~Update from Sheldan Nidle~ ~Be ready for some immense changes and for announcements~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 07/10/2012 - 17:30

7 Caban, 10 Kumku, 8 Manik


~Be ready for some immense changes and for announcements~


Dratzo! We come with much to tell you! Currently, our associates are preparing for the events we have been describing to you. The dark cabal is reeling from some major accusations that are reaching the mainstream media in a number of European nations. These accounts of wrongdoing include the daily fraud involved in setting the interest rates for most of your world. And yet these revelations are only the beginning of what is to follow. Your world is engulfed in a tide of ever-mounting debt that is the result of these self-serving activities, and it is for this and many other reasons that the dark ones have reached the end of their protracted rule upon your world. They have long withheld from you a wide range of advanced technologies and related appliances, and our Earth allies have insisted that one of the first acts of the new governance is to bring these discoveries into the limelight. These technologies can vault your societies forward to a point where first contact makes more sense. Added to our own technology, your now-suppressed devices can reveal to you how best to serve your planet and your fellow humanity.


   This shift in consciousness by its very nature is tied to divine service. We humans are physical Angels whose primary purpose is to serve the multitudes of living stars and planets that make up our Milky Way Galaxy. We come from faraway worlds to set the stage for a first contact with you, which will be complete once you have transformed back into your fully conscious Selves. Only then can you begin to understand why you fell into limited consciousness in the first place, and how the wisdom garnered there can assist you to create Light Bodies for the denizens of the formerly dark empires of Anchara. This is a venerable task which requires your unique wisdom and your infinite reservoirs of Love. The Agarthans realize that once you return to full consciousness there is much you can teach them, and they look forward to coming together with you to form a great star-nation. This new entity is to secure a galactic peace and make it possible to move nearly half the galaxy into the Light. It will be a time for carrying out divine prophecy!


   These present moments lead up to a series of events which will change your world forever. Those who are to arrest certain individuals in your society are being prepared by various procedures that are reaching their formal conclusion. The heads of state of several western nations are being made aware that their resignations will shortly be expected and we are poised to use our technology to ensure that these detentions proceed exactly as planned. The purpose of these detentions is to separate the dark cabal members from their positions of power and thus create an opportunity for corrupt banking and financial institutions to be reformed. This will be accompanied by across-the-board debt forgiveness. The ever-mounting debt of most nations is the result of massive spending, brought on by the political and fiscal policies of the cabal. What is needed is a means to rectify this, and debt forgiveness accomplishes this. It also sets the stage for the universal abundance that will quickly follow.


   This abundance is the prime financial vehicle. It is necessary to raise up the expectations of a world that for too long believed in the supremacy of the few and the intractable poverty of the many. This belief is to be replaced by a new one. There is no need to be poor, or to accept lack and limitation as a given. Rather, you need to see that the wealth and freedom being provided is only a stepping-stone to a new level of Being. Higher levels of consciousness understand how to create and use money, and abundance ushers in this capability for all. Wealth ends poverty, but not poverty-thinking. Hence, we are to ensure that your new governance impresses upon you the need to rethink your perceptions about wealth and prosperity, and the fact that money is merely a transitional tool between your present existence and the new one that is ready to manifest. You will see that money per se is soon to disappear, as new technologies make it possible for all to obtain the basics for a comfortable life. Further, you will move from being job-oriented to passion-oriented.


   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you with a progress report. It is essential that the dark cabal and its myriad henchmen be isolated from you. Until this is accomplished, it is almost impossible to deliver your prosperity without dire consequences. This is why we have begun to implement a plan to isolate them, and once this is done, to take them into custody. You most definitely need a proper physical separation from those who continue to intend you harm. Each one whose name appears on the very long arrest lists are having their auric field 'marked,' and this temporarily prevents them further seriously damaging the planet or you. However, these dark ones also need to be physically restrained by the proper authorities. We are now completing the procedures that can deliver what is required. We ask you to add your great Loving energies to what we are doing as the time for your liberation is at hand!


   Indeed, the blessed waves of Angels and the local Administrative Councils of Heaven are acting to bring about your liberation. For eons the dark has fostered a group of disembodied dark energies that have inhabited the Earth realm and caused all manner of mischief. These energies are concentrated in particular spots around your globe and our galactic friends are removing this negativity, which is clearing the way for all to move into the Light. We are assisting, and joining with our Inner Earth family to help in freeing Gaia from this muck. We can report that we have nearly finished this job. The cabal realizes that its powers are weakening, and the time comes to transform this magnificent world back into the beacon of Light that it was when Lemuria was founded some 900,000 years ago.


   Every one of us knows the necessity of completing the liberation of surface humanity in right divine time. We have asked our galactic and Inner Earth families to do what is deemed necessary to deliver you from your bondage to the dark. Those in the various sacred societies that dot our planet are also doing all they can, with divine intelligence, to finish their projects in right divine time. Heaven and the Light remain in charge. The divine time that you are presently in is collapsing into a single time-reality, and this reality is wholly of the Light. The dark comprehends fully what is taking place, and can only delay this for a short span of cosmic time. You are close to the transition point when this dark-controlled surface world morphs into a realm of Light, Abundance, and full consciousness! Hence the dark knows that its time of dominion over you is truly over.


   Today, we reviewed the activities that are transitioning your reality to the Light. It is also a time for disclosure and first contact. Be ready for some immense changes and for announcements that will change for the better how you view life on planet Earth. We will soon have a most wonderful celebration! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


I am filled with Bliss~ Thank you so some much! Love an light~

Thank you many times~ Love an Light fill the hearts~

shelly (not verified)

Tue, 07/10/2012 - 18:11

In reply to by Greenlight (not verified)

I have always felt since I was a very young child that we are much more then meets the eye, I am so grateful that this is so, thank you so much! xoxo


Guest (not verified)

Tue, 07/10/2012 - 20:05

To the naysayers

If you have something negative to say pass up the comments.  You know the old saying if you can't say something positive don't say nothing.  

Thank You for all the positive encourgement that you have given.  Wishing you blessing because you have peristently continue to spread hope and joy.


Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/11/2012 - 06:07

Dear Galactic Relations,

I proceed with joy in my heart and vision of the now full of happiness.  Words can not 'thank you' enough for all of your guidance and encouragement.  Your  time and effort to help those of earth to wake up and see the Light. 

We have all make our desicions and I Am happy with mine. 

Continued Blessings to all


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