13:D Messages From An Extra-Terrestrial Ambassador and an Archangel (The Owl Incident Part Three)

Submitted by Rick Keefe on Thu, 12/10/2015 - 08:21


Today (Dec. 9 2015), I am sharing a personal secret, and one of my main motivations for doing this is so that I can acclimate any of my friends, colleagues, and those interested in my personal journey to the strange but wonderful reality that I find myself immersed in. My reality, it has been pointed out to me, may be quite different from many of you, and the issues that I have been contemplating and exploring may seem very foreign to a large number of you. I am taking the time to create and share this very long article with you in hopes that it will create a base of understanding about my experiences connected to the Owl Incident, and to information shared with me through two psychic mediums whom I now trust wholeheartedly and implicitly. The information provided through the two mediums, who do not know each other and who live thousands of miles apart, came to me three years apart, with the second psychic medium unknowingly verifying key information provided by the first. And both psychic mediums were channeling extra-terrestrial collectives, each of which had one or several extra-terrestrial beings to whom I was introduced.

Back to my motivations for sharing this: I have been slowly writing a book on my philosophy about love, and I am now planning to include a large section in that book relating to inter-dimensional connections based in love and benevolence. One of my hopes with this article is to engage my friends, colleagues, and those interested in my personal journey to a large enough degree that they may consider reading my book when it is finished… whenever that is. Also, reading what I’ve written immerses some people, mostly younger ones, for the first time into the world of the metaphysical.

Another major motivation of mine is that after five and one half years of contemplating and experimenting, testing and living with this information as best as I could, and because of some highly unusual personal experiences and occurrences in my life (which I have yet to share in this blog), I have come to the conclusion that the information which was given to me by extra-terrestrials is very likely real in a larger sense than just my own personal reality.

In other words, what the extra-terrestrials have been sharing with me may apply in some way to your personal reality, too. One of those areas I am referencing here is reincarnation, and another area is that many higher-dimensional beings do in fact exist and can and do intervene in our third-dimensional reality in a benevolent way.

And so if by sharing this information some of you connect with this material, then I can begin to gather a foundation of open-minded, supportive people with whom I can share my personal journey. I am not seeking approval, but I am seeking some level of understanding from that segment of the public whom are open-minded and unafraid of the idea of extra-terrestrials and higher-dimensional beings interacting with us in a very real way. If by sharing this article I can strengthen this foundation and build an audience for my writing, then I will feel even more motivated to  continue to share my individual journey and perspectives, because I will know that at least some of you out there really get it. And in a way, I already know that, because of some of my close personal friendships. But there is a part of me that feels that this information could help a larger part of the world than just me and my close personal friends.

You don’t read a very lengthy article by someone who suspects that they just might be a human-extraterrestrial hybrid every day, do you? I have been resisting putting this information out because of personal worries about public ridicule, negative reactions and misunderstandings (which I have experienced with some relatives, friends and acquaintances), but this is what I have been leading up to with this blog and now I feel that I am finally ready, with the encouragement of my guides, to share much more of the information that I have gathered exploring the Owl Incident.



From a previous article, I’m going to reprint a summary of how the channelings started: “In 2010, I was extremely fortunate to renew an acquaintance with a married couple whom I had known from sixteen years earlier when I had co-hosted a public access show in Tucson on which I helped interview guests about UFOs and metaphysics. Within several weeks of our renewed friendship, the couple invited my wife and I to their place for lunch, where they revealed that they were now publishing a book detailing their odyssey with an extra-terrestrial connection: the wife, Cathy, was a deep trance channeler of an extra-terrestrial being. I asked if I could interview the being, and they (the couple, the extra-terrestrial, and their civilization) granted me permission. After interviewing the being for two hours over two separate occasions, I felt comfortable with the ET being, his civilization, and their history and philosophy, and so I asked about a strange incident that happened to me in 1987 involving a four-foot white owl. The answer to that question extended into hundreds of questions over the year 2010, in which the couple, the extra-terrestrial, and their civilization were gracious enough to grant me about sixteen hours of time to explore my connection with extra-terrestrials and to explore some of my past lives. Very deep connections, inter-relationships, synchronicities, evidence and confirmations expanded my consciousness, and helped me to understand things that had been happening to me my whole life. One of the messages that the being and his group kept repeating to me was that I had ability to heal people, something that I never remembered doing up to that point in time… and the ET being channeled through Cathy keep reminding me about my ‘healing gift.'”

While participating in the sessions with Loran, the Ambassador for the Loridians, I would make it very challenging for the medium, Cathy, to fool me. One of the ways that I would do this was to pose multiple questions to Loran all at the same time, to see if they would get answered or whether or not it would trip up Cathy if she was faking it all somehow. Later, I would listen to the sessions over and over, and develop intricate detailed follow-up questions to explore the topics at an even greater level of detail until I was completely satisfied that I had fully explored whatever topic was at hand. The reason that I took this approach was to completely satisfy the logical, rational, intellectual side of my brain, which resisted fully accepting the material, a period of time which I would describe as stages of acceptance. One of the stages was accepting that the healings were real, which took one year and a half, after which I was mostly satisfied, due to some “before and after” medical evidence. A further stage came in late 2013 when this material received some independent validation through a second psychic medium, Isis-Neith Shanti, relating to material about the death of my previous past life and my rebirth in this life. A further dramatic confirmation came when I was saved from falling backwards down a rocky ravine earlier this year (2015) at the time of the spring equinox. In front of a witness and several others, an invisible being caught me as I was falling just before I was fully horizontal and my spine was about to smash upon a large jagged rock, and “the hand” placed me back upright, saving me from terrible injuries. With that, I reached a new plateau of acceptance, and I will write about this incident in a future blog article.

This channeled material that I will be sharing was conveyed through Cathy’s voice by “the Ambassador,” who is from an ET group who call themselves the “Loridians,” formerly from the M42 nebula seen within the Orion constellation. The Loridians now reside “in the 5th dimension,” and are acting as guardians for certain regions and certain humans living on Earth on which, eons ago in Earth’s ancient past, their race had established colonies; primarily, those specific regions are in western North America, Mexico and Central America.

One of the amazing things is that I observed Cathy Star Eagle in deep trance for over sixteen hours in 2010, and I was never able to trip her “Ambassador” up, and even when posing many questions at once, Loran had a way of getting to many pertinent points that all connected back to the multiple issues brought up in multiple questions; in other words, the “Ambassador” was up to the frequent intellectual challenges which I posed to him in the spirit of: “Well, you’ve been able to explain everything that I’ve thrown at you so far, so let me ask this and this and this about that?” Each successive session I might go deeper into questioning about a specific area of information they may have shared earlier, and that I, after listening to the recordings, thought-up many follow-up questions in order to get even more detailed information.

Things really started getting strange when Loran the Ambassador said that he and his people felt that I had a gift for healing, and that I would just know how to heal through natural intuitiveness. I experimented with healing by calling on my guides and requesting their help for the person in need, and visualizing colors of healing light, and as unbelievable as it may sound, people were getting healed. So after getting some before and after medical evidence a few times, I finally started accepting that they were ‘miracles’ of healing, and that healing with benevolent intentions and visualizing light could and did help to heal people.

I had recorded all these sessions from 2010 and listened to them all multiple times, and then later I transcribed them all, and then cut and pasted and re-arranged all the parts of the sessions until the parts were all in a thematic and chronological order. This is basically a book on its own that is over two hundred pages long, and includes a detailed table of contents so I can navigate through all of the material.

Then for the next few years, I adjusted my heart and mind to all this radical new information, my feelings about it all, and my newfound healing abilities, and just tried to get used to it, and allow my family and friends to get used to it. Several friends of mine who were already very experienced metaphysically had already been through their own exotic or unusual series of experiences over the decades, and they helped me somewhat to relate to my feelings as I got more comfortable with my newer self. Some of these friends have now passed on: may they explore the Universe in peace.



In 2011, I was contacted via a friend request through YouTube (which you could do at that time) by a young writer and psychic medium and self-described starseed, Allinduath, and after looking at her YouTube page I discovered her blog material called “Crystal Child Messages,” and I found the material remarkable and wise. I gathered and collected all of the material that her seven extra-terrestrial contacts, named The Council For The Assistance To Earth, were putting out through her. After waiting two and a half years during which time I scrutinized all her videos and channeled material and found no signs of deceit, embellishment or changing tone that would alert me intuitively as to fraud, I accepted her as authentic, and I decided that I would get a reading from her, just to see if I could gain more perspective on the Owl Incident and hopefully gain some further information about past lives which are relevant to what I am experiencing in this life. The “Akashic Record” reading she gave me earned my utmost confidence in the authentic abilities of this young psychic who had recently changed her name to Isis-Neith Shanti after getting married to Wolf Shanti, another crystal child and starseed. This point is important, because it is very difficult to gain my deep trust.

Why did the Akashic Record reading earn Isis-Neith my trust? Because so much of what she channeled and spoke consciously, both listening to her guides and my guides, matched and corresponded directly to the Loridian material about my immediate past life and my current lifetime when both sets of information were compared side-by-side. The odds of that happening accidentally were too remarkable: this was no accident, especially given three additional years of experience by that time which had strengthened my belief in the Loridian material.

Isis-Neith picked up on galactic, starseed, fairie and angelic energies with me, and that I do connect with angels during my healings, and that I do have clairaudient abilities which manifest, if I am focusing well, as clear thoughts and ideas from my guides.

