21:D How I Interpret the Healing Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

Submitted by Rick Keefe on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 17:43


21:D How I Interpret the Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

by Rick Keefe



After exploring and studying, to various and lesser degrees, many of the world’s religions, I realized that I was not inclined towards religious doctrine, because I learned to view any religion as a control system over people which granted a huge, imbalanced amount of power and control to the human beings who ruled at the top of their pyramid structure.

To me, religions can help to begin to lead people towards spirituality, until, invariably, the innocent seekers get caught up in the control mechanisms within religions.

I value freedom of spirit. Religions were too confining for me, and I don’t like the fact that so many wars were fought, and blood spilled, in the name of religions and their associated deities. So, after my years of religious exploration and after coming to my conclusions about religious structures, I avoided religion and chose to keep seeking spiritual wisdom anywhere I could find it.

Due to the very difficult domestic situations in which I found myself trapped during childhood, I found myself needing emotional and spiritual relief and comfort. I became a very enthusiastic collector of benevolent wisdom and philosophies for my own spiritual path, actively doing so since I was about age twelve.

Early on, I was reading Richard Bach, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Paramahansa Yogananda. A couple years later, one morning I was surprised to learn in an announcement over the high school p.a. system, that I was being awarded a leadership award, certificate and a book. The book spoke of a fourth major aspect of life beyond the physical, emotional and mental, which was spiritual. At that time, I had labeled myself  as “agnostic,” which is defined as “a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God,” but this is when I was beginning my lifelong search to understand my spiritual side, and this award just inspired me more to continue that personal quest.

As time passed, a large period of my life became devoted to researching the nature of extra-terrestrial contact with human beings on Earth. I wanted to learn what other galactic civilizations believed in, because I hoped that some of their philosophies, if I could find out what they were, may possibly be more inspiring and meaningful to me than our Earth religions. I say this with no disrespect intended to anyone of any religious faith, this being my own very personal quest.

Having become convinced that extra-terrestrial life does exist, I often found myself theorizing that angels were simply a prosaic way for many people to identify what I understood to be extra-terrestrials.

I have also considered certain U.F.O. extra-terrestrial contact cases, and that  certain species of extra-terrestrials have purposely posed as angelic beings using holographic technology, in an attempt to deceive and confuse the contacted human being. I accept that this is not an easy field to explore, and that there is certainly a lot to sort through once you step into the rabbit hole of extra-terrestrial research.

Now, I am convinced that there are both extra-terrestrials and angels, and that they are not necessarily one and the same, as I had theorized earlier on during my metaphysical explorations.

In the first several years after I had begun my “healing experiments” (on the advice of an extra-terrestrial ambassador that was being channeled through a female medium who had been channeling the higher dimensional being and his civilization for sixteen years) I began to read the communications of many other channelers in order to get a broader perspective of the messages that these very benevolent beings may be trying to share with us.

Once I began to get more comfortable with reading a variety of channelers on a regular basis, I allowed myself to explore an area that I had mostly always avoided, the Angelic Realms, due to the fact that I had been associating angels with religion, which, as I already explained, I tend to avoid.

As I read one transcript after another of channeled benevolent information, I found that so many of these channelings were attributed to angelic beings, and also some religious historical figures like Jesus, Mary Magdalane, Archangel Michael or Saint Germain. The one being whose channelings I avoided was Archangel Metatron, because his name sounded phony to me.

As I opened my mind further, I conceived that perhaps these benevolent beings, mentioned in religious texts, did not have to be viewed entirely within the context of human religious doctrine. I considered that I might be able to view these benevolent beings, like archangels, as inter-acting in our reality, but outside and beyond the box of organized religions, their dogma and their control systems.

In other words, I allowed myself the freedom to explore the reality of their angelic  existence in direct relation to my consciousness and my perception of reality, without the filter and connection to any single religion. I would choose to view the ascended masters and the angelic kingdom as more broadly connected to humanity in total.

It also felt right to believe that each human being has a direct connection to the Great Spirit, to God, to All That Is, and that there may also be a direct connection between these beautiful, benevolent, angelic energy beings and every single human being— you, me, everyone— each in their own individually connected way, for all of these beings and us are simply different expressions of All That Is.

This understanding allowed me the openness of mind to consider that archangels and ascended masters could express themselves through various psychics, mediums and any human being with some telepathic ability and loving intent. And on a personal level, as long as I resonated with the material coming through in a deep and spiritual way, these channelings were valuable and real to me.

I felt that these messages that I was reading had various levels of authenticity to me personally. I felt some channelers and their messages resonated to a greater degree with me, others to a lesser degree. I felt that the great majority of these channelings were being offered by sincere individuals, and free of charge, and so I was open-minded enough to take their sincere claims of trying to connect with various galactic beings, ascended masters, angelic beings, and assorted cosmic energies at face value, and allow my intuition and feelings to help sort things out  for my reasoning, scientific mind. I understood that reading channelings carried with it a certain taboo for many people who describe themselves as “religious” in our society, however, society’s collective fears have never slowed down my personal quest for wisdom and truth.

As I shared in my earlier article on reincarnation, “Reflections on Reincarnation (The Owl Incident Part Four),” and because my scientific mind likes a lot of verification, I was astonished when the second medium that I ever went to for a reading brought through much of the same information about my most recent major past life as the information which had been brought through from the extra-terrestrial ambassador several years earlier, despite the fact that I was not sharing that information publicly and the second medium had no knowledge of the first medium or those messages.

