Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/25/2011 - 05:34

Hmmmm, seems the comments were mysteriously deleted from this post so allow me to start them again...


Really?  Yet another posting about mass decloakings?  Guys, how many time have we seen this just in the past 6 months and how many times did it actually happen?  The last time we were supposed to see all these ships was on October 14th (again, according to other channelings posted right here).  Then on October 15 and 16th, we were supposed to experience worldwide cataclysmic devastation.  And now we hear more about the decloakings?  I wonder what will go wrong this time.  To be very clear, FatherMotherGod, I am NOT complaining.  I am simply asking how many times are we supposed to believe these postings about first contact and mass decloakings that has never once happened before we question the credibility of the channelings/postings?  Lightworkers cannot raise the vibration of the planet when their own vibration fails to raise because they are told something many times that has never once happened.  If you tell a child he'll be given a big cookie at the end of day if he behaves and that cookie is never given, how long do you expect that child to behave when he never gets the cookie?  I have no reason at all to believe this will happen anytime soon, if ever at all. 

If you're holding the Light, what are you waiting for? If the Light is truly felt within, external confimation isn't needed. Then there's no point in putting hope in future events, or expectations of how things are supposed to happen.

If you truly hold the Light you celebrate in the joy that it brings, you don't get disappointed because things don't turn out the way you wanted them to.


Wed, 10/26/2011 - 15:15

I believe that our focus needs to be spent preparing for our personal first contact by going within and becoming Love, we must be of pure heart, innocent as a child, the ego in full surrender to Source and the great cause of Love for the glory of One, who is Love, our breath, our Life, the Source of all Life, who is All and within All. This is most important I feel. Do this and all else will fall into place. Action causes reaction, what would you suppose the reaction would be when you do this?? =D !  We must be dedicated to this goal, I believe this is most important. WHen we do this we are in a state of allowance it will allow our Higher Self to take action, I trust you see where I am going with this. Many of us have been doing much clearing to be able to do this, soon come the time when we must. 

What I find stimulating about the messages coming through others on this site and others is personal confirmation of what i am experiencing on my own journey. I don't look to these messages to tell the future, they are more of a friend showing me I am not alone and for that I am very grateful! Much Love. <3

Sure, OK, I get that, BUT...  then you say "they are more of a friend showing me I am not alone and for that I am very grateful!".  But what is that friend telling you in these messages?  He is telling you some things that simply don't come to pass.  Why would you trust that message, that friend, if what is said has never ONCE happened?  If these messages carelessly throw around these dates and speak of events that never happen, how do you possible see these channelings/messages as credible?


I read on these boards all the time that "this message or that message just didn't FEEL right", or "this sounds a lot like disinformation".  Isn't disinformation something that doesn't come to pass?  How can any message "FEEL right" to you if what is said in these messages never happens?  I just don't get it.

I completely agree with you, Fran and totally understand why you are frusterated as I am as well.  Since nothing ever happens when these dates are mentioned, there is no credibility.  None.  Its obviously important to include these dates in their messages, otherwise they wouldn't be mentioned which is why I don't buy the arguement of "don't pay attention to dates".  I don't even think anything is going to happen on October 28th or November 11th and seriously starting to doubt if anything at all will happen on 12.21.2012.

I hear you, all of you.  I don't know why I even look at these channelings.  Some are very enlightening but others become disappointing when the dates come and go.  Also agree with you about these dates being important, otherwise they wouldn't be mentioned which again brings up the question of credibility when nothing occurs.



When I stopped to really think about it, I have to say you bring up an excellent point Fran, and one which I cannot argue.  If all these messages contain information that never happens, they are clearly not credible.  I don't know how anyone could argue that any other way.  All informaton, regardless of where it comes from, is not credible if it isn't true, if these events never happen.  This is not only true for channeled messages but for all information out there.

I personally don't pay much attention to dates given in channeled messages, many I don't connect with, some I do. One thing I know that is happening is things are on the move and much progress has been made. The energies the last couple years have been intense to say the least, this summer they went to another level, the clarity of intent and lack of many of the energies that used to hold us back is most welcome. The waves of Love have been wonderful and is unprecedented. There is most definitely is a major shift in progress, we are seeing it in the hearts of folk around the world, the air is abuzz with the anticipation.

IMHO anyone that continues to look outside their selves for someone to come out of the sky's and save them is missing the mark on whats going on, I don't understand why channeled messages would be giving exact dates, I believe that in many cases it is the channel's own own hopes and desires influencing the message. I can forgive them, for I only accept that which resonates within me, all else is a grain of sand on the beach of hopes and dreams.

We must all have discernment, this is essential. I have always agreed with and hold on to belief that what we are waiting for will come like a thief in the night. Source likes it that way and chuckles at those that try to put it's movements in a box or a timetable.

We must all remember that in truth our graduation and reunion has already happened in the place with no time where all time is happening at once.I know this not because what I have read or heard from others, it is what the Mother, myself and my family has shown me. I have been there, this is how I can tell that rest assured graduation day will be in our lifetime and it is good, the cycle of death and rebirth on this planet has/will come to an end.

Be still, go within and surrender to Love, ground your Love in the earth, proclaim your Love for Love, all Life and ride the waves of Love in the river of Life. If you want to have your own understanding of whats going on, you must do this. All the techs wont work unless you can do this. I have always said and I hold to this, that if you can do what I said you will open the door for your higherself to work through you and any techs needed will be done by the part of our self that know all, all we need to know. Be still, be still and know you are Love and loved.

Always ask for what you want, knowing it has already been given to you and give thanks! Always be thankful. There is no reason to look to channeled messages to do anything other than confirm your own walk or aid in your own internal journey. If we continue to look outside ourselves, it will be disappointing. This is my truth, hope it helps.

Much Love, Oneness


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