I also have to admit that Isis-Neith was correct in the reading regarding an archangel named Metatron, when she said that I might not even know that I had this connection with that archangel. Beginning in 2012, I had begun exploring working with benevolent angelic entities, inspired by a channel named Linda Dillon, but it was true that I had not known of any connection between me and angelic beings. Even when I ran across channelings of Archangel Metatron as I read and poured through many channelings every week, I would almost always pass on reading Metatron channelings because the name sounded modern and made up. In the last two years, I discovered that his is a very old name, and now I am even finsihing putting together a lengthy report on Archangel Metatron, mainly for my own edification, but which I may release to my blog after it is finished and well-polished.

So again, I ask myself, why am I sharing this lengthy article publicly (and for free), and the answer that comes to me is that I simply want to share it with other people, just so they know, and so it becomes more grounded in reality. I can accept it all easier when other people whom I admire also are can retain an open mind about it all. And some of my brighter friends have accepted it all even more quickly than I did. But, yes, the winning answer for me feels like: “I want to ground this material into reality,” especially to reinforce our growing understanding of reincarnation, and all that it implies.



One of the many overlaps in the Loridian material and the Metatron material is my reincarnational connection to native Americans, to which I have always had an emotional connection. When western movies came on as a child, I would always sympathize with the “indians” and not the “cowboys.” I asked my grandmother for a book on native-Americans for a birthday gift when I was young, and she bought me a beautiful one which I still have to this day. I was gifted when I was young with a kachina sand painting which adorns our hallway. I chose the Redskins in football over the Cowboys in a Cowboy town. One of my earliest television memories is of a native-American chief crying about all the pollution our country was making. I used to play “Cortez The Killer” by Neil Young over and over. One of my adopted brothers is native-American. And my greatest native-American connection is my wife, a Mayan sweetheart from Guatemala.

Without knowing any of my background, Isis-Neith channeled through Metatron who confirmed my reincarnational connection to native-Americans: “I also feel you as a Native-American man. I do pick up more than one lifetime as a Native-American.” Metatron went on to detail one of my lives as a native-American wife and mother. This also supported what the Loridians told Maritza and I in 2010, when Maritza asked Loran about past lives that she and I had together.



Maritza: Loran, thank you for answering our questions. I would, uh, like to ask you today if you could please tell me, um, if Rick and I have had other past lives together, and what would one of them be?

Loran (through Cathy Star Eagle): We do feel that you both have strong connections in terms of your original meeting, that there was a connection actually in Mexico, and this was during the time of the mid-1500s. And we do feel that you were both present during the time of Cortez. This was a very difficult period, in which both of you were in extreme pain. For we do feel that your prior life together was one of great happiness, and that you were both as husband and wife in this particular lifetime. But you became separated as such, and there was a terrible aspect of demise involved with killing. And for the individual Rick we feel that his demise was from disease. This was all related to the arrival of Cortez. Yet this was a very strong connection, and a connection which has brought a sense of great political injustice into this lifetime. For you both have a real connection with those who have been subjugated by those who have come under false pretense as such, particularly for the individual Rick. He is always looking under the so-called ‘cover’ of what politics can bring. And for you Maritza, you have always been concerned about the well being of those who are suffering, and especially for children and for the animals affected as well. For there was such devastation which occurred at the time of Cortez and his own men to have totally decimated that particular region. We do feel that this is a significant lifetime, and has great bearing on what you are both doing in the present lifetime, and how you do see things in terms of politicians, and in terms of what can and can’t be done.

M: Thank you.

Later in 2010, I asked Loran a follow-up question in a different session.

Rick: And as far as her mother in this lifetime, has her mother Julia and Maritza, have they shared a previous lifetime together, and if so, what was that relationship?

L: We feel that for Maritza, this is more of a relationship that goes back further, and this does tie in to the Aztec lifetime of which we have mentioned before. And that there was, actually at that time, the individual Maritza’s mother was a father to her at that time. And there was some difficulty in terms of her marriage to you, Rick, at that time. And that much of what is occurring now within your lifetime is to re-balance and to acknowledge the differences. For we do feel that during that particular lifetime that was the Aztec lifetime, that there was some aspect of difference involved with you. That you came from a different group or clan if you will that was not at that point accepted within the realm of her own family structure. So there was a type of division that had occurred. Yet we do feel that ultimately there was a greater sense of understanding towards the end of this lifetime for both you and the individual Maritza. For we do feel that the father at that time did recognize that it was necessary for both of you to be together. But some issues which still remain today are being worked through today as well.

R: Being worked through today as…?

L: The issues are being worked through as well, issues which are related to your involvement as a husband to Maritza, that there is at times tension. And some of these tensions are connected with that previous lifetime. And when these tensions occur, it is necessary for all to understand what had previously occurred.

R: So what did previously occur? What was the major issue between … I, I take it that I was the man in that Aztec lifetime, and Maritza was a woman, the daughter of Julia who was the father, a man. And what was the particular tension?

L: The tension was the you were not within the same clan or group, and that this was a marriage that was very much outside of what would normally be accepted. And that your basic background if you will came from more of a warrior aspect, and that this was something which was not acceptable to the father. And that this was something that you, ironically, downplayed in that particular lifetime. And that you, with your marriage to the individual Maritza then became one of great harmony and one of great understanding in terms of the arts as such. For you were very much a part of musical and artistic concepts during that particular lifetime. You were not a warrior, but your family connections were that. And there was a great deal of prejudice for this one particular family, but there was the ability to understand this as time went on, especially when Cortez arrived, for then your particular group became a great savior if you would, or potential savior to the people. Unfortunately, this did not happen, but it was potentially there so that the father at this time viewed this in a very different fashion.

R: And as all that relating to our current lifetime together, and all three of us living in the same house for about thirteen years now (2010), what is the best advice you can give us as to making this harmonize in the best way possible, because it has been a constant issue?

L: We do feel that much of this is understanding the strengths of each individual, and to acknowledge those strengths and to be supportive of those strengths. For everybody functions very differently, in terms of how they view people, and how they respond to various stresses. We do feel that it is important since you are an individual who is very willing to talk, and to analyze. Others do relate to things on a more emotional level, and it is important to appreciate those emotions for what they are, and to work through this. For we do feel that ultimately, much of what would originally be concerns or stresses can be reversed, and that essentially the strengths which you have brought to the situation can help in the future, and have been helping. And this must be acknowledged, as must be acknowledged the strengths of both the individual Maritza and her mother.
Loran’s revelation about my family and our past life connections certainly helped me see the dynamics of our family relationship in a broader, more expanded way, and it gave me more compassion for our situation, and any personal struggles and issues that the three of us living together were going through, and I do believe that this has helped improve our marriage by understanding its roots in our past lives together. We are spending this lifetime once again trying to work out our differences, learn and grow together in peace.

So, already in 2010, the Loridian material was helping my life improve in a very pragmatic, practical way by shedding greater understanding of the larger dynamics of Life, which reminds me of the song lyrics that popped on my broken car radio in the instant after my Owl sighting: “To everything (turn, turn, turn), There is a season (turn, turn, turn), And a time to every purpose, under heaven.”



Both Metatron and Loran shared detailed specifics on past lives where I was a native-American. But there were other more involved overlaps of information that correlated between the two about my past lives, and both Loran and Metatron took the opportunity to discuss in depth the demise of my previous major lifetime, one in which I was a secret government scientist working together with the U.S. Navy and German atomic scientists on “above top secret” projects. The Loridian information on this lifetime is about 40 pages long and is quite remarkable, but I am choosing not to share all those details because it is not actually relevant to what I am trying to demonstrate with this article, which is that both Loran in 2010 and Archangel Metatron in 2013 both shared the same information about the latter stages of the same past life, thus further validating the material in an intellectual sense, beyond what I was feeling emotionally and spiritually about what they both shared with me through two different female psychic mediums who have no apparent connections to each other, other than channeling for me.

Here begins the last period of the scientist’s life, according to Loran and Metatron. Perhaps both Loran and Metatron were working to inform me, being a very intellectual type of person, about my past lives so that I could better understand the nature of my current life, my predicaments and challenges, and where some of my current life issues originated. Here’s how Metatron introduced this past life to me through Isis-Neith Shanti’s mediumship.


Isis-Neith: Metatron was making me aware of a life where you did commit suicide. Then, later on in another life, you died young and living out your full life was denied to you because of the suicide in another lifetime before. That does not need to be repeated, not living your life fully out. The shortened later life where you died was a karmic consequence, but there is energy that still needs to be cleared. You will not have the same consequence from that suicide, but there is still an energy that needs to be cleared. This needs to be soothed. So it is interesting that I am using the oils, because this is the first reading that I have done in this space, and at my former house I was using mostly incense. I had been slowly adding the essential oils more and more. I have had enough smoke! I am seeing oils as a soothing energy, almost like “it needs to be embalmed.”… It is not just about clearing out this energy, but also about soothing hurts.




Rick: Loran, I’m gonna ask you something about, uh, the last session in which you told me the past life of …. And I’d like to know about the series of events that led to my birth as Rick Keefe. You told me some of it last time, but there’s some more specifics that I’d like to go over. Um, regarding (SCIENTIST), how and to what radiation was (SCIENTIST) exposed?

Loran: The radiation was a part of the experimentation, which was involved with the various projects, specifically with —-. This was the basis, and the degrees were far ranging. But what was the worst part of this was his long-term exposure to even the smaller levels of radiation. We do know that this was a part of a plan in conjunction with those who were from the German connection scientifically.



