Creation; heaven; and the higher self!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Sun, 07/03/2011 - 15:16


  • To begin with i will simply state that there is much to know about creation and its workings in our lives. We each create in the now, we create in the past, and we create in the future. What we are each creating within every new now moment is being recreated from memory, and is taken out of the great bag of creations that always exist within the All in All who is the Great storehouse of potentials and possibilities of all created things within consciousness.So when i create a new car simply by wanting one, thinking about it, and realising i have now received it ( upon receiving it of course) i have therefore created something that i want in life out of the Great storehouse of creations that already exist within the All in All, and i am simply re - creating it for me in my now moment.


    But when i create something i am not nescessarily creating it for every other timeline in which i exist, as my thoughts, deeds and wishes in the other timelines are different, as all of these representatives of me exist as me in the now as well, though they exist as me possessing and experiencing all the other creations i have created from the moment of my being a newly created soul in the universe, and not everything i have created through my thoughts; words; and actions in life exist here on this timeline i presently reflect on and live on today. So while i am in third diemnsional life all of my creations are truly being created, but those that do not fit my present lifes plan in this world will go to another timeline where i will indeed possess and experience all of my creations, but not always here and now, in this timeline.  So in another timeline there may only be a singel difference between this present timeline and that one, and that would be only a singel thing i have possibly created that makes it different, if only slightly.


    So you see, i have many different timelines i have created over the vast collection of human lives i have lived from the moment of my being newly created as a soul, and each may only have a single difference between it and my present timeline. Everything i create gets created, but because of my ignorance of me being a creator many of my creations were held from me, and sent to another timeline where they were permitted by my higher self to become manefested and therefore becaime a reality in that timeline. When i therefore move up in ascension i will take all of my timelines with me, as they will merge as one at that time. The reason they will merge as one is because i will now be a sdingel soul or being, though i will possess many different personalities within my being, and these will all be different third dimensional beingswho see each of themselves as me while they exist within their fifth density self.


    Every dimension of life has a material and physical level of life, and also has access to their lowest form or representation of their life, which is their third dimensional material and physical selves, in their lowest density and expression of life. So when i create something according to my third density self it is also created in my fifth dimensional self, but based on fifth dimensional things. In other words lets take for example an animal. There are no animals in fifth dimensiona life and so when my third density self sees a certain animal in third density my fifth dimensional self must also see something within fifth density life that carries the same exact affections as that animal for me in third density. But if i see a raccoon in third density, what would carry the same exact affections as a raccoon in fifth, that only exists in the third diemsniona of life?


    Well heres where it gets good!


    In your natural state in fifth density you are you, and there is no one else but you in all of life. You are in you so called World of Spirits in what is called equilibrium. You are not in the middle and upper heavens, and you are not in the middle and lower hells. You are in equilibrium where you do all things in moderation, not being too overly righteous nor overly evil or wicked. And as you are in fifth density, and based on your wisdom and maturity level now, your hells are better as are your heavens. What i mean is you have learned in life not to be so evil any longer, as it does not suit you in life when living life in unconditional love and light toward others, as well as the allowance of free will to all in life. Still keep in mind that you are One being now. So in other words service to saelf has become service to others, and service to others has become service to self. Depending on how you wish to look at it.


    So as i was saying you are living life in your natural state in fifth density, just as you do in all other densitties of life. There are no other animal;s or beings other than you.So when a third density representation of you creates an animal such as a raccood in your thrre dimensional self (any one of them)you are off at a distance looking at a raccoon, but as that person alone. For the only affections and thoughts that are identical to a raccoon are a raccoon. So you are seeing a raccoon but you know it is an illusion and is not real. If you were to get close up to it then it would dissapear immediately. What you would see in its place would be an angel, who is two and not one, as all angels are androgenous beings. And because you have seen a raccoon you are now in third density, but in your heavens in third density, which is within the mind of your third density being.


    If you were for some reason a hunter, and saw animals for food or any reasons other than innocent ones, you would see the animal from your thrid dimensional hells. In this case it would not dissapear, as you would be inyour third density body and form at the time. When you see animals in an innocent way in third density, and they do not dissapear, then you are in your natural stae of thirds density, which is in the World of Spirits, and the animal is seen as the innocent animal that it is or represents to you. So you see, if you see animals in fifth density, it is because you are in third density and fifth at the same time, but onmly in your heavens, where the two different dimenaions of life are protected one from the other.


    Now again i tell you that you as a fifth density being will see the animal dissapear when you get close to it, and an angel will take its place, male and female in nature. If you see no animal you see no angels as you are the lone and single being in fifth density.  This angel you see and interact with will be the exact expression of the affections of that raccoon in your mind, as all heavens have correspondences at every level of life. Therefore the most you can reflect on that raccoon or any other animal in fifth density life is from a distance. Close up there must be an angel with the same affections as whatever animal you saw far off. But again, you will at that time be in your third density heavens.


    The same goes for sixth density and higher, as you will always possess a third density body and form to eternity, as well as third density heavens and hells.


    You cannot interact with others ever, within fifth dimensional life, as you are simply a reflector of life going on within your presence and being. In other words you can only watch life taking place from within you, and you cannot interfere with the free will of those who make up your life from within. You know if you do, it will only cause separation for you, and you will no longer be the Grand Man or God, but you will return to being a third density and lower being of life.


    So what about children; flowers; buildings; roads; parks; cars; trains; airplanes and even other people? If you see these things in third density what things do you see in fifth dimensiona life as their correspondences? Well if you see a car in fifth density you are still seeing a car from a distancebut you know it is a past illusion of your past life, and that it will trun into something else when you get close to it. It will either be good and loving angels or evil and dark spirits, depending on what you saw from a distance, and what affections it represents to you. Remember that like attracts like, and the angels or spiris you see close up will be those you drew to yourself because of the affections you were feeling at any given point in your life in fifth dimensiona life and existence.


    But remember, lower density affections will put you back in your third dimnsional body and form, whereas higher ones will not. And if you end up in your lower body and form, you must have a thought; word; or deed that will bring you back to your fifth dimensional self. And of course your higher self has this covered all the time. But remember, everything from third diemsnional life that you see in fifth dimensional life is created and expresses the affecxtions of one or another being or soul that is representative of one of your selves in life or another. For all souls are truly you and they are me as well. So whatever affections you come to see from third density, while in fifth density, they will be seen for what they represent in third density at a distance for you, but close up they will represent the person or sou or angle that represents those affec tions within you, and you will see that person; soul; or angel; as themselves.


    Still, there is no two souls or angels alike in all of creation, even though you have lived the lives of millions of human beings thoughout time. So unless you see the same affections twice in fifth dimsneional life, you will always see a different angel in life. And when you see an angel in life within fifth dimensioan life, you have gone to your third dimensional heavens, immediately. 


    So when i tell you there is a correspondence to all things of third diemnsional ife within fifth dimensional life, it is the corresponding illusion of the same affections, followed by the corresponding angels of the same affections when close up. Part 2 to come later! Love and Light! Daniel

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