This second medium, Isis-Neith Shanti, a crystal child and psychic medium of the highest caliber, introduced me to Archangel Metatron in the autumn of 2013. As the last three years have gone by, I have found that my worldview has changed and evolved once again, due in large part to this new relationship that has occurred since I began working with this divine being in meditation and in the healings that I do for others. I have since produced several documentaries on Isis and her husband Wolf.

I am going to share a portion of my first introduction to Archangel Metatron, from the transcripts of my first reading from Isis-Neith. About fifteen minutes into the videotaped reading, a guide began to make himself known to her, and then to me when I received the video file.

“I do have a Guide coming forward now on your left side,” began Isis-Neith, “standing behind you. Very male. A Lot of masculine energy. Very powerful guide, also soothing, protective, calm energy with this guide. But also very strong, very masculine energy… I am seeing a very large heart. This is the first thing I saw. A very large pink heart in front of your heart chakra. This is your Guide sending his energy there to your heart chakra. I do not feel much of a block in your heart chakra.”

“Your guide does feel angelic to me, and I want to say galactic as well. It feels like it could be a mix of different things, either that or there are multiple guides standing near him, and they are not revealing themselves. He is the one revealing himself.”

“This Guide is definitely someone that you can connect with to help you clear out your energy field, because that is something that he does. He is peaceful and calming, but very forceful, meaning he has so much force with him, all of this life force and strength that is clearing energy, that is shooting off of him.”

Isis-Neith then received the name of the being. “I am getting Archangel Metatron as well. So that is an energy that you can be calling on, a very, very powerful Archangel who can be helping to clear you. I do feel that. I am getting Archangel Metatron can also help you with that. I am feeling that you might not have been fully aware of the potential of that connection. Archangel Metatron is with you and operating near you. That is a very powerful connection to have.”

“I don’t normally read people who have Archangel Metatron with them, ” she continued. “Archangel Michael is around a lot of people. Archangel Metatron can be around people who have something very deep to clear, and may have a lot of past life things to clear. Metatron is in charge of records, and also very powerful and can help with clearings and manifestings. He is an all around very, very powerful Guide and Angel. You do have that connection with him. He is the one coming forward now, that I was feeling.”

Then, Isis-Neith sighed deeply and slowly exhaled. She giggled and said “This archangel packs some energy, he really does. Normally, this is how I feel at the end of a guidance reading. Metatron is quite powerful. He can definitely help you with clearing all this out… Even though there is this forceful masculine energy that wants to clear, clear, clear this stuff all out, at the same time it is very soothing and very peaceful the way that it is being sent. So, it has the power to clear it. The energy also carries the insight and authority to do it. This charged energy is also peaceful at the same time. The energy is very balanced and what you need to fully clear this. It is not just about clearing out this energy, but also about soothing hurts.”

Because of many qualities from this reading, and most especially my internal resonance with what the medium Isis-Neith Shanti shared with me that verified what the medium Cathy Star Eagle had shared with me through Loran, the extra-terrestrial ambassador, I scientifically considered the long odds that both of them would have been able to tap into and share much of the same information about the past-life in question.

The statistical improbability and slim chance of identifying the same information really made me consider that these two mediums and the beings that they were bringing through truly may have access to the Akashic Records of everyone’s past and future lives, and that I better sit up and pay attention. This realization spurred me to investigate further, and so I began a lengthy research investigation into the being known as Archangel Metatron, and I read sixty to seventy articles of various lengths and depth about Archangel Metatron, along with finally going back and reading so many of the channelings that I had previously ignored, because of my issue with his name sounding phony to me.



What follows is my condensed research, distilled down to the most essential elements of what Archangel Metatron represents, within the very obvious limitations of human language. Because this report incorporates so many references to understandings referenced largely in Christian and Judaic religion,

I want to reiterate that I personally do not subscribe to any religions, but I do recognize that I share certain values with certain parts of many different religions, especially with regard to benevolence and benevolent action. Personally, I aspire to be benevolent, and of service to others and myself in a benevolent balance.

Two definitions, then, are required before I continue into the heart of this report: the definitions of both an “angel” and an “archangel.” I will share only the most basic definitions, because each of these definitions could end up being long reports in themselves.

What is an angel? An angel is commonly defined as “a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God,” and is often conventionally “represented in human form with wings and a long robe.” An angel is, in my view, a sacred being of Light and Love, and as we are, an individuated but non-separated aspect of All That Is, also called God. An angel may assist us in our spiritual growth, and uses enormous love in sharing their divine, benevolent qualities with human beings.

What is an archangel? To me, an archangel is a title that suggests an angelic being who has very powerful abilities and has accepted enormous responsibilities in supporting the benevolent application of love throughout the multi-verse, and who is in service to the Love of All That Is. They supervise and manage the large designs of the universe, the blueprints of Creation, and may be called upon by human beings to assist them and humanity as a whole in upliftment, healing, and gaining truth and wisdom.

Angels and archangels are intelligent living beings of light, as are humans at the quantum level, but the angelic beings are also very conscious of their divinity and their actions are naturally in harmony with the benevolent, high Love of the Creator of All, which radiates holy love from a state of complete unity.

I have chosen to attempt to convey the wide-ranging qualities of Archangel Metatron into three sections: (1) who Archangel Metatron is and his role in the Angelic Kingdom, (2) Metatron’s relationship to planet Earth, and (3) how a person can access an even greater connection to Metatron in one’s life.