Isis-Neith: The suicide comes from the same energy. When I was meditating earlier, I was getting “old age is denied to you.” You had some kind of ailment in your stomach and on your skin. You had a fever with lots of sweating. The stomach area and down beneath from the previous lifetime. When you have one [chakra] area clogged, then areas beneath that begin to get clogged. A lot of this happened in the solar plexus, and the sacral, and down beneath it and your connection to the Earth and the Divine Mother.



R: Okay. I’m going to move on to the next part of my series of questions here regarding (SCIENTIST) and how he became Rick Keefe. What did (SCIENTIST) do in the last two years of his life as he was suffering from radiation sickness, and getting closer to death?

L: Again, there is this connection with (city), (state). And we do feel that he returned to this area, and essentially became more of a recluse. He still was very interested in reading scientific journals. And there was a period of time, especially before his death, when he was consumed with this information. He was also consumed with medical journals, for he wished to try to change, and improve his medical condition to try to work through the cancer. And he was also very involved with spiritual books as well, especially those involved with healing. However, he became so discouraged from the amount of pain and the increased problems with his functioning of his lungs and of his other organs, although his lungs were the basis of most of the cancer, yet his other organs were also beginning to be impacted by the cancer. But this aspect of becoming so discouraged did lead to his ultimate demise.

However, this was not fully what occurred, for he was not actually at the point of committing suicide. And he was still trying to work on information. The last three months of his life he was trying to get this information out. And this was actually what resulted in his death, which was not a suicide, but it was very convenient, for those who did know him. And there were those who he did occasionally speak to, yet they were not really involved with his life. For as we had indicated before, he did live as a recluse in these last years, yet he was seen as being greatly depressed.

What did happen was he was essentially set up, and he was taken out with an overdose of prescription medication, and these were sleeping pills. We do feel that this was a part of a particular group, what would be considered now your shadow government, very concerned about further information coming forth, specifically about Montauk, because there was more work that was being done at Montauk even at that time, and they did not wish for that information to come forth.

R: Can you tell me the name of the person or group of people who made the decision to have (SCIENTIST) killed?

L: This was all a part of what you have come to know as the MJ-12 Group.

R: And are there specific names that you can give me associated with the order to have (SCIENTIST) killed?

L: This was very much of a concern for individuals who were very much aware of his activity. We do know that there were ones close to the Eisenhower administration. And we do feel that there was even word on this from Eisenhower himself. This may come as a great shock, but he was very well aware of what was occurring with this project [Montauk].

R: It does surprise me… [I paused, waiting for more from Loran] … I, I gather that you really don’t want me to focus on the names of the individuals that were responsible for my death. Is that accurate?

L: It is best to understand this as a part of the shadow government as such. And there were other individuals who were very close to this administration who were involved. Some had already met with their own demise at an earlier time. We do see that it is important for you to know that this was a part of  ‘the business’ as they saw it at that point, and that this information was critical in terms of what was occurring between differing groups that went beyond politics, and it went beyond nations as you know these nations on this planet, and there were those who were involved who were off your planet who were closely monitoring what this project was doing. And there were those who were involved in this MJ-12 who were not specifically from this planet.

R: Are you saying that they are really the ones in charge and responsible for (SCIENTIST)’s death?

L: Essentially, this is true. And there are those who were involved with a project that was purposely looking for those who had information. The individual Tom is well aware of this. For this information has been sought after from lifetime to lifetime. And he is well aware of this fact. And it did go beyond national boundaries.

We do feel that what has happened has been a major opportunity for those on your planet, especially now to understand that there have been many actions behind various programs, and that even those who seemingly were innocent had knowledge of this. For the individual Eisenhower, understand that this was an order that was considered to be one professing loyalty to this country, and this is the guise by which many types of assassinations, if you will, occur. That it is for “liberty” as such; that is what has been used in this country as the cover for various actions. The individual Eisenhower was not fully aware of the whole situation, and this is to clarify this. His information which was brought to him was that (SCIENTIST) was an individual who had leaked secrets to the Soviet Union. And this is why there was a problem, and that this individual needed to be “reigned in.” This was the term that was being used. But how this was done was done as an assassination covered by a suicide. And when the individual Eisenhower heard of this, he heard of it as a suicide at some later time. And so essentially this was looked at as being accomplished without having to “reign in” as such.



R: Okay, I think I have a clear picture now of that. Um, you said (SCIENTIST)) was going to release some information regarding spiritual healing– is that right?– in the last three months prior to his death. That there was some information that he was going to put out that really concerned MJ-12. What was that information?

L: The information was not about spiritual healing, for that was what (SCIENTIST) was trying to help himself with various books and articles. This was concerning his cancer.

R: Okay.

L: What he was trying to do was to release information specifically about —.

R: And who was he trying to release this information to? Who were his associates in trying to get this information out?

L: He was trying to contact both the Washington Post and the New York Times.

R: Are there any records of this left in the archives of either of those newspapers?

L: The information never got to either of these news organizations. He was trying to put information together, and this information conveniently disappeared at the time of his so called “suicide.”



R: Um, how did (SCIENTIST) come to have contact with the Pleiadians before his death? And I… and if I remember right, did he also have contact with the Loridians before his death?

L: There was that time period in his last year during this time he was reading a great deal of information. Some of this was connected with Edgar Cayce, and there was a great interest in this work, especially in the possibility of reincarnation. During this time, he was having some very interesting dreams, and some of these dreams did present themselves not as dreams. He did have some experiences that were with particular ETs. There was one particular one that was Pleiadian, and was very comforting. At first, he was extremely frightened, but the appearance of this particular one became a great comfort as he grew more ill.

As far as we were concerned, we also had some connection with him, specifically at the time when he was trying to bring this information out. And we did come in several dreams, and suggesting some possibilities for this. However, one of the greatest problems he had was because he was becoming more ill and had less energy to progress with information. He was finding himself having to rely more upon listening to programming and radio. At first, he wished to get this information to one of the radio networks, but then he decided that it was best to go into a newspaper business as such to bring information to that location. We do feel that he was trying to search for some way of getting the information into the right hands, and he was being given suggestions on this, and this was through some of the Loridians who were involved with that location in that area for there was a strong connection with both Pleiadian and Loridian energy in that region. And there was a strong attraction to the Virginia Beach area as well, specifically related to Edgar Cayce.



Isis-Neith: The other thing that I was seeing with the Grizzly Bear was a boat-like a passage between lives, and I was seeing this Bear with you, and there were other animals as well, but the Bear really stood out. This Bear was also protecting you and guiding you as you were passing between lives. He is another guide that can help you in clearing out your past lives, because he is connected with them, and passing through them or other future lives. And the Bear can also pass through your Aura into these other lifetimes where you collected energy. The Bear can help you pass through that and clear that. You should do some type of meditation to meet this animal guide.



Isis-Neith: I keep seeing an Angel by the bed. I see you laying on a bed with this ailment, and there is this Angel above you. I don’t like saying this. I never like this type of reading because I don’t like to think of anything needing a punishment as far as karma. I like to think of it as energy: either you clear it, or you don’t. But I do feel like the Angel is passing a judgement, and he is saying, this is going to happen because you did this. I do feel that there are more people that you could have affected positively or negatively in that lifetime, but there were things that needed to happen and be carried out. In that lifetime, there was a struggle that you were going through, but no struggle is worth the future. Something good, better, more valuable to you and Higher, more meeting your expectations can always come about in the future. You are never stuck. It just feels that way.


THE MURDER OF (SCIENTIST) [Vol. 2, 6-17-2010]

L: And there was a great deal of pain and suffering of which you experienced during the last few years of your life, which did result in an actual suicide, a suicide which was done from an overdose. And this was something which you were not prepared to do. The suicide, however, and we must bring this to the foreground was not specifically a suicide which you had decided upon, but rather one which was pushed in the sense that it was essentially a murder. And this was the way for an individual such as yourself in this particular lifetime could be prevented from bringing the truth forward. And this was covered as a suicide as such. We feel that this is one of the side effects that you have had in this lifetime. And there has been a curiosity with various drugs at one point in your younger years. Yet there has been also an aspect of great caution, and this especially is exemplified now in your older years. You have a great apprehension of various types of pharmaceuticals, and we do feel that this is a result of the actual ending of your previous life. For we do feel that this was not an accidental or suicidal episode, but rather one which was an actual homicide.



Isis-Neith: In this other life that Metatron is showing me, you had people around you that could have heard you, and you didn’t really reach out to them. You didn’t want their help. I am not saying that anyone in the situation could have pulled you out of it, but they could have at least relieved you of some of it and comforted you. Because you need relief and peace and comforting. And you need to express these bottled up feelings that are bothering you, because you can’t really speak about them enough.



L: We do feel that your death was covered up, and that essentially you went missing. Even though you were considered to be a suicide in that you were missing from a particular date, your actual body was never found as such. This is one of the difficulties in terms of your lifetime previous to this one. And you did bring in some of these conflicts, and a physical residue, which needed correction as you began to age, especially at the age of two and a half years. This is why this correction did occur. We feel that your time of disappearance was during the summer of 1957 as such, and this was a period of time when you were missing from various activities you were supposed to be involved with that were of a civic nature. There was some type of meeting within your community that you were involved with at the time, and you were missing from this particular event.

R: In what city?

L: This is still connected with –, –.



