John Smallman

Messages from John Smallman

Your presence in form is an absolutely essential presence in this now moment.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/10/2020 - 22:31

Humanity’s awakening process is moving along very nicely indeed, as increasing numbers of people become aware of how, and for how long, those in governmental positions of authority have been willfully misleading the electorate that they have been elected to serve. This increasing awareness is a necessary part of your awakening process, because it leads you to realize that it is in yourselves that you must trust, allowing your intuitive knowingto guide you powerfully and lovingly along your chosen life paths. That guidance is always with you, you just have to learn to trust it by practicing using it, first in situations that are non-threatening, and then, as your trust strengthens, in situations that are more demanding.

It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/18/2020 - 22:28

We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process!  That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas.  However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form.  Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT!

You need to care for yourselves at least as comprehensively as you take care of small children.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/10/2020 - 22:05

As the global pandemic lock-down continues, be aware that changes of great importance for humanity are also occurring that are not being reported on the mainstream media.  What is happening is all part of humanity’s collective choice to awaken, a choice that has been made by vast numbers of you, mostly below the level of your conscious awareness, and which will permanently alter the way you live your human lives as you each come to know who you really are – divine beings temporarily in human form in order to experience separation from Source as apparently real – and to learn some essential and inspiring lessons in the process, before you awaken from that illusory state.

There is only Love, God, Source, in which all of creation has its eternal existence in every moment and without interruption.  However, large numbers of sentient beings chose to exchange that perfect environment or state for one that was unreal i.e. not permanentbut continuously increasing in entropy – by arriving there in different shapes and forms which seemed completely real.  To do that they had to invent and construct a game, an unreal environment in which to do so, and because God gave you all the power/energy that She has, without in any way diminishing Herself, you were able to do so.  Once you entered into that unreal state, your memories of Reality were cloaked or hidden from you – one of the rules of the game.

Eternal joy awaits your awakening.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/02/2020 - 21:56

To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time.  You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion.  You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation.  Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine.  Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.

The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/25/2020 - 23:29

At this time, as most people are focused on or distracted by the ongoing and constantly updated news of the worldwide pandemic, many are very concerned and unsettled as their governments require them to stay home, or stay isolated, while the Coronavirus flows across the world bringing sickness and further anxiety to many.  It will pass, as epidemics and pandemics always do, but while it is present you do need to take extra care of yourselves, being aware of any message with which your bodies present you, and then tuning in to uncover their meaning.  Your bodies are well able to tune into the non-physical realms to access information that you are unable to access purely through your rational intellectual thought processes.  So taking quiet time alone to meditate, or just gently relax at least once each day is essential to your well-being, and by doing so you will be able to gain access to that place of peace and calm within, your holy inner sanctuaries, where Love resides.  It is always there, waiting to reveal Itself to you by way of a warm embrace that you can feel, whenever you release or quieten your fearful “what if?” thought processes and open your hearts to receive It.

Your presence in form at this moment in the awakening is an absolutely essential part of the divine plan.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 23:08

The worldwide pandemic, and the constant stream of advisories concerning it, is unsettling and disturbing for many of you as you worry about the health and well-being of friends and loved ones.  The self-quarantining that many of you are engaged in tends to intensify the sense of separation that is a major aspect of the illusory world of form in which you are experiencing yourselves as humans, and this can cause you unnecessary anxiety.  However, being in quarantine or self-isolation is in fact an excellent opportunity for you to spend much more time relaxing into the peace of your holy inner sanctuaries from where you can call on your support teams in the spiritual realms for comfort and guidance.  When you are at rest within that holy inner space it is much easier for you to reduce the quantity and noise of your normal and almost incessant flow of thoughts, making it easier for you to listen to and hear the personal guidance from your friends and support teams in the spiritual realms.  They are always available, but, as you go about your normal and busy daily lives, it is often very difficult for you to be aware of them, let alone hear or sense them.  So, while you now have plenty of time to do so, please make a point of visiting with your spiritual support team three or four times daily.  This will strengthen your connection with them, thus enabling you to commune with them more easily, and to “hear” them more clearly.

Know that Love is the antidote to fear.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/14/2020 - 23:07

As you are well aware the Coronavirus pandemic is giving rise to much fear all across the world, while daily life becomes increasingly difficult for most people due to government restrictions on gatherings and travel.  Know that Love is the antidote to fear.  Fear causes stress, sometimes intense stress, and this places a heavy load on your immune system which can reduce its ability to deal effectively with the wide variety of infections to which it is exposed as you lead your normal daily lives.

Your immune system is individually tailored to suit you, and this is why people, who receive organ transplants or who have to undergo invasive treatments for major diseases, then require to be on various kinds of medications for the rest of their lives, as their immune systems identify what has been implanted as alien and attempt to disable it.  Your immune system is a magnificent self-healing infrastructure that is constantly on the alert for new threats to your well-being, while continually developing new forms of amelioration with which to deal with the ever-changing environments in which you lead your daily lives.  As new diseases arise it is constantly teaching itself new ways to deal with them by disabling and dissolving them when they invade your body, thus allowing healing to occur.

Humanity has everything it needs to put an end to the conflicts and poverty that so many are enduring.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/24/2020 - 22:46

We are all watching with delight from here in the spiritual realms as humanity races towards its awakening!  You are definitely moving along very rapidly towards that wonderful event, when shock and delighted amazement will fill your hearts with joy, as you realize that you have arrived!  The journey has been long, and at times extremely stressful and painful, in fact, as stuff is now arising for nearly everybody to be acknowledged and released, you cannot fail to be aware that there is an enormous amount of needless suffering still being endured by millions of people all across the planet.  This will cease.

The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/27/2020 - 22:43

Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now.  Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well.  Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable!  It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant.  Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.

However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form.  It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.

Prepare yourselves for the joy to come.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/31/2019 - 22:19

Today, as you prepare to enter into a new terrestrial year, I would like to remind you that there is only and can only be L O V E!  Love is Reality, is Mother/Father/God, is The Source from which All That Is flows constantly out embracing and re-embracing Itself in every moment, creating infinite Joy for All.

Separation is an illusion, and time is a major aspect of the illusion, because there is only NOW.  There is no last year, this year, or next year, there is NOW.  All experiences occur NOW, even memories you revisit occur NOW.  That is why memories can be so intense, because when you bring them to mind you re-experience them NOW!  Painful memories need to be released and discarded because they spoil the now moment for you.  However, they do not actually do any spoiling, it is just that when you bring them to mind you are departing from NOW!  Now is always joy-filled, so joyful memories can intensify Now, whereas painful and sorrowful ones hide Now from your awareness, and replace it with dreams or nightmares that are totally lacking in Joy.

Joy is real and is available to you in every moment regardless of what may be happening in the now moment for you as humans.  Joy sees the beauty in every moment and intensifies it, and in every moment there is always beauty.  As humans you experience duality – good/bad, right/wrong, beauty/ugliness – and you thenchoose the aspect on which you wish to focus your attention.  That is why earthly events and situations bring joy to some and misery to others.

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