Be Love by living lovingly regardless of what arises.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/15/2016 - 13:51

Do you sometimes wonder: “What on earth am I on Earth for, what is my purpose, if any?” Well, you are on Earth because you chose to be here to hold the energy field of Love. To strengthen and intensify the Tsunami of Love by your compassionate intent to offer comfort to all in pain, and by your intent to be a powerful healing field for all who are suffering through injury, illness, or emotional distress. Just by being You you are having an enormously positive effect on humanity’s awakening process. Just by your presence you are helping humanity to achieve its collective intent to awaken from the dark nightmare in which it has been immersed for so long. No one but you can do this, and you are highly honored in the spiritual realms where the effects of your presence on Earth at this time are clearly, in fact, brilliantly visible.

Your presence on Earth at this point in the collective awakening process is absolutely essential to its divinely assured success. You truly have no idea of the power that your loving intent carries or how it effects everyone with whom you interact in any way at all, from your warm smile offered to the cashier at the store to the loving kindness with which you assist someone who is feeling lost, hurt, or alone. The Love that you so willingly share and extend is healing the world. Do not underestimate your importance as an influential and loving presence in the midst of the chaos and confusion that is disturbing and unsettling so many of those who, like you, are on Earth to assist in the awakening process.

Many of you grew up attempting to please and satisfy your parents, caregivers, and teachers, because only when you pleased these others did they offer you love and acceptance. You learned to dishonor or disparage yourselves in order not to displease others whose love and acceptance you desperately wanted. You grew up experiencing separation and disempowerment! Of course everyone who chooses to experience the illusion as a human has chosen to experience separation, and because doing that is so painful those experienced feelings have to be very deeply buried if you are to survive your childhood.

Now the awakening process is causing those deeply buried feelings and emotions to break into your awareness so that you can release them and forgive those who caused them. It helps to remind yourselves that people who hurt others intentionally are, themselves, experiencing intense inner pain that they have yet to acknowledge. When you acknowledge and feel the suffering that lies hidden and buried within you, instead of hiding from it or dismissing it, you can comfort your inner child who is still feeling that hurt, and bring healing to her, to yourselves, and to all on the planet, anywhere, who are suffering. Then you can truly forgive those who have hurt you because your compassion flows through you freely and abundantly when you comfort and heal your inner child.

As you well know, your true nature is Love because you are One with God from Whom you have never been separated. But, as humans, you have felt an intense need to hide that nature because it seems that you are enveloped in an environment that does not and cannot recognize it, an environment that constantly offers threats and fear. However, demonstrating Love by living lovingly strengthens you and strengthens those with whom you interact. Love is powerful! There is nothing more powerful, so be Yourselves . . . always. Be Love by living lovingly regardless of what arises. Doing so is your path and your task, although to love is hardly a task, it is a delight.

You are a human on Earth at this moment because you chose to be here now. You are in the process of awakening yourself from the dream in which it seems that you have forgotten who you are, and you are also assisting many, many others to rediscover themselves, to remember that they, like you, are never alone, but are always One with Source. Because you have the courage to drop your egoic masks and be yourselves in the company of anyone at all, others then find that they, too, can indeed be themselves, and so the collective awakening unfolds.

When you go within daily, no matter what your practice, religious persuasion, or philosophy for living on Earth as a human happens to be, you expand and intensify the Tsunami of Love that is flowing gloriously and powerfully all across the world. All are One with Source, and yet there are infinite individual energy fields, not at all separated but intermingling, that present themselves in infinite but very different creative and harmonious ways, for the delight and enjoyment of all.

Part of the confusion and fear that humans experience arises because they see differences as threats and possible dangers that need to be avoided or defended against instead of as opportunities for creative engagement. And those who would maintain the status quo, the established system that enslaves the majority for the benefit of a tiny, self-appointed elite, encourage that fear in order to maintain control over you.

But the Tsunami of Love is dissolving fear as more and more of humanity chooses to engage with It and experience the knowing that It is Reality. Fear, on the other hand, is unreal, it is just an imaginary state with which the illusion, through your egos, presents you to attract your attention and distract you from remembering that you are eternally One with God. It is essential that you go within daily, therefore, to remind yourselves of your true nature, and to open your hearts to the Love that resides there and that waits patiently to embrace you when you allow It to do so.

You are all Love incarnate, but have lost sight of this eternal truth because of the veil or cloak that you collectively chose to place between yourselves and Reality. That veil or cloak is also illusory, and to disperse it all you have to do is choose and then intend to discard the egoic masks you present to yourselves and to the world in order to disguise your sense of inadequacy or even worthlessness.

Your worth is infinite, utterly beyond any value you could place upon it because God has already valued You as beyond price. There is no other possibility because You are Real, One eternally with your Creator. Come out from your hiding places behind the flimsy masks you have made and be seen as the divine and wondrous loving beings that you truly are. That is how you will best help humanity to awaken, because those with whom you interact will recognize themselves in you as you mirror back to them their divine perfection.

With so very much love, Saul.


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