Isis-Neith: So, Metatron is saying that there was a punishment for that, like you stole your own life away when you should have continued living. So it was a selfish thing. And so the short life happened in recurrence. He is saying that some of the things that you are experiencing now have happened because of those things in past lives. He is saying that sometimes there are things that need to be “carried out,” and you cannot really clear it. Something has to happen that ends it. Even with some of the bigger things, these happen because you did not clear out the energy. It is not like a punishment. It is a result of this energy building and building up, and it is not cleared, and then something happens in result. If you are clearing out these energies all the time, focusing on staying pure energetically, then you will have a much easier time with lives to come, and also with this lifetime, because they want it to be peaceful, and bring you peace.





Isis-Neith: Even though your head is clear and you can receive guidance or inspiration, still at your feet there is a lot of confusion as to your path and whether or not you are on it. This has built up from other lifetimes as well. You may feel as if it was stolen or ripped away from you in the suicide life.



L: We do feel that there has been a very great sadness that was brought into this lifetime, and this was from the events of this previous lifetime that you had experienced. And that you came into this particular lifetime as one who felt extremely “world weary” if you will, that there was a sense of a need to correct negative situations, specifically situations where there had been controls placed upon people. For you felt as if that was occurring  in your personal life at the very end of this previous lifetime.

R: Okay, Loran, I am going to ask you a series of questions, and, uh, you can answer it however you want, you know, in whatever fashion, in whatever order…. What spiritual damage and what genetic damage occurred at the end of (SCIENTIST)’s life. How was the experience with the near-death of the soul, and the soul journey of (SCIENTIST)-Keefe occur? And what scrambling, as you mentioned last time occurred precisely that allowed the saving of the Soul, and allow for my spirit to inhabit the body of the baby child of Rick Keefe? And was this from negative ET technology as was done to the Loridians?

Tom (Cathy’s husband): Well, let him get a chance to answer some. You’re like rattling them off. Sorry.

R: Okay.

T: Let him answer one at a time (laughs).

L: We do understand that there is a concern with the type of damage occurring, especially from the physical aspects which did scar in many ways this progression for you into this lifetime. We do feel, however, there that was an aspect of recovery, and this is the only word that we can use at this point, for this is essentially what did occur. That even as you were at the point of dying in that particular lifetime, there was a great opportunity for you to connect with the positive individuals or entities who were there working with you.

We do feel that this Pleiadian entity, —, was with you at this time, and there was a strong reason for him to be male, for there was a great deal of male energy which needed to be re-balanced at the time of your coming through to this lifetime.

Much of the damage which had occurred – and some of this damage was done at the actual time of your death, your physical death– was directed to your entire Soul’s path. And this was a part, as you are well aware, of the negative ET connections, and specifically we are well aware, for these were a group from Orion, and these have been the ones involved with many of these operations: the so-called Men In Black. We do feel that this was what was being used, and there was a real need for them to try to erase your Soul, if you will, erase all aspects of your life, and to prevent you from entering into another soul agreement in the next lifetime.

This was prevented, and it was the intervention of Pleiadian as well as Loridian entities that came in and were able to negotiate with these so-called Men In Black. We do feel that this was extremely difficult, and it was a great deal of sacrifice. One of the sacrifices that was made in terms of your coming into this lifetime was the sacrifice of some parts of your memory of your earlier years, and of parts of your childhood. This was specifically because of the resonance of the soul memory, which is particularly strong in human children, especially when they incarnate. There’s a closer memory of the previous lifetimes and soul experiences. This was a part of the sacrifice. This is why you have the opportunity now of remembering with us. And we are well aware that for the most part much has been repaired.

In terms of the technology, the technology is one that has been related to spiritual realignments as such, which Pleiadians are exceptional at. We as Loridians were there as basic gatekeepers if you will to make sure that there was no intrusion when this exchange was done. For it is an exchange of additional energy. And this energy was brought in as “clear energy” that could be manifested in a type of increased well being. We were aware at the time that there would be necessary adjustments to this at a later time. And some of these adjustments would be made when you were an adult. And these were not done until 1987. And there was also some additional realigning that was done in 1991. We do feel that for the most part you came into this lifetime with a much more balanced aspect soul-wise. And we do feel that the only negative aspect of this was this additional memory loss. And this is memory loss that could be regained as we work through some other re-alignments. And this is what we are currently trying to work with at this time.

R: Thank you…. Thank you for that… I didn’t mean to interrupt you. Sorry about that. Um…

T: You didn’t, I did. I just give him one or two at a time to get him going. I… (snorts)…



R: Thank you very much, Loran, for that answer. I… everything else seems insignificant after that, but I will proceed with my thousand question list here. Loran, you said that (SCIENTIST)was “directed to do various things though out his life,” and that it was “a foregone conclusion” that he would be involved in some aspect of the dark secret military experiments. Who was directing (SCIENTIST), and how old was (SCIENTIST) when this all began, and under what circumstances, and why was it a “foregone conclusion”?

L: We do feel that this was a very conflicted individual wherein the duality of his life was so great that coming into this lifetime, and making the agreement here: that it would start with duality but it would end with a great concept of how all can connect in a positive way. This was the trade-off in this lifetime. And to bring knowledge, and to bring the curiosity of mind, but also to have the type of moral backbone if you will to understand the consequences and to have compassion.

R: You’ve seen in this lifetime that I’ve been offered chances to join, like, these negative orders. I remember in high school they tried to get me involved in DeMolay and things like that, and I’ve rejected them. Have I done what the Pleiadians and Loridians had hoped I would do this lifetime, and do you still see me, um, in the positive light I see myself?

L: You have accomplished much, and you have been following the path which is needed, and you have agreed in coming into this lifetime to follow. And you should congratulate yourself in terms of the guidance, which has been given you throughout your life. But always remember: this was the lifetime you chose, as it was the lifetime of the previous ones. But this lifetime you chose, for you greatly needed to expand your love for this planet and for all here, as well as to extend that light to those who are off planet as well. So this is a lifetime of combining your intellect and your curiosity with a great sense of compassion and love.

R: I’ve got other questions. I suppose…. Um, I don’t want to keep Cathy too taxed, so I guess I’ll save them for another day, but, um, you’ve said so much today and it’s been pretty powerful in a lot of ways. Uh, I’d just like to give you my gratitude and thanks once again, and gratitude to the Loridians, and, you know, (one of my guides) and (another guide), and (another guide) and the others who’ve been helping me. I’d like to express that again as well. And I’ve been trying to stay very connected with All That Is so that even… even with all your assistance, and all their assistance, I’m staying connected with Something that’s higher than all of this. That’s what I’m trying to stay focused on.



L: We do feel for the individual (SCIENTIST) there was a very quick incarnation, and this was definitely a part of the direct connection with the technologies. For anyone who had connections with the Philadelphia Experiment as well as Montauk, there have been dimensional shifts and reincarnation as such has been very unusual from the standpoint of quick incarnation.


That’s probably a lot to take in, dear reader, but this article gets stranger as it goes, just like my life! So in the above pages, I was hoping to demonstrate why I felt the two psychic mediums brought through very similar information about the demise of my past life as the secret government scientist. Among my closest circle of friends and family, I am known for needing multiple layers of evidence and validation before I accept it as truth, or at least my best working hypothesis. This evidence was later confirmed by a third psychic, who chose not to go into the same level of detail as the two mediums, but just to validate again to me the reality of this past life.

From here forward, I am including many of the major incidents in my life of a metaphysical nature leading up to the Owl Incident at the end of this article, because I felt that in order to appreciate what Loran and the Loridians shared with me about the Owl Incident, sufficient background (as in this entire article) was needed by readers to fully grasp the significance and reasons behind that episode of extra-terrestrial contact.



R: Thanks Loran, um, I guess the first question I have is, uh, when did I come into this lifetime, at birth, or did I walk in later?

L: We do know that the circumstances of your birth are very different from most individuals here, in that you have had association with other beings. And there was a period of time when you first arrived here on this planet, and this was a time of considerable confusion in terms of your identity. We do feel that there was a period of essentially two and a half years whereby there was a change with personality. Some of this was what individuals would consider to be a type of ‘walk-in’ as such. However, we do know that your particular genetics were being observed early in life, and there was a change, which was made at this time so that your actual genetic coding had been altered. There was this as a preventative measure from the standpoint of protection for yourself, and this protection was because of the lifetime from which you had come.

We do feel that what happened was more a part of an adjustment, which would enable you to survive throughout the formative years of your life. However, there was a needed surgery, which was done later in your life in 1987 to be exact. We do feel that this was an adjustment in terms of your breathing and lung capacity as well as your heart. These two aspects of your body had been greatly damaged at the end of the previous lifetime. And we do feel that this lifetime (previous to this one that you are presently living) was a lifetime of much activity, and much stress on your own physical body as well as on your actual soul, if you will. For your soul evolution has been progressing, but there was a great deal of scrambling if you would to preserve YOU and your soul voyage into this lifetime. For you were at a great point of experiencing a loss. Many individuals do not believe that this can occur in terms of the human soul. However, this is something we have witnessed, and we do know that there is the technology that exists to alter souls, or to destroy them. This technology is the type of technology that was used on our very own people [said with emotion], and we are well aware of the type of long-term concerns regarding this there can be.

So essentially what is termed ‘walk-in’ is not truly what your case is as such, but rather a type of rejuvenation of your DNA and genetic coding. This was to provide you an opportunity to continue in a lifetime to progress with information, and to connect with information that would help people as opposed to control people. Your previous lifetime led you on a path where you were of two minds. One was the amount of information to control and to create great destruction on your planet. The other side was the realization of the power of this knowledge, and how it could be utilized in a positive fashion.



