Poofness ~ Moment from the flip. ~ 7/1/2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/01/2012 - 15:23

Subject: Moments from the Flip Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2012 17:24:18 -0400

Greetings and Salutations;

June was busy month for weirdness, the skies have been filled with anomalies all over the world. The earth is being monitored at this critical juncture in time and transition. Disbelief in et’s doesn’t make them go away.




All over this world, by different people and groups, folks have held prophecies and writings for the ‘end times’. When the big universal clock turns, stuff happens. No amount of praying to make it ‘your way’ does any good. This transition is reaching deep into the financial world as evidenced by what’s in the news, the explanations vary, but change is there non the less. How about europe all the sudden, solving their problem and anybody shorting the euro, lost a bundle. Justice Roberts even flipped the script, against a bet. Universal health care is coming to america, like it not. The money will not keep going to the top. No gov can sustain itself by making its populace top heavy. Rome is the most recent example. Only fair ness works….duh.



How can you call yourself a christian and not follow what the master said about taking care of the ‘least’. There are principles of nature that even effect govs, greed will get you in the end. The st germain trust exists because it’s intention was always to shift the wealth of the world from the greedy to those in need and make life’s principles real for the common folk. Nature will always make a balance and no amount of politics can change that. They joined withe the dragons because their purpose was the same. The elders joined them both for the same reason. They could see the eddies of time moving to the big shift and they have ‘age’ on most. They broke the code on longevity and have lived accordingly ever since. The secret is ‘attitude adjustment’. Change your mind, change your life. Take ownership of your own crap. Man, it is time to end serfdom for the masses. The lords are being whupped big time, from the top and not a thing they can do about it, they borrowed and failed to pay back, the casino has been foreclosed upon.

Because I watch Bloomberg in the wee hours of the night, I frequently see things happening before they hit us shores. Last week’s delay appeared to be named merkel, she’s still hanging on to that master race bs. She wants nothing to interfere with that plan, tho things already have. Big surprise, Aryans were not ‘white’. She was told to her face, that concept was not going to fly in the new system. Ahh cockroaches are cockroaches, and they will die being that, like her cousin, still trying to dazzle the populace with manipulation in the us. That’s ok, you will know who’s been ‘working’ you for years and as hoped you will never allow them back into a position of power again. Many retired military officers know the bottom line and are fully on board with restoring the constitution to it’s rightful place. It’s already been done but you need to hear the ‘announcements’ to verify it for you. There’s been ongoing arrests in the us, but it’s been mostly lower rankers, not commander cockroach him self yet. But he knows the Raid is coming and that seems to be upon us all. Don’t be shocked or amazed, secretly you’ve suspected for some time, anyhow.


Things have been moving and testimony has reached me. The masses are next, you and me. Hold your powder and don’t fire til you see the whites of the couriers’ eyes. True independence is coming to a town near you. It’ll start small, then become huge. One foot in front of the other, walk into the future and don’t look back….you’ll get turned into a pillar of salt…lololol. It’s all over but the shoutin’ don’t know the ‘moment’ all flips on it’s head but it’s close enough to smell. Be well and take care of yourselves, be good to one another. This has been poofness, over and out. Broadcasting from the Phoenix.

Love and Kisses,



Marc (not verified)

Sun, 07/01/2012 - 16:35

What do we get from POOFNESS, opinions, conjectures and probabilities to no end !!~!! Shut him up once and for all, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more of this idiot please !!!!!!!!!!!!

I do agree there have been weird things going on in the sky. Just the other day I was looking at this "shape" in the clouds with my bare eyes, but when I held up my cell phone to capture this "different" cloud in the sky, AAhhh it wasnt in the pic! I looked at the sky, then through my phone several times, NOTHING!.


Sun, 07/01/2012 - 17:05

Why did you add a blast against Christians in your blog post?  Do you have a private agenda against Christians?  Why would you ignore all the organizations well-documented to be focused on killing and enslaving humanity, to blast a group that is blocking their murderous intentions?  Are you supporting their murderous intentions in a nice white-washed new-age way?  Just curious. 


