
Two day event : against The Dark Warrior

Submitted by Tinahyah on Sat, 06/01/2019 - 22:41

5/30/2019 6:12 pm

Missed a phone call from Michael, earlier today.

I called him back and he stated that his eyes hurt him very bad... never felt anything like it ever.

This is the log of the two day event, as it unfolded...

Michael had a vision, that not only was he injured / hurt, but that an eye went blind

That which Michael was feeling and seeing was not his own body, but of his dragon Teloese.
Teloese was the one hurt. So, Michael was addressing Teloese' wounds through his own physical body, thus his eyes were reported / experienced as watering and painful... possibly/probably Teloese being blind in the left eye.

Michael saw a wing injured real bad... possibly cut off.

"HEAR YOU." said Teloese.

I perceived that Michael was to use his lightning skill upon Teloese, in a toned down intensity.

These body parts were requested to be repaired/addressed ...

wing, horn, tongue, tail

"SUSTAIN" said Teloese

Michael saw that he was hugging Teloese.

"GOOD SO FAR. KEEP GOING." said Teloese

back, l. arm, underneath tail

"THERE" (that was the spot.) said Teloese

tail wrapping, elbow

"GOT IT" "SWEEP" entire l. side. said Teloese.

Belly, throat, shoulder, thigh, bicep, tricep, (not toe, foot, nostril, jaw, tongue)

"FINISHED" processing until june 8th.


Who was the perp? THE DARK WARRIOR.


outfit looks like Saron in LOTR., has a 1-2' spear, is already waging war on them (M and T.)
TDW wants to kill Michael.

Teloese intervened to protect Michael.

TDW did not see Michael. TDW does not see Michael. TDW came alone against Michael. There were no (zero) additional opponents on The Dark Warrior' side.

The 7 Steps of Gratitude

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 06/10/2017 - 06:32

Are you feeling it-those wild waves of energy that are crashing into and pulling back from the planet like mini tsunamis? This movement has been continuous lately, as we’re currently in the throws of some tremendously powerful upgrades.  These can look and feel like paradise one day, and then shock us to our very core the next.  All of this up and down and back and forth can really wreak havoc on our sensitive physical and etheric bodies, and also can take a quite a toll on our state of mind.  As I’ve been  dealing with this myself, I have found  that by far the most effective and spiritually enriching way of surviving the shift is to focus on, and remain in a state of gratitude.  Gratitude is highly infectious, and the act of giving thanks has a pure and honest, pay-it-forward kind of effect.  The energy of gratitude flows quite naturally and it easily expands, affecting everyone and everything we come into contact with. I wanted to share with you a simple set of 7 steps, which I devised and use as a meditation  tool.

21:D How I Interpret the Healing Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

Submitted by Rick Keefe on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 17:43


21:D How I Interpret the Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

by Rick Keefe



After exploring and studying, to various and lesser degrees, many of the world’s religions, I realized that I was not inclined towards religious doctrine, because I learned to view any religion as a control system over people which granted a huge, imbalanced amount of power and control to the human beings who ruled at the top of their pyramid structure.

To me, religions can help to begin to lead people towards spirituality, until, invariably, the innocent seekers get caught up in the control mechanisms within religions.

I value freedom of spirit. Religions were too confining for me, and I don’t like the fact that so many wars were fought, and blood spilled, in the name of religions and their associated deities. So, after my years of religious exploration and after coming to my conclusions about religious structures, I avoided religion and chose to keep seeking spiritual wisdom anywhere I could find it.

Due to the very difficult domestic situations in which I found myself trapped during childhood, I found myself needing emotional and spiritual relief and comfort. I became a very enthusiastic collector of benevolent wisdom and philosophies for my own spiritual path, actively doing so since I was about age twelve.

HUE-manity's Light Shining Through You

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sun, 11/13/2016 - 23:03

Love Wrapped Around the WorldWe wish you to be a light bulb, a conductor of light through your being and to encourage those of the light, to awakening to who they are. Calling those who have done that, awakened, to start emanating light as little children do, for they are still connected fully to source. Be as a child, be the love you are. That is all.