L: We do also see that this mission is different from other missions in that you have come to a point in your evolution of wishing this information to come out. In the past, you were at a point of evolution with your soul, and this evolution was of such a monumental kind in which you had experienced and what you were going through that you were conflicted. In this lifetime you have the opportunity to throw away this type of conflicted view, but rather to direct your energies to know that what you are doing is correct, and to continue. In this way, your information will come through without the types of conflict of the previous lifetime.



R: So, what was occurring between birth of Rick Keefe and age two and a half with my body, my memory, my Soul, my Higher Self, and how is that different than a normal incarnation? And how was my DNA and genetic coding revitalized and rejuvenated the first few years of my life? And also… why did you guys go to the trouble?

L: We knew that you were a seeker of truth and information, that this was a part of your journey that you could not complete in your last lifetime. This is why it was essential that you come into this life, and to be fully available to disseminate the information that is so important for people on your planet to understand. We also knew that your incarnation as you made this contract here was to be one of an individual who would base much on your analytical skills, and that you could work through this information and present it in this format as opposed to an individual.

You must understand that as an individual this contract was to go ahead and to bring information forward, and to do it in an analytical format, as opposed to an emotional way in which perhaps others would have done. Yet we have made sure that you were worked upon during these first few years. And these are memories that would be very difficult for you to remember, but it was while you were sleeping, and while you were unaware of our presence. This is why you have still a memory difficulty. For some of the work that needed to be done was work that was very tricky, if you will, in that there was some involvement with some change over with your DNA, as opposed to what a human DNA components would be. We did need to give some additional DNA. And we do think that you are well aware of this.

R: [snorts and smiles]

L: We are also aware that you know that there are many on your planet who have this type of situation, as you would call “hybrids.” And this was done when it was close to your second year of life in this other lifetime.

R: Loran, can you clarify for me? Are you saying that I’m like a Pleiadian-Human hybrid, or a Loridian-Human hybrid? Or what exactly are you saying?

L: It was necessary for you to have the DNA, not only human, but Pleiadian and Loridian, simply to function in the manner which would cause you the least amount of pain. Some of this pain related to these previous soul memories, for the physical body does still feel some of this, especially involved with your respiratory system. This is because of what had occurred with the radiation exposure in the previous lifetime.

However, your memories—your actual memories— these were the ones that it was more difficult to help in rejuvenating as such. And this is the process in which we are working as Loridians now. For we do work with the Pleiadians hand-in-hand to deal with specific medical cases, and your case was such that you did need to have assistance. And we did wish to have you continue physically unharmed. And this is why these adjustments have been done at various times at various years of your life.



R: Thanks Loran. Um, on August 15th [2010] I had a bit of an epiphany, and I want you to comment on if it is valid or not, or what your opinion is on it actually. Um, and this was that: “Aliens, ETs, Extra-Dimensionals, all the different groups outside that are off-planet or have been inter-acting on planet over the eons want us to be a willing, coupling genetic link to all the ET races who have bred with us or been involved in our evolution to give all of them a genetic boost, and to unite us as a large galactic family that can live together in peace.”

A lot of this is kind of influenced by Alex Collier’s Andromedan information, but I’ll read it again: “The aliens want us to be a willing, coupling genetic link to all the ET races who have bred with us to give them all a genetic boost, and to unite them as a large galactic family that can live together in peace.” What are your thoughts on that?

L: We do feel that you have been aware of this as well as the individuals in this room have been aware of this. But it has been hard to verbalize it as such. For we do feel that there are many who are unwilling to look at this for what it is. And to see that humanity is very mixed as such, and that this is something which has been going on for many, many years as you are well aware. But we do feel that this does address the point of much of what is occurring now. And that there is a greater realization of these connections, and that more and more people are realizing that within their own DNA as such, there are many mysteries which are starting to reveal themselves. These mysteries have been those which have linked them to not only other lifetimes, but to other dimensions and other beings, who are off this planet so to speak. We do feel that this does address the issue in a very positive manner, and we do congratulate you for coming to this realization. Yet we do feel as though this realization has been there for you for many years as well.



R: Loran, what should I know about that previous lifetime that you haven’t already told me that is affecting my current lifetime, and what are the, the big spiritual lessons that I need to understand from this previous lifetime, and how that, those lessons, uh, are affected in this lifetime?

L: We must commend you in what you have done already in this lifetime in the sense that you, even though your mind is extremely questioning and a very flexible and subtle intellect. We do feel that the whole concept of knowledge for the sake of knowledge—you are reviewing that throughout your life here. And you are seeing that there are great implications in terms of science and rational thought, or so-called ‘rational thought.’ This is why we are pleased to say that you have made great progress. You will always have an analytical mind, which is a great positive, especially during a time when there is great emotion and upheaval, as there currently seems to be on your planet. However, we do feel that you are able to use this, and begin to balance it with the needed emotional concern for those who are dealing with the many changes and upheavals here.

Your lesson of this lifetime is simply balance in the sense of balancing the energies of emotion, and the energies of an intellectual who has evolved to a great state of understanding, an understanding of not simply this planet, but of other realms, too.

We do feel that as time goes on you will understand that there is a great cosmic connection to all of the various aspects of your life during this lifetime. And it will make more and more sense, especially the childhood which has many areas that are blank, so to speak, in terms of memory. We feel that much of this will start to make sense and there will be greater continuity.

Yet we do feel that you have been doing a great deal in making the connections within your community, and within your actual life, those who are important family-wise. There has been a greater sense of this type of love and connection. This was not a part of the life of (SCIENTIST), but rather it is a part of the life of Rick Keefe.



R: Okay. Thanks Loran. Um, I’ve got a couple questions about my past here. Um, can you explain the details surrounding my weeklong hospital stay for bronchitis when I was three or four years old? And were any off-planet beings present or near me during the hospital stay? All I remember is the fog room, and seeing nurses drift in and out. Was there anything that related to that period when I was two and a half years old, ‘cause I don’t remember if I was two or three or four when I was in this fog room from bronchitis?

L: We feel that this was a period of your life where you were very young, and there was an opportunity. It was what was told to you as being bronchitis, but there is some other connection with your ears with this as well. We do feel that you had some experiences when you were hospitalized, and this was a part of the connection with some of the Pleiadian group —your guides— who were there. And the fog room you mentioned was simply an aspect of your out-of-body experiences, which you were starting to have at this age. And you did experience some other types of off-planet conditions. And what you were actually sensing was the ability to travel, and you had an opportunity to look at this galaxy, and to spend some time viewing the stars, but viewing them from a totally different standpoint in the sense that you were standing outside of your body as such, but you were dimensionally going through a type of shifting, if you will, in that you were viewing this galaxy and looking at constellations. And this is your residual memory as a fog room. But you actually had the opportunity to look at the galaxy at that time.

R: And what… what meaning did that give for me? How did that impact on me as a human being, to be able to have an experience like that? How can I make that useful now?

L: (Tom nervously starts rocking in the rocking chair, causing squeaks in the background until I coach him to stop) This was a part of your first understanding that there was a positive aspect to connections that were off-planet, and that you were not to be afraid. And that the guides you had were there to help, as opposed to encourage fear. They were to encourage a sense of joy and a sense of stability and security in your life. We do feel that this was a very strong experience, one which you had that brought you through this time. For you were crying greatly when you first arrived in this setting, and you were very afraid. But your fear subsided as you started having this encounter.

R: May I have, uh, one of my guides assist me with dreams so that I can recall this in dreamtime in the future here?

L: This we can communicate, and you will find that there should be greater assistance with this.





R: This is starting to deal with my contacts that you talked about on May 23rd. Please describe all the groups– every one both positive and negative– that have interacted with me, and your perspective on the reasons why each of these groups have made contact with me over the course of my life so far.

L: There essentially have been five groups, specifically, working with you.



L: There were entities both positive and negative, and this is a continuing part of your life from the time you were a small child. You have visitations. Some of these visitations were positive, and your memories of these have only recently been able to come through. But there are also memories which have been difficult, and we do feel that some of this is related to this period of time.



L: Yet we feel that all of these different groups, including ours, have been watching and working with you, and that primarily, there has been mostly positive in your life. And what you have seen as frightening or as a time of apprehension has been more geared to other events from the past. We feel that the first group that you were dealing with that was from Orion, again, was not that positive, and this is why you have a concern about this.



L: There has been one group that has been a negative group, but they were first involved with you. This was when you were extremely young. This was around the time you were six years old, and there was a sense of foreboding you had about various aspects of your household. They were what would manifest as essentially shadows. These shadows were not poltergeists as you would explain or think of them as being, but rather they were manifestations of entities connected with Orion, but connected within the Belt of Orion. These entities were essentially surveying your particular region at the time. They were looking for information, and it was more curiosity. However, their way of expressing themselves was one to frighten you, and we do feel that there was a potential opportunity for you to have been taken by one of these, and to have had some type of tampering. However, this did not occur.



R: I’ve just recently, through you Loran, come to know of my past life as (SCIENTIST). How long has the so-called dark side, how long have they known about my past life as (SCIENTIST)? And how did it affect me growing up and into my adult years, if they knew and I did not?

L: What is interesting about your question is that you are speaking about the so-called dark side. For as much as the dark side was aware of this, also ones that were there to help in a very positive manner were also aware of your background as well. So you had help in both directions. As difficult as your early life was, you still had the ability to survive situations, and to be who you are today despite what was given to you as negative challenges.

