
Stunning UFO sighting over Russia (Video)

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 17:12


It's been a year since the St. Petersburgh UFO sightings that shocked the world, but it appears that "they" are back. If you recall this author's report last April:

"St. Petersburg, Russia, and the city is still abuzz after a peaceful invasion of the skies on April 9, 10 and 11 was witnessed by multiple citizens. Numerous videos have surfaced, showing what appeared to be an enormous mothership, which could be seen floating above the city at night. Brightly lit orbs joined the ship, or were seen breaking off from it, and floating across the skies. This phenomenon continued for three days and three nights.

The event is destined to go down in history as one of the most important and significant sightings of the century, not only because of the clarity and duration of these sightings, but also because of the numerous witnesses and videotapes of the event."

Now stunning video shot April 29, 2012, has emerged on YouTube that shows five minutes worth of fascinating footage of what appears to be an authentic UFO hovering over a hilltop in Russia.

My Interview with Host of New Realities, Alan Steinfeld on 2012, Dec 21st, ET's, Disclosure & Ascension

Submitted by Rosangel on Wed, 12/05/2012 - 09:41

Hot of the presses... Enjoy this wonderful interview with Host of New Realities Alan Steinfeld talking about the significance of 2012.

For those who have questions about why this date and this time is so important, I highly recommend you check out this interview.

For those brothers and sisters who are starting to feel fear around this date... LISTEN TO THIS SHOW... You will feel better and lighter and if you are like me, in complete heart space.

For the record, I am looking forward to this date... I am feeling the intensity of the love and light and the acceleration of time.

My being is calling for me to slow down, be present, and enjoy the sweetness of stillness.

Happy Awakenings!

love ya!!!


Sources: New & 2012

Antarctica pyramids: 'Legends of Atlantis, lost books and starships'

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 08:53


Pyramids have been discovered in the Antarctic, according to a news article on A team of 8 explorers from America and Europe claim to have found evidence of three man made pyramids 'peaking' through the melting ice, states the author:

"Can it be possible that Antarctica was once warm enough in the recent past to actually have had an ancient civilization living there? And even more perplexing is the question of if an advanced culture did develop there, are there any structures still remaining that are buried underneath the ice? Amazingly a team of researchers is making the claim that they have found evidence of several ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica.

So far, the team has not released much information on their discovery although a few pictures have been leaked on the internet recently. I will let you be the judge on if these pictures truly display artificial pyramids or just the rocky tops of mountains but the images are intriguing and definitely warrant further research in my opinion. Three of the images are shown below.

Triangle UFOs over British skies 'pose no threat,' states minister, but sightings continue to skyrocket

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Sat, 09/01/2012 - 06:15


A stunning UFO sighting was captured in the skies over England by passers-by walking on the banks of the River Thames, as published by silverstreemz on You Tube.

The video, although short, clearly shows three lights in the sky which form a triangle.

The lights then zoom towards each other, where they meet in the center.

The lights then appear to become one object, followed by a bright flash, and the light zooms off away from the cameraman.

Here is the video description:

Filmed from across the River Thames as the sun was setting, there is more footage of the sky that evening above the power station and the lights that appeared , you will see look out on YT"

Dreams of the Pleiades - 'On A Distant World' (Poem)

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 07:41


'On a distant world

In the sky up above,

I see the lights shimmer,

I feel a great love.

Seven sisters are dancing

Their blue halos surround,

There my true love is waiting-

There my twin flame is found....'

continued w. pics:…

New crop circle inspires shock and awe: Who or what is making them and why is the media ignoring this incredible phenomena?

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Mon, 08/27/2012 - 08:39


The 2012 crop circle season has been no less than mind boggling, with 26 new crop circles appearing in July alone. Now, as the last of the crops are soon to be harvested, crop circle enthusiasts scour the horizon and the landscape in the hopes for one or two more.

This Sunday they were not disappointed. The stunning and intricate crop circle that was spotted on the morning of Sunday, August 26th on Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, exceeded the wildest dreams of all. So exquisite is the intricate weaving and so precisely drawn the detail of this newest circle that it has caused people to question whether or not the images were photoshopped.

First hand accounts from those on the ground and in the air today over this breathtaking circle have attested to the fact that it does appear to be genuine.

This circle is striking in it's amazingly intricate 'weaving' method that has been found in several earlier crops, which appear to be a new technique that the 'artists' are introducing.

Some crops do resemble others in their style and form, and individual personalities are coming through in several of these mysterious masterpieces.

'Day Out of Time" July 25, 2012 Mayan New Year's Eve brings Reflection as 'Golden Age' dawns

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 07:11


July 25, 2012 is a day of tremendous importance in the Mayan calendar - it is New Year's Eve - also known as the Day Out of Time. This day is the last day of the galactic year, meaning that of the 13 moons per year in a 28 day cycle, and 364 days, this is the extra day, or literally, the day out of time. According to 'Samme Samareta FB page:"Day Out of Time 2012
White Rhythmic Mirror (July 25, 2012)

This is the last day of the galactic year
in the Mayan and Galactic calendar.
(13 moons of 28 days = 364 days ~ 
the extra day, the 365th day, is July 25,
the "Day Out Of Time") This is a special
day for ritual, meditation and prayer.
In 2012 along with the Banner of Peace,
we are asking that you bring a mirror or mirrors
to the gathering or festival as a symbol of the
Reflection of Divine Endless Order.


I organize in order to reflect
Balancing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me"

£100,000 crop circle challenge: ET's need not apply

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:02


An unusual and daring contest has been announced - with a prize of one hundred thousand pounds to the winner. Surprisingly, not a single person as of yet coming forward to attempt the challenge, which was issued on July 1, 2012.

Here's a clue to the contest details - rule no.11 states:

"11. No Extraterrestrial being or ET vehicle is allowed to assist in the creation of the crop circle. They are however welcome to witness the procedure and park their vehicles in the nearby field."

Have you guessed it yet? Here's the contest announcement!

"We are offering £100.000 (one hundred thousand pounds) to anyone who can recreate the replica of a crop circle called “The Galaxy” that was reported on 12. of August 2001 at Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, in Wiltshire (see the photo beneath).

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