Geoffrey West Cosmic Vision News ~ InLight Blogtalkradio ~ Special Edition ~ 2 July 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 15:07


Geoffrey West  Cosmic Vision News ~ InLight Blogtalkradio ~ Special Edition ~ 2 July 2012

SPECIAL BROADCAST:   CVN  is planning a special broadcast this evening, immediately after An Hour With An Angel. Therefore go to the link and skip the first 60 minutes or listen live in 3 hours : Directt Link to Cosmic Vision News- Special Edition – 3 July 2012 – InLight Blogtalkradio.


This program will be addressing the galactic/celestial response to the idea of ‘mass arrests’, and the potential consequence this may have in the creation of the Nova Gaia or New Gaia.


The celestial realms gently share that the idea of ‘mass arrests’ has within it energies of negativity and punishment, and these energies cannot and will be sustained as the transition occurs.  The celestial perspective will be offered as an alternative to focusing on ‘arrests’

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 15:35

All of you channels have kept stringing us along, and keep messing with our minds......and so the above article proves.....who brought us the idea of mass aressts.....I never heard about it until Fulford, Drake, and guys are "f'ing us up!

 Are SImply Yourselves Giving Up On Yourselves... Just becuase we are the Ones working behind the scenes, and you have other roles obviously you are not fulfilling and You blame us.  The Galactic Free Press is to share the Information and Put all the pieces of the puzzle together, we cannot do this for you.We feel we have been very clear as to what is unfolding, and we have also stated the removal of, which Geoffrey will be bringing in this Perspective this evening. All Our Love Mother and Father God and the Earth Allies

So if there is now not going to be any mass arrest then I am assuming there won't be the big announcement on all the news channels??  Something just feels a little off here???

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 23:47

In reply to by Yojman

I remember one time listening to one of the ladies that "channels" Michael and she was saying that we shouldn't be so concerned about money, but the way she said it was so . . . off that I googled her name, and found some stuff about her being a ponzi schemer that lures new age folks into her channel.


I'm sure some channels actually have some info, but intuition it seems is the more reliable indicator. That said, there are plenty of channels that many "awake" listen to that are nothing more than people who need some cash and figured out a business, so they talk up a good game to get people excited. It's called selling a story.


Thus, I would rather see "real news" at this point. All these channels do is say wait, wait, wait, we know you're growing impatient or . . . zomg massive changes they'll be announced, but no annoucements . . . then, you should trust us, you should be more patient.


Again, not saying all channelers do it, but a lot of them do. Discernment is important.

Thank you Galactic Free Press! Without you we wouldn't have anyway to join our God given energy. To the non-believers well just hook yourselves back up to the matrix. Beings that reflect the light always manifest what is closer to pleasure and furthest from pain. Fear is there to let you know you are miss aligned, change your preseption and move back into alignment. Remember that when you stop believing you play right into the hands of the dark ones. there is nothing to fear when you have the light on your side!
Love and light


Mon, 07/02/2012 - 17:21

I have been following for over 12 years, and been around for well over a half a century but I have never given up hope, heart or faith. What would our founding fathers have done after all the wars, defeats, and watching there fellow men die in all these wars?! Keep believing in your self and what you stand for. I know that it's tough, and I know you can easily lose faith but remember if you do the cabal/illuminati wins! Please listen to this video I'm going to share with you it will be apparent that this is all part of the divine plan. You are made in gods image with the power of a cocreator, are you going to go quietly into the night? I know what I know because of intuition and many years of resurch.
This video was made 5 years ago and it discribes everything down to what is happening now.
Enjoy the video and see past what your expectations are, this is going to manafest you have to understand that its on the divine plans schedule not yours. Most important do not fear. Fear is the movement of energy in the wrong direction.

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