love; light; passion; change; awakening; flip wave; Consummation of the age.

New World Society Part- 2

Submitted by Emmanuel on Fri, 07/29/2011 - 10:52

New World Society part 2


We come to you dear ones with a message form your higher planes of existence. As many of you appear to be of little knowledge of the New World Society at this day, we wish to bring you further information on said society.

As we spoke earlier in a previous message all will become a part of the New World Society who live not only on your present planet, but all who live within all of your present “Circle of Life.” Your “Circle of Life” includes every solar system; galaxy; universe; star; and planet known to your generation. For dear ones it is what you know as an accumulated Macrocosm that will make up your New World Society. Every soul that exists within the hells of your Macrocosm will provide the hells for this society; Grand Man; Macrocosm; and Angel Man.

We are the society Elijah

Submitted by Emmanuel on Thu, 07/28/2011 - 12:03

We are the society Elijah -



We come to you with a message dear ones from those societies above that are you, as we are who you will become once again.

We ask you dear ones to do as your heart tells you in these last days on your planet as third dimensional beings.

We ask you to remember according to its full meaning what has been told you in your hearts time and time again “Take the road that is less traveled,” Enter in through the narrow gate.”

The Microcosm becomes the Macrocosm

Submitted by Emmanuel on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 09:37

The microcosm becomes the Macrocosm!

Hello dear ones we are Elijah and we come to you in the presence of Emmanuel and other souls from your higher planes of existence. As this subject is better spoken of by ourselves, we have chosen to join forces at this time with Emmanuel in order to bring these truths to a world that is now prepared to receive them. And so we begin our discussion dear ones.

Do you not know that the blood cannot interact with the urine? Do you not realize that the muscles cannot be connected to the arteries directly? And do you not see that the mouth cannot be connected to the ear by being directly connected upon the body? Well just as all things work within the microcosm that is known as the human body and form, so too do all things work in the Macrocosm. But within the Macrocosm things are much more understood in their workings than is the case within the microcosm.

The New World Society

Submitted by Emmanuel on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 09:34

The New World Society!!!

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. As the hour is growing nearer and nearer with each passing hour and day, according to your time dear ones, we feel the need to provide you with a layout of one world system that is in the works at this time, based on the thoughts and affections found in our spiritual society and soul group. It is not the only choice for a new world and society by far, but it is one that will certainly be filled with all the wishes and expectations of the masses who are awakening in your world today.

It is a society within which cannot ever again be found punishment; one person ruling over another; prejudice; greed; murder; the death penalty; or families putting their careers and lifelong dreams ahead of those of their children. In this world and society we are about to speak to you about dear ones you will find constant peace; happiness; and security in life, for all of its citizens. You will notice that there will be the upper and the lower of societies and all will live among one another in equality of life. For just as it will be above in the upper societies of this world and system so too will it be lived and provided for in the lower societies as well. And so we begin with our plan and layout of the New World Society. It is A world that is about to be seen by all of you in the coming hours and days even.

Questions to Emmanuel

Submitted by Emmanuel on Mon, 07/25/2011 - 11:38

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. As it is always our intention to lift you all up and never bring you negative news from the illusion, we therefore have another wonderful box of treats in the form of wisdom for you all this day.


We know many of you have been asking how it is that you will be creating and therefore manifesting all things in your new world and life in your higher dimensions of existence, in the days ahead. We are also aware that many of you wish to know how it is that animals and children will not be found in your higher dimensions of life when in fact these things are still of much importance in your lives, and you do not therefore wish to give them up.


Come see your future!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 08:45

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence.  It would appear to many of you today that not much is taking place in your world, and things therefore appear to be sitting idle for the moment. We assure you that is not the case dear ones as things are in fact moving along very rapidly and decisions are being made left and right all over the lands of your world. However as many of you have come to the understanding that we must needs land on the surface of your planet before things really begin to take shape we would tell you that we are indeed already here and we have begun long ago to put things in place for your new world governments as well as the numerous announcements that will take place in the coming days.


Message from the Infinite! Not Emmanuel speaking!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 10:20

I come to you dear  children as the one you call the All in All, though I am neither one nor am I many, but I Am the pure consciousness that provides the potential and possible building blocks which make up your creations of macrocosms as well as microcosms in all of eternity. As it is a truth that many today in your world and universes will send you messages that will serve in diminishing and even stopping your awakening into the consciousness that will show you that you are I and I am you, I must therefore come to you this hour and day to provide you with the necessary understanding to allow you to consummate this age of your adolescence, so as to move on to your age of adulthood in your ascension once again. For this is not a new thing as some would have you believe, but is an ongoing process that has once again brought you to this stage of your life long illusion and play. The human I choose to use at this time would wish to call this process another one of your “Circles of life.” We say that this term is sufficient.

You are each already where you wish to be

Submitted by Emmanuel on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 18:47

You are each already where you wish to be!



We come to you again dear ones with a message FROM YOUR HIGHER PLANES OF EXISTENCE. There are quite a few of you dear souls in your world today who are already going from third dimensional existence and life to fifth dimensional life and existence from one moment to the next, throughout your day as you are seeking another life in a different world. You energy vibrations are raising and lowering all the time throughout you day, and you are therefore not yet able to sustain fifth density vibrations for long periods of time as of yet. And if you were you would be ready to leave this third dimensional planet and life before your allotted time.

Season of the Gods!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 08:46

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. As we too have a sense of humor we would say to you now that the human we use in our channelings often makes us laugh and we see he is a high spirited one, is he not? But you too dear ones must keep in mind that these last days leading up to our ascension are ones where the heat is being turned up ( so to speak). Those who will play key roles in the awakening process in this “consummation of the age” will do their part as if a fire has been lit under their back side ( again we draw our slang from the human).

They fervently wish to see more and more souls awakened every day, and wish for those numbers to grow at a higher rate with each passing now moment. That being said we would ask you all dear ones to come to have more patience with one another in these times, as all will say and do things they do not mean to do and say, and will realize this once they have each had the time to reflect on their words and actions. Remember that you will be dealing with third density beings from a third density standpoint as well as a fifth density standpoint, and the two will become intertwined at times without our even noticing it.

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