PART ONE- Who Archangel Metatron Is



Introducing Archangel Metatron is no small task. In my experience so far, I have only actually viewed him as colors of light when my eyes are closed. In meditation and when I do healings for people, I recognize Metatron when I see, with eyes closed, a swirling purple light alongside a swirling green light, combined with a feeling of a higher quality of love within myself. When this happens, I have learned to trust that Archangel Metatron is present. On occasion when I am trying to consciously connect with a higher benevolent energy being like Metatron, I will see a golden, eye-shaped pattern of electricity, which I interpret as an acknowledgment by that being that they are present with me

According to all the literature from which most of the remaining material in this report has been gathered, Archangel Metatron’s appearance may take several forms. Metatron is traditionally portrayed as youthful. He is the youngest of the archangels, said to have been created by All That Is less than ten thousand years old by our linear time, whereas the vast majority of angels within the angelic kingdom were said to have been created at the same time as the universe itself. He is one of the tallest archangels, and adorned with thirty-six pairs of wings. He is said to project a gentle but masculine energy, and has a deep pink auric field surrounding him.

Metatron was created after the other archangels as the Archangel of the Heaven of Form, and often stands holding a sacred, geometrical cube of light that contains the balanced, energetic geometry of the universe of created form, known as Metatron’s Cube. He is also known to stand holding a sacred scroll.

Along with his human-looking angelic form, Archangel Metatron is also said to appear simply as a being of divine Light in several different ways. Metatron may appear to human beings as a pillar of fiery platinum white light, brighter than the Sun. He can create Light and share it.  He is able to bring down light from the heavenly dimensions into our reality on Earth. Archangel Metatron helps all those working on Earth, which includes not only humans, but also galactic beings and other angelic beings, to bring light to darkness. Earth is considered to have been a planet constricted by lower dimensional energies, and therefore a very dense and dark space. Metatron continues to be closely involved with Earth and any “lightwork” that is truly trying to help uplift the consciousness here on the planet. He exists everywhere, including here on Earth, and he is guiding and supporting the upliftment and ascension of Earth and all of its inhabitants.

Metatron may directly help a human being by guiding Light through one’s stellar chakra several feet above one’s head, and also through the crown chakra at the top of the head. Metatron brings in the light in order to heal all parts of one’s beingness, which includes not only the physical body but also the fields of electromagnetic energy, light and sound which penetrate and surround one’s body. Metatron shares his pure direct light from the Source of all creation to us here on Earth, through both divine color and sound vibrations. As Metatron channels this light through our stellar and crown chakras, this allows human beings the gift of access to different dimensions of existence. Occasionally, if Metatron is working with you, you may witness brilliant flashes of light, which in turn upgrade our ability to receive and carry light.

During one instance of healing less than two years after I began my “healing experiments,” on a day in 2012 when Venus transited across the Sun, I was preparing all afternoon for a healing because the person had a growth and had been diagnosed with a pre-cancerous condition. Not based on anything but intuition, I stood outside for over an hour with my eyes closed as Venus crossed the Sun and I meditated upon receiving healing light that I could pass along to the afflicted person. Remarkably to me, I saw a pillar of white light while I was in meditation during the actual healing work on the person (which had never happened to me before) and what looked like sparkling white vines rising up around this column of white light. I told the person this as it was happening. My feeling now is that this was Archangel Metatron working through me over a year and a half before I was formerly introduced to him as my primary guide through the session with the medium Isis-Neith. To the surprise of the individual’s modern medical doctor, the person recovered very quickly from the pre-cancerous growth, which disappeared quite rapidly, and that person is still completely healthy and cancer-free, four and a half years later as of this writing.



Ironically enough, the one being whose channeled material that I would most often skip over was Archangel Metatron! My reasons for avoiding any channeling with Archangel Metatron were because I had never heard of an archangel named Metatron before, as I had for Michael, Raphael, Gabrielle, Uriel and the better-known archangels. Metatron’s name sounded to me like a modern, made-up character name to me, like out of a science fiction storyline.  Little did I know that I was intimately connected with Archangel Metatron, another irony that, among other things, reminded me not to judge or read so much into names and labels, or judge based on any pre-conceived notions I might have, or judge at all.

Part of understanding the energies that Metatron represents may come through an understanding of the meaning of his name. In Latin, his name is “Metator,” which means “to measure” or “to balance.” In Greek, “meta” means "beyond" or "after," and “tron” is a Greek suffix meaning “instrument,” although some scholars feel that the word “tron” relates to the Greek word “thronom,” meaning throne. Therefore, in Greek, Metatron means “beyond” or “after” combined with “instrument” or “throne,” quite possibly suggesting that Archangel Metatron is an angelic energy being “instrumental” to what is “beyond or after” this life. For some scholars, his Greek name translates to: “One Who Occupies the Throne Next to the Divine Throne.”

Other writers have also suggested that Metatron can be equated with the Greek god Hermes, who was their god of transitions, boundaries, messages from beyond this world, and the god who helped human souls into the afterlife.

In Hebrew, he is also called “Mattatron,” referencing the noun “Mattara,” meaning “keeper of the watch,” and the verb, “MMTR,” meaning “to guard” or “to protect.” The Jewish mystical book “The Zohar, ” which is a commentary on “The Torah,” published in Spain in the thirteenth century, is one of only a handful of sources that reference Metatron by name, referring to him as “The Youth,” with a meaning that suggests he is a “servant” of God.

