Happy Love Day!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 02:29

Dear Readers,

Every day is a celebrated Love Day in the Higher Realms!

What this means is that you can celebrate love every day if you will only elevate your consciousness into the higher realms. The higher realms are not ‘out there’ someplace, flitting about in the ethers! They are within you, right here and right now!

Yesterday, once I’d finished a private channeling for a client, I noticed my energy was still soaring higher than I’d ever before experienced. I lay down to enjoy this blissful experience which cannot be adequately described with mere words. Nirvana perhaps? Why label it anyway? It is LOVE in the highest frequency that I was able to feel at that moment, which thankfully stretched into a rather l o n g moment!

Now for the first time I understand why Lord Adama has said that when a channel has had the privilege of communing with a higher dimensional Being that for at least 2 hours afterwards, the channel can still enjoy the blissful energy of that Being by remaining in a state of stillness and openness and receptivity within. And the same goes for the client receiving the channeled messages because there is precious energy in those words!! And the energy remains there for as long as you are open and receptive to feeling it. Many clients have told me every time they read their written channeling, sometimes months later, they still feel overwhelming love and peace infiltrate into their being! The same is appropriate for live and recorded channeling.

Now I wish to explain why some feel this energy and others don’t. In order to feel the higher frequencies of love, which is in Essence what we all are as we elevate ourselves into higher states of consciousness, it is imperative that we become open and receptive to this energy. And we do this by becoming still, going within and through invoking the Power of our I AM Presence, we are able to elevate our consciousness. A simple prayer will help your energy field to become open and receptive at this juncture. Such as Lord, please help me to elevate my consciousness and feel the exquisite love of your Presence within me.” You can add your own words to this prayer, follow your inner guidance as you go along, and allow the words flow freely. You can pray them silently or out aloud. It doesn’t matter. It only matters that you do it!

Why? Because you’re worth it!!!

In this way you can celebrate LOVE and the higher aspects of your Being every day, and in each divine Moment if you choose! Why wait until the 14th of February to celebrate that which in Essence you are!!

Now I can imagine some of you are thinking how impossible it is to stop the incessant stream of useless thoughts that come and go when you’re trying to remain in the Stillness of your Heart, and my advice to you is to allow them! Don’t resist them. In the words of the Great Lord and Master Himself, “What you resist persists..”. Allow the thoughts to come and go. Don’t engage with them. They’re looking for an audience! Don’t acquiesce! Notice them, and allow them free passage. Eventually what will happen is they will cease completely.

There will come a time in your life, and I can guarantee it will come, that you will thirst for the higher frequencies or higher dimensions of Love. Same thing really. The dimensions relate to levels of frequency. The dimensions are like rungs in a ladder, and as you’re able to elevate your frequency higher and higher, you’re able to traverse into higher and higher dimensions of consciousness and experience. And the gateway, or doorway to this blissful experience lies within the chambers of your sacred heart!

May we say again to you beloveds…. there exists nothing outside of you! You do not need any other with whom to celebrate the blissful experience of Love this day or any other day! You need only your Self. Your exquisitely beautiful divine Self.

Now give yourself a hug and say “I love you!”

We wish you a blissful love day!!
We Love You!




Deborah Faith

USUI Diamond Light Reiki Healer & Master Teacher, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist and Intuitive, Messenger for the Realms of Spirit., Teacher, Mentor and so much more...


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