Submitted by alexiskarpouzos on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 05:36

The Multiplicity and the Unity are one and the same thing, a thing that is both many and one at the same time. The waves, and the currents underwater, make up the ocean. The ocean is the underlying basis for every wave. Neither the ocean, nor the waves, can be understood in isolation from each other. We must preserve the sense of unity and the sense of diversity and multiplicity. We must recognize that the One and the Many are the same thing viewed from different angles. The One is the Many. The One is manifested only in and through the Many. It has no separate existence apart from the Many. Equally the Many are the One. Even during their temporary separation, they are always part of the One, and always united with the One. Every one of us is always part of the One, and can unite with the One at any time we choose.

alexis karpouzos - universal consciousness

Submitted by alexiskarpouzos on Wed, 04/01/2020 - 05:22

We need a sense of the unity of life and of humans for the sake of human welfare and for the survival of the planet. We need a sense of unity with the cosmos so that we can connect with Reality. But we also need a sense of individuality, for the sake of our own dignity and independence and of the loving care for others. We need it to appreciate each natural form, each animal and plant, each human person in their uniqueness.

We must preserve the sense of unity and the sense of diversity and multiplicity. We must recognize that the One and the Many are the same thing viewed from different angles. The One is the Many. The One is manifested only in and through the Many. It has no separate existence apart from the Many. Equally the Many are the One. Even during their temporary separation, they are always part of the One, and always united with the One. Every one of us is always part of the One, and can unite with the One at any time we choose.

Alexis karpouzos


The I AM That I AM in Me Speaks…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 09:18


Dear Readers,

The I AM That I AM in me, comes forth to remind me/us of the bigger picture at hand…

“There are levels of Mastery that can only be attained at this physical level of existence in which you and I find ourselves at present. There comes a time, such as now, when a gap or window of opportunity is created whereby a Soul can make a significant breakthrough. This is similar to the board breaking ceremony enjoyed by NLP students after their training, where the student experiences a taste of the power within the higher dimensions of their reality. That time is upon us once again. By choosing to stay present, and by consciously merging your essence with Mine, you are now for the first time experiencing how easy it can be to move mountains, to breakthrough the 3D veil that separates you from your 5D and higher realities.

In the higher 5D reality a Soul can see and think more clearly as most of the dross is cleared away. There are still minor challenges lurking in this reality, but they are easily recognised and swiftly dealt with. So you can now appreciate why existence at the 3D level is so sought after. It is because breakthrough’s at this level require the most discipline and dedication in order to accomplish the most preferable and desired outcome. This means that existence at this level also carries the greatest rewards. The 3D level of existence provides the most excellent of training grounds for a Soul’s growth.

Happy Love Day!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 02:29

Dear Readers,

Every day is a celebrated Love Day in the Higher Realms!

What this means is that you can celebrate love every day if you will only elevate your consciousness into the higher realms. The higher realms are not ‘out there’ someplace, flitting about in the ethers! They are within you, right here and right now!

Yesterday, once I’d finished a private channeling for a client, I noticed my energy was still soaring higher than I’d ever before experienced. I lay down to enjoy this blissful experience which cannot be adequately described with mere words. Nirvana perhaps? Why label it anyway? It is LOVE in the highest frequency that I was able to feel at that moment, which thankfully stretched into a rather l o n g moment!

Now for the first time I understand why Lord Adama has said that when a channel has had the privilege of communing with a higher dimensional Being that for at least 2 hours afterwards, the channel can still enjoy the blissful energy of that Being by remaining in a state of stillness and openness and receptivity within. And the same goes for the client receiving the channeled messages because there is precious energy in those words!! And the energy remains there for as long as you are open and receptive to feeling it. Many clients have told me every time they read their written channeling, sometimes months later, they still feel overwhelming love and peace infiltrate into their being! The same is appropriate for live and recorded channeling.