The Islamic tradition speaks of “Idris,” a trustworthy and patient prophet, identified in Biblical tradition as “Enoch,” a mortal who lived such an exalted life, that the Divine Creator transitioned him into becoming the Archangel Metatron. In the Egyptian tradition, Metatron is associated with the god Thoth, who ruled over writing, glyphs, alphabets, magic, the Moon, balance, arbitration, pacification, the underworld and judgment of the dead.

While the Greek and Egyptian traditions have described this divine being as being a god, and Christian, Judaic and Islamic religions describe him as an angel, each of these cultures, while using different names and titles, may all be referencing the same Being of Light and Love.

Archangel Metatron has many titles attributed to him. He is “The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the first and last of the Archangels and the Angel of Angels, the Highest Angel, the Chancellor of Heaven, The Chief of the Ministering Angels, and the Angel of Messengers.” He is “The Angel of the Covenant, the Angel of Presence, the Keeper of the Watch, the Little YHWH and the Lesser YHWH.” He is “The Angel of Wisdom and Understanding, the Great Architect, and the Angel of Sacred Geometry and Numbers.” Metatron is “The Angel of Children, The Youth and the Angel of the Divine Face.” He is also “The Archangel of Reflection, the Liberating Angel, The Archangel of Life, and The Supreme Angel of Death.”




Even as the youngest archangel of all, Archangel Metatron’s destiny was to lead, guide and oversee all the archangels and angels of the Angelic Realms. Archangel Metatron is extremely close to the Great Spirit of All, to God, and he governs the balance of all the many universes of existence known as the Multi-verse. Archangel Metatron “overlights” all of the angelic energies, sharing his wisdom, balance, guidance and bridges all to the Divine beyond what we see as creation.

Archangel Metatron helps maintain the proper balance for all of Creation. In Judaism’s “Kabbalah” or “Qabala,”, this balance of creation is represented as the “Tree of Life,” and at the top of this “Tree” is the “Keter” of “Kether,” also called the “Crown of Creation.” As “Lesser YHWH,” Archangel Metatron forms the cosmic blueprint of the entire Tree of Life. Metatron helps sustain mankind, provide divine wisdom, and helps to link humanity with the divine realms through his immense love and compassion.

From the Kether or crown, beyond which is only The Source of All, Archangel Metatron oversees all the Multi-verse of all creation, guarding and supervising the entire cosmos from top to bottom, which is represented by the Tree. In the highest parts of Kether, Archangel Metatron drops his form and is seen as a radiant being of the full spectrum of Light, and he demonstrates living without form to all in this region of the Kether. All cosmic energy, it is said,  flows from The Source through the Kether and down to all parts of creation, including down to Earth and humanity.

In the Kether, duality, polarity, separation, pain, fear and adversity do not exist. In this space, there is complete peace, harmony, and very high, pure energies that promote inspiration creativity, ascension and upliftment. Beings feel completely free to express both their male and female energies. This holy realm is populated by angels and energy beings of the highest caliber of Light and Love, who share their spiritual wisdom to help expand the consciousness of the human souls who also reside in the Kether in order to learn and raise themselves to even higher loving frequencies as they release and detach from any final remaining moral weaknesses, resulting in a completeness of their divine beingness.

In the Judaic literature, it is reported that while Metatron sustains all from the top of the Tree of Life, many other archangels, called the Sephiroth, whom also dwell in other areas of the Tree of Life, may rely on Metatron’s guidance. Metatron and his archangelic spiritual brother Sandalphon (who may have been the prophet Elijah), work in harmony from the uppermost and lowermost points on the Tree of Life, to maintain balance and harmony. Metatron sends the greatest loving energy down the Tree of Life from the Kether to the bottom, where Sandalphon shares it with all the living creatures on Earth, for the purpose of Earth’s spiritual evolution and our ascension program. Metatron’s counterpart who represents the female part of The Source, Skekinah, is described as his twin flame; she is also known as Rachael in Kabbalistic traditions. For her part, the “Shekinah” reflects that energy back up the tree again, like kundalini yoga, so that spiritual energy is constantly flowing between the Great Spirit, the angels, and human beings.




One of Metatron’s many titles is “The Supreme Angel of Death and Rebirth.” The literature on Metatron affirms that this archangel receives divine guidance continuously from the Source of All as to the souls who will pass into the afterlife. Along with Archangels Gabrielle, Sammael, and Azrael, Archangel Metatron helps to guide those souls who have recently died back into the heavenly realms.

Metatron records every thought and action both in Heaven and on Earth. Due to his exceptional organizational abilities, he was chosen by The Great Spirit to be Heaven’s Scribe and Librarian, and to maintain for eternity the archives of all creation and every event, big or small, that has ever occurred. Metatron oversees these “Akashic Records” in what is also called “The Book of Life.” Archangel Metatron bears witness to all that we do, and any karmic actions or situations which may still need to be resolved. He is an angel of Divine Truth and Justice. What I find beautiful is that Metatron also bears witness to those acts of love and kindness often overlooked by other human beings around us; he records every act of love, kindness, compassion and tolerance. Metatron is the Guardian of the Akashic, and will ultimately decide what information may be shared from the great Akashic Records with humanity, or any single human being who may be searching for information about their past or future lives.




As the “Archangel of the Heaven of Form,” Metatron is charged with holding the blueprint of all creation, and Metatron’s cube was manifested through his Soul to assist him in this capacity to maintain balance and harmony throughout all of creation. This is why Metatron is also called “The Great Architect,” and his divine blueprint is complete and unified with All That Is.