Understand that you are never disconnected from the previous lifetime, in the sense that there has been knowledge of who you have been, and what you have been. But remember that there is always this potential for you to come into the next lifetime, and to reverse all. And this is one of the things which has been the most challenging, for the so-called shadow government if you will. For they wish for things to go in a negative fashion, so that they could continue to form you, and to push you into a particular mode, so that you could forward their agenda. Unfortunately for them, but fortunately for us in this lifetime, things reversed themselves. And that you were not to be directed to this darker agenda, and that you wished for light to come through, and for the information to be exposed.

R: Very much so.

L: And this is what your whole focus has been in this lifetime, and will continue to be. And you are doing a great and wonderful job at this.

R: Thank you.



R: Um, Can you give me an example of one of the incidences with the early Orion Group that gave me cause to be concerned when I was young, something that might trigger a memory in me right now that I might be able to recall that?

L: There was a great apprehension that you had from time to time with parts of your house. At that time, there was an extensive area outside…

R: Can you tell me the address of that house?

L: This was an address that was linked here in Tucson, but it was on the outskirts, and it was an address that we feel is back to a mountainous area, but there was a hillside. We feel that this was a more isolated area, and that your apprehension was concerned more with what you were seeing from the window than anything else, for there was a light that was a recurring light, and this particular light was very disturbing to you. And you kept watching it, out of curiosity at first, but then there was more apprehension.

We feel that during this period of time—and this was the time that you were between the ages of six and seven—there was a period of time when you had night traumas where you would have dreams that you could not fully remember. But you felt as though there was something that was over you, something dark, almost like a cloak, and that this was very frightening. And sometimes you would hear voices that were on a very low grade in terms of audibility. Yet this was something that you personally began to fear at times. You also had some apprehension in terms of your room itself, for there was a part of the room that you felt looked extremely dark at night, and you felt as though you saw things within that area.

[Note: This was the large closet on the north side of my room on Hayne Place.]

And there were times when there had been something at the base of your bed. There had been an entity watching you, and this is where much of your apprehension would be.

R: It’s not connecting with me, Loran, yet. Um, can you give me something else, because I need to… I, I don’t feel that I understand what you’re telling me yet in terms of my memory of those particular incidences that you spoke of. And I don’t recall living at a mountainous area. Um, can you give me some more detail?



L: There were mountains in the distance, but there was a slight hill that was beside this particular location. Much of what you were experiencing was a part of your own difficulty in terms of remembering. Some screens were there. The first time that you saw the owl, which was later in the 1980s, that was not the first time that you saw the owl. For there was an impression of an owl, and so much of the information from this earlier time was blocked to you. So, some of the night trauma that you experienced is not a memory that you will significantly remember. But it will be something, as you think about what had occurred during that period of time as you walked through the hallway in your household. There was something also that would trigger this in you.

[NOTE on Sept. 15, 2011: I finally just remembered how afraid I would be to walk down the outside sidewalk with the vines to my room at night, and how sometimes I would almost run or actually run to get there to my room and lock the doors.]

R: Well, I’ve had a lot of trouble remembering a lot of… I’m good at intellectually remembering facts, but a lot of what happened to me personally… in terms of prior to age twenty is very difficult for me to remember because there’s a lot of emotion, uh, of negativity involved in my early years. So I… I wish I could say that I honestly remember what you’re talking about, but I don’t… uh, remember those… you know, those general incidents of which you describe. So, so far this isn’t helping me, um, become clearer on that. I just want to be real honest with you about this process.

L: And we do understand and recognize that. It is a part of a process, as you are well aware. And it is something that, you, as time goes on, there will be parts of memory coming to you. We do…

R: Will you facilitate that for me?

L: We are more than happy to do this. We do feel that there was an incident that was involved with your family as well, that was a loud crash or boom, a sound that was very strange to you. And it was around this age—actually slightly earlier, around the age of five. And this was something that something that was frightening to you at first. And it was explained away by your family. We do feel that there have been many attempts at visitation, but much of the confusion that you were experiencing is the confusion connected with—as you have indicated even—the emotions of that time. And there were many emotions throughout your family, and many different individuals, and different psyches if you will.

R: Uh-huh.

L: So there was some type of confusion and overlap. This is why we are feeling that you are having difficulty in tapping into these memories. But if you really think about that period of time in your life, you will remember something involved with a bird-image. The bird image was an owl, but you will have to come to this. We will try to the best of our ability to assist you with this. You may even have some dream images that will break through this information…

R: That’d be great.

L: Some of this information you may have even felt something connected with a past life, but essentially it was related to your younger years. And you have blocked out much of what has occurred in your younger life.

R: Mm-huh. Some of it was pretty hard.

L: And we do recognize this. And this is why this aspect– in terms of anything additionally– that was fearful or upsetting: this is why even those entities who were fairly negative, even they were reluctant to work further in tampering in any way with you, simply because there was so much occurring within your particular life at that time.



L: Essentially, you had some great protection from the time of your birth, and the protection has come very strongly from a Pleiadian group. This group has been extremely strong throughout your life, and there is a male and female presence. We do feel that this particular group has been central to your own medical concerns, and were involved with the surgery that had been done. This is basically a very protective and benevolent group.



R: Can you describe all my encounters with Pleiadian beings, what they look like, and the names and personality characteristics of any Pleiadians that I am in close association with? And I also want to find out about the beings that I was involved with during the Second World War period.

L: Much of what you have experienced with Pleiadians has been with groups, and these groups have been essentially there and working with you, especially in terms of medical concerns as they had in 1985 and 1987. We do feel that these were the years you had a great deal of contact, and you are continuing from time to time to have contact with these beings. But they are more working through in dreams and in information that way.


(NAMES WITHHELD), PLEIADIANS [Vol. 2, 6-10-2010]

R: Before I ask the next question, who were the two Pleiadians, the male and female? What are their names? May I know their names?

L: The two Pleiadians who were with you, and who still remain with you, who are very conscious of your work, and who have been working on a regular basis with you. There is a female entity, and her name is essentially a name that would translate in terms of English to a type of —-. We also know that the male entity has a name that is —–. This is interesting for we are seeing there is a transition with names connected more with your region. And this particular male Pleiadian likes to go by —–, for there is a definite connection with this part of the Southwest.


SIRIUS A GUIDE [Vol. 2, 6-10-2010]

L: We also see that you have had information that has come to you from Sirius, and we do feel from Sirius A. You have had amazing information come to you through dreams, and also at times when you write. Much of your writing is connected with Sirius, and you do have a strong Sirian guide, and this guide is more connected with water and with the sea. Even though you live in the desert, there is a great connection you have with water, and this is what is there. There is this amazing sense of re-connecting with this individual when you write. And you truly have moments of amazing recollection. If you were able to do this outside of your research, you could do very well at a type of automatic writing, and this may be something you would like to work on when you do have time. And we do know that you have limited time, for you are very busy with the projects at hand. But this may be serve as a type of enjoyment and relaxation for yourself, by doing a type of automatic writing.


(NAME WITHHELD), SIRIAN GUIDE [Vol. 2, 6-10-2010]

R: And the Sirian? What is his name, please?

L: We feel that the Sirian is a male entity, one who has been very interested in you for many years, and this individual’s name is —-, and this is spelled with an –. It is similar to the country, but it goes in the form of —-.


LORIDIAN CONNECTION [Vol. 2, 6-10-2010]

L: We also feel that you have had connection with us, and we have been involved in the later time frame, more recently. We do check in on both you and the individual Maritza. We feel that we are working in terms of watching to make sure that everything is all right, as we do with the individuals Tom and Cathy. We want to make sure that you are fine, and that there is no concern with health, or any type of anxiety. We do check on a regular basis, for this is the region we are connected and linked with primarily.



L: We also feel that you have had connection with some very positive reptilians. They are considered to be more on a medical level, closer to the Pleiadians in terms of how they work. This particular group has a great deal to do with research, and in assisting with various types of viral infection. They have worked to prevent some major difficulties for parts of your world, and have been able to confront some of the negative entities who have been wishing for a change in this type of scenario. But this particular group is more centered in the Zeta Reticuli region in the sense that they are connected there.



Aside from the big adoptive family setting that I was a part of during my youth, there were many other indications in reflection that indicate and suggest that I may have been a starseed without even knowing such a thing existed, especially in my preschool years. One of my earliest childhood memories is standing on some furniture in my room so I could see out my bedroom window to the stars, and asking the stars why they had dropped me here. I was maybe three or four years old. At that age, I could close my eyes and see colors and patterns of light whenever I wanted, but one day that changed , somewhere between 4 to 6 years old, and I remember looking up to my dad in his easy chair and asking him why I wasn’t seeing the colors anymore. Of course, my dad had no answer, and didn’t even act like he knew what I was talking about. By the time I was eleven, we had moved out of our first home and into a large ranch house with four acres in a semi-isolated desert setting. I was given a stand-alone room away from the main body of the house, separated from the rest of my family. Still, I felt like I was being watched all the time, and occasionally at night I would see things outside the sliding glass doors of my cold bedroom. All through my teenage years I was having terrible nosebleeds and sinus issues, and the bleeding was so intense that it would fill up and past a 12 ounce glass. It took several cauterizations much later to stop the nosebleeds. This was also the period that I began having regular nightmares about atomic bombs during dreamtime. By the time I was fifteen or so, I needed an operation to remove an object embedded in the back of my neck that was protruding there. The medical team saved the object in a test tube for me, but I saw no reason at the time to keep such a gross thing, and threw it away. If only I knew then what I know now about extra-terrestrial contacts, I would have kept it and had it analyzed. And like many people who watch the stars, I often found my eyes gravitating and fixed on the Orion constellation.



