Cobra: Green Light Update

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 06/30/2012 - 16:08

Green Light Update


Comment from GFP: We will not stop saying that each and every being on Earth is a co-creator, and that Light is the Only Answer that Is. The more you want all this to Manifest into the Now, the more Light you shall Be. Re-member Who You Are and BE. This is the Best and Only way Change will happen. It starts from You. 
And it will affect All as We're ONE. Start living it. Now.
Change Is Here. And going On(e).
Real Green Light has not been issued yet. When that happens, action will be taken within 24 hours timeframe. This action will be very evident for everyone and nobody will have any more doubts whatsoever.
I have received hints from independent sources that action might indeed take place by Fourth of July. However, they were just hints and I can not completely confirm this. Even if nothing happens by then, rest assured that mass arrests WILL happen. The Cabal must be removed from this planet and that removal will happen within a reasonable timeframe.

It is worth mentioning that there are interesting  developments in occult economy  taking place. The Resistance Movement has been playing with and testing the computer systems of the Rothschilds banking casino to prepare for the Reset:
Eastern Alliance and White Dragon Society are very active during this weekend, putting additional pressure to the system.
This is all in preparation for the “financial Green Light” as Drake calls it.
Many members of the Cabal are now seriously considering “silent surrender” when the Event happens.
The Event is a worldwide operation. In USA it will happen through the Positive Military. In Canada and Australia it will be a combination of their own Positive Military and Interpol. In Europe, it will be carried out through the positive faction inside Interpol and NATO. In Asia, it will be a combination of Interpol and White Dragon Society. In Latin America it will happen through a certain positive group that has members throughout most of the South / Central America and whose name can not be disclosed. Situation in Africa is more complex and will receive special assistance.
And finally, the Resistance will give support with Operation Omega Phoenix:
Pleiadians with Operation Stardust 2:
And we collectivelly with our mass meditations:

Marc (not verified)

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 16:32

Does it never end, DRAKE, COBRA, DAVID, BENJAMIN, conflicting reports, it's like enough already, waiting, and waiting and waiting some more, i have some patience, but JESUS CHRIST i just want to end this whole game once and for all, and terminate the SCUM on this earth for ever, please LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats more important in my opinion, is that we are living under the law of free will.  So by law, this whole "EVENT" is almost guaranteed to have some bumps and hitches. BUT even more important is the Big Man behind it all, Christ Michael.  He is the one whos orchastrating this, and for good reason.  What has to happen next has to be for the highest good of all beings, and things do happen every hour to impede His plans.  And being a Marine Vet myself, whos job was to coordinate fire missions ie. Jets/Artillery, i can tell you I wouldn't fire until i knew with out a shadow of a doubt that it was the right time.  I agree, and I am sure many heavenly associates would too, that the 4th of July would be the best day for this, but as time goes by the evil ones are playing there hands.  Im sure they too see the 4th of July as the perfect day for this Event to go off.  I think a lot of us believe that the evil is powerless at this moment and this just dosn't seem true to me.  There still there, in front of the cameras, pushing fake money around with out a care in the world.  They too are awakening to the truth.  They are just as Divine as we are.  Hard pill to swallow for sure.  Namaste!

Give me a break on the negative energy, positive energy etc.  The Galactic Federation already stated that they could remove anyone and anything from one place and put it somewhere else.  Hello massive beam up.


What the hell is the hold up.  Is it slighty green, lime green, almost green, just over green light. 


Real, actual, this is it green light?  FFS quit wasting my time.  I've got egg on my face because I put some of this shit on facebook and now I look like a loon.  WTF man shit or get off the pot!

Perhaps one might choose to meditate in preparation for the upcoming events including sending forgiveness and compassion to the so-called "SCUM on this earth."  Or in San Francisco, CA speak = CHILL DUDE :-)

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 16:55

Those who are ignorant about the dynamics of energy are unconscious of the fact that every single iota of doubt and negativity holds up the process......if you can't help, then  kindly shut up and step out of the way and just wait in the wings so that when finally the events happen, you can come out and brag to your friends "I told you so!".......

about how many read the Press? We care about Humanity's Freedom and Joy. If that is achieved with no readers at all our Joy would be no less! 

