The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~12~12Victory for the Light is Arriving in Manifestation~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 19:59


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~12~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update

Victory for the Light is Arriving in Manifestation~


 Thank You to



Greetings Love Beings, In Our Last Update we shared about a 3 day event in which we participated in Bringing in Intense Amount of Love Energy. 3 of Our Scout Craft Escorted Us along with Five of Us, All Fire Signs on this Journey. Now, the Sun is Showing itself and Sharing This Energy Event.


X 1.4 Class Flare Thank You to


Here11Here Change



 Along with this Intense High Energy released, this weekend which will Climax on July 17th, the Sun has Decided to Help Everyone Along, producing an X Class and M Class Solar Flare Both Earth Directed.This will excite Your DNA, and Provide some Very Intense Energy Boosts of information. This will assist you in this Transformation Process We are In. These Flares are Expected to Arrive the same day we are Having The Live, Love Internet Party, Saturday July 14th at 1:30pm Pacific. Oneness Energy Incoming.


Blinded By the Light



X-FLARE! Big sunspot AR1520 unleashed an X1.4-class solar flare on July 12th at 1653 UT. Because the sunspot was directly facing Earth at the time of the blast, this is a geoeffective event. Stay tuned for updates about possible CMEs and radio blackouts. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation from the blast site:


The UV and X-ray pulse from the flare will have partially ionized Earth's upper atmosphere on the dayside of our planet, disturbing the normal propagation of radio signals. Watch the Realtime Space Weather Gallery for possible reports of sudden ionospheric disturbances and other effects.


Daily Sun: 12 Jul 12

Sunspot 1520 has a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI


Galactic Truth Report:


Our Earthquake Activity is now heating Up along side, we have had several significant, meaning over 5.0 Earthquakes in the last 2 Days. We are Observing this Closely, and most likely as a result of the X Class Flare we will see more Earthquakes as well as Increased Weather Events. This Evening Severe Weather is hitting a large section of the Us and into Canada.


This will Be a Huge Month for Movement and  Manifestation, as this marks the 5 year and the 3 Year Anniversary of 2 Very Important Fire the Grid events. The First One took place on July 17, 2007 and the Second One took Place On July 28th of 2009. These were collective meditations in Service to Love, which is now assisting Us Exponentially to not only raise the Vibrational frequency of The Planet but You AS Well. This is a needed event to match our Crafts Vibrational Frequency.



 If You have been Paying Attention, July is already showing Great progress towards our Manifesting Love Decree's. Alot of the old paradigm is being revealed, so the Higher Energies can Enter into the Space. You will find these Articles Being Shared Here on the Press and Amongst other Love Sites. The Victory For the Light Has Arrived Into Manifestation. This is the Process well Underway.


Michael through Ron Head"


Things are now off to a good start and the beginnings of the end are in sight.  Although your major information media are still not reporting the obvious, it is easy to see that the word is getting out without them.  Your social media and your alternate news sources have far outstripped them in the reporting of truth and thus are having a marvelous affect in changing the mass consciousness.


Millions of you are getting used to the idea of affecting change with the input of your own intent and imagination.  This is something that was to be avoided at all cost.  The knowledge of your own power was never to come to light.  Now it is too late.  The cat has escaped the proverbial bag.


During this next week, there will be a great boost given to all of this in many ways.  You have a tendency to discuss and perceive of these changes in one or two specific ways.  Please know that what is actually happening is far, far more all-encompassing than that." End of Quote


[ The Cat has Escaped Shrodinger's Box]




Everything as we have shared is Fully Underway, and is moving at an unstoppable momentum.Real Life in Love is Your Destiny. Love had a Dream for Humanity, and this Dream will Be Unfolding from the inside out unstoppably. Love is what Real Dreams are Made OF.


 Quoted from Sheldan Nidle" Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you with a progress report. It is essential that the dark cabal and its myriad henchmen be isolated from you. Until this is accomplished, it is almost impossible to deliver your prosperity without dire consequences. This is why we have begun to implement a plan to isolate them, and once this is done, to take them into custody. You most definitely need a proper physical separation from those who continue to intend you harm. Each one whose name appears on the very long arrest[removals] lists are having their auric field 'marked,' and this temporarily prevents them further seriously damaging the planet or you. However, these dark ones also need to be physically restrained by the proper authorities. We are now completing the procedures that can deliver what is required. We ask you to add your great Loving energies to what we are doing as the time for your liberation is at hand!


Indeed, the blessed waves of Angels and the local Administrative Councils of Heaven are acting to bring about your liberation. For eons the dark has fostered a group of disembodied dark energies that have inhabited the Earth realm and caused all manner of mischief. These energies are concentrated in particular spots around your globe and our galactic friends are removing this negativity, which is clearing the way for all to move into the Light. We are assisting, and joining with our Inner Earth family to help in freeing Gaia from this muck. We can report that we have nearly finished this job. The cabal realizes that its powers are weakening, and the time comes to transform this magnificent world back into the beacon of Light that it was when Lemuria was founded some 900,000 years ago.


 Every one of us knows the necessity of completing the liberation of surface humanity in right divine time. We have asked our galactic and Inner Earth families to do what is deemed necessary to deliver you from your bondage to the dark. Those in the various sacred societies that dot our planet are also doing all they can, with divine intelligence, to finish their projects in right divine time. Heaven and the Light remain in charge." End of Quote


All Divine Events Are Underway


Decreed by Heaven, The Victory for the Light Has Arrived.  All Divine Events are in Process. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


~Thank You for Spreading These Message's to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


We will Be Given Up to The Moment Events as They Unfold


 ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~



 If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.


Total Love Shares for July: $964.44

Love Fund Goal 3000$ 


Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.


Join us Live Every Saturday for the Internet Love Party.  At 1:30pm Pacific.To Help Bring in the Higher Energies. This will Be Announced On the Press Every Saturday. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~


Every Wednesday we are Now Having our Council Meetings~Love Parties for the Transitionary Government. We will now announce these meetings on the Press at 10:30am Pacific time zone every Wednesday with a link for everyone to listen in.

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:



~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~



~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~




~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

 WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~


Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~444 ~ The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby.


Quoted from Nancy Detweiler

"We stand at this crossroads today. For the remainder of 2012, Earth humans will be assisting in transforming our world. Those who choose to continue their negative behavior will be allowed to do so, but not on Gaia. As Gaia moves forward in our Milky Way Galaxy, negativity cannot move with her.


There are 3rd dimensional planets in the cosmos to which those who cling to their negative behavior will be attracted in accordance with another Universal Law Like Attracts Like. Movement to these 3rd dimensional planets will be a freewill choice and is not to be considered punishment.


A Father/Mother God of Unconditional Love does not punish anyone. ...



The dark cabal members have been given numerous chances to surrender … to voluntarily step down from their positions of control. Most have refused to do so. This means that they must be removed in order to pave the way for humanity to prepare for ascension. A part of their removal will be to disclose to the people all the crimes committed against us. In most cultures, the 3rd dimensional manner of response has traditionally been to demand retribution and punishment. To see the criminal punished has been considered a means of closure and healing for the victims.


We are in the midst of a planetary historical event—that of removing the dark cabal and their sinister plans for a New World Order. This removal will take a variety of forms. Some will likely be arrested in the 3rd dimensional manner. Others may be contained—a rare technique not used since the Galactic Wars that is in accordance with the 5th dimensional concept of unconditional love.[ii]


Those whose crimes have been most atrocious may be taken off-planet and placed before a Galactic High Court. At the appropriate time in the very near future, humanity will be informed about the actions now taking place in secret.....


Earth Ally Shannon "For the most part..., these plans are now done, and the mopping up is left. The calander dates from July, 13 2012 to December 13, 2012 are going to leave you speechless as the mopping up takes place! Just like a firehose washing off a prison in a cell, the CABAL will be "washed" naked and clean in front of everyone to see. There is no stopping it now, the allignments have begun! I ask you to celebrate with me! One of the 1400 Celestial Angels from the Realm of Peace. We have won, we are Victorious! It's time to "DO THE DANCE!"


Earth Ally Bill Ballard,  Well with ALL I have been posting these past days... Id have to say, from my PROFESSIONAL OPINION...
It's Happening NOW!
Anyone who cannot see that is BLIND!


The SunDog Prophecy The Return of the White Buffalo = The Return to Peace On Earth

Photo Taken of A Sundog in Indiana by Reynolds


Pg 109 Steve McFadden from his book called "Legends of the Rainbow Warriors" This old indian prophecy about the return of the white buffalo-calf-woman is known from all the indian nations for centuries and has its effects till nowadays.


In the end this prophecy means, that in a time of great global upheaval, which is called „Cleaning of Mother Earth“, by the Hopi Indians, there will again show up the spirit of mother earth herself and manifest to help all the people and to support them, who see their duty in the preservation of nature and act in sympathy with all living beings."



~Yojman Chase ~


Street~Wise Ascension

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta



Creator Flames of God walking the Earth,
I come to chat a moment with regards to
the reality of our homecoming
and our rebuilding of the new systems
that are “taking place.”
I will speak of the air element.

Within the Way of creation that takes place
on all formed realms (physical worlds, etc.)
the element of Air is in direct correlation
to and with the mental body.
It is the first fruit one uses to establish form…
There has been a long-time agenda to deny people
fresh air by those who would “profit”
from having your mental powers thwarted.
This is coming to a climax.

It is air that allowed you – first –
to become an individualized presence.
You see, as a “human” in the womb
you are not yet allowed to participate in outer/
planned creation until your first breath.
In short, we are entering the “Age of Air.”

Bear in mind that with the use
of the four elements,
three of them act as a (or form the) cup.
The other is the Leader and is always present.
This is why invoking Sacred Fire
is all that is really necessary
while holding the Harmony
Blazing the Light.



Unto You who wish to help
in the most efficient way possible,
let us remember:
It is the Sacred Fire’s activity
that has the most multidimensional,
magical powers of Intelligence Supreme.
It is designed to pour through you here
and accomplish,
for all other life that you contact,
unimaginable assistance toward
their greater Freedom,
just because you passed their way.
You see, beloveds, it is that the Divine Plan
calls for the Ascension of the whole now,
during this great Cosmic Moment of Grand Cycles
converging here on Earth now.
Contemplate this.

The simple acknowledgment
of the Fire beating your heart
and the Fires giving you mental capacity
replicating throughout your body’s cells,
is your certain Victory.

Hence the Victory of the Group
and our Greater Divine Plan.


Butterfly with Heart Center


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 07/12/2012 - 21:03

yeah this was on the nightly news tonight


I was thinking sweet man more energy but yeah the news was saying we might have some communication issues in the next 3 days.


Good ole Sol sending us some more love energy.


Thu, 07/12/2012 - 21:47

thank you motherfathergod for all that you do... great update :DDD

Fifth Dimension, here I AM WE ARE coming!


There is so much LOVE here/NOW we are all walking on air!

Much LOVE to all Brothers and Sisters, on and off-planet! Thank you to ALL Beings for playing your parts.



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