Sea Saviours - Repairing Gaia's Oceans - A Massive Cleanup Project

Submitted by AlaskaRC on Sun, 07/15/2012 - 19:25

Gaia has made it quite clear through a variety of sources, that we as mankind are responsible for the pollution and damage we have caused Her. In order to progress with Gaia through the transition into the higher dimension, WE, as mankind MUST begin an honest, concerted effort to right these wrongs. WE must begin to cleanup Her oceans, rivers, streams and other locations we have taken it upon ourselves as a species to pollute. We may not be able to complete the task in the short amount of time given. However, as a token of good faith, it is imperative that we begin the process and complete as much as possible.

Whether it be plastics, uncontrolled disposal of garbage and debris, atmospheric pollutants or simply a candy wrapper uncaringly thrown on the ground for "someone else" to pick up, WE are the cause.

Discounting world wars, and even when compared to the events of 9/11, the Fukushima earthquake and subsequent tsunami are IMO, number one in Gaia's history of indispicably evil man made disasters. The loss of life, irradiated debris and atmospheric winds, will provide substaintial negative ramifications well into the future.

Sea Saviours was called into being to implement an interium cleanup effort for the Pacific Gyre or garbage patch in an attempt to remove and nuturalize any irradiated debris before it reaches the western shores of America or the beaches of other nations.

You can find out more at

Bless all that read this and Namaste.



Michael Sunfire (not verified)

Mon, 07/16/2012 - 19:41

Do not buy into this.


The above article is manipulative, misleading and its subtle object is to put the blame on the naïve population or the 99% for the pollution created when the real culprits are the so-called controllers: BP, Exxon, Shell, DC corporation, bankers, religions, and the rest of the evil gang also known as the powers that were.


Yet the benevolent Galactics want to help us do the cleaning but it would be nice to get those arrested to help clean up the mess they have created all over the planet, like the Gulf of Mexico for instance.


We the People are not to be blamed for any ecological damage done to mother earth along hundreds of years whatsoever: they are.  


Reincarnated reptilians like the Bushes and their puppets, the UK royals, the Illuminati, the Vatican, Monsanto, oil drilling companies, mining companies, loggers, and the rest of the  evil corporations are the ones who have messed up earth, dumped down America, polluted the planet, created and fought the wars, suppressed Tesla's Inventions, killed the electric car, knocked down the twin towers of New York among several other wicked acts against us and Mother Earth.


The evidence is overwhelming We the People are good and loving so let the evil POWERS THAT WERE clean the ugly mess they have created.



...yes, yes...justified anger, and all that...


But 'we' contributed also; no?  With our thoughtless littering, thinking, Out of sight, out of mind?  Buying freely into the concept that actions don't have consequences??...


Yes, TPTW have a lot to answer for.  A given; and you have done a good job of summarizing their role.  But that is our plastic and such out there.  I say, Good on the Sea Saviours for their initiative.  And let's give them a hand.


As for TPTW: They will get their own cleanup.  The universe is a just one.  Bring them up for charges against humanity, yes, that they can get feedback for their actions.  But basically, leave them to heaven.  And let's get to work, turning lovely Gaia back into as close of a pristine state of her Being that we can manage, at this time, of Her life, and ours on Her.  Living in the higher consciousness that is asked of all of us, now.

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