The cube represents all six directions, in a balanced equilibrium. Through his cube, Metatron administers the sacred geometry of the Multi-verse by use of divine Light patterns, shapes, grids and lines. The “Flower of Life” is an example of a core “Metatronic” pattern. Metatron’s Cube contains all the sacred shapes of the Multi-verse, which are the foundational forms of all third-dimensional physical matter, including our genetics. The ley lines of Earth are said to follow the patterns of Metatron’s cube. The sacred geometric shapes contained within Metatron’s Cube may be utilized by benevolent human beings for a variety of purposes, to be shared further on in this report.



PART TWO- Archangel Metatron’s Relationship to Earth



In the fifth chapter of the Bible’s Old Testament Book of Genesis, verses 18 to 24, mention is made of being named Jared who fathered a child, Enoch, at age one hundred and sixty two. As remarkable as that sounds, the next verse states that after Enoch was born, Jared lived an additional eight hundred years, dying at the age of 962 years of age! To me, this suggests the possibility of an extra-terrestrial connection, and I have found references to Metatron in connection with the star Sirius A. The Book of Genesis goes on to state that Enoch fathered Methuselah at age 65, and went on to father other sons and daughters, living to age three hundred and sixty five. Enoch is said to have led a very pious life, was a prophet and scribe, and was looked upon with much love from the heavenly realms. Then, in Genesis 5:24, the Bible states that “Enoch walked with God… and God took him,” thought to be the time of the Great Flood.

As far as I have discovered, the Bible does not name Archangel Metatron in either the Old or New Testament, but there are several allusions to him, according to some Christian and Jewish scholars. Some religious scholars suggest that the Burning Bush which spoke to Moses and said, “I Am” was Archangel Metatron, acting as God’s emissary. Later, they suggest, he parted the Red Sea in the same role, helped to free the Israelites in their exodus from Egypt. Again, in “The Zohar,” Metatron is described as the “Rod of Moses,” from which comes life and death, and he is mentioned in “Pseudepigrapha,” which are various pseudonymous apocrypha and writings, mostly Jewish writings ascribed to various biblical patriarchs and prophets.

Archangel Metatron begins to appear in religious literature in medieval Jewish mystical texts, most prominently in the “Hebrew Book of Enoch,” also called “Enoch 3.” It is said that two Egyptian magicians, the two-faced Janus and his cohort Jambres, entered Heaven through the use of unholy magic, and that both Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabrielle were not able to remove the evildoers. After Archangel Metatron banished both Janus and Jambres from the heavenly realms, he was given the title of “The Angel of Angels,” and was charged with guarding and protecting Heaven.



“The Book of Enoch” picks up where the Book of Genesis leaves off, “Enoch walked with God… and God took him.” Here, in “The Book of Enoch,” are explanations and details about Enoch’s connection to Archangel Metatron. “The Book of Enoch,” was authored by Rabbi Ishmael Ben Elisha, who was only in his mid-forties in 135 A.D. when he was cruelly executed by a Roman governor along with nine other martyrs.

The rabbi wrote about Enoch’s transfiguration into the archangel: “This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eyelashes to flashes of lightning, his eyeballs to flaming torches, and whom God placed a throne next to the throne of glory, received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron.”

So according to this rabbi, Enoch was transformed into the “spirit of flame,” taken up into the heavenly realms, given wings, and became an archangel, becoming the first ascended man.

Metatron is one of only two archangels, the other being his brother Sandalphon, who once walked the Earth as a male human being. There are several “Books of Enoch,” but the original “Book of Enoch” is considered to be the definitive work with regard to Metatron. “The Chronicles of Enoch” contain passages about when Enoch visited Heaven prior to his death.



One of the primary duties Archangel Metatron performs for All That Is involves safeguarding and sustaining the Earth and her human children. Metatron stands ready to support and protect all children, encourage them to discover the truth within themselves, and to have a more fulfilled life where they can aspire to reach their highest potential.  Archangel Metatron loves every child, and also is very attentive to children with special circumstances, who may be especially sensitive and psychic, handicapped, living in poverty, autistic, hyperactive, distracted, or unique and gifted in some special way. Metatron encourages all of us to make sure that no child is harmed, abused or neglected in any way, and even encourages adults to heal their “inner child.”

For those children who die too young or prematurely, he guides them in their out-of-body journey back to the heavenly realms, helping to calm them as they cross over, teaching them what they need to understand in order to make the transition into Heaven easier.

As well as helping all children with special needs, this archangel provides great assistance to all children who have incarnated on Earth with any special, divine  mission that they may be charged with, especially those missions related to helping humanity’s ascension. Metatron is paying special attention to the spiritually gifted, psychic sensitive children that have been incarnated as the indigo, crystal and rainbow generations, augmenting and supporting the development of each child’s special gifts for humanity. As they grow older, Archangel Metatron continues to help any of these special individuals who are struggling with their own unique development and their ascension mission.



Metatron also acts as a bridge between form and non-form, and also serves The Great Spirit by guarding the threshold into The Void, from which all creation is birthed. By now, it should also be clear that Archangel Metatron helps bring the Divine Realms to humanity, Heaven to Earth. Religious literature speaks of Archangel Metatron guarding the entry point to the Divine Realms, which are connected to a “Bridge of Light” that reaches across to the Earthly dimension of form, where Archangel Uriel stands protecting entry upon the Bridge.

