Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 12 - The Voice

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 11/06/2012 - 07:32



Sometimes when we are feeling lost and alone, we don’t know which way to turn to renew a friendship.  That close friend we had so long ago seems lost to us now.  They have faded away like so many things from our earlier life.


Are we to believe that we can no longer sustain such relationships?  Are we to let go of all those sources of comfort that once enjoined us and caused us great pride.


Our affections for others are what keep us alive. Our connections to each other invite us to live again, to breathe in, and to satisfy those cravings for friendship we once carried and then set aside for what appeared to be important matters..


 It is untrue that we have to let go of such connections as time marches on.  It is true however, that we have a greater need for each other as the years speed by.


When we feel alone, we’re alone, but not in the literal sense.  And we are together because we feel connected.  Connected means enjoined.  It means we are happy to work together with one common goal. The Source of our being brings constant comfort.


Now we are ready to move on, to rejoin with each other and share what we have learned to cherish on life’s journey.  The twilight of life is far more comfortable when our life lessons have taught us about the value and importance of good companions during this pilgrimage home.


 Home is where the heart is, and that is where we all come together in the end.




Chapter 12: The Voice


When the Creator’s “Voice” universally announces Itself from within our self, we will have arrived at the new dawning for the human race. This is the vanguard of the new era, one in which all members of the humanity will be duly informed from within.


Like our fictional characters in “The Voice – A Mythological Guide to LightWorker Service”, we will be alerted to our duty by our direct line to Source.  This Voice will announce Itself as our Higher Self and begin instructing us on the ways of the world and how to handle our lives more efficiently.  No longer will we be guided by some external authority’s interpretations of what’s best for us. No longer will we be limited in our thinking by the charismatic enticements of would be soothsayers.  In times of old, such individuals were the legendary folk heroes who foretold the future. Their days are now done.


In modern parlance, we might refer to the soothsayer within as the ego, that puppet of domination who presumed to know what’s best for us.  Having moved through recovery we know in our hearts that this portion of the personality is no longer valid as a leader. Removing the ego from its dominant post will lay to rest our need for external control and manipulation.  The circle becomes a possibility now because we do not need to be in control or controlled by others.  Puppet dictators fall to the wayside, along with egos and other pretenders to the throne of our thinking. They are destined for the garbage heap, no longer necessary, no longer desired.


These artifacts of old are finished as we move into this new century and millennium.  We need a new standard, a new vision for our purpose and efforts, a new concept of how to proceed and unfold our talent and true worth. The Voice speaks loudly now as we learn to listen effectively.  We see and hear for ourselves what God needs, wants, and orchestrates for our unfolding.  Each new vision and voice leads us into the mind of God and shows God’s purpose.  We always have the privilege of refusing, as we do now, but as the drama unfolds and we see the ultimate picture come into clearer focus, it will be increasingly difficult to step away from the promise of what lies before us.


 We will be shown only what is in our hearts and, therefore, what we would desire to accomplish for our spectacular unfolding.   God is a presence, not an Oligarchy.  This presence is something we sense, an inner stirring and an emerging direction that engages our heart and moves us forward on our truest path. 


God’s path for us is our path for ourselves. We are informed of God’s will, yet we remain free to choose.  We are free to be as happy as we can. Letting go of struggle, we can choose that which suits us best.  It is easy, after all, being God ourselves, to choose one’s truest path when one hears the voice of reason from within our heart.

God asks of us to commit to “the will”. In so doing we are also honoring ourselves since we are intractably one with God.  We are together again and comforted by the knowledge that we are One.  So making decisions is no longer an uncertain matter.  We know of what we speak because we feel it in our hearts. And we know of what God speaks because we feel that as well.  We cannot fail with this awareness.


Failure is simply not possible.  When we are finally linked to the truth and can hear and feel it clearly for ourselves, we can only make the best of choices.  But, we must know our hearts to the depths of our being.  How do we get there?  Where does this part of the journey begin?


We see in “The Voice”, that the characters are taught to unfold through a process of attending to their internal referents.  These referents are called feelings in modern parlance, feelings which ascertain the state of our being.  Listening to our feelings, we quickly realize, is no small task.  It requires trust and faith in us, something we have been conditioned away from by the various authority figures in our lives, especially organized religion.  Not surprisingly, we do not immediately achieve that level of faith on our own.  Because the authority figures in our lives taught us not to trust our selves, we need help to reacquire what was originally a natural gift and skill.


IT seems contradictory that the very nature of our being is what we’ve been conditioned away from by authorities who claimed to know what our faith should be about.  The sign of the times is the dysfunctional family which begins at home and extends into our religious family with its convoluted scripts, contradictory interaction patterns and double-binds that create untenable psychological conflicts.  This is who we are today and what we are trying to evolve from.  It is through trusting our feelings that we eventually break the cycle of guilt and shame that are always followed by self-abuse.  The patterns of neurosis and self-defeating behavior we see today constitute our heritage from this dysfunctional family influence,  including the major religions of our times.