It seems so illogical to blast the group which does the most to help "the least amongst us", and who have the greatest intent to stop the enslavement and genocide of humans, unless you have a private agenda.

Christians are the ones blocking the organizations focused upon killing and enslaving humanity? Please tell me you're joking. I don't think there's a more effective way of enslaving a person than the basic message behind most Christian sects: "The only way to Heaven is through our belief system."


Are you supporting their murderous intentions in a nice white-washed new-age way?

Now you're just being absurd, are you looking for conflict?

Original article made an attack on Christians, I suggested that smells of a private agenda which just became crystal clear, and you now accuse me of me of looking for conflict.


I won't ask you if that makes sense to you, because you have already demonstrated your aptitude for logic.


Ladies and gentlemen, it's your show, so carry on as you wish, but just remember one thing.  If it turns out that the Christian bible is correct, then you will roast for eternity for your accusations against the Word of God, and against His son Jesus, the Christ. 


Think carefully before you respond, because when your life on earth ends, you will be held accountable for these words.

I'm not going to disrespect God or Jesus by believing that those beings of Unconditional Love would see me "burn in hell" for an eternity because I didn't believe the right thing. It's ridiculous, you think you're fighting against slavery when you're the one promoting it!

The kind of ignorance you're promoting isn't even in the bible, it's simply one of many interpretations of what the bible says. I also don't believe God is so inept he relies on a ancient book to communicate with Humanity.

I'm just saying that after your life on earth ends, you will be held accountable for every word, so choose them carefully.


Believe in whatever you like, but I would highly recommend against slamming Christianity or God's Holy Word, because you *will* be held accountable.


Oh, Btw: admin's attempt to block my IP for saying the words, "Jesus the Christ", *did* work, well, kind of...   ;^)


We could either be respectful to each other, or we could play this game forever of, "I'm gonna block your IP for voicing logical opposition to our slamming Christianity!!"


You choose.  I promise only one thing, I'll continue to be civil and respectful, though I may continue to voice my opposition to you slamming Christianity.


Love & prayers,




The knowledge of god or even of the son of god, is worthless to the one who does not deeply know him or herself. The chaos and debauch in our world today is the result of this lack of Self-Knowledge.

Jump over the bridge of Selfhood hoping to land on the ship leaving for paradise, is to fall and drown for sure in the cold, swirling, demon-infested depths of perplexity and insanity. “Self-Realization is necessary before God-Realization” was the motto of the Vedanta Masters and Brahmanic sages. “Know Thyself,” were the words at the Delphic Oracle in Greece. The temple of the living God is “Within” announced the Christian Christ. The message is simple:

There is no enlightenment outside of your Self. Man is his own priest and woman her own priestess. The cardinal misconception that we can receive our Satori and our bliss from someone or something other than the Self has achieved more than a reinforcement of the “master-slave” dichotomy. As a philosophy and belief it is the antithesis of that which was taught by the Druid Magi of the ancient world.

We understand that a rational man cannot say, like Christ is meant to have done, that: "I and my Father are One," unless we are each first one within ourselves to begin with. The "Father" is complete and if we are ourselves not complete then how can we possibly be ONE with him or with anyone? The Christian who imagines that being "One” with the Father implies the abnegation of Selfhood is a sadist to his own being.

He commits a cardinal sin with just this kind of illogical thinking. How can a mere nothing, a human zero, merge with God? After all, who is it that comprehends this state of oneness? Logically, it is only a Self that can merge or bond with God's Self. Anything else is fantasy.

The abnegation of Selfhood is tantamount to self-murder. Thanks to orthodox religion and its anti-human dogmas this sadism to the self is rampant throughout the world. We can find it in the East and in the West. Religion, government, and corporations exist, it seems, to rape men of their inherent sovereignty and to crush the Spirit of Rebellion. These forces are obscene contradictions to the true Holy Spirit.

The Church, in particular, is not the agent of the Holy Spirit but its greatest enemy. A careful reading of the bible reveals how many passages are given over to the question of slavery and how endorsed it is by god and his terrestrial agents.

