~The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension~Date at the Stargate 11.11.11~ ~How the Huge Changes of Gaia and Humanity will occur in the "No~Time" at the Stargate 11.11.11.~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 10/12/2011 - 08:54

For a year now, i getting several dreams where m seeing the world is going thru a mega change, sometimes a disastor like tsunami or sometimes just whole is vanishing.  In every dream, m seeing chaose, and m also searching for my son at his school.  I told myself it is a fear showing up.  But this month the dream is coming often, like twice last night.  I am peacful in the dream, i know it is 11 nov 11, but m still heading to my son's school to pick him.  i also see synchronicities in daily life.  My son is a wiser child than I am even as a grown up.  All said and done, WHAT DO WE DO ON 11 NOV 11.  SHOULD WE REMAIN AT HOME AND MEDITATE? WHAT?  CAN ANYONE ENLIGHTEN ME?  Thank you, rose


Wed, 10/12/2011 - 10:03

Like a theif in the night!

It is true most of humainity has been dumbed down, I often wonder how my mind would work if I didn't get all the vacines I did when I was very young, how would my mind work if it was not fed so many lies and half truth's as a youth in school and in church. I have to say that even though I have always been interested and enthralled by science, I would have to say that I am not very scientific. Maybe because I never even finished 9th grade? 

I did however realize at a young age that things were not right on many levels, this caused me to break away from the system and do it my own way. I am grateful now for my choice to do so. That being said, I have had to rely on my intuition and my relationship with my creator to get by, it has not been easy, but it has been rewarding on many levels. One thing I found is though many of us in our present state see things as paul had said "through a glass darkly" we have the ability to to connect with our "true" selves, which can give us great clarity, our true slelves are not limited in understanding on any level and all this science is nuthin but a thang. No matter how scientific or developed the left brain is now, we can't access our true selves through the ways of the mind, but the heart only, through Love and surrender to Love, which is key to upcomming events...  

Thanks brother for your article! Much Love, Oneness <3

light (not verified)

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 13:12

Heartstrings #3 Cromites

The West has used more than its economic and military might. It has been corrupting religions around the world to the point that people are becoming disillusioned with spirituality. The West has implemented a long-range plan to replace religions with a non-religious religion – Science. Westerners have blended hard science with theoretical science until unproven and unprovable scientific theories are accepted as facts.

Blending tools were used to blur the line between scientific facts and scientific theories, the latter of which are really science fiction until they are proven. There is much that is science fiction that is being paraded as scientific theory, which in turn has been promoted as hard scientific fact. In this list is included: the theory of evolution; the theory of a billions-years-old Earth; the theory of continental drift through tectonic plate movement; the theory of a molten core Earth; the theory of black holes; the theory of formation of celestial bodies; the theory of a nuclear sun. On the other hand, theories that modern scientists reject are scoffingly labelled as fantasies, delusions or science fiction. These include: the hollow Earth; the sun being an external combustion engine; reincarnation.

A major blending tool used to blur scientific fact and science fiction has been the application of algebra. Algebra was introduced to humans to limit their scientific reach. The field was intentionally corrupted with deficiencies and impossibilities. Algebra appears to work, but it does not function well, and requires inventions and improvisations, such as imaginary numbers, to make it give consistent results.

Algebra is an extension of the aliens' intentionally flawed mathematical functions, like division, which is impossible when the divisor is zero, and calculus, which is accepted as approximating slopes and curves. Likewise, negative numbers were injected into human mathematics to impede advancements. Surely, aliens who are influencing human affairs must be advanced enough to be aware of the existence of the mathematical field of CROMITES.

The word “cromites” is a phonetic translation of an extraterrestrial language. Cromites is accurate, precise, consistent, and does not require imaginary concepts to understand. Navigation by cromites is precise and accurate. Engineering with cromites eliminates guesswork and overcompensation to ensure a structure will withstand specific forces. If the aliens influencing things on Earth wanted to assist humans, they would not have introduced flawed mathematics – it is a very cruel imposition on humans.

Today, many people swear by science and follow it with blind faith. Thus far, science has produced volumes of information that has been corrupted by ambitious humans applying false data to prove or debunk theories and events. There are many unscrupulous academics and scientists pushing their theories for funding or other reasons. They are unreliable.

In the twentieth century, many medical doctors promoted smoking tobacco for nerves, weight loss and other health benefits. Now, they say smoking is a health hazard. People do not need to be told by doctors that cigarettes are bad for health. Common sense tells them that. It was the unscrupulous scientists who spread the falsehood about the product. Scientists do the same thing today, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, and they are using doctors to push their flawed prescription drugs, even though they know they cause significant adverse side effects.

Whenever science is caught giving out erroneous information, it modifies its results, usually without any apology for its mistake. Science has been given licence to promote and implement anything it likes. Science has promoted itself as the only true “god”. Anything unprovable by the scientific method is considered superstition, fantasy, science fiction or nonsense. Scientists have spent centuries debunking religions and paranormal activities. In so doing, they have elevated themselves as the supreme authority for determining what is true, what is false, what is acceptable and what is not.

Science has robbed people of their natural instincts, intuition and, most importantly, their natural link or connection to their Creator. People are now very confused with their material lives, and are behaving more like biological robots than individual, thinking, feeling beings. If humans lose their inalienable right to think for themselves, they will be stripped of their true selves. Instead of allowing leaders, governments and others to decide their future, they need to think for themselves. Blind faith is dangerous, especially when following educators, governments, religious leaders, science or other groups.

The ruling elite want people to accept science fiction along with political fiction. Their agents, the United Nations and NATA, are imposing the political fiction that people can be forced to be free. Their definition of freedom means voluntary compliance with their demands, or face sanctions or severe consequences or invasion.

Re-learn how to think for yourselves before it is too late and you become a “democratic” robot for the aliens.

© 2011 Amitakh Stanford

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