Right now so many are not shining their lights and wanting to stop and control others and think that there happiness depends on government. It never has, we assure you.

Get away from thinking about the wrongness/rightness conundrum that is your government and awaken, the forces of light are blasting truth into the he halls of the hearts of humanity. Trust in this and know all is well from a wider place.

Allow the colors to flood as hues of hue-manity’s light shining in many shades of justice and truth with love from Mother Mary- the pink frequency of unconditional love.

We are the cloud beings, we are the light we are interwoven of rainbow threads. We are you as you appear in celestial form. We are your essence and you are ours. Our essences and frequencies and woven and when you channel us through you, we infuse you with pastel color love frequencies and you infuse us with your essence that is our own. Source light from heart to heart.

17:D Honoring Gaia and The Angel Catch

Submitted by Rick Keefe on Thu, 06/30/2016 - 10:03

Here is the link to the original post


by Rick Keefe, with significant contributions by Maritza Keefe, Jaime Gould, Rachel Provo-Dashkiwsky, Mollie Chivington, Ian Nilram, with special astrological material by Laura Walker, and special channeled material via Natalie Glasson and Isis-Neith Shanti



Part One: Our Group Experience

How Our Group came Together; Rachel's Vision of a Sacred Circle; The Drive to Vail; Preparing to go into the Circle; The Blessed Water; The Ceremony in the Sacred Circle; The Drive to the Creek; The Hike in the Dark Down to Cienaga Creek; The Angel Catch; Offering Water in the Creek with Spirits All Around Us; Climbing Back Out; The Return

Part Two: How My Mind Dealt With the Angel Catch

The Next Five Days; Spiritual Support; Jaime's Revelation; Rachel's Sacred Gatherings

Part Three: Contemplations

Contemplations about the Angel Catch and Gaia; Guidance April 9, 2015; Channeling of Archangel Metatron May 17, 2016; Channeling Mother Earth June 6, 2016



Part One: Our Group Experience



When a group of people get together with benevolent intentions for a sacred purpose, magic can happen, and it can happen for you.

Our group began to come together midway into 2014 through a spiritual support group that some of us still attend once a month under the high ceilings in the back of a small candle company in Tucson. The shop is named Mystic Candles and Metaphysical, created and managed by a charismatic young woman named Mollie.

16:D Reflections on Reincarnation (The Owl Incident Part Four)

Submitted by Rick Keefe on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 10:37



This is an article about reincarnation and how I currently perceive re-incarnation operates, based on communications that  I have had with two of my guides: first with Loran, an extra-terrestrial and ambassador for the Loridians, an extra-terrestrial race once living in what is now the M42 nebula in Orion, and most recently with an angelic guide, Archangel Metatron.

With the release of forty pages from the Loran transcripts in December 2015 on my 53rd birthday, I hoped then to share with interested readers a chronological assemblage about my past-life as a young science prodigy who became a secret  government scientist, later coerced into working for the U.S. Navy on above-top-secret military projects. Those forty pages, linked here, describe the murder of that man, and how both galactic and angelic beings were involved in the transition of my soul into my current lifetime.

Now, so much of that reincarnation information is deeply familiar to me, after having studied the Loran material for six years, and having compulsively researched the mysteries about extra-terrestrial contact cases for nearly thirty years after my Owl Incident.

However, for those of you who may be interested in this as a case study about reincarnation– there is likely much esoteric extra-terrestrial information presented by Loran for which many readers may have no point of reference. With this article, I am going to attempt to summarize the relevant extra-terrestrial information , while sharing my concepts about my case’s reincarnation aspects and implications, from my point of view.


Submitted by Angel News Network on Tue, 02/02/2016 - 08:37


Co-founder of the Angel News Network
We are all designed and destined to be channels of the higher realms, communicating with frequencies and consciousness beyond the human mind and bringing that wisdom into humanity. In fact, it has never not been that way. All of our past golden ages be they Lemurian, Atlantean, Egyptian, Greek, Aztec, Mayan or otherwise were all supported and created by higher realms support beyond the human experience. Entertain the thought that the human mind is a receiver of this higher wisdom. We have never been alone. In the past this was common knowledge. It is time for this to be common again.

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