Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 02/18/2015 - 17:30

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

Since the beginning of 2015….there seems to be a heightened sense of urgency all around us.  The energies are getting more powerful for change and the vibration on this planet…. that we are all feeling…. is weeks away from reaching a new peak!   This Aquarius New Moon is a rare one… is a Super New Moon,  it is the 2nd Aquarius New Moon of 2015 (it is extremely rare to have 2 New Moons in the same sign within a year), and it is literally only seconds away from being a Pisces New Moon. 

New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle.    New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. Remember that the New Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak.  It is also a time of setting intentions. Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World, and set the intention during this powerful Super New Moon.

A Super Moon is when the Moon is very close to the Earth.  Rather it is a New Moon or a Full Moon…..the energy is much stronger and more potent during a Super Moon.  It is as if the energy of the Super Moon….the sign it is in….is magnified on Earth at that time. This energy can give you new perspectives on life and new ways of understanding….which can help to shift your old thoughts and actions into the “new.”

 With this dual New Moon between Aquarius and seconds later Pisces….we need to look at the energies of both signs. Aquarius to Pisces gives us the ability to see ourselves as members of the human race and to realize that we are kin to “all” of creation….plants, animals, the Earth…wind and water… and the Stars above. We begin to realize that there are many levels…. not only in the 3D…. but also beyond the 3D.  We realize that we can no longer just stay in our heads…..that it is time to be in our Hearts….think with our Hearts…come from our Heats.  It is as if the Universe needed to incorporate the energies of both signs in order to bring the message across that is so important at this vital time in the shift! 

First we will look at the Aquarian energies of this New Moon.   Aquarius is the sign of the Thinker, the Genius. Aquarius is about taking the risk of doing or saying something that goes against the “norm.”  Aquarius is about  being able to think outside the box….. in ways that are new to you, or to the world.  It asks us to take quantum leaps in all areas… we view the “big” picture in front of us……and as we trust our Genius to “see”  the paths leading to our future.   It is the sign of the rebel for a cause.  Aquarius energy is about your Tribe, your Community, all Humanity……everyone is equal…..we are all one!  Aquarius is about breaking up stagnant old patterns so we can reach for our freedom, and march to the beat of our own drum.  Aquarius is the constant of change!  Freedom and liberation are a big part of Aquarius. Liberate your mind and your freedom will follow.  With Aquarius it is time to move into “higher” thoughts….. that are outside the box… which we can uplift consciousness….for the greater good of all.

The Piscean energies of this New Moon is about spiritual understanding, meditation, enlightenment, manifestation, and the ability to experience and travel to other levels.  Piscean energy is about unconditional love for ourselves and all humanity.  It is about Love and Compassion!   Compassion without Judgment.   We are all one… a statement of Pisces…..we have never been separate from Source…..we are all one!  There is a feeling, a need to unify with God/Goddess, Creator, Source.    Pisces is also the sign of very high creativity.  The kind of creativity that is channeled in….like our poets, our musicians, our artist….where the inspiration and abilities come flowing in. Pisces energy is very mystical and gives us the ability to have a direct connection with God/Goddess, Source, Creator, through meditation and high creativity/manifestation.  It is about dreams and imagination.  Pisces also represents the collective unconscious, beauty in nature, mysticism, 6th sense, and intuition. During this month you may find a gravitation towards your spiritual Tribe. Remember to be cautious of the gray side of all this Piscean energy, like being lost in the fogginess, addictions, confusion, laziness, avoidance, self undoing, and escapism in all areas.  Meditate and Manifest on how to bring these energies of Aquarius and Pisces together during this Powerful and rare Aquarius Super New Moon hovering Pisces……at this particular time in the shift…….as we are in full participation of…… co-creating  the “new”

We also have Mars and Venus sitting together in Pisces.  Again bringing in the Love factor in all relationships…not just romantic love….but all Love.   It is asking us if the relationships that we are in are truly embodied  in love and respect.   Asking us to move away from or distance from the relationships that are not vibrating where we are now vibrating and to do it in the most compassionate way…..   The Universe is also bringing us another emphasis on the balancing of the feminine and the male, the yin and yang, the right brain and left brain etc. as this has been a main focus since the beginning of the Cardinal Square in 2010.   Bringing the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine into balance is pivotal at this time so we can move into the higher energies of ascension during this shift. This Aquarian Super New Moon hovering Pisces, which is focusing on unconditional Love and Compassion…..will help with the balancing of the feminine energies (Venus) and the male energies (Mars), along with a focus on ourselves, our tribes, community, humanity and the Earth it’s self….. as we bring it all into Balance…….