I Do think you Care!..The words Humanity and Freedom and Joy are all experienced by "People", refers to "People" and is best with People"!. As it has been said in the scriptures "..Man does not live unto himself!"



Guest (not verified)

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 17:41

Thank you, thank you and again thank you Cobra for your updates. As far as I am reading your and messages from others, for me, you are the most reliable person or source. I always chech your blog, many many times a day. I really hope and meditate that this situation in the world is going to end very soon. Because we can't live like this anymore. Me, personally I feel like I am dying slowly because of this sistem,,,and so on,,,,'s realy painful for me to live on this planet.


Thank you again and love to you.

rebelsoul (not verified)

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 18:10

it's the great pumpkin again charlie brown!!! it is so obvious this guy is stringing us along. all he's doing is making new age community look like the lunatic fringe. 1st he confirms the mass arrests, now he says he can't confirm. my senses tell me he's nothing more than a disinfo agent. if the arrests occur, than they will happen without prior notification from false leaders. this guy no longer deserves our attention. it's a trap people!! 

This whole thing about the "green light" is just plain stupid. How long are people going to fall for all these false prophets, seriously, how long? When Drake's nonsense doesn't come to pass, he'll have an excuse that is meant to keep people hanging on. That's how it works. Look at how Harold Camping had tons of followers, and everytime his crapp didn't come true, he gave a reason that kept his followers going. These kind of people are insane. Instead, watch the news, see what's going on around you and of course, don't just believe it's true because "the government" says it is, they're the worst, just use common sense, eyes and ears open.


Sun, 07/01/2012 - 00:53

In reply to by Esther (not verified)

as you said, are dis-info, what are you doing with this message? What message are you bringing forth? Of Love, of, unity, of compassion, of Freedom? Is it not what you're looking for? So why is it you're doing the opposite? Thus if you want to confuse, bring in fear and separation, then your message was perfect. And definetely in the direction the cabal want all to go!


Sat, 06/30/2012 - 19:53

I think the plan is brilliant! We are the ones to
make all this happen. Regardless of what you
hear, this will come and pass in the history of
mankind as a magnfisant plan of plans! If you
are confused Imagen what the cabal/illuminati
is doing right now? These guys must be pulling
every last strand of hair out of there heads. It is said that with dark one there will be madness and confusion.
Think about it, we are the Stuart's of this planet.
We will manifest "The Golden Age" it's already
happening. Be positive, I have been following
David, Ben, and Cobra, Drake and the galactics
For almost 12 years (not all have been around
that long) and I can tell you that this will manifest
as has been said. Follow your heart, and know
that it will happen no matter what.
Love and light...

Todoesun (not verified)

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 20:35

Please be aware of the significance of the notice of "Silent Surrender" offered by the Cabal. Once again, we have a delaying tactic that is designed to discourage you. This is not Cobra's doing. The more the Cabal can keep you from seeing things, the more likely you will generate negative energy that undermines our effort to finally and forever put the Cabal out of commission. I ask that we all try to focus on the progress that is taking place and to trust that the Cabal is being dismantled. In every moment where we have fear, doubt, or disappointment we also have a choice. Put your intention and will towards a positive outcome of what you fear, doubt, or are disappointed in. This is one of our extraordinary powers, to create that upon which we focus. We have the power in our own hands to make this happen.


Sat, 06/30/2012 - 21:14

We just need to keep the faith. Do something that will raise your vibration. A random act of kindness raises the vibration not only of the person who gives and recieves, but of those of all who witness the act. Keep the faith KNOW that it will and is happening, it's time to hold the anchor steady. We are SOOOOO VERY CLOSE! Keep the LOVE VIBRATION! WE ARE LIGHT. LETS MAKE IT BRIGHT! I love you so very much! Namaste' 



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