How the Containment method strikes a Heart chord

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 10:33

The Containment Method Strikes a Chord

Nuri hearkens to pictures of Muammar Ghaddafi being killed by an angry mob as evidence of what “mass arrests” might result in.


How the Containment method strikes a Heart chord

Nuri Akyol, Live in the Heart, 12 Jul 2012



When the transcript of the interview that Steve Beckow had on July 2nd with Archangel Michael was released I was at first surprised. Like everyone else who has been following channelings and insider (‘white hat’) information I had been reading and/or hearing about ‘mass arrests’ for months now. Hence, I was expecting arrests on an unprecedented scale. So this sudden change of ‘rhetoric’ and especially ‘method’ started even to taste a bit bitter as frustration decided to peek around the corner.


Nevertheless, this feeling of frustration dissipated very fast (much to my delight) as I was reading it further, because I felt that there was truth in Archangel Michael’s words:


“But let me also say, as your brother, as your friend, as the archangel of peace, you did not come to participate solely in destruction, solely in things like mass arrests — for really what does this mean? What I would suggest to you is that the idea or the term of mass arrests, whether it is with the Intergalactic Council or the [Galactic] Federation, or your star brothers and sisters scattered far and wide, for lightworkers and lightholders, has a very different meaning.


And that is why I wish to address this usage of language, because, dear hearts, when you speak of mass arrests, you are speaking of violence. You are speaking of retribution, you are speaking of revenge. And that is not who you are, it is not who you have ever been, and it is certainly not why you have come.”[1]


Yes, it did indeed feel like retribution and in some cases even revenge every time the term ‘mass arrests’ came up. I personally couldn’t wait to see them rounded up and to give them a piece of their own cake. However, now I understand that the meaning that is attributed to this term as a collective, of which I am a part of, is one of anger, fear, hatred etc. As a result, the interview with archangel Michael resulted into me asking a fundamental question: How would we be any different from the Cabal if our actions would be based on the same underlying lower vibrational emotions and feelings?


When writing this my thoughts wonder off to how Saddam Hoessein and more recently Khadaffi have come to their end. When this happened, I kept on asking myself the question: how are we any different from them? And in retrospect, in regards to this particular channeling, it all makesheart sense to me now! This collective and individual journey towards ascension just happens to be about the exact opposite, namely about eradicating those lower vibrations and transcending into unconditionally loving, compassionate and forgiving beings.


Nevertheless, it is my opinion that a certain amount of arrests should be made to honour the collective’s will as I believe that it could prove to be very important to the collective’s emotional healing as far as I can judge it off course. And I am almost certain that I have read that it will happen although I cannot find it back any more.


Lastly, I would like to send my utmost gratitude to Archangel Michael for giving us an essential wake up call once more.

Much Love and Light


Thu, 07/12/2012 - 10:45

I don't care who is Dead.  I don't care who worships Owls.  All I care about is I am broke.

Torusample (not verified)

Thu, 07/12/2012 - 11:31

Wake the flack up! EVERY ONE who has violated humanity individually and collectively should be arrested, tried, punished with measures taken to assure they are never again able to commit whatever theft, treason, murder, etc. that they committed. This IS how you go about "eradicating those lower vibrations" in the body politic and hopefully discourage others from acting in these manners. As for "it is my opinion that a certain amount of arrests should be made to honour the collective’s will" , now there's another great idea! NOT!!! The "powers that be" when dealing with the Nazi war criminals were so kind to let and indeed assist many of them to escape to this and other countries. They were the ones who actually set up our so called intelligence agencies, space agencies(which are military), and now RUN our so called government. I have been on a spiritual quest for many years, but when you leave parts of the truth out of these subjects on purpose or just 'cuz you don't know any better, it just becomes so much New Age BS!!

I really wish i could high five you on what you just said. Being of a high vibration has nothing to do with reacting to things that are not appropriate. If someone is continuously poked for eons with cattle rods until they realize what's happening, what's been happening, and then some...why is it of a low vibration to want the torture to end? People want a positive influx of global changes, there is nothing wrong with them asking conscious questions. If they did not ask anything at all and just kept blindly going with every proposition they ever heard they would still be in the dark for much longer. The world cannot afford to continue that way and it is great that more people are waking up every single day. It is needed. But they also need to be able to feel their suppressors will be dealt with in a serious manner so they can no longer cause harm to anyone or anything. That need is not of a low vibration. It's common sense. Even animals realize when one of their own is not following what is natural for their overall vibration to increase they reject them. That animal later dies alone and the group improves. No one is talking about being vengeful. But something must be done or the circus will continue to rotate leading more and more people to die needlessly. (Chemtrails, flouride in water, pesticides, genetically modified foods, you name it) To me no it's not a ego based problem to want relief. Any person alive wants to be happy and there are certain inalienable rights that are being broken on this planet with no reason for it. Those who purposely engage in highly toxic behaviors towards humanity and the world we have to live in should be punished, contained, or whatever. But the bottom line is that something should happen period. There are unwilling participants working on raising their vibrational frequency so they can return to what it was always meant to be their true selves. For as long as the same mysterious beings get away with it..the current population will end up going through the same cycles of darkness until the human race kills itself off like so many other civilizations have before this one.

Revenge is primitive to the heart of Love, and its very concept feels repugnant.




I remember 9-11 when waving the flag from car antenna's was in vogue... the masses calling for a revenge war... making it happen, fueled by the "leaders", and it saddened me greatly. The "bullhorn scene" with the Bush arm around a fireman on the remains of a fallen tower, was perfect to rouse the mood. And war it was, in all it usual ugliness, hidden from the eyes of a power venting its satisfaction on "the enemy". People felt good that we were gonna "kick some ass" for old glory.


It was the 1960's all over again, only this time the draft was not an issue, so the students weren't so worried. The warriors stepped up in droves and thousands of them died. The casualties, or "collateral damage" depending on your your place in the drama, mounted, as did the frustration of the American public for not ending it quick. The antenna flags bame off the cars and went back in storage, as public opinion began to wane of its support.


Thanks for re-kindling the thought of revenge as "an end to a means". MotherFatherGod. People do need to be reminded in a world where revenge is somehow justified. It never settled anything, and only sinks a world deeper into the quagmire of despair. The budget numbers for "defense" of the American dream are astronomical and to challenge the false concept of adding, or at best reducing, the way to "global security" is tentamount to treason. Eisenhower was right, the tentacles of "the miliatary-industrial complex" would be its end, and the MIC has them rapped around the throat of this nation so tight, that I'm amazed it has stayed alive all this time!





Divine Intervention is a welcomed pondering for this writer, and I have full confidence that We will come to that soon, or perhaps We are here already... :)


When Global Unconditional Love becomes the norm, it will be plenty of divine revenge, if you will, for me to make those that prefer present conditions to lament their loss of "reality", or come to the sense that they too are Love like the rest of Us and enjoy the current reality!


Love and Peace forever,


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