The abnegation of Selfhood is subtly but deliberately enforced in every so-called "civilized" society of the world. We reach voting age, work age, and marriage age, without the faintest idea of what it is that makes us each unique. Indeed, it is this subjugation of a man's selfhood that alone has driven us perilously near to the gates of oblivion and not those of paradise.

The aim is to rectify this by deconstructing the maze of lies that has captured and bound our sanity and our truth-starved souls. Perhaps, we can now understand why it is that a man cannot be “forgiven” for sins committed against the “Holy Spirit,” that is, against his own Higher Self.

And perhaps, we can understand why it was so vitally important for early Judeo-Christian hierarchs and myth-mongers to obscure the identity of this feminine third party in the Blessed Trinity, symbolized by the Gnostic (and Scorpionic) dove.

Remove the Self from the Trinity, and from the ontology, and your demonic schemes of domination will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. Replace the Self in the metaphysic and your end is assured. Bring back the Self into the picture and we can follow the bright Dove of Truth homeward to the final place of rest and understanding.

I like your flowing and persuasive writing style!  We have different ideas on the subject you're talking about, but I enjoyed your alternative take on what appears to be the catholic system of control.  I hope your system of beliefs is true, but we'll find out for sure at the end of our life on earth.  I hope we all "win", and that our Creator is very understanding and merciful.



I'm going to "insult" Christianity because I find it to be the ultimate corruption of Jesus' teachings. It's a continuation of the kind of beliefs that nailed Jesus to the cross, with just a little bit of truth mixed in to keep people interested. The symbol of Christianity is the very torture device that was used upon Jesus, and their churches are filled with idols devoted to Jesus' suffering. Is that an insult, or is that telling the truth?

You weren't banned for saying "Jesus the Christ", that's ridiculous. You claim to have logic on your side when you're just making wild guesses. You were banned for saying one of the most ignorant and hateful things human beings on this Planet tell each other, that someone is going to "roast for eternity" for not believing the way you do.

Hi Will. 


No, that was not an insult.  You accurately described the catholic church.  They are not Christian, they are catholic.  The catholic priesthood is required training to become a satanic priest, complete with ritualistic sacrifice of babies that come from their secret baby factories, the nuns, by the priests who are abstinent (excecpt for alter boys and nuns).  Yes, I know the deal.


Wild guesses?   :^)   I was successful to find out what I said that caused you to block my IP.  I would personally call that success, but you decide.  But now that we both know,  consider the damage that unfounded slander could cause, if it turns out in the end to be true.  In the end, the truth will be self-evident, and nobody, regardless of their prior beliefs or how loudly or how often they communicated them, will change the reality of what is. 


I think (another wild guess) you object to what appears to be a threat of "eternal damnation" from a person who might regard themselves as more holy, more pure, "right", or just superior, which in turn places all others at a lower level in that respect.  (am I close?)


Before I did my research on life after death, I never mentioned the word hell, except in casual cursing, and I would never embarrass myself or others by suggesting I was "right" about something in religion, except that God exists.  But following my research, I tell you the truth, I want to save as many people as I can from a fate which is far worse than death itself.  I *really* wish it were not true.  I would greatly prefer that the truth was that when you die you die, or you go to another life that's better in some way, based on good karma.  I wish, I wish, I wish!


I'm not saying that you or anyone should believe what I've personally discovered, but I "know" that hell is real, and I want to at least give people a chance to consider how to avoid it.  Those who have not heard God's message of deliverance through His son Jesus, or have not heard enough to accept deliverance, will be judged based on that.  But those who rail against it and cause others to fall, will be judged harshly, as there are widely varying degrees of torture and torment in hell, and later in the notorious "lake of fire".


To tell you honestly, I don't like to talk about it, but I do want to give people a chance to avoid it, or at least to reduce their torment if they happen to end up there.  And I don't consider myself any exception or better than anyone else.  I have stopped using the words hell and heck in my cursing, because everytime I do, the true meaning and the images of hell and the torment there come to mind, and I mentally shudder.


