be okay, that right now, only Now, is was is president and paramount. Change from the sleeping butterfly that is in the cacoon, and let the pain go, do not hold on too it any more, for uncertainty and deception, no longer serve you, but rather, healing, hope, truth, Love, a kind of love that surpasses Mortal understanding, into the super nature of unconditonal love, too yourself.


Love the good, bad and ugly within you and you will find your a wonderful person after all. There is such a thing as True Love, Romantic Love, loving love, but you must only be patient and also believe it with All of your heart. In a world so turmoil, all we have is the gifts we divinely are given and that is all we need. Be the Magic that brought us here, believe in the impossible dream but most of all remember, the Creator seen it was dark and nothing, and well.................................Here we are!!!! The Creator believes in the beauty of dreams, and so should We. NOTHING is impossible.


Believe in this Calling.


These are my experiences, I am not very smart, but I believe in what I have not seen and what I have not seen, has transformed Me into a person that finally learned to believe in Myself. Once you finally do this, challenges are merely stepping stones and somehow, We know, it is going to be alright........We are not lieing to ourselves, nor a false sense of security.............too many are here searching, finding kindred spirits, we are right where, we are suppose to be Right now....................Falling in Love.

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