~Japan Quake~Tsunami~Nuclear Events ~ EVENTS FOR CHANGE~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/12/2011 - 14:13

~Japan Quake/Tsunami/Nuclear Events~


I’ve been an “Earth Sensitive” and have felt, heard and sensed earthquakes before they actually physically manifest for decades. However, during the past fifteen years or so of the Ascension Process, the ways that I’ve perceived earthquakes and their energies and pressures has changed or evolved…right along with the changes Earth is living through now too. As our consciousness and hearts evolve and expand, we’re  automatically regaining many of the natural abilities our ancient ancestors had, which was an intimate and conscious connection with Earth and its energies.

On Wednesday March 9, 2011—the day we entered the most accelerated and highest frequency Mayan Ninth Wave—I experienced a couple of things I never have before which I want to share with you. Firstly, I was painfully aware of building pressures and stress below the surface of the earth and knew a large magnitude earthquake somewhere on the Ring of Fire was ripe and ready to pop.

Secondly, throughout that day I clairaudiently heard strange sounds. Typically in the past I’ve clairaudiently heard magma pushing and flowing below the crust as massive booming sounds like thunder. (Took me years to figure out what I was hearing!) But, the 3-9-11 sounds I was hearing—and later in the day discovered my Mom was hearing too—was not this same sound but something new to me. They were completely unrecognizable sounds coming from different directions in the air and not underground. It was a total mystery and I’m sorry I can’t even describe what those sounds were like.

The other new anomaly I and my Mom both felt on 3-9-11 was something that’s even harder to describe. Very simply it felt like reality got adjusted or literally clicked one degree at a time and it did this maybe six or seven times throughout that day. Yeah…weird I know, but that’s what it felt like to me and my Mom.

I’ve repeatedly felt and perceived earthquakes in other countries days and weeks before they physically manifest and what I feel is typical earthquake shaking, jolting, banging, rolling, rumbling etc. I’ve lived in southern California the majority of my life so I’m very familiar with how earthquakes feel and sound. The movements I felt on March 9, 2011 were something different and new to me and I suspect it’s because we’re now in a very new place energetically. It felt more internal than the old familiar external  earthquake jerking and shaking. Every time I’d feel this it literally felt like everything got slightly adjusted and moved a bit more into a different place. Click…jerk…snap…click…  That’s the best I can do at this point to describe what I felt on that day; reality being tweaked, snapped, clicked and moved one little degree at a time.

So entering the 3-9-11 Ninth Wave day was a weird day of hearing, feeling and sensing energies I never have before in my life. I did/do expect reality to  change dramatically with our entry into the Ninth Wave period, and so far it’s done so with a bang and boom and repeated adjustments and we’ve only gotten started! Climbing the energy stair steps to 11-11-11 are going to be intense for everyone everywhere. We knew this but now it’s here…physically.

On Friday March 11, 2011—3-11-11—I awoke very early in extra physical pain in my lower back, hip joints, legs and feet to the unfolding news of the 8.9 earthquake and tsunami disasters in Japan. This was the third (3 – March) 11-11 portal day, AND it was also the day Uranus entered Aries. The lower body pains and aches I’d been having for the past few weeks should have clued me in that earth energies and pressures where building once again. Now my lower body and bones/joints/spine hurt like all hell while earth pressure is building and getting ready to click, jerk, snap into another NEW position. Now my head, skull, eyes, sinuses, neck and upper spine hurt like all hell when cosmic energies are pouring down on us through the Sun in the form of CMJ’s, solar flares etc. Top-half of body receives galactic, cosmic, and solar energies; bottom-half of body pierces and anchors into Earth, and also feels what Earth is going through. Our High Heart houses all this and more and like a higher dimensional prism, spins, integrates, and reflects everything to help create and hold the NEW.

When I went to bed (3-11-11) after watching the TV news about Japan’s multiple disasters, I requested more insights about why Japan’s nuclear reactor is doing what it is now. (Clearly I’m no scientist and don’t understand nuclear or atomic devices or most of the other patriarchal monstrosities, but just go with me okay and discern for yourselves.) Here’s what I perceived from requesting deeper insights about this.

I perceived that what’s happening in Japan with their nuclear machines malfunctioning due to the earthquakes is another aspect and layer of what’s unfolding in the Middle East, which is making it more tricky for America to get oil/petroleum/gasoline. These two events are really about the Piscean Age and the patriarchal “End Times”. These two events are and will force mass humanity to finally—through physical disasters and millions, billions of dollars (further massive indebtedness) because that’s what it’s taken to get them to even think about change—see that it’s time to release the old patriarchal Piscean Age ways, tools, and thinking. It will force the masses into seeing the insanity and dangers of the ways they’ve used and abused Earth and its 2D elements plus endangered humanity during the violent patriarchal rule.

Another layer of what’s happening now due to the 8.9 earthquake nuclear reactor problems in Japan goes back to when America dropped two bombs on Japan (Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945 and Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945). Pluto today at 7° Capricorn, plus being in the Ninth Wave, this past warring energetic karmic mess is going to be fully transmuted on all levels between America and Japan. Fully transmuting this will make it that much easier for both countries and their people to evolve and contemplate new safe, sane, human and earth-friendly ways to fuel, heat, cool, drive, run, light, power etc…not to mention the insanity of war and “weapons of mass destruction”.

Compressed evolution could be had so much more quickly and easily, and yet, when people suddenly die so horribly the masses wake up faster, their hearts get triggered and opened so they can feel higher frequency emotional energies and all so they can finally see the glaring need to let go of the old patriarchal ways. And of course with every disaster the world goes more in debt than it was the day before, which is another aspect and layer of weaning the masses off the belief in—make that obsession and addiction to—$$$ money and money consciousness. With hearts opened by these many disasters and global events plus the  financial cost of repeatedly replacing and repairing everything, eventually the masses will discover that money (and debt) isn’t necessary and we can let the debt go for all; that you just do, just give, just help, just provide, just share it all with all FOR FREE because thatclicks them into thinking outside the old patriarchal box and frequency fence plus gets them feeling the emotional desire to help others and feel good about themselves too. Like a dear old fifth dimensional Pleiadian family member and friend told me long ago,“The Key is in the Heart.” It most certainly is.


Copyright © 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.  http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/



Sat, 03/12/2011 - 15:52

Hi Denise,
Recognition that the physical sensations are concerned.
My heart, bones, muscles, head, eyes, intestines etc.etc. After reading your report about, I believe that that is all the world events to do ...
thanks for this eye-opener...



Marla Calandro (not verified)

Sun, 03/13/2011 - 22:41

Denise,  I absolutely loved everything you said.  It all resonated with me.  I want to learn more.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.  Love, Marla

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