Visionkeeper – Battle Fatigue

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 09:35


Battle Fatigue

It has been a long, hard journey we have all been on. Life in captivity has taken its toll along with incoming solar flares and cosmic energy. It makes one want to lie down and rest before going on. Battle fatigue is upon us all, but now is not the time to sleep. Take a quick catnap or foxnap as it were, but no sleeping. Our presence is needed now more than ever as we draw closer day by day to December 2012. We have come so far! Turn around and look at where you have come from to get perspective. Think back to a year ago and what you were doing and where your head was at. I imagine for most, things were quite different then than now.

We HAVE come a long way and accomplished many things. Daily now we see small changes taking place pushing us one step closer to our final destination. I want us all to be proud of how far we have come. We have survived and as I said yesterday ‘with our spirits still intact!’. This in itself should prove to the doubters the power of love. We continue to hold love in our hearts during times most would wish to hold hate and contempt for what has been done to them, but we know! We know the power of love and its healing abilities and we wish to save the planet and humanity and see it flourish once again and it will. Keep holding the light of love in your heart dear warriors and struggle onward! There is light at the end of the tunnel.

For every battle we have fought against the dark ones agendas they throw another at us and then another. They keep lobbing challenges our way like hand grenades, but we must pick them up quickly and lob them back. We are weary but so are they. They did not expect so much fight out of us, our resilience demanding they think up new ways to try to take us down. They are running out of ideas and capability and being the aggressors they do not have the luxury of a nap. They must stay on their toes to try to remain one step ahead of us. If we stay awake and aware they cannot out fox us. We are watching and will continue to watch the hen-house and they will not find a way in.

Battle fatigue is real and we must deal with it. It is why it is so important we continue to awaken others who wish to know the truth and bring aboard fresh energy to keep the ball rolling. The dark ones are not going down without a fight and we must remain ready at all times to defend our rights. The more light we can flood the planet with the more uncomfortable they become, unable to adjust to the higher frequency. We need to keep cranking it up higher and higher, feel more and more love and gratitude for all that is in the universe. Once you begin to look for only the good life has to offer, only allow love space within your heart, life is so incredibly different! It is addicting and a constant joy.

Let us take advantage of these times to prepare for the long winter ahead and what it may bring. Now is not the time to slouch off but rather use the excess energy summer offers to get our life in order. Grow your own food and get it put up for winter, get the wood stacked high and the personal goods you need saved up as well. This way we will be ready for whatever comes our way and hopefully we will not need it. The best way to win a battle is to know your enemy so research online and find out the truth. That old saying ‘The truth shall set you free’ is the foundation upon which this legion of light is built. Open your eyes and your hearts and be willing to embrace the truth with courage.

We may be tired and long for an end to this struggle, but there is still work to be done. Take that quick catnap, drink plenty of water and stay alert. Like the fire lines that pass the buckets of water along to the front, we too must pass along our buckets but filled with information we all need to stay on top of the game. Keep others informed. We are doing a remarkable job at handling all of the different challenges zinging our way. Stay strong, don’t allow doubt to ever creep in for once in, it is hard to kick out. We are all one and we will accomplish what we have set out to do. Be proud of what you are doing and offer support to others along the way and we will all meet up in the new world free and full of love for all.

Blessings to you all,



Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/11/2012 - 12:39

Thank you addressing this critical issue that so much needed acknowledgement for so many weary and teary lightworkers and starseeds. As duality fuses into oneness, we see the truth of our coming home- a sealed deal between us and Creator, but the last vestiges of duality drag the pain of the ages out of us as we transform and so many are saying that they are soul-weary, tired, and just wish to "go home." Thank you for this wonderful message of love supporting all of us on the front lines, Visionkeeper <3

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/11/2012 - 12:39

Thank you addressing this critical issue that so much needed acknowledgement for so many weary and teary lightworkers and starseeds. As duality fuses into oneness, we see the truth of our coming home- a sealed deal between us and Creator, but the last vestiges of duality drag the pain of the ages out of us as we transform and so many are saying that they are soul-weary, tired, and just wish to "go home." Thank you for this wonderful message of love supporting all of us on the front lines, Visionkeeper <3


Wed, 07/11/2012 - 13:57

Well I have two:
A) you might think of your energy being like a soaring rubber band. It expands as it flies through the air. Then it will contract as it comes in for a ( crash) landing. Your spirit will go through a contraction phase, and it is " like the ultimate buzz kill dude." Just focus on your needs, work to make life less difficult.
B) look at the emotions presenting themselves, what is.their ruling organ in Chinese medicine. Look it up. Anger- liver issues, sadness- lung. Etc...look up remedies to clear those surges of emotion. All will balance out grasshopper!
Love & Light

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