This Aquarius New Super Moon hovering Pisces is also happening on the back drop of the Cardinal T-Square adding even more of the urgent energy…. of change, transformation, and birthing of New….. to this New Moon. This New Moon actually aspects the midpoint of the ongoing Cardinal Square.  The Cardinal T-Square consists of, Uranus in Aries, being squared by Pluto in Capricorn…..with Uranus sitting on the South Node and the North Node  in Libra.   With the South node representing our past……and the North Node representing the future (our own future, the future of our world, the future of our planet).  This is quite a powerful statement!    This alignment has not happened in over 2,600 years!  Another indication (along with several others) that 2015 could be a very pivotal time in the history of  humanity and the Earth!    We are moving closer to the real Aquarian Age……the realization that we are all on this planet together!!

Saturn Square (Square energy is about friction, stress and the ability to grow through it) Neptune is also part of this Aquarius Super New Moon sliding into Pisces.  With Saturn representing rules, order, and structures.  There is a tendency to clash with Neptune….. which rules our high intuition and psychic…along with our dreams, traveling to other levels and our connection to the cosmic realms. Neptune rules Pisces….giving a strong connection to the Piscean side of this Aquarius Super New Moon.   The questions start to emerge…..what is real and what is an illusion?   What are my dreams really saying?  What structures need to move aside so that the high creativity of Pieces…. can emerge into the “new” reality that we are co-creating?  What new structures and bridges need to be built between what we dream of and what comes from our Hearts…..and what occurs in the 3D world, the tangible reality?

The New Moon is in opposition and activating the Ancient star Regulus.   Regulus is said to be the Lions Heart!  Giving us another connection with “coming from the Heart”.   Regulus is also one of the 4 royal Stars and helps guide Humanity’s evolution… is about Humanity’s shift into becoming Heart centered!   The Universe is speaking loudly here! 

It is time to meditate on your future……what it is that you want to create for yourself, for your family, your tribe, humanity and the Earth!    It is time to ask yourself and meditate on the question……are you in alignment with where you need to be? 

At this Aquarius Super New Moon that is stepping a foot into Pisces…..the Universe is speaking loudly about Change in all areas.  Are you listening?  You need to be ready for and accept change, within yourselves, humanity, the Earth, our Solar System, and our Galaxy….. in order to embody the higher energies of ascension, and move into and  co-create  the “New.”   There is the ability for  heightened intuition, imagination, sudden sparks of  insight  and the awesome feeling of interconnectedness with all!   It is time to take that Quantum Leap into your future…..for your community…..the Earth….. the collective…..and all humanity.

With this New Moon we have the opportunity for deep healing and cleansing, for profound insights in all areas, for compassion without judgment, for unconditional Love, for inspired creativity, and to bring balance into all areas.  It is time to Manifest and create our dreams. It is time to see the synchronicities and the Magic in the Universe.   It is time to be one with the Piscean energies…. Meditate and above all….  Listen!!!!     During this Aquarius New Super Moon hovering Pisces….it is a time to manifest and create.  It is time to sit and listen, as you can receive flashes of insight and genius with this New Moon.  With this Aquarius New Moon and Piscean energies, it is time to manifest oneness and compassion within your community.  Manifest compassion and oneness for all humanity.  Meditate and Manifest for “new ideas” that will make the future a wonderful reality. Believe in your dreams coming true.   This is a time to revisit and re-evaluate your personal visions and then your long term plans.   Meditate on how to be your own unique individual self, while honoring and being part of a community and all humanity.   Meditate….Manifest and above all Listen!!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2015   Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey  515-779-7154





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