L: But some of this is essentially unknown about yourself as a child. Some of it is related to the contacts you have had, but the other part of it is simply understanding who you were as a child.



L: We do feel that this is an ongoing process for you. And the many doubts that you have about your early years are much more than what you would think originally, in the sense that your doubts are connected with the type of family situation, and much of the feeling of not being fully involved in some aspects of their lives, and feeling very different.

R: Mm-huh.

L: You have always felt very isolated, and this has been a part of your burden, if you will. But that burden you have been able to transform into an extremely positive intellect, and this is what we feel that you have been able to bring forth information, and you have been able to analyze in an amazing way.

R: Hmm.

L: The problem with this is that you have not been able to fully connect with what had occurred earlier on. And there is basically, as some had felt, missing time when they have experienced situations with abductions, if you will. You have essentially had a childhood abduction with missing time in that much of your childhood there is not a conscious memory.

R: Mm-huh.

L: This is a matter of reconstructing memory, and we do know that this is a part of what you would like to do.

R: Mm-huh.

L: This is also why we know you have responded as you did to the information that we brought to you over the last few weeks.

R: Mm-huh.

L: We do feel that some of this has been an aspect of fear, a fear that you have had to work through, and would like to work through.

R: Mm-huh.



L: However, in more depth as you could look at what has been happening in your later life, the contacts have been extremely positive. And the contact that you had in terms of your surgery, this was a very positive contact, including the diversion by the Grey, or so-called Grey. This was not a negative situation, but one in terms of helping and assisting those who were medically performing the surgery.



R: Then let me ask the question in a different way. If you looked at all these different groups of beings that are involved in the Council of the Alliance, um, please describe them in terms of the ones that are the most spiritually advanced and honored and respected and, and deal the least with negative projects and, and then go down the list to the ones that are more involved in the negative projects. Because I kinda need to know who’s who.

L: We are aware that you are concerned with this, and this is something that we have fairly stated in various sessions, not necessarily with… with you but with others as well. As far as positive or more healing aspects to work and involvement, the Pleiadian groups tend to be looked upon as the most positive in regards to their efforts.

We also feel that because our group is so closely aligned with them, yet we do have the Orion connection that we are also fairly high in regard, and especially because of our previous history with Orion. There are many on the council and within the alliance who see us as a group who has a great deal of grievance in this regard. And this is why we are held to have a fairly honored position.

We also know that those from Sirius… Sirius A is fairly positive. There are more questions about B and C. However, Sirius A tends to be a fairly well respected group. Also, other groups that have come in and have been involved that have been basically from various smaller concerns. We do know that this is something that is an ongoing concern in terms of newer constellation star systems, and we are not fully aware of some of what is occurring now even within Zeta Reticuli. For we feel that there was a very negative presence at one time, but this has also changed, and that there is a greater sense of stability which has occurred for them.

We do still see that there is a problem with the Orion faction, if you will, for there is still this negativity which is persisting. And we do feel that this is something, which is, unfortunately, an ongoing concern. Much of this has been done well in advance in the sense of future concerns. They are the group that would have the greatest problematic aspect if you will. Many of the concerns individuals on your planet have concerning the various reptilian races-

R: [interrupting] I’m concerned about that, too.

L: They have actually migrated to various star systems. This is why this is very difficult to specifically relegate to one particular area. However, their association now with Orion seems to be more than what it was previously, when it was to Zeta Reticuli, even though there are still major reptilian colonies within that particular star system. The one particular group that seems to be of greatest concern now is coming out of Orion.


The Orion Constellation (The Loridians were from M42 Nebula)


R: What part of Orion?

L: This is from the belt of Orion. [Mintaka a.k.a. Delta Orionis; Alnilam a.k.a. Epsilon Orionis; and Alnitak a.k.a. Zeta Orionis]. It is not within our specific area.

R: Closest to what star, perhaps?

L: This is within the Betelgeuse, the particular center that is a very major concern here. And this has been ongoing for some time. However, it has been… become more and more of a problem over the last few decades.



R: Um, I have a very vague memory of a light or a fire that took place out near the shed for the goats, uh, back in one of the homes I lived on, the ranch home, off of Speedway Place. And also during a time of much stress. And I went out to the goat shed with some of our dogs back around 1987. Can you tell me about this incident? Is there anything significant about that, where I remember like the goat shed on fire, or a light around it or something? It’s a vague memory…

L: We feel that this was not an actual fire as such, but your memory of it was again a screen. But this was an actual contact. And this is as we have indicated before that some of your memory is starting to come back, and that you yourself have seen that it was not fully what you thought it was. And that this was a contact and that there was an actual dimensional aspect to this, and that there was an entity that came through at that time, and was bringing information to you specifically. But you will have further memory of this as time goes on. But remember that your screen memory of this was as of a fire.

R: And you don’t want… I, I’m not supposed to know that information right now?

L: We feel that some of this information is being withheld from you, for it is pertinent to certain future events which are going to be occurring, which you need to have some additional information for, which will come through in dreams. So much of this information will come through, and you will put the pieces together. But it is beneficial at this time for them to come through in that respect, as much as you do have this memory of this specific event. More information will come to you.

R: Okay. Thank you Loran.



L: You have had other experiences, and some experiences with those who were working (and this was in the 1980s, in the mid-1980s) to make sure that you physically were fine, and that this was a preliminary examination of you during that period before the surgery, in that you had visitations where there was a concern for your sinus structure. And that there was a relief of your left sinus cavity.

R: I did have major sinus issues back then. I talked to my Grandma about them all the time.

L: We do feel that this was part and parcel of these changes, and that you were advancing to a point where you did have some serious problems with your lungs and with your heart, and that this was corrected at the later time, after the experience with the owl.


A passage from page 233 of “UFO Contact From The Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report,” by Wendelle C. Stevens



L: We feel that there is a time-shift with this, in terms of your incident, that you were having some impressions before that year [1987] even. The other aspects of this were simply your being taken to a craft, where there was an initial work done with you in terms of your surgery. We do feel that there, prior to this time, was observation of you, and we do feel that this happened in the two preceding years that you were having visitations. And it was during the same time, around the months of May, June and July [1985]. It was a significant time period of visitations. This was simply a part of examining you to see what needed to be worked upon, and there was a period of time when you had work done that was not away from your home at the time, but rather in your own bedroom. There was some helpful surgery that was minor, and this was involved with your sinuses at the time. And there was a strangeness to the feel of your left nostril. It was not an implant, if this is what you might be thinking, but rather a correction. And it did help with your breathing at that point. But it wasn’t until later that you had the actual surgery done.





R: What specifically in detail was my Owl Incident in 1987 really all about? And what important things happened in relation to me between March and May? How is this period affecting my life these days, especially in ways that I may not consciously be aware of yet?

L: You have had continued visitation throughout your life, and you have also had a very finely tuned memory of much of what has occurred throughout your life. During this period of time of which you speak, you had many points of memory loss, and then memory remembrance. This was a time of great, erratic information coming forward. You, and others as well, have also been going through changes during this particular period of time. We feel that this was a part of your awakening to information that could help you, as well as others in the sense of what you had witnessed.

We do feel that some of this you had to deal with specifically on the terms of your own fear issues. For we do see that fear was a component in this particular period of time. Once you were able to control your fear, and to observe, we feel that this was an opportunity to change this, and for you to move forward.



R: Okay… How did my fear play a role during the period of time around the owl incident, and please give me specific examples of what happened? And how did I control my fear, and how was I able to move forward?

L: We feel that much of this, because you are a very analytical individual, you at first tried to control your fear by looking at this so-called owl as a vision on the road. You felt as though this was a hallucination caused by the rain. You were trying to find some solution, even though the rain had passed. You were trying to rationalize it as an image that was not a part of an actual owl, but rather something that had manifested as a type of weather phenomena. Yet, being the analytical person you are, you realized that even with this changing weather-wise that this could not be the answer. And as a result, you did look at this as being a very unusual situation. As a result, you went into a very Zen place, if you will, in that you tried to control your breathing first of all, and that there was an insistence of trying to relax in this way. And you were trying to normalize what was around you within the vehicle. We feel that you can control fear with your mind intellectually many times. This is simply your response from situations which are potentially fearful.

But we do realize that you as an intellectual individual knew that this was not the appropriate size for an owl. And that you were processing this as some type of phenomena that was at first weather-related, but then you dismissed this. But you were able to control your fear by breathing and by some of the various traditions that are closely linked to the Zen world.



L: We feel that there has been a further revelation that you have had fairly recently, and this has been related to some aspects of your own physical health. We do feel that now you are able to go for more extended periods of time without some of these recurring health issues, of which you were dealing with during the 1980 period. Yet we do see that this time [1987] when you did experience all of this, it was an opportunity for you to understand more of who you are today [2010.]


Above is a vivid dream that I had in 1986, during this period of my life in which Loran explained that I had been having contact with ET beings who were attending to certain medical issues I was experiencing.


R: Loran, can you be real specific for me? What was that four-foot white owl that I saw?

L: We feel that this was, again, a group represented, and one that was, basically, positive. This was a type of screen to your memory at this time, for this is a part of the procedure. But at that time, some of your genetic material was being extracted so that there could be additional study, as such.



R: Okay, please describe, uh, the alien council meeting that you said that I attended that I remember as a dream beginning at the University of Arizona in the dream, walking through large stone monuments, and then culminating in a meeting with a Council of Elders of all types of life around a large circular setting. This was the dream I had. And you had mentioned that I did have another further Council meeting, a second one, and I suspect this was it. Can you talk about this with me, Loran?

