Angel News Network Newsletter 3/24/13

Submitted by Angel News Network on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 17:09

Welcome to The Angel News Network

Bringing the Wisdom and Teachings of the Divine Realms to Humanity
In continuing our mission to lend support and guidance to you on your pathway we now share our weekly message to you. These messages come through spiritual channels associated with The Angel News Network that we feel may enrich our audience.
This message comes from Archangel Michael channeled by Jeff Fasano. It is a message about living life, love and home... We Consciousness
This year 2013 is the year where we fully entrain ourselves to We Consciousness. As many of you know on 12/21/12 a gateway opened to a new golden age, the age of We Consciousness. We felt this was a significant point in our evolutionary process on this earthly plain, so we decided to dedicate a complete section on our website. You can visit our site and peruse through this new section by clicking on this link:
Archangel Michael's 2013 Outlook is on our home page. You can read Michael's message and listen to it as well. This is an overview of what we can continue to expect throughout the year.
You can see all of this as well as everything we offer to you. 
So Please visit our site:
Teachings of Archangel Michael
Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano
Remain in a place of the excitation of living life
Let go of what isn't and be with what is
Look at what is and the glass as full
Move into the depth and breadth of the spontaneity of your heart space and look at the excitation as you walk on the pathway of moving towards world service.
See what door opens next.
It is important that you now live the process you know as life.
Live it!
Open to the joy of life.
Open to the joy of What is.
Not to the absence of what isn't.
What are my talents and gifts right now where I am right now?
What is in my life right now?
The challenge is to fully release the old and step into the unknown with your talents and gifts.
The question we have for you is,
Are you ready?
Dear Ones are you ready for the task at hand?
Release now seeking where to go utilizing the assertive energy and remain on the pathway to see those coming to you and the doorways as they open. You then can meet them to move through these doorways together. Move into your intuition to see where you need to be, a specific vortex perhaps at a certain place and time. 
"It is from your heart that you will live life and the only place from where you can share you with the world. It is where the essence of you resides."
You are at a place where you may be standing at the edge of the cliff and looking for all those around you to gather at the bottom of the cliff so that when you jump you will know that everyone will be there and it will be familiar to you.
Each of you has a note that is within the soul and it is community, harmony and equality. Each of you is an individual yet there has always been the intention to return to the family or home. Home being what resonates and vibrates within the depth of your heart where joy, peace, love, equality, harmony, and community exist. 
A place where no one is better nor worse than another. We are just who we are and accepted for who we are innately in the depth and breadth of our heart. And we are here together in harmony, community and equality. This is "The We" and the new soul family and what you call "home".
Home is what resonates in the depth and breadth of your heart that is simply acceptance and compassion for you, who you are and your essence. When you reach there you will know love. Not so much love of another nor love of self. Love is not something that is tangible, that you can hold on to or control and manipulate. It is not love of another or love of self for these are mere tangible explanations of the energy that is love. The God force, the Christ consciousness, the I Am. 
Love is a frequency, a vibration in the depth of your true beingness, the essence of you. It is not tangible. You cannot smell it, taste it, hear it, touch it, see it or feel it, it is a resonance, there is no drama or glamour to it, it is simply a beingness. A connection to the Christ Consciousness of love that resides in each and every wonderful and glorious soul who inhabits your planet. It is time if you so choose to connect to this. 
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