Will, thank you for your time and personal consideration.  Frankly I thought it was a bit self-serving and cowardly to block my IP for what I said, but I appreciate your honest message that *is* backed by facts and evidence, as opposed to wild bombastic and unfounded allegations and slander of (a broad-based definition of) Christianity.


Best regards,



PS: If you would allow me, I kindly request that you permit me to use my original login & email: soundofheart@fastmail.fm

You want to use our organization's name to spread your illusions about hell? No thanks.

This site is for those who have gotten over their hell, it's not for those who want to give their hell to others. You never actually went to hell, you went to the astral realm, where a vision of hell was created out of your beliefs. It was no more real than a dream.

The God force in the universe does not judge its own creation. The persecuting nature of the Religions use the aspect of judgment to throw the people off the track of ascension when the time arrives. Because if you are in any kind of judgment you cannot ascend to a higher level of being,  because it is a very heavy low vibrating resonance frequency, that will absolutely not ascend.


Religions are used along with the financial economic system on planet earth, to keep the fear going while living on deadlines in a survival mode. So you would leak fear and negativity out of every pour of your body.


Planet earth is an "astral milkhouse" and the same architecture on the planet was put into place that has been used over and over again from other planets for enslavement, because it works so well for total domination over the inhabitants, to milk the planet of its negative coherent emotion, which makes a food for beings to eat through the vampiristic parasitic structures in place that support a pathological screwed up system to keep the wars going between individuals, so no two people can get together for a meeting of the minds, so there is no harmony for unity of purpose, when everyone is separated with their own emotional dismemberment divided to be conquered.


If anyone is carrying any kind of negativity to do with hate, judgment, blaming, and accussitory finger pointing of any kind they will not be able to ascend when the very happy high photonic frequency superwave sweeps through for earths upliftment. It does not judge, it will not recognize anything unlike itself and the ones left behind will not know anything has changed because aspects of their memory of someone not around anymore will be temporarily turned off so they cannot grieve over the loss of someone to feel they are missing something that was once there.


Gods multidimensional nature, is not locked up in one book you can easily carry around. There is truth in everything, though hard to sort out when you are living a total and complete lie in a fiction matrix of illusion in a delusion that is so convoluted that your mind might as well have been put in a mix master blender turned on high.


All of the religions have been infiltrated by the dark freaks running the world and are used for controlling the masses of people to drain their negative coherent emotion that makes a food for beings to eat you never met. What is happening is an esoteric agenda on many levels and not otherwise.


Your identity has been stolen and you do understand how it has been done so that you don't ever question there is something wrong because everyone around you is constantly confirming everything is normal, when it really isn't. You have a fiction aritificial fake esistence that is not real, nothing about it is real. You are living with systemtized error.


The coming changes will help correct the errors and most folks are not ready for what is about to occur on the grandest of scales unimaginable. Can you say information overload? You ain't seen nothin yet and it isn't going to stop coming at you full force and effect, to totally break down everyone's screwed up belief systems that continue to be the cause of all of the separation from themselves and everyone else.


Though, Christians comprise of a large majority of certain false beliefs operating out of a contemptuous and persecuting nature in society that undermines forward progress, just like the judicial system is made from the bible in reverse. Because you are dealing with a fiction ghost corporation who does not exist trying to deal with real live men and women. It is impossible to do and they know it..


85% of Judeo Christians have a death wish, you cannot help them. They like other cultists, will defend their beliefs to their death. Just like your family loves you to death, literally. Unfortunately most folks have no idea about what they are truly up against, so they could do anything about anything.


Mind control is a beautiful thing for the illuminati. The more they do to you, the less you seem to believe they are doing it. The bigger the lie, the easier it is to get you to believe it.

You have clearly answered my question about whether you have a private agenda against Christians. 


At this point I know who you work for, so there's no need to present logic nor evidence.


Bow down before the one you serve, though I would not wish it on anyone, you'll only get what you deserve.

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