We can trace this rupture in our healthy evolutionary process back to  institutionalized religion.  At their insistence, we began distancing ourselves from our natural self.  Some theories suggest we, as a species, wanted to move away from our center, to experience something different so we could return more enlightened than when we set out.  It really doesn’t matter if this is true.  How we came to abandon our selves is not as important anymore as how we regain that natural state. This is the plight of many modern day seekers and defines the psychology of our times.  We became lost in the morass of dysfunctional living perpetrated by the political and religious institutions of the time. We were taught, implicitly and explicitly, to lie to ourselves, and hence to each other, to avoid the pain within.  In so doing, we actually created more pain for ourselves. We were then taught by our religious overseers that we needed more faith, their brand of faith, to deal with such suffering.  We came to believe these lessons and perpetrated them ourselves. The trap had been set and sprung, with ourselves in it. We’ve been scratching our heads ever since. We tried to make sense of what happened, but used an outdated paradigm to do so.  That’s how we became enslaved to religion.


This is a sad state to find ourselves in.  Lying to ourselves, and then looking elsewhere for a way out.  We re-capture the flavor of this in the reliability of the hero myth.  The hero is required to travel to the underworld to rescue a child that’s chained to a wall.  The child is being watched by a guard dog, Cerberus in myth, or negative ego if you prefer a contemporary reference.  The hero does not attack the dog, but wins the dog’s trust before rescuing the child from its chains.  Heroes meet a host of characters during this process, including images of authority figures that have to be addressed.  The hero is always assisted by a God in their venture who helps them find their way.  The story ends when the hero has the prize, the rescued child as metaphor for their reclaimed True Self.


The goal of depth therapy is to uncover and reconnect with the self.  The self is our direct connection to the soul.  The soul is where the heart is.  The heart is our feeling center and where our soul resides.  The soul is the Voice of God within each of us.  We are all on a journey toward reclaiming God as ourselves, and that journey leads straight to the heart of our being.  It is here we must retrieve those abandoned parts of ourselves, left behind as a result of our dysfunctional influences, and clamoring for attention ever since. 


Our therapy takes us back to center and teaches us to trust ourselves again.  Now begins a new journey, a journey of awakening and working directly with God.  A new metaphor is required.  The hero’s journey is behind us.  What lies ahead?


The image of the circle is where we are led to now as collaboration becomes the new necessity.  We continue to deal with our selves.  We have arrived at a new level of maturity. What now?  We know the old rules no longer apply.  And we can’t turn to our ego/protector because it has been properly demoted and placed back where it belongs, in a role secondary to that of the heart.


What we are facing now is a new world, where the rules are not yet known, where the motives seem difficult to find, where the features of the landscape are veiled in unfamiliarity.  We are in the New World, the place where heroes arrive after their self-rescuing quest.  Now we have work to do.  We must define who we are using a new set of parameters.  We must meter out knowledge as we acquire it.  We must announce to the world the truth of our arrival and the validity of our heroic undertaking. 


Too many of the heroes contemporaries will continue to cycle through dysfunctional dilemmas rather than take a chance on the New World. They are comfortable with the land of recovery and afraid to leave it behind in order to grow beyond. But they will be watching and they will take note of those heroic individuals will live life guided by their new found center of being.  Eventually those watching will cross over, realizing that this is a worthy step and take on this new way of being.  They will learn many new things too.  The New World has a new set of rules and we will be required to learn them if we wish to proceed.


The first of these new rules is that there are no rules, unlike the era of ego domination.  The second is that heroes do not conquer anymore, they listen!  They pay attention to what’s going on inside and listen to their cohorts whom they have come to realize are equally heroic.  Thirdly, they operate from a base called Love.  Not the love depicted in romantic or sexual relationships, but Love as a living breathing entity, as the very essence of our being, our place in the world, and our connection with the Divine.


We will know where we belong and that we have a right to be wherever we wish. That right was Divinely granted and is immediately accessible through our inner referents.  In our feeling center we know the truth because we battled our way to this truth, and left no stone unturned in the process.  This is hard won privilege, no longer to be relinquished at external entity’s behest, and not to be doubted any longer.  What is unveiled here is the truth, as if God were standing there showing it to us.


There will be no denial and questioning either. We will know it to be the truth.  Those who can not accept this are those who still live in the 3rd dimension of consciousness dominated by ego and fear.  These people are not quite ready for this brand of truth.  When they do arrive, and they will, they too will seize it and never let go. Never!  Once you attain that level of understanding, you know for certain you are standing on solid Divinely imbued ground!


So the tools of this New World are plenty. Some of the new tools may look like those older tools.  You know what these new tools can do for you and you see that they behave in a vastly different fashion.  In an Oligarchy, tribute was paid to a singular individual, or small elite group, which stood outside the individual and delivered proclamations. In the circle of Love, there are no such individuals.  Now attention is paid to the inner voices of the self and with inner truth. 


 In the book, “The Voice”, our students on Planet Rapture did exactly that, they listened to the self and began to uncover those final layers of defense and denial before The Voice came through loud and clear.  They heard the same universal messages, but they also received personal messages tailored to their specific lives. They received direct instruction from their God Self.  The enigma for them, and for us, is that these connections were available all along, but out of reach while so-called experts held sway.


Here we have a preview of what’s ahead.  Our characters from The Voice learned to survive and flourish with those new tools such as truth, inner assurance, self-acceptance, self-responsibility and love. They heard the Voice, and accepted the challenge of practicing the new ways.  We, too, shall learn such things as we move along.  Our lessons have already begun.  The stage is set.  We await the new curriculum.  We create it as we step forward.  What an amazing practice this will be.  Discover the new path and teach the new path!  Let’s see what happens next.



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