
Secrets of the Whales

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Sun, 08/05/2018 - 15:02




"Whales and other cetaceans such as dolphins and orcas want humans to know that they will be increasingly attempting to gain attention by intentional beachings, getting tangled in fishing lines, and swimming outside their normal traffic ways. This is because as the largest of sentient species, they take it upon themselves to help acquaint other species such as humanity with universal wisdom.

Whales are in contact with off world species. Whales are a much older species than humans and have a different perspective on life and evolution than humans do. They are far less short sighted and far more interested in growth and evolution than humans are. 

Solara's State of the Planet for July 2018 via Talyaa Liera -- New Global Soul Agreements

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Sun, 07/01/2018 - 15:16

New Global Soul Agreements

Hold onto your hats, dear ones! You are about to enter a new dimension of reality, a new way of experiencing life on Earth, and a new way of experiencing yourself in your own body.

In short, this month begins a New World. A whirlwind of activity starts this month that brings global humanity much closer to its Destiny of harmony and understanding. And this month, you get to feel a glimpse of what this ultimate Destiny is like. You get to help co-create the burgeoning fields of love and hope by radiating your own desires and heart-whispers out into the universe. They are more powerful than you can imagine.

All of this is because humanity is entering into new global soul agreements and accords. On a soul level, every person helps co-create the reality we share that we call Earth. We do this in harmony with every other be-ing on the planet: animals, birds, insects, fishes, cetaceans, bacteria, plants, fungi, rocks, rivers, oceans — every single be-ing.

Solara's State of the Planet June 2018 energy forecast via Talyaa Liera — The Work Begins

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Fri, 06/01/2018 - 16:23

The Work Begins — Solara's State of the Planet June 2018

The Work Begins: Solara’s State of the Planet, June 2018

You are probably ready for a change by now — change in yourself, change in your relationships and work, change in the world. You look at the world around you and you want something to be different — ANYTHING, really — because you feel there is something truly wonderful welling up from underneath that isn’t yet reflected in the reality you experience.

Solara's State of the Planet May 2018 -- The Tide Turns

Submitted by Talyaa Liera on Tue, 05/15/2018 - 16:18


The Tide Turns: Solara’s State of the Planet, May 2018

Imagine you’ve been on a roller coaster — for years. You’ve weathered ups and downs and often you felt thrown this way and that by the forces in your life, but you’ve come through your endlessly long ride like a pro. Now you’re ready to get off the ride and get on with your life.

Off the Roller Coaster

What you’ll feel from energies in the month of May 2018 is much like what it feels like when you disembark from a very long roller coaster ride. You’re relieved to get off the ride and get on with your life. You’re elated from the excitement of having navigated lengthy periods of enormous ups and downs. And you feel extremely wobbly, as if the ground underneath your feet still buckles and isn’t yet solid.

The roller coaster you were on was a magical world — it was nothing like your ordinary reality. Now that you’re back on the ground, you remember what it feels like to be real. You’re no longer twisting and turning in the air, hands up and mouth screaming with a delicious mixture of delight and fear. No, you’re on solid ground now. You can get on with your life. The ride is finally over.

Happy Love Day!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 02:29

Dear Readers,

Every day is a celebrated Love Day in the Higher Realms!

What this means is that you can celebrate love every day if you will only elevate your consciousness into the higher realms. The higher realms are not ‘out there’ someplace, flitting about in the ethers! They are within you, right here and right now!

Yesterday, once I’d finished a private channeling for a client, I noticed my energy was still soaring higher than I’d ever before experienced. I lay down to enjoy this blissful experience which cannot be adequately described with mere words. Nirvana perhaps? Why label it anyway? It is LOVE in the highest frequency that I was able to feel at that moment, which thankfully stretched into a rather l o n g moment!

Now for the first time I understand why Lord Adama has said that when a channel has had the privilege of communing with a higher dimensional Being that for at least 2 hours afterwards, the channel can still enjoy the blissful energy of that Being by remaining in a state of stillness and openness and receptivity within. And the same goes for the client receiving the channeled messages because there is precious energy in those words!! And the energy remains there for as long as you are open and receptive to feeling it. Many clients have told me every time they read their written channeling, sometimes months later, they still feel overwhelming love and peace infiltrate into their being! The same is appropriate for live and recorded channeling.

True Archangel Michael Stories by Deborah Faith

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 09/19/2017 - 02:31
The Feather

In October of 2012 I had a dream that felt so incredibly real. In the dream a large dark ominous looking ‘thing’ was moving towards me. I was terrified and screamed out Michael’s name 3 times and the next thing I knew I was being physically lifted out of the dream. I woke up safe and sound in my bed and as I turned the light on I noticed the most perfect white feather I’d ever laid eyes on. It had been carefully placed on my side table, where he was sure it wouldn’t go unnoticed. I knew then that he’d saved me! What I didn’t know at the time was that he’d saved me from a figment of my mind and over active imagination. I had been listening to the fear-filled stories of my online friends and these stories had released a deep seated fear for demons which had been installed within my psyche from a young age.

Over the next couple of months Michael patiently worked with me helping me to overcome my fears. He taught me there is nothing to fear except fear itself and even then it shouldn’t be feared because fear is an illusion. Only love is real! He showed me how powerful the human mind can be.

Since then he’s never left my side. He’s been my confidant, my mentor and closest friend. He taught me about unconditional love and he continues to guide me in every area of my life.

Read more stories here:

Thank you!



Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 07/28/2017 - 07:39

Greetings friends,

April's Airings is back!

These past three years or so have been an incredible journey for me to the very soulful depths of my being. While I am sorry for my inconsistency in messages during this time, in order to become an even better and more refined channel and healer, this hiatus and some additional training, practice, and study was necessary. I felt overall, that I needed to return to a sense of "wholeness of being" and that I should focus the majority of my energies on this goal.


Submitted by janetariel on Wed, 03/22/2017 - 14:13
 In Jasmine Renee Abbott's Video THE HIPPIE GHOST BAND talked about how they hoped everyone interested would read HIPPIE GHOST BAND ORIGINS to get a better understanding, of how this whole relationship came into being. This is a different experience, one almost beyond imagination. But it IS real, it did happen, and is going forth to get out the message the world needs to hear. I enjoyed reading it and understanding more inside details, in this mind blowing, saga. 
Who would of known an intervention of this kind could materialize here on the Earth plane through time and space, to come from the other side to rescue and revive this important person. To help her see this is why she is here, that life is worth living. Who would of ever known they would, or could, come back? But they have. Not as who they once projected to be, but as they are now, with a new focus and great realizations. Who would of ever thought it would develop beyond just one person, John, her guide speaking. Her abilities are so unique and original . They have all worked very hard to bring these messages to the world. 
They have come to invite us into their world, to get to know THEM, not the old versions of their selves. They like us, have grown and changed and gotten more wise along the way.

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