We are the society Elijah

Submitted by Emmanuel on Thu, 07/28/2011 - 12:03

We are the society Elijah -



We come to you with a message dear ones from those societies above that are you, as we are who you will become once again.

We ask you dear ones to do as your heart tells you in these last days on your planet as third dimensional beings.

We ask you to remember according to its full meaning what has been told you in your hearts time and time again “Take the road that is less traveled,” Enter in through the narrow gate.”

We remind you of this dear ones because many today are being trapped in words that have the appearance of love; light; and being for the good of all humanity. We tell you these things time and time again in your dreams and visions because many would have you believe that what is about to happen to your world are things that will happen to the masses. Still we tell you there arte no masses bit that all souls in your world are you and you alone. In other words what you see as being truth in these last days is certainly what will be your truth and will come to pass and be manifested as your new world and life in your apparent future. Still we do not tell you that other humans are deceiving you deliberately, but they do not know they are deceiving you as they are being affected and misguided by deceitful spirits.

We do not come to you however with a message of doom and gloom as you will soon see if you read on. We simply tell you before we delve deep into our message dear ones that you will be presented with truths at this day and you will be given falsities, and all will be according to what you chose and were meant to receive in these last days. And when we say “Last Days” we do not mean the destruction of humans and your world at this day but the beginning of a new world, and the dawning of a new Age. So during this day dear ones, which is happening and changing your world even as we speak, the dead will indeed awaken from the spiritual depths of the earth, and they will each take their rightful places alongside those who will no longer sleep, but will change in a moment and in the twinkling of an eye. Who will provide the false prophesies and hopes in these last days? You will see!

And se we begin with our message to you dear ones and we say once again to hear our words with your heart and not your minds. If they resonate with you then by all means use them as your truth, but if they do not, there is always that possibility that they were meant for your falsities and were meant to teach you discernment in these last days of your four seasons of life. So we begin:


We come to you dear ones with the words from “A road less traveled.” And we say to you again and again to enter in at the “Narrow Gate.”

There is a force and an essence out there somewhere that many today do not understand at all. Those who do understand this force and essence are split as to what message they would have the world gain from this presence all around us. There are those who would have you awaken to the truth about this force and come to realize and remember that you are in fact not only part of this force but you are this force that has simply chosen to forget for a time. Then there are those who would use the illusion and sleep you have bound yourself in against you to cause you to believe there is nothing better out there, and that you better take what they have to offer you while you can, or you will lose out all together in the end.

This force we speak of, of course is God the Father or (the All in All) and He or It is you in all volume and form. Do not accept the words dear ones of anyone who tells you different. Now you have that right of course, and we cannot make you accept the fact that you are God and that you are God just as much as God is God, and there is no separation or levels of God ever, to eternity. What appