~YOU ARE BECOMING A GALACTIC HUMAN The Shift of the Ages has already begun!~ BY A STARSEED~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 10/12/2011 - 08:26

Doreen Smith (not verified)

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 09:50

I'm am so grateful to all the lightworkers everywhere...some have called them angels...We know who we are...It's so very beautiful finally connecting with so many here...

My physical body has been changing dramatically over the last couple of months..I feel my body increasing in performance daily. I have also noticed my friends body (and spiritual) changes. This is very exciting to me... I know we are all united and going through these extra oridinary changes within...

I'm extremely thankful and grateful to be living in this most wonderful time...My spirit is ascending in a way I was to frightend to go before..I have no fear for what's ahead ...The divine plan is unfolding...In love, peace and JOY... <3 :) Later!


Thu, 10/13/2011 - 05:44

I am lost, lost in this world of doubt and misconceptions, and try as hard as I might I can't seem to make a decision on what I see and hear.

I have tried hard all my life to be a good person and I am open to the coming changes, I have always felt the world around me, believed in spirit and followed the 7 principles that I try hard to keep to......yet I have doubts about what is going on around me. There is so much bad in the world today, and I know something has to change, and there also appears to be so many variations about what is going to happen. Is this planet going to be devastated by the 'destroyer' or is it going to be saved??

I am open to changes, yet feel little of any of the changes that are happening, its like putting my hand up and saying yes, I'll do that, and then being missed, and so I don't know what to believe any more.

I need help, I need someone to tell me what to do, and how to do it because as hard as I try, its not working, and that makes me disillusioned and disappointed that maybe nothing will change and I will have to endure the mess that this world has become because no one is listening, just like its always been, all of my life.  

I need to make plans, I am autistic, plans are all I know and changes need planning, yet no one thinks about that if they can change on a whim, even when I want to change, its difficult for me, nad those like me.

Is there anyone who helps, or are we to left behind in the new world?

Can anyone answer these questions, or is this another one of those 'look deep within for the answers' that I have done and find nothing to help.

Will anyone take any notice of what I have written here?

Please help :_(

If you feel lost its because you are thinking externally and creating your own fear. You must think from your feelings or heart center. My grandpapa says, "No Fear. Let the beauty of your spirit shine from your eyes." Imagine love radiating out of you as you release fear to bring in unconditional love at all time. Practice this all of the time.

To find balance, eat a holistic diet, pray everyday, meditate every day and excercise everyday, stay away from harmful drugs. If you can, try to find a yoga class with a compassionate teacher and go to it weekly. You will find that gradually, you will feel better and your answers will find you.  Also, go to vemexfiles.com (scroll to the bottom to read from the bottom up) and information is presented there that will help you know who you really are.

Blessings to you dear and beautiful Soul. No fear.

I think this in some ways answers my questions. I have others to care for and therefore an holistic diet is out of the question, my diet is real cooking with real food recipes and my weight is appropriate. I am a fit and healthy individual who takes regular excercise.

I am an ordinary person who lives in a good way within the constraints of the society I was born into and from what I see, the bad world I live in was not necessarily of my choice, yet to ascend I would have to leave those I care for behind, cut myself off from the rest and follow a new path, and that would not be a selfless act, but selfish, and that is not what I am. Therefore just like the elite of this society who gather for themselves what they need to survive (money, materalism) so the elite of the new world will do the same and have the time and resources to gather around them the resources they need to survive, and those like I am who have been good will as usual be left behind because we can't conform with what the source demands of us. 

That is a bad deal whatever way you look at it as I am not elite and will never be.

LotusDoll (not verified)

Thu, 10/13/2011 - 10:16

In reply to by SophiaLove

That's not true my friend, as Vemex states; "the light does not know the darkness, yet darkness knows the Light." What that means for the present now moment is that ascension is occuring as I write and as the earth sheds its 3D reality and ascends to a more light filled planet, we, the individual, must be capable of becoming Light thus Love filled. Truth and Love equals Peace and Joy. It will be totally different and this is what you have to seek for yourself in your heart in what ever way you resonate with or not - you have free will.

A wholistic diet is more vegetables and fruit, less meat. Think Light filled body that is in tune with the vibrational frequency that is now occuring on earth. And as always, no fear. Light and Love to you! Namaste.

Thank you Namaste, but..........


I have no fear of what is to come, I am a spiritualist and therefore already speak to those in other dimensions and fully accept the existence of other planes where life exists. I have also a deep acceptance of life on other worlds, inter stellar travel and other esoteric subjects. I also have no fear of my own death because I know that I will not die, only my body will expire and my soul will continue.


The problem I am having is that the changes that are going to take place according to websites like this one will affect different people in different ways. Those who know nothing about what is happening will be in total fear and fight for survival, those who know and who have the time and space will ascend and those in the middle, those like me who understand the changes, 'but for practical reasons' are unable to follow what you have suggested will be missed off the list. Like I said before, I am autistic and some of the simple 'round the edges' information is difficult to understand, I need the complex and intricate information to make sense of what is happening.


I eat a good diet with fruit and vegetables already, but the average human being who works an average day and who lives an average life and helps those in need when they can doesn't make judgements about others and treats the rest of humanity with the respect they deserve, should not be discounted because they don't have the intellect or the time to worry about another load of websites that are trying to 'change their lives' because that is how it appears. If the source wants 'all' to understand and accept and not think externally, then there is a lot of work to be done; hence my assertion that there does appear to be an elite who 'know about' the way to do things and will allow others to lag behind.


If the source wants to have an impact and for humankind to make progress it is easy, remove money from the world, then there would be no need for anyone to say, we can't do 'so and so' because we can't afford it, no money, everything can be afforded.


That still leaves me with no answers to the questions I set out to find, practical things that practical people can do in a world where the average person lives and survives with a lot of struggle and effort, only to be told  that its all been for nothing because you don't know how to think with your heart and live an 'holistic' diet.


For the record, I do pray every day.


God bless you

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