Message from the Archangels of Mercy ~ Faith, Hope, Love and Charity

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 01/28/2018 - 00:29

Dear Readers,

Last night as I lay in my bed, the almost full moon peeked through my open windows and shone her brilliantly clear bright light into my bedroom. I’m already feeling the effects of her loving Light and the effect of the upcoming eclipse. Whilst the brilliant lunar energy brings into our awareness all that misappropriated energy which is ready to be embraced with Love Light and Gratitude, the alignment of the Eclipse brings us into a greater awareness of our connection to Source, and into greater alignment with our Christed Hearts.

What an immense blessing this is for us right now as we approach the new month of February! I have a simple affirmation I wish to share with you that I know will help you to receive this energy with ease and grace:

“I open to receive in joy and gratitude, and with much love, the beautiful crystalline frequencies of Light!”

That’s it! It’s important to be OPEN and in JOY. Just the utterance of these words create a shift within your energy field and you will find yourself smiling and relaxing. The energy is powerful and if you are resisting for any reason, you will feel tense and discomfort in your neck, and shoulders, and most likely experience an aching head! Keep your diet light this next week, the energy needs to flow, and also drink lots of water. Water is not only cleansing, its conductive nature helps the new incoming Light frequencies to take effect, be integrated.


Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Tue, 08/01/2017 - 14:30
by April Bender via integrated Overself

Many times the things I speak of may seem complex, layered, paradoxical and perhaps even daunting in nature. For instance, I know our last exchange on the Re-unification of Worlds was full of this sort of multi-faceted, layered complexity. Many of you may have felt that it was a very tall order to fill and wondered where to even begin. Connect with my three aspects of self and align and integrate them, walk the three worlds, and learn to commune with all forms of life seen and unseen? 

The 7 Steps of Gratitude

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 06/10/2017 - 06:32

Are you feeling it-those wild waves of energy that are crashing into and pulling back from the planet like mini tsunamis? This movement has been continuous lately, as we’re currently in the throws of some tremendously powerful upgrades.  These can look and feel like paradise one day, and then shock us to our very core the next.  All of this up and down and back and forth can really wreak havoc on our sensitive physical and etheric bodies, and also can take a quite a toll on our state of mind.  As I’ve been  dealing with this myself, I have found  that by far the most effective and spiritually enriching way of surviving the shift is to focus on, and remain in a state of gratitude.  Gratitude is highly infectious, and the act of giving thanks has a pure and honest, pay-it-forward kind of effect.  The energy of gratitude flows quite naturally and it easily expands, affecting everyone and everything we come into contact with. I wanted to share with you a simple set of 7 steps, which I devised and use as a meditation  tool.

We are Stardust, We are Golden

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 17:10

Remember where you came from, before this body. You have existed and will always exist, in other forms beyond this lifetime as an eternal being. This is a mere blip in the history of time, in the history of the universe. You have always been loved and supported. You brought your heart flame to this planet in this beautiful body that you inhabit.

Remember that the universe is sentient and alive. Remember that this is an ascension process in which looks messy and chaotic and even violent, yet it is a time in which great shift is happening. Everyday more light is anchored from your being which enters the earth. Light that you receive goes on the surface of earth as an exchange to all beings. Pray for peace and cultivate your own inner peace, the still place in the center. Be with people who make you feel peaceful too.

The light you are is a gift. Your memories of home, your skills, all that you remember is a gift to the collective. Keep the memories of where you came from, the before time, alive in your heart but not as a story or as data. Keep them alive as a feeling. Discover that feeling inside you and transmit that feeling to remind your friends, perhaps those who are in resonance of Lemuria, of the star planets of Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda and other planets of origin or remembrance. Remind them of magic. Remind your friends in resonance of the feeling of joy that the dolphins bring. remind them of the higher dimensional feeling, the fifth dimensional feeling that you have inside when you are connected to source. Go there, open your crown and receive in vision, and let it illumine your being.

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