L: This is a part of your current lifetime. And this does not have a connection in the sense of who you were in the previous one, but rather who you are now. And this was simply, as the dream started, the entrance was a… an aspect of familiarity so that you would not become alarmed by what you began to see. Essentially, you were sitting in and viewing what was occurring in this roundtable, and it was more of a discussion of some future concerns. Some of these discussions were concerning the environment in terms of some of the changes specifically within your region, and concerns for some of the man-made manipulation, which has been occurring for some time, and how this can be negated. This took place, actually, in a very interesting (in terms of how you perceive this)… but it did take place in terms of a Martian context. And it was an area that was essentially underground but there was a lighting type of transference that was being made, so that it looked to be lit, and there was a great deal of light coming through. And this was all artificially designed to bring in a type of atmosphere. So, essentially, this was a very interesting and pragmatic discussion about how ecologies were so critical on your own planet. And they were critical in terms of the various groups represented there. At that time there was no representation from the various Orion groups. We were represented, and there was representation from the Pleiades, but we did not see any representation from their group as such.



L: But you were able to listen, and you were actually picking up information telepathically during this time. For the languages were unfamiliar to you, but you understood through telepathy what was being conveyed to you. And there was a feeling of great excitement that you could be involved in this stage of planning. We also feel that some of this was an understanding of recognition in terms of how you had advanced from the previous lifetime on your planet, and that this was a new incarnation. Essentially, that you were here in this particular setting to work towards a very positive view of changes on this planet.

R: And what specific ideas or lessons do I need to remember from that Council meeting?

L: Specifically, that there is much that is occurring on your planet at this time, which is not natural, but it is man-made. When people talk of global warming, when people talk of even volcanic and earthquake activity, it is not natural. It is being controlled by individuals who have a concerted plan to reduce this planet to political and economic chaos.

This is why it is really important for individuals here to really project positive light and positive thought-forms, for this is a time that is critical in reaching an active status with your inactive involvement with this planet. We feel that this type of connection is essential, that your actions in working with one another in getting this information out, as you have been doing, is critical. For you do continue, even though your assignment here is different from what it has been in other lifetimes, and certainly from the past lifetime. Your mission here is to bring information forward, and you have been doing exactly that, and we do commend you for this great activity.



R: Can you describe what you know about Sirius A’s planet where — is from, the nature of the relationship between — and myself, and a couple of the most significant meetings that — and I have shared?

L: We feel that much of this has been done though your dream state, and that some of this information is again related to the experience with the Owl. And that you have been gaining more information as time has gone on.

But there is a great dimension for you to explore that is with your healing. And we do feel that this is the primary directive that — is dealing with you at this time. And that this is a very positive direction as such. For there is healing which you have done in your mind, but — will help you in helping direct this healing as an actual, physical manifestation. And we do see that this will happen as you work on a regular basis with healings as such.

R: And regarding, uh, —‘s planet and Sirius A, can you tell me a little bit about that, or can you have — help elaborate now on what that is like?

L: Well, much of this is dealing with an area that is connected with water, and with a great deal of aspects connected with water beings as such, and that this is part of the multi-dimensional aspect of —. We do feel that there is a connection with much of the sea life which is here on your planet that is connected with Sirius A. And we do feel that this is something which you have always had a connection with, and that there will be more connection as time goes on.



L: We do feel that an answer to the second part of your question that your Pleiadian guides are now inter-dimensionally connected with not just the Pleiades, but also with their connections with us. And as we exist in an inter-dimensional format so to speak, as you would speak of a type of tape if you will. We also wish to indicate that they are within this dimensionality which is different from the planetary or the star system connections, which were in the past. We do feel that their continued influence in your life will be amazing, for there is a great deal of strength that they are bringing to you.

It is important to remember that the initial Pleiadian contacts which have occurred have seemed to be extremely pleasant and helpful facilitating many on your planet. It is also an unknown aspect of their contact and of their involvement with the planet Earth that they are warriors as well. And we feel that your two guides, as much as they are very connected with the love and light aspects, if you will, they are also fully geared to walk in battle, so to speak, on an inter-dimensional level. They are fully aware of what it does take to walk through these situations at this time. And that there is a great amount of challenge on your planet which demands it. Presently, they have been very much involved with some of the situations which have been of a more localized nature, and that has been within this region. There is much which is connected with them politically as well, and there have been some interesting maneuverings as you have recently seen, especially with some of the political changes which have been occurring within your communities.


RE-BALANCING NOW [Vol. 2, 6-17-2010]

L: We do see that the — Pleiadian is more prominent in much of your life during the last few years, and has made great attempts at helping with various difficulties. We do see that these difficulties are starting to re-balance, and you are feeling a greater sense of happiness and joy with some of the situations, even though there has been some concern in terms of material well-being. We do feel that these answers are coming, and have been coming for some time.


This is certainly my most ‘real’ dream. I feel that I may have actually physically experienced this as an event that is as real as any real-life experience here on Earth.



R: Is there any connection between my memory of a dream where I felt like I was taken aboard a craft, and given a heart-lung transplant or examination, and then returned where I found myself waking up…?

L: Again, this is a part of what was done. It was not a dream as such, but your memory of it was as a dream. For it was done as preventative, to work on these parts of your body which were in need of this type of correction. For we do feel that your heart would have been involved with this, as well as your lung capacity. For this is something that would have resulted in premature death if it had not been corrected at that time. So this particular dream was particularly significant to you.

R: And may I ask you who was the group that gave me the screen memory of the owl?

L: There was an intervention. What is misunderstood by many individuals who look at so-called abduction scenarios as being all negative, and that they are all done by the so-called Grays… what they do not understand is that there are many different groups, even within the Gray population. The particular group that did this was a group that was actually connected with the Zeta individuals, and they were doing the initial screening, and brought you to the ship. However, the ship was Pleiadian, and those who worked upon you were Pleiadian doctors. The Zetas have been very helpful in terms of some aspects of their medical knowledge, and also their ability to work in getting individuals to other groups who could be of some assistance. They are well known for some activities that some would say would be negative. But there are also other groups that are positive and have been able to facilitate these types of interventions to help humans, especially those who have significant connection with the progress and positive future outcomes within this particular region of your planet. We feel that you as a lightworker here are very significant in terms of your own ability to work with others, and to bring forward information. You work is very important.

The work of the individual Maritza in conjunction with you is also of great importance, and she has brought information to you that sometimes– in working in a very intellectual and analytical aspect as you have done in much of your work, for that is necessary– she has offered you alternatives that have brought information that have opened other ideas and doors to you. So this is a very positive balance between you both.

We do feel that there has been additional work that has been done just recently during the last December (2009) period of time. We feel that you had a brief visitation. It was essentially a check, and it was a check on both you and the individual Maritza, and there was acknowledgment that things were going well. And as we say that, we do wish for both of you to still, of course, pace yourselves, and to work on making sure that you have enough rest during this period of time.

R: Thank you Loran for caring so much.



I hope that by sharing this special article on my 53rd birthday (today) that it helps in all the ways that I described at the top of the article, and additionally, that it supports the movement toward full disclosure about the real-life presence of benevolent extra-terrestrials who are involved in bringing positive future outcomes to Earth and all who live within and upon this precious planet. What keeps coming through the Metatron material from Isis-Neith is my connection and commitment to protecting the Earth as a human being, who also has significant extra-terrestrial connection to such a mission.

I also want to take this opportunity to once again thank with all my heart the two psychic mediums, Cathy Star Eagle and Isis-Neith Shanti, for all the tremendous gifts that they have given me by being portals and conduits of communication to the benevolent beings in the higher realms. Thank you Cathy! Thank you Isis-Neith! And also I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all my guides, angels, and loving extra-terrestrial civilizations. Thank you all!

I hope that you have enjoyed this major sharing of my personal reality, and I hope that it helps to reinforce our growing, collective understanding about reincarnation, and helps add to the growing evidence worldwide of that reality as well as the reality of benevolent extra-terrestrials among us. May you all be blessed with much love, peace, calm, harmony, and joy.


Thu, 12/10/2015 - 09:31

I believe you and am going to really enjoy what you've written in this entry. Hopefully I'll be able to read it all later; I've only read a bit of it so far.     If you're not already familiar with this "manual", you might check out ET - 101. All "manuals" should be so entertaining!! :-)

It's a free pdf.

Please write more and if I can subscribe to your blog, I will. Is that a possibility? Otherwise, I'll watch for you on the GFP.

Thank you so much!!


Thank you for your comment, and I will certainly check out the ET 101 Manual. I'd be honored if you would subscribe to my blog, but because it is on wordpress.com, the only way that you can subscribe (as far as I know) is to create a free wordpress account(discover) or blog. You probably don't have to post anything if you don't want to, but only fellow wordpress members (as far as I know) can subscribe, post replies and comments , etc. on any wordpress blog (although there probably are exceptions, but I haven't explored wordpress enough to know.)

Here's the link: https://wordpress.com/

I will try to write more as I have time; I don't write all the time, but when I do, I try to make it worthwhile for someone to spend the time to read it. Thanks for your encouragement, Chickadee!

Peace and Love,


Galactic Factor

Thu, 12/10/2015 - 13:24

Much Gratitude For Sharing! All This Information is Wonderful and very Healing.

Peace and Health.

Galactic Factor,

I am very grateful for your generous comment, and I'm very glad that you feel healing coming from the article.

Many Blessings,


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