Submitted by earthrise1234 on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 08:59


SEOUL: The elder brother of South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak was detained early Wednesday pending trial on corruption charges, in a political setback for the conservative ruling party during an election year.

The Seoul Central District Court approved prosecutors' request for an arrest warrant for Lee Sang-Deuk, a former six-term ruling party lawmaker.

Prosecutors allege that he took 600 million won (US$525,000) from chairmen of two troubled savings banks -- Solomon Savings Bank and Mirae Savings Bank -- between 2007 and 2011 in return for helping them avoid audits and punishment.

"Lee's crimes have been ascertained and there is a reasonable concern that the suspect might attempt to destroy evidence, considering his status and political influence," Judge Park Byoung-Sam was quoted by Yonhap news agency as saying.

The 76-year-old brother was taken to a detention centre immediately after the warrant was issued.

Angry people who lost deposits when savings banks were suspended had hurled eggs at the elder Lee when he arrived at court Tuesday.

Regulators in May suspended the operations of four savings banks including Solomon and Mirae, leaving many customers unable to withdraw money.

The scandal is the latest in a series of corruption cases involving people close to the president, whose five-year term ends in February 2013. An election for his successor will be held on December 19.

Chung Doo-Un, an incumbent ruling party lawmaker and a close confidant of the president during the 2007 presidential campaign, was also questioned by prosecutors last week over the saving banks affair.

Parliament is scheduled to vote Wednesday on whether to approve a court request for Chung's arrest.

- AFP/ck



This is only the beginning of all of this. This is going to pick up. So get ready.




Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/11/2012 - 11:43

As much ass I would like to believe this is part of "mass arrests," the story deos not jive well in korean economic/social/political culture. All south Korean ex-presidents were heavily involved in corruption, fraud, power broking and major mega-big bribery scandals.

In fact. the last president who was known for his progressive and pro-mass viewpoints actually committed suicide when he was about to be indicted for bribery charges. Almost all ex-presidents were arrested, indicted and served jail terms for fraud.


This particular arrest--Does it change anything? Perhaps not. If not this one, there will be plenty of other fraud-inducing relatives of those in power. waiting their turns to profit.

This type of behavior(corruption, fraud, bribery and manipulation) is considered to be  perfectly normal although the government always stresses No Corruption which no one believes anyway.


If it is a true mass arrest, I think they ought to take down North Korean leader or contain him at least, because literally, everyday, people especially children are dying of malnutrition, lack of medical care in a completely regimented and controlled social structure. If you want to know about how FEAR-based society is all about, pay attention to North Korea. It sure looks a whole lot worse than Liborgate-stricken countries of the world.


Hate to be negative, but had to provide some perspectives on this issue.

This is proof. Your not seeing many articles about this all at once. You will be seeing many articles about this kind of action. A lot of people are  looking for it all at once. There has to be a starting point to everything. This is the starting point of everything going from behind the scenes to everyone seeing it!

I understand your point of view. Think about this. Why would this happen at this point of the year when everything is going on behind the scenes. Why wouldn't this happen before. There is a possible that this may not relate to the mass arrests.

But what if I'm right?

Thank you for your impute. 

Things can change at any time.




There's nothing in the article that stands out as if it's part of a mass arrest scheme. There have been pleeeenty of stories just like this in the past year... I think it would be wise to not jump to conclusions at all until your TV says otherwise. That may seem foolish, but really, what better way to know that the Cabal has lost all control than for the media to start reporting the arrests, and most importantly, the truth... Take these kinds of reports with a grain of salt because you don't know what, or if any, implications will arise from them... Keep calm. Love and Light.

There is nothing like I'm right, therefore you're wrong. That sort of attitude is entirely based on duality thinking which we humans have been so well trained. Are we not trying to break out of this limited pattern at this jucture?

The arrest of current south Korean president's brother.  It may sound like a big deal, however, as someone else put it, there are literally thousands of arrests like this one. taking place everyday, especially in developing countries.

This particular arrest is nothing significant in the context of Korean politics. The current president's term is about to end(therefore he is not that powerful to cover for his greedy relatives), and his opponents are trying to set up some scheme to undermine current president and his political party.

Why now? Because the next election is due in November.
Just like in the US, opposing political parties are heavily engaged in attacking and smearing opponent's images. Practically everyone is involved in bribery, fraud, lies and manipulation in Korean politics. All ex presidents' relatives were involved in some pretty big scale frauds in the past. Again, this is so insignificant especially if you pay attention to how much money was involved--was it less than a mere $1 million?

Korean politicians steal big--really big, mega billions of dollars, and they set up accounts in Swiss banks.

The point is: This cannot be qualified as a proof for mass arrests. If they arrested the head of Bank of England, along with Ben Bernanke, Jamie Dimon, Timothy Geithner, Dick Cheney of the world, we will see that as PROOF.

Your headline was something misleading. That's all.  Let's not get so worked up when we see some minor insignificant arrest, only because they are arrests. After all, aren't  those big boys are already CONTAINED?

I am not saying this is proof for the mass arrests. I am showing you one of many articles to be publishesd. I don't tell people if they are right or wrong. That is up to them to deside. I am offering facts from an Asian main stream media source. Why would this be happening In the 8 days during the event Why not before. I understand everyone's point of view. I had a point of view like that once also. So I do understand. This will show and other articles I am finding to be adding up, I have organize them first, so once many articles come in, it won't be disorganized. This is for people akwakened and unawakened.
Thank you for your concern.

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