Metatron helps us to create the bridge to our higher self, encouraging us to meditate and quietly listen in silence to our guides and the divine realms. He helps bring us closer to the Great Spirit of Love and Harmony, for he holds the divine charge of sustaining and nurturing humanity towards greater love, to open our hearts and connect us with the Love of All That Is. Archangel Metatron also helps to remind us that we each have a direct connection to the Divine Source of All, and that we do not need anyone else to put us in touch with God, because that connection is our natural birthright, easily accessible when we approach the Divine Source from a space of love.

Archangel Metatron helps us to remove any self-doubt and to discover the great love at the center of our being, so that we know and remember, too, that we each carry a spark of true divinity within us, and that when we act with love, we are uplifting ourselves and everything around us.



PART THREE- Metatron In Your Life



One of the most important things to understand about Archangel Metatron is his extremely powerful divine, unconditional love. His positive love vibrations help to sustain the Multi-verse. He unites us with The Source of all love and goodness, and brings huge amounts of loving light and vibrations to each of us in all areas of our lives, helping one to find truth, and comfort their heart.

Because of his vast capacity for unconditional love, Metatron has limitless power, and his presence may be felt as a powerful electromagnetic energy and lifeforce. Metatron’s presence can easily bring miracles, raising the level of vibration and consciousness to anyone willing to receive his pure, refined energy.

His loving presence and divine intelligence brings with it very powerful healing light and vibrations, and Metatron will help anyone who calls upon him, helping to release unhealthy energies. Archangel Metatron has so much empathy, compassion and understanding, having once been the human being Enoch, and he understands our emotions, our struggles with ego, and knows what physical pain feels like. His great capacity for mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy helps all those who allow Metatron into their lives to become much more oriented towards service-to-others, rather than a mindset of service-to-self.



Beyond the traditional seven chakras, we each have other powerful chakras including what is known as the “stellar gateway chakra,” which is located about three feet above one’s head, and opens up as we develop spiritually. Archangel Metatron governs this chakra, which is very powerful in that it may act as a portal to our entire universe, accessed by one’s consciousness through dedicated meditation. Metatron is also associated with the “gateway” organs: the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. Metatron is able to help clear blockages and open one’s chakras, and also can cleanse impurities and toxins out one’s body, even negative psychic, mental, emotional, and darker spiritual energy fields. Increased energy levels, clarity, calm and increased intuition can manifest within your being more easily when your chakras are clear of blockages and spinning properly. Archangel Metatron may clear your chakras and eliminate negative energies with his golden Cube of the sacred geometric blueprints of life, geometry that science is still trying to understand at its quantum level.



You can connect with the energy of Metatron and his healing Cube through meditation and visualization to align one’s chakras, and bring healing energy down from the heavenly realms into this physical reality.

Metatron’s Cube is an ideal focal point to begin to connect with this archangel and his healing gifts. By studying the shapes of sacred geometry and meditating upon the patterns held within Metatron’s Cube, we can bring healing to ourselves and others, gain insight into the Divine, and assist in the progression of the human spirit toward inner ascension.

As long as you approach Archangel Metatron with love, he will respond with his healing force, but because of his great respect for our freewill, it helps to ask him for his assistance. He may respond by sending the energy of his Cube through your crown chakra at the top of your head. While working with Metatron, it is very important to stay grounded and connected to the Earth, even if only via visualization. Good clear concentrated focus is very important during your visualizations, as well as loving intentions.

Metatron’s Cube is a holy glyph, and placing a print or image of the Cube in the area around you not only connects you with his presence, but may ward off very low and negative energies, like demonic or satanic vibrations. Archangel Metatron is helping humanity to help itself ascend out of these dark, egoic patterns on both an individual and planetary scale, as well as throughout the Multi-verse. His Cube is a beautiful tool for meditations that promote peace and balance. A very kind gesture would be to remember to graciously thank Metatron for his help and presence when you interact with this very loving archangel.



Remember that Metatron keeps the balance in many different universes, all at the same time that he is bringing greater balance to our universe, and helping humanity achieve balance on Earth. He is especially focused on bringing the Light to areas that are filled with negativity and dark energies.

Archangel Metatron governs justice and peace, which allows us to let go of harsh self-judgment or judgment of others. He helps us to find the right balance in very emotional personal issues, especially for those searching for love. Metatron helps us to re-balance relationships when we feel stuck, out of tune, or when boundaries between people are not defined well enough, so that we gain more clarity and sense of self. Metatron’s energy brings together our male and female energies within each of us, and aligns them into balance.

He helps us to find the proper balance between service-to-self and service-to-others, what we share with others and what we keep for ourselves. Archangel Metatron wants us to seek greater balance, harmony, serenity and contentment so that we carry less burdens, have only a minimum of stress, and live in good health.

With regard to individual actions, Metatron may assist you to know when you need to do more for others, or for yourself, when to stop an activity because it is throwing you out of balance, and when everything feels just right. When you find yourself wrestling with a negative thought-form, call upon Metatron, and he will help guide you to a more positive frame of mind.



Archangel Metatron is aligned with pure, loving energies, and his domain within the angelic world includes helping create, manifest and maintain positive, loving thoughts and vibrations. Metatron is focused on helping us to realize the power of our own thoughts, which is where so much creativity begins. He helps to spark our imagination, and to realize our own potential and worth. He brings us confidence, strength and courage to live up to our potential. He can help clear negative energy from our minds, or the physical space in a room, which allows us to detach and release from all negativity. Metatron encourages us to bring our Higher Self into our body and this physical reality.

