£100,000 crop circle challenge: ET's need not apply

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:02


An unusual and daring contest has been announced - with a prize of one hundred thousand pounds to the winner. Surprisingly, not a single person as of yet coming forward to attempt the challenge, which was issued on July 1, 2012.

Here's a clue to the contest details - rule no.11 states:

"11. No Extraterrestrial being or ET vehicle is allowed to assist in the creation of the crop circle. They are however welcome to witness the procedure and park their vehicles in the nearby field."

Have you guessed it yet? Here's the contest announcement!

"We are offering £100.000 (one hundred thousand pounds) to anyone who can recreate the replica of a crop circle called “The Galaxy” that was reported on 12. of August 2001 at Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, in Wiltshire (see the photo beneath).

For the crop circle to be recognized as a “winner” and the prize money to be awarded, certain conditions will have to be met. The challenger must agree to these terms and conditions described below, print them out, sign them as the intention to comply, and email them back. This will serve as proof of their serious intent to take up the challenge as their signed email will be published and made public on this website."


So what do you think - ready to take it on? As there are many people who de-bunk the crop circle phenomena, there should be loads of 'artists' willing to attempt this simple matter - like those fellows with the planks that claim to have been the ones making them all along....oh but that was back in the seventies...perhaps they are all too old now?

...Or perhaps most intelligent folks would take one look at the intricate detail of the Galaxy circle, and know that to re-create such an elaborate circle would be an impossibility? Certainly within the few short hours allotted, as per the appearance of the original?

The contest organizers hope to open up the eyes of the public to the crop circle phenomena, stating:

'Our only aim is to remove the clutter of deceit and by so doing clarify the truth. We firmly believe such progress will one day benefit all people.'

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'This £100,000 crop circle challenge link has been sent into me by Peter Sorensen. Pretty strict conditions for the makers though! Their text - 'We are offering £100.000 (one hundred thousand pounds) to anyone who can recreate the replica of a crop circle called “The Galaxy” that was reported on 12. of August 2001 at Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, in Wiltshire (see the photo).'


Some of the contest rules:

. Whoever applies for the contest must first send us a video and photo proof of their capability, ie. their “CV” as proof of their previous work on crop circle making. This will fulfill the first basic conditions, which normally serve to distinguish a genuine crop circle from the hoax:

a) Inside the crop circle there must be no footprints;

b) Inside the crop circle there must be no broken stems;

c) the crop circle must be geometrically blameless. (To meet the condition "a) no footprints", the field where the crop circle has been made must be either soaking wet or previously watered with a water cannon.)

Video clips and images of the applicants’ previous work must be in high definition and must clearly demonstrate the whole crop circle creation from beginning to end. For anyone wanting to apply for the contest, all the videos and images submitted must clearly and indisputably show no footprints and no broken stems.

These video and photo images will be thoroughly inspected by EHA group and if found satisfactory, the applicant will be allowed to take on the main challenge. In case the result of the inspection is negative and the applicant is refused, the video and photo material will be published and made public on this website for everyone to see and judge for themselves. This will be necessary to avoid any branding of being a “hoax” or a “hoaxer” of anyone, by any party.

2. The time to apply for Crop Circle Challenge in 2012 is from Monday, 2nd July till Friday 31st August (the date of the email being sent). Only applications with video and photo material will be seriously considered. After the application has been submitted and passed, a prompt meeting with solicitors will be arranged, whereupon these same terms and conditions will be formed in a contract, which will be legally binding on behalf of both parties.

3. This Crop Circle Challenge 2012 is valid for the territory of England only.

4. The date of the challenge, previously decided and signed by both parties, will have to be respected in any weather or the challenge will be considered null and void.

5. The shape of the crop circle must be an exact replica of “The Galaxy”, both in size and geometry. Immediately after the event a professional photographer will take high resolution photos from the air to establish that all these requirements have been met.

6. The field chosen for the Crop Circle Challenge must be soaked either from rain or watered with a water cannon beforehand until the soil is wet at least one foot deep. This procedure must be accomplished following the tractor tramlines. During and after watering nobody is allowed to step into the designated area, where the crop circle will be made. The completion of watering must not be more than five hours before the official beginning of the challenge. A private detective agency will be hired to provide both security and correctness of the procedure.

6. The crop circle must be completed in six hours during the night, from 11.00 in the evening to 5.00 next morning.

7. No more than a team of the same five people can work on the making of the crop circle.

8. Inside the crop circle stems must not be brokenthey can only be bent low at the roots (they can be bent higher as long they are not broken). “No broken stems” means if there are more than five broken stems found in any square meter of the whole of the crop pattern, the Crop Circle Challenge automatically becomes null and void.

9. Once the challenge has been completed, the two parties must be satisfied that all conditions stipulated above have been met. In the case of any dispute, all the data from the security and photo agencies will be gathered and handed to both parties' legal representatives in case legal action is necessary.

10. If crop circle makers win the challenge they will receive £100.000 as a reward prize money. If they lose, ie. if the challenge has become null due to failing to meet these terms and conditions, they have to cover all the costs of the challenge.

11. No Extraterrestrial being or ET vehicle is allowed to assist in the creation of the crop circle. They are however welcome to witness the procedure and park their vehicles in the nearby field.

12. If several applications are sent at the same time and more than one applicant meets the requirements for the challenge, the one with the better “CV” will be selected to go ahead first. If after one challenge has taken place and the challengers failed to succeed, the next applicant in line will be considered. This shall be repeated for all applications submitted before 31st of August and if there is still crop available, the challenge may take place the same year. If not, it can be organized the following year. If there is no winner of the contest this year, the challenge will be repeated next year and the year after until the truth about crop circles is known. Or until the crops no longer grow in England.

EHA group, 1st of July 2012 (eha@inbox.com)


Where are all the de-bunkers now?

Full story w. pics: http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/12628370-100000-crop-circle-challenge-ets-need-not-apply

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