Aquarius New Moon


Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 01/23/2020 - 22:11
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This is a very active New Moon in Aquarius as the planet Uranus (which rules Aquarius) squares (friction and stress energy) this New Moon. Adding to the already chaotic, urgent, transformative and at times volatile energies. These last couple of weeks have had very powerful events happening…including 2 powerful Eclipse’s and the major Saturn/Pluto conjunction by degree and minute. It has been a challenging time! These energies are still affecting us and will be for a while…..but it is a bit of a relief to have some of the less urgent energy of Aquarius giving us an opportunity to kind of regroup our thoughts and energies at the moment. Of course it is hard to see/feel this energy with the way the World appears at this time. The energy is still a bit heavy, chaotic etc. but keep focusing on the higher energies…the opportunities that will open up by the things being put in our faces and stay out of the fear.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Mon, 02/04/2019 - 18:37


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

February, the month of Love….Love is in the Air ~~ This Aquarius New Moon embodies the energies of Love….for all!  This New Moon highlights Community, our tribe, and all humanity.  It can show us the big picture of how we can make the needed changes in the world by using the power that we have within our Tribe’s, our Communities and Humanity for loving Relationships of all types…across the Earth.   Signifying that the whole is always greater the then the sum of its parts.   It is saying that our coming together in our communities etc. ….can change the world!  This Aquarius New Moon is also about movement and action!  The energies are quite chaotic and a bit volatile out there, and it is time to visualize what you want the world and your future to look like.  It is time to move….time to take action….on your own and within your communities!    

February 4th  is also the Chinese New Year (in Chinese astrology) which occurs with the first New Moon after the Sun enters Aquarius.  This is the Chinese New Year of the Pig.  All though  I am not well versed in Chinese Astrology…. I am told that the year of the pig…..highlights a steadfast patience, fertility and great tranquility.  That the Pig appreciates money and food and they are known for enjoying tangible success.  It also has a feminine influence as there is a dedication to others…feeding and nurturing in abundance….a year of Goodwill!


Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 01/27/2017 - 01:35


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

We have been witnessing much change, chaos and transformations these last few weeks.  The wakeup call that has shaken us all out of the Piscean fog…loud and clear…has arrived!  With the Sun in radical and rebellious  Aquarius now and at the time that President Trump was sworn in as President of the United States, and the record breaking Woman’s march happening the next day…. along with this Aquarius New Moon….the Universe is saying loudly  “wake up, take a step…any step… just start moving forward!”   It is time to move towards self-liberation.  It is time to manifest, at this Aquarian New Moon. It is time to manifest and consciously co-create our own reality.  Meditate on that big picture of the “New” world an how that will look in its highest form…..Meditate on what you can do and bring it in to awareness for your community, all Humanity, and for the good of all. 

New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle.    New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future.  Right now…during this intense changing of leadership…. it is time to set some powerful intentions for our county, the world, the world leaders and everyone everywhere. Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World, and set the intention during this powerful Aquarius New Moon…..for the good of all humanity.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Sun, 02/07/2016 - 22:14
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
Love is in the Air ~~  This Aquarius New Moon embodies the energies of Love….for all!  This New Moon also highlights Community… and can show the power that we have within our Tribe and our Communities for loving  Relationships of all types…..signifying that the whole is always greater the then the sum of its parts.   It is saying that our coming together in our communities etc. ….can change the world!   This is an energy that we have been witnessing throughout the current political arena.  


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 02/18/2015 - 17:30

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

Since the beginning of 2015….there seems to be a heightened sense of urgency all around us.  The energies are getting more powerful for change and the vibration on this planet…. that we are all feeling…. is weeks away from reaching a new peak!   This Aquarius New Moon is a rare one… is a Super New Moon,  it is the 2nd Aquarius New Moon of 2015 (it is extremely rare to have 2 New Moons in the same sign within a year), and it is literally only seconds away from being a Pisces New Moon. 

New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle.    New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. Remember that the New Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak.  It is also a time of setting intentions. Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World, and set the intention during this powerful Super New Moon.

A Super Moon is when the Moon is very close to the Earth.  Rather it is a New Moon or a Full Moon…..the energy is much stronger and more potent during a Super Moon.  It is as if the energy of the Super Moon….the sign it is in….is magnified on Earth at that time. This energy can give you new perspectives on life and new ways of understanding….which can help to shift your old thoughts and actions into the “new.”


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 13:56


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This Powerful Aquarius New Moon is not only a Super Moon.   It also is happening at the very beginning degrees of Aquarius which is a powerful signature. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus…..which is part of the Cardinal “T”- Square.  Mercury also begins it’s retrograde cycle within the energy of this New Moon…    

Aquarius is the sign of the Thinker, the Genius. Aquarius is about taking the risk of doing or saying something that goes against the “norm.”  Aquarius is about  being able to think outside the box….. in ways that are new to you, or to the world.  It asks us to take quantum leaps in all areas… we view the “big” picture in front of us……and as we trust our Genius to “see”  the paths leading to our future.   It is the sign of the rebel for a cause.  Aquarius energy is about your Tribe, your Community, all Humanity……everyone is equal…..we are all one!  Aquarius is about breaking up stagnant old patterns so we can reach for our freedom, and march to the beat of our own drum.  Aquarius is the constant of change!  Freedom and liberation are a big part of Aquarius. Liberate your mind and your freedom will follow.  With Aquarius it is time to move into “higher” thoughts….. that are outside the box… which we can uplift consciousness….for the greater good of all.

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