“The Liberating Angel” helps to release us from impure energies within our body, mind and spirit. He encourages us to make healthy choices with our bodies and the food we eat, and the liquids we drink. Self-purification gains more and more importance with age, and with one’s desire to connect or channel Metatron’s lifeforce. Working with Metatron can lead to more selfless acts, less ego attachments, more positive thoughts, less fears, more integrity and honesty, all because of his completely pure vibrations. He liberates us from negativity. Through meditation, a clean pineal gland and a healthy, spinning crown chakra, you may find that you are able to open up to his clarity and begin to channel his energies from the heavenly realms, for service to others, for healing, communication and better relationships, and much more.

As Metatron helps us to detach from the negativity in our past, our mistakes and follies, our bitter resentments, any self-loathing or self-judgment, then our minds and hearts gain more clarity, and we can be more actively in the present moment, which is our point of power. Metatron’s goal is to free us of the negativity that we have attached ourselves to, due to the pain that we hold onto within our emotional bodies. As you connect closer and closer to Metatron’s vibrations, you may gain greater all-around clarity of heart and mind, and find yourself able to connect with new dimensions of awareness and consciousness, where we realize that in the highest realms of existence, life is all about serving others and constant devotion to improving your own inner vibration. This higher state of clarity allows you to see the impact of your thoughts and actions, and Metatron’s energy may guide you to greater and greater benevolence in all that you do.

Along with clarity, Archangel Metatron may provide constant, ongoing guidance and wisdom. He will help you to see the way up and out of the dark and solve what may have once seemed like insurmountable personal obstacles, as you become more connected with your Higher Self. Metatron may even share a level of enlightenment with you that you may have never imagined yourself capable of receiving, and with that wisdom, you will remember to stay humble, and grateful for the life you have been given.



In my view, two of the most direct ways to expand your consciousness are though meditation, and reading very spiritual writings. When meditating, I find it vital to spend as much time as possible in a state of silent listening, while also controlling my breathing. As distractions may roll through your mind, allow them to pass while your intention and focus remain upon silent listening. The angelic and galactic realms and your guides will begin to respond to your quiet attention. As you do this, your intuitive connections will develop and grow. If you can arrive at a point of daily communion with these loving beings, you will find your whole world changing for the better. The benevolent realms will honor your intentions, especially your intention to connect with your Higher Self in a loving way.

You may choose to ask for Archangel Metatron’s protection as you begin, visualize the room filled with a conscious loving sparkling white light that only allows the highest and most benevolent energies into your space, and then begin your meditation. These loving beings will always be with you, and you will find beautiful synchronicities, magic and miracles happening in your life, as your life expands without limits. You will begin to realize your full potential. Imagine this actually happening, and this frame of mind allows these possibilities to manifest much easier.

Archangel Metatron is “Heaven’s Librarian,” and maintains the eternal Akashic Records of all thoughts, feelings and actions. To me, this suggests that every single part of one’s life experience, both conscious and unconscious, is recorded for posterity, imprinted in some way into both our DNA, and the fabric of our universe. Nothing is lost, and those energies remain available for re-examination when it is appropriate, such as a review by your Higher Self and your guides upon your death.

However, you may still have some limited access to the Akashic Records while alive: through psychic mediums of high caliber, and through dreams, synchronicities, and signs from our guides, all of which may be followed up with additional research to help factually support this “received information.”

Archangel Metatron may allow us a view into your personal Akashic Records if it is to your soul’s benefit, allowing you to heal karmic situations and ascend into spaces of greater love. He may stimulate your mind and inspire you to search for information that will reveal your soul’s codes to you, which include destiny patterns, wisdom about your personality’s strengths and weaknesses, deep soul connections within some of your earthly relationships, and special, rare insights, especially if you are able to release expectations and attachments to what you want to hear.

He is the angelic ambassador of organization and prioritization. Metatron is the deciding factor in just how much of the Akashic Records that you may access, for the timing of seeing some of your darker lives needs to be just right in order to continue to help uplift you along your life path.

The medium Isis-Neith Shanti explained to me: “Archangel Metatron can be around people who have something very deep to clear, and may have a lot of past life things to clear. Metatron is in charge of records, and also very powerful and can help with clearings and manifestings. He is an all around very, very powerful Guide and Angel.”

He has always been known as the Scribe, even in his only human life as Enoch. Archangel Metatron is the “Angelic Ally to Writers,” most especially to those who are trying to share spiritual wisdom with their fellow human beings that will help uplift human beings towards greater love of All. He is a patron of unique self-expression, wisdom, reverent prayer and songs. Metatron helps to motivate, stimulate, guide and focus a writer whose work will have benevolent affect upon humanity as a whole, even if that happens to be generations after the writer’s death.

Archangel Metatron also supports efficient, responsible and honest accounting, as he is associated with numbers and record keeping



If you feel inspired to connect to Archangel Metatron, know that he is an archangel that you can call on at anytime. Even while he is guiding humanity as a whole, and balancing the Multi-verse, Metatron operates from a space of “no time,” and in a capacity to cross universes and dimensions of existence, for his energy and love is unlimited, and may traverse all time and space. He is able to be present in multiple places across the universe all at once, so there is no need to worry that you are pulling him away from something more urgent. He always has time for you.

Metatron will respond to individuals, and he may even be the guide for some individuals, especially those who have blockages and much to clear or are focused on protecting and helping the Earth and humanity to ascend. His energies will assist you in making even the most stressful situations more manageable, so if you feel overwhelmed, call upon Archangel Metatron, and you may gain calmness, clarity and more energy to deal with your situation.

