CELEBRATE! You are moving to awaken.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/28/2016 - 22:02

As 2017 approaches rapidly many on Earth are anxious and concerned.  For many 2016 has been tough with much “stuff” of an unexpected nature arising seemingly unbidden into their conscious awareness, and whence they know not.  They thought that they had cleared all their stuff, the stuff that was draining their energy and dragging them even deeper into the illusion, even as they were hoping to rise above it finally by living in the world but not being of it, being more above it, observing it, being of service within it, but free of all their old baggage which they felt that they had done a very good job of discarding.

Well most of you have done a very good job of discarding what no longer serves you.  Nevertheless, you chose to incarnate this time around to assist in humanity’s awakening, and therefore you needed to be fully anchored in the world, experiencing the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, so that you could truly relate to those whom you had come to help to awaken.  If you incarnated on Earth as spiritually evolved souls of a seemingly “higher or wiser nature” than those with whom you were interacting your ability to assist them would have been minimal.  Those whom you are on Earth to assist need to see you as humans like themselves, people who have experienced pain and suffering, and who are consequently truly able to empathize with them having yourselves been in the dark places from which they are attempting to depart.  To choose, as you all did, to incarnate at this moment in humanity’s awakening process was truly most courageous, and that is why you are so honored and revered here in the spiritual realms

You are all allowing the dark or denied aspects of humanity as a whole to arise within you individually, for recognition, acceptance, and release.  It is painful, disturbing, and confusing because you thought you had released your “stuff,” and indeed you have, BUT you are here, by your own choices, to help release the backlog, built up over the eons, of humanity’s mistreatment of itself on a massive scale.  That “dark matter” has to be released and gently discarded because it is the mismatched energy frequency that flows within and through many millions of individuals, basically a load of discordant and out of tune notes, that distort the inflowing Love that is your true and divine nature.  You are Love, but over the eons many became intensely engaged in the game of separation, so intensely engaged that they built a strong resistance to Love – the divine energy field that is the Life Force flowing through all of consciousness – and severely reduced their acceptance of what is their true nature.

Free will is free, not imposed or directed, and so those who chose separation are free either to continue experiencing that state for as long as they desire to do so, or to move back toward knowing Oneness.  Often it appears that people are miserable, suffering, in pain and wanting only to be released from that state, but in truth they are in that state by their own choosing and will only leave it when they realize that they can make the choice to do so.  They have to realize that they do have choices about how they respond to the life issues that they face and that they are not powerless victims.

Victims are those who are under the control of forces outside themselves, that is, those who are imprisoned or physically restrained, but even then they do have a choice as to how they will respond mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to the situations in which they find themselves.  Your mind is always free, but, in your freedom, you are always free to perceive it as not being free.  Over the last few decades many excellent self-help books have been published by experienced and well informed psychotherapists, psychologists, counselors, and spiritual healers to help people understand this.  There is a wealth of helpful information available that people can readily access when they are ready to make the life style and behavioral changes necessary for them to move forward.

Of course you should always treat those who believe themselves to be victims with great love and compassion while at the same time not reinforcing this belief by supporting it.

The human collective, the One Son of God who was created totally free and remains eternally so, chose to experience separation many eons ago.  Separation is an unreal state in which you experience limitations that severely restrict your ability to function as the divine being that your Father so lovingly created.  Being immensely powerful, the environment that you constructed within which to experience separation – limitation – appears outrageously real when you are incarnate within it as humans.  However, in order to ensure that you could find your way out of the entangled state of confusion that you had constructed, God immediately created your unbreakable connection to Himself, the Source of all that exists, to ensure that when you made the choice to return to Reality, Oneness, as in His divine Wisdom He knew you would, you would be able to do so.  All that is keeping you from awakening from the dream, from returning home to Reality is your utterly false but collective belief that you, all of humanity, are separate from God.

As you have been told so often separation from Source is impossible.  Nevertheless, as stated above, the illusion that you constructed appears completely real to you, and God, Source, the Supreme Wisdom, All That Is, therefore appears to you to be on an altogether different level from yourselves – infinitely good, holy, sacred, blessed, hallowed, sublime, awesome – way beyond any level of goodness or perfection to which you could ever hope to aspire.  Consequently, over the eons you have judged and condemned yourselves for your sinfulness, worthlessness, and shamefulness, and because the horror of admitting that about yourselves is so terrifying you projected it outwards onto others while denying it within yourselves, thus reinforcing the sense of separation that you had constructed.

The apparent result has been that you have found yourselves forever threatened by enemies, those onto whom you have projected your faults while denying them within yourselves.  Wars have raged for eons as you have attempted to destroy those you saw as enemies of god (the god of judgment and blame like unto yourselves that you had invented), while in fact you were but waging war on yourselves, on YOURSELF, the divine being your Father created to live in eternal joy with Him.

Finally the truth that there is only Love is beginning to permeate your conscious awareness as your scientists and philosophers, who through their experiments and their studies are realizing that separation is impossible, that everything is inseparably connected to everything else, are making this knowledge public.  Therefore you are beginning to realize that war or conflict of any kind and for any reason is totally insane!

It is this growing awareness that is nudging you toward wakefulness, encouraging you to leave the nightmare behind and join together as One in Love; that is, to remember that you are One, and that you have never been separated from your Source or from each other for even an instant.  And that is why we in the spiritual realms are in so much joy and are now repeatedly asking you to celebrate!  Celebration intensifies the Love that is your true nature, the nature you share with God, and with every conscious being that God has created.  So CELEBRATE!  You are moving to awaken.

With so very much love, Saul.



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