The Daily Om – The Power Of The Circle – The Eternal Ring – Uniting In Thought And Action

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 16:10


The Daily Om – The Power Of The Circle – The Eternal Ring – Uniting In Thought And Action – 8 July 2012

(Lucas : Syncronicity hits again. I am talking about this for some time now and we need to gather and or focus on the same goals we wanna realize in the NOW!  Thanks Jean.)




The Eternal Ring

Uniting in Thought and Action

When we are in circle with others, the energy stays contained within the group giving back to all.

There are many reasons for why a gathering of people in a circle is powerful. A circle is a shape that is found repeatedly throughout the natural world, and it is a symbol of perfection. We recreate this perfect shape when we join others to form a circle. Being in a circle allows us experience each other as equals. Each person is the same distance apart from the next participant, and no one is seated higher than or stands apart from others in a circle. From tribal circles to the mythical round table of King Arthur, the circle has been the shape adopted by gatherings throughout history.

The circle is acknowledged as an archetype of wholeness and integration, with the center of a circle universally understood to symbolize Spirit – the Source. When a group of people come together in a circle, they are united. This unity becomes even more powerful when each person reaches out to touch a neighbor and clasps hands. This physical connection unites thought and action, mind and body, and spirit and form in a circle. Because a circle has no beginning and no end, the agreement to connect in a circle allows energy to circulate from one person to the next, rather than being dissipated into the environment.

Like a candle used to light another candle, the connection with spirit that results when one person joins hands with another is greater than if each person were to stand alone. People who take part in a circle find that their power increases exponentially while with the group. Like a drop of water rippling on the surface of a pond, the waves of energy produced in a circle radiate outward in circular motion. While one person may act like a single beacon that emanates light, a circle of people is like a satellite dish that sends out energy. There is power in numbers, and when the commitment is made by many to face one another, clasp hands, and focus on one intention, their circle emanates ripples of energy that can change the world. link to article / link to original article of 2006


Guest (not verified)

Sun, 07/08/2012 - 19:41

What we need are several circles focusing on the needs and desires of the world, because there are so many different issues.  Each group could take an ideal and raise energy for a specific outcome.  Perhaps a list of desires would help target areas of need, and those who felt that a particular need should be above the others could join the group for that need.  Then at a preplanned time each week that group could meet (online would be convenient) and begin a mantra for that specific need, say for an hour or so.  If set on different days or times, the people could join in the mantra for as many or few groups as they choose.


There are so many things that need fixing and care.  It has been proven that this type of group focus does work.  And with the idea of creating a new world there are plenty of imaginations to go around.  Healing the earth, the oceans, the land and toxins.  Ending the wars everywhere, nuclear power, and the class systems.  Feeding the poor, healing the sick, making plentiful the food supply and removing the poisons and chemicals from our food systems, establishing clean water supplies available to all.  Cleaning the air of all chemicals and polution.  Changing the terms of our economies, releasing all debt, and shutting down these illegal banks.  Re-distibuting the wealth in an equitable way.  Creating new green technologies for transport, factories, etc.  Creating new sistainable utilities.  Creating new focus on real education (not root memory) but teaching all how to think rather than what to think. Recreating government, protection of  citizen rights, suport for Truth and Honesty for all.  There are so many areas that need fixing, and this is just a partial list.  


Love and Light

What you focus on you get more of!!!


We must not focus on the problems of the world, or how fix them.

We must focus on the coming Golden Age and all the benefits that come with it!!!

This way the problems will just melt away as we bring in the Golden Age.

I say make a list of the benefits,






Just to give the list a start.

with lighted LOVE

Brian Smith

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