Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 14 - Coming Home

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 11/13/2012 - 08:37



What is it about touch that delivers us to Love? We know when we’re being softly touched that it indeed feels good.  A warm caress, a gentle stroke, they serve to awaken us to that Divine presence. It is this Divine presence which inhabits us all and to which we are awakening.


We believe that we are different from the Divine.  Knowing that our lives are interconnected with the Divine and with each other, we begin to open ourselves to receiving without question or justification.  To be touched by another not only feels good, but unlocks the door to our deservedness and our inner self.


 When did we come to that juncture in our lives where we stopped receiving, as if to say “I don’t really need that anymore”?  We all need physical contact.  We are visceral.  We feel.  We respond to a welcome touch with surrender.  We recoil when blows are struck.  We surrender when caresses make their way across our body.


It is sad to hear an adult say “I don’t need it” when touch becomes unavailable.  We are concerned with appearances here, not wanting to appear needy.  In receipt of touch we fear appearing weak, especially to ourselves.


In life there is no such person as one who needs nothing.  There are, however, many who attempt to convince themselves of that fact.  When I need touching, I surrender.  I ask.  I extend my arms.  I like it.  It feels good.  My children hug me and I hug them in return. This is so with my wife, our cat, dog and our friends.  We all enjoy touching and encourage it.  Real strength is to know what you need and ask for it.


 Let yourself receive touch whenever it’s offered, and be prepared to return the gesture with similar warmth. Get out there and hug somebody, appropriately of course, and let them hug you.  Giving and receiving, that’s what makes the world go round.    




Chapter 14: Coming Home


Imagine going out into the wilderness on your own, with no desire except to notice what is going on around you.  Can you see yourself doing that?  Fill yourself up with all those marvelous feelings, your senses alive and open, your heart leaping for joy at every sound and each discovery.  Feel this magic in your heart as it unfolds through you.  This is your life, magical, filled with the Divine breath.


Life on earth was designed to be an adventure from the first breath we took as we entered this world. It was meant to be exciting, titillating and challenging.  I often wonder where I would be if I didn’t know and believe this.  The sweetness of life leaps into awareness.  I take a deep breath and I am filled with nature’s lore. 


This is our task, to fill our cups and pursue all of what’s available, and then instruct others on what we have learned.  I know that this may sound somewhat radical, simplistic even, but that is not the case.  It is the wonder of this world that counts.  We are part of that wonder, and are to be counted among the flowers and the bees, the fruits in the trees and the great bounty that confronts us.


We are part of the pageantry as well, some of us blooming at different times than others. We are part of the harvest, one of these many crops that deliver back to the Divine such wondrous delight. 


God’s eyes are our eyes.  The Divine sees through us and into this magical hinterland designed for our growth and evolution.  We are set loose with a guiding light called consciousness, which absorbs and describes all of our adventures.  We share our experiences, our thoughts and our feelings with those around us, and in so doing we maintain our connection with the Divine. This reciprocity and interconnectness prepares us for more discoveries as we continue in our adventures.


Our hearts leap for joy with every discovery.  Passion sets our hearts on fire.  Passion moves us beyond measured boundaries. The gift of passion provides the impetus to leap over and beyond the boundaries, and to discover a part of ourselves and the world that hitherto we were not aware.


There have been injunctions in our human history that advised us against taking such leaps before we are ready.  Eating fruit from the Tree of Knowledge springs to mind as an example. There are times when we need to be cautious, but only because we are not ready for the next level of awareness such an experience would provide. It’s no different than advising children that they are not ready for adolescent experiences or adolescents that they are not quite ready for adult experiences.  It’s a matter of maturation and preparedness that sets the stage for a successful leap forward.

What is essential, now, is that we see our readiness for the next threshold that is opening before us. It awaits our commitment to leap across.  This is an invitation to progress by taking care of any challenges that may be blocking our view of the new realm.  Whatever we are presented with is grist for the mill.  Our growth will present challenges that will also provide the tools to manage them.


Let’s reflect again on where we began with the heroic journey and its concurrent growth process.  The hero is learning the very lesson cited above, staying focused on what lies ahead, identifying the challenges, determining the necessary tools for mastery, and moving forward with renewed strength and agility. The Creator can’t make it any more tantalizing than that, a tasty morsel of experience dangling before us. Who can say this is good or bad?  Let’s give it a try and find out. Every challenge is an invitation.  Our Creator doesn’t want us to stand still.  The lessons from the Tree of Knowledge are over.  We have discoveries to make and much learning to do.  New options are being presented to us every day.