For me, meditation and automatic writing is how I most often connect with Archangel Metatron. I will hear thoughts and ideas that I do not identify as strictly my own, and sometimes certain thoughts and wisdom seem to come from out of the blue. By meditating or sitting in silence in front of my keyboard with my eyes closed, I may clairaudiently receive messages from my guides, and I now consider Archangel Metatron to be my primary guide. When I am trying to do a healing for an individual, I mentally call upon Metatron, and I see him as colors of healing light.

In my research, I found a wide range of colors, crystals and oil essences associated with his name, and because that was so broad, I am only going to report what I feel is most connected with Archangel Metatron in my experience so far. The colors of light that I most associate with Metatron are violet and purple, and seafoam green to emerald green, and pink, and sparkling white, and also tinges of gold and blue. The crystals that I hold on occasion as I try to connect more deeply with Metatron are blue lapis lazuli with gold flecks, pink and green watermelon tourmaline, pale blue and white celestite, and clear quartz. The aromas and fragrances that help me the most are lemon, chamomile, ginger, and sage, but I have also read that lavender, myrrh, ylang ylang, sunflower, juniper berry and cedarwood are also associated with Metatron.

Prior to meditation, you may visualize a silver white sphere or column of light (which I also associate with Archangel Uriel, who stands at one side of the “Bridge of Light”)  fully surrounding and protecting you from fear and negative energies, as it cleans your subtle fields and chakra system. You may also visualize a sphere of reflection that mirrors back any negative energies that may have been directed at you by others. Once you feel sufficiently surrounded in loving, benevolent, protective light, you may focus upon your stellar chakra and your crown chakra, and visualize sparkling white, conscious living light flowing down into and through your head, filling your heart and your whole body up with radiant, heavenly light. Also, visualize yourself grounded into the Earth from your root chakra. I have written a brief article called “Sharing My Process For Communicating With One’s Guides” that describes my process, if you are interested in more details with regard to connecting.

When I am doing healing work, and I call upon Archangel Metatron, I will often do it with one knee bended and touching the ground, in order to stay grounded to the Earth, to help allow my mind to visualize the heavenly light flowing from the higher dimensions into the physical. I have written another article called “Healing Practices and Spiritual Evolution” that describes my healing process, too.

Be ready to quietly listen with eyes closed, and see the colors that manifest, swirl and come into your mind’s eye as you meditate, and connect with those loving energies that are present with you. The results can feel miraculous. Be mindful of all the information that you receive, and even consider journaling your experiences afterwards.



Archangel Metatron helps you with dealing with your past, especially through examination of your past lives. He also helps you deal with the present, through his gifts of healing, clearing, calm, peace, balance, and by sharing wisdom, expanded consciousness, and his unconditional love. And Metatron can also help you with your future goals and manifesting your potential along your life path.

Metatron provides us with motivation, focus and prioritization, so that we can better realize our goals. He can assist you in better organizing your schedule so that you can make time for those activities which are most meaningful and uplifting to you, and help you to reduce wasted time.

While we are gifted with free will, I feel that we should also balance that with what may be called Divine Will, so that we are blending both together in the service to All. Metatron helps to align us with the Divine Source and allow us to bring that into this physical existence and our conscious awareness. If our actions are in alignment with benevolence and service to all, Metatron will help us to achieve our goals, especially if we have put much hard work into it, like for me, this report, which I have slowly gathered and worked on over three years time as my experiences with Metatron progressed. Metatron can help us communicate better, create better, more loving relationships, let go of painful episodes in our lives, and give up damaging habits and addictions. Metatron is the Archangel of Earth’s Children, and we are all children of this planet, and so we may all be assisted by Metatron if we so choose. We only need to ask.

Along your life’s path, there may be many good times, and there may be bumps. Metatron helps you toward activities that fulfill your heart, support’s your soul’s missions and purpose for being here, and helps you not to stray too far from your path. He gives us more inspiration, more imagination, and what is in our highest good. He encourages us to reach for our ideal self if that aligns with love and benevolence. Artist and creators may be visited, inspired and guided to create great works through Archangel Metatron.

And Metatron can help us to gently assimilate and flow with great changes in our lives, especially as we need to detach from old, unproductive energies. He helps us to find new patterns of behavior which are more positive. He helps us to find the good in bad. He helps us to reach inside ourselves to the very core of our being, and find love there. He helps us to release attachments and “cut cords.” He helps us to release limiting patterns of belief and to forge new and better paradigms and ways of living and being. He brings us much higher vibrations of light and sound and love. He helps us become grateful for all that we are that has been hidden from us for so long. He transforms our fears into love. He embodies the living presence that speaks, “I Am that I Am.”

And I am so grateful that he is in my life.

I want to compliment U on this article. U did a great job conveyi g much information about Metatron.
I feel VRY STRONG Connection. U hv Confirmed something for me. I just need to find out more what Metatron and AA ' r. Th Judeo-Christian summaries /interpretations aren't enough for me.
I, like U, tend to assess things from a Multidimensional +Astronomic (+what th Astronomic Specifics Correlate to on Metaphysical +Multidimensional planes).
Yt, at th same time, I hv been receiving Connections+Signs from Energies tht Correspond to what are called Archangels.
I am trying to keep myself Open to th Truth tht many different realities can and do happen at Once, and Remember tht as I keep Growing, I will start to C more.
TYVM, It seems Metatron Came to me a vry long time ago, much more than a Vision VVV.

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