~ Seeing Energies ~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/22/2012 - 12:12

Seeing Energies


Seeing Energies | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database

Many people have reported an increase in seeing visual energies in their peripheral vision. In this article, you can learn how to train your eyes to see these energies.

by timotheuslee


Since young, I am able to see energies that most people normally do not see. For example, every day, every minute, every second, I can see energies coming down from above. These energies look like drizzling rain.


When I was younger, I always got confused as to whether it was raining or not. Especially if it was only a drizzle. One day, my dad asked me if it was raining outside? I went “Uh oh. How do I tell??” Then a solution came to my mind. I peeked out the window, saw no one carrying an umbrella, turned around to my dad and answered, “Nope. No rain, dad.”


I have often been asked by friends if it is possible for them to see these energies that look like rain? My answer has always been a resounding “Yes!” I believe anything I can do, anyone can do it too!

Here is my suggestion how:


  1. Try to go into a meditative state or at least a calm state.
  2. Breathe deeply.
  3. Slowly, while in a meditative state or very relaxed state, turn your eyes to any tree or trees. (Preferably the tree or trees should be far away, at least more than 100 meters away)
  4. Do not focus too hard. Gaze at the trees in a casual and relaxed manner.
  6. Look especially where there are lots of leaves. This is where people can more easily see the energies that look like drizzling rain.
  7. Be patient. For some, you may see it instantly. For some, it may take a while, may take some practice.
  8. I know and believe you can do this!

These sun-ball energies are very small. If you take a pen and gently touch a piece of paper to create a very tiny dot, it would be very close to the size of a sun-ball energy. They are bright and are brilliant gold or white in color. These little sun-balls are everywhere. They are right now all around you. They speed about, bouncing off each other, leaving trails of energies. Some of you may have seen them from the corners of your eyes.

Just as I believe everyone can see the drizzling energies, I also believe you can see these sun-ball energies too! You can practise and ‘train’ your eyes to do so. And here is how:

  1. It is best to try this during a bright sunny day, and in the open.
  2. Try to go into a meditative state or at least a calm state.
  3. Breathe deeply.
  5. Slowly, while in a meditative state or very relaxed state, turn your eyes towards the sky.
  7. Do not look at the sun. Just the areas where it is the sky, with or without clouds is ok.
  9. Gaze gently into the bright sky in a casual and relaxed manner. Do not focus too hard. Just relax.
  11. Slowly, begin to notice very tinysun-ball energies speeding about in the sky, and around you.
  12. Be patient. For some, you may see it instantly. For some, it may take a while, may take some practice.
  13. I know and believe you can do this!
  15. In time, when your eyes are ‘trained’ to see sun-ball energies, you can see them everywhere.

What I also noticed is that these sun-ball energies are absorbed by nature. For example, around the edges of the leaves of a tree, I can see the sun-ball energies gather, and get absorbed by the leaves of the tree. Humans are the only beings on Earth that breathe in these energies but ‘spit’ them out just as quickly because of shallow breathing. With the above steps, you can also see this happening.


The interesting thing is that these sun-ball energies become part of the fruits and vegetables. Animals then eat from the plant kingdom, and benefit from the sun-ball energies that have been previously absorbed by the fruits and vegetables. When we consume the plants and animals, we consume the energies too!


My Spirit Guides tell me that the consumed energies do nothing until Consciousness/Intent is applied.


For example, when I eat something and just eat while watching TV or simply watch the world around me, the energies go into me and out. But (as guided by my Spirit Guides), before I eat I give Thanks for the sun-ball-like energies, the energies are activated, and work with my body, assisting my body.



Guest (not verified)

Sun, 07/22/2012 - 13:04

I have been seeing this for years. Another technique as best I can explain it is try to see the air. Like dust particles in the air become visible when sun shines through the window if you try to see the air or what is in the air there is plenty going on. There are also the bright large objects like a star or planet even during the day which can appear for a long while. And the sudden flashes of bright light like lightning (the light from lightning not the bolt) or the sudden flashes of dark (or loss of light) like the sun blinked off. It happens so fast it can easily go unnoticed or dismissed. I thought the neighbor was outside one night with a camera and flash as an example. I thought a huge large object passed in front of the sun but did not see any reason for the flash off.

I wish I could expand on it and there was a use for it.

Very interesting. I have started seeing these lately. Thanks for posting!

Cherry (not verified)

Sun, 07/22/2012 - 19:24

I have seen what this article is describing eversince i can remember but I didnt know what it was until now and also anything that moves i see a trail behind it i just thought there was something wrong with my eyes lol :)


Mon, 07/23/2012 - 17:24

I can now see these orb like energies! To me they look like golden sun sparkles. I also feel the energy they produce and received a beautiful vision of the dimensions merging together as One. What a beautiful thing! It's funny to know these 'sparkles' have  been in the front of my eyes this whole time! Now the fun really happens!!


Thank you for sharing!


Love & Blessings


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