“Get out of the way.  Get moving again.  It’s time to march toward these new adventures.  There may be perilous times ahead, but with your focus being on the Divinity that lies deep within you, you will be guided past troubling shoals.  The days of misguided catechisms are gone. Some told you to stay put when the Divine needs you to move forward.  Open your heart and your mind.  You will be properly directed.  Together, all of us who are Divinely inspired, we will travel this adventure together.  There is no need to fumble in the dark any longer.  Now is time to move forward with eyes and heart  wide open.”


We will hear this message in our hearts.  We will know with certainty that these messages come to us through our souls.  Only our souls can deliver the truth now.  All those who would muzzle us are frightened.   They are concerned that as we undertake to roam free, a freedom which at this time they do not comprehend, we will no longer defer to their 3rd dimensional world view.  For them, this is a loss of power and control. They fear abandonment of all those and that which has brought them the illusion of comfort and control.


We, who are growing, want more than worn out prescriptions at this stage in our development.  We are hungry for truth, which is far more than trite clichés and timeworn dogmas have offered. Jesus said: “You shall do things greater than this”, referring to the miracles for which he was touted. This statement may have once appeared as a simple metaphorical message to us from the past.  


Now is the time for us to return to these Divine lessons.  The great cycle of life has come around to its beginning.  This time we are at a new and unfamiliar doorstep.  The message is age old, but we are renewed.  The time has come for us to step through and to see with our own eyes and hearts what truth lays for us and within us. 

The adventure of self-discovery and the pursuit of the Divine within have brought us face to face with ourselves and with each other.  The journey has been sometimes perilous, and occasionally there have been missteps along the way.  But there were victories.  All the challenges you were confronted with were designed to help you grow and mature, and to help you realize your true Divine nature and the Divine nature of all else.




Stranger things have happened, you say, than being found on this plane after years of stardust cleansing and comet chasing.  It’s a rare sight to see from that Cosmic point of view.  Out there everything seems possible and equally amazing.  The gliding of planets, the circling of moons, stars streaking across the inky night, so much motion, so much animation, we can actually see it if we try.


How does that relate to what we do here?  Nothing moves out there except in predictable patterns set in motion by the Creator of All-That-Is. Could it be that we are  as predictable as well?  Do we have a direction that is our ideal?  It would seem so! 


We have a trajectory that is uniquely our own.  It can be measured and anticipated if one knows the fundamentals of cosmic movements.  All life forms move toward a higher order, a disassembly and reassembly at a new altitude.  That is transformation.  We become something more than we were, be it physically, psychologically or spiritually. 


And what do we mean by more?  The God likeness in us is that “more”.  We were brought into being by the Divine and we are being urged by the Divine to move forward. It is right for us to expand, to gain knowledge and insight, and to grow.  We do this as much for ourselves as we do it for all others.  We do it to restore our individual and collective Divinity. We want for ourselves that which we want for others and for this planet and its universe.  We have an unending appetite to grow. 


We are powerless in that sense.  We wish to express and actualize these desires.  We are free to choose.  We can always refuse, but that brings on the pain of separation.  There are better choices to be had when we understand the dynamics of our own life. Our appetite for life propels us forward, not to merely survive, but to thrive.  This is our Divine nature.  To be at odds with it is to be odds with the basic laws of the universe: all is ever-changing and ever-expanding. We are obliged to do both.


Profit yourself, now.  Seek what is yours and ingest it fully.  Grow! Expand! Flourish!  Follow the bliss that is your path.  And be kind to others as you move along. They are pursuing their path just like you and me.  We are all part of a Divine team in training for the next big event.  Best we are prepared.


End of Part 1


This is the end of our serialization of  "Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012" Our posts here represent about half of the book's content. Part 2 deals with "the players" in our personality, such as the Ego and associated Defense Mechanisms.  Par 3 shows you how to Engage Conscious Evolution in your life and provides "Writing Exercises and Self-Reflection Practices that will get you to The Core of Your Own Being.


Thank you all for reading along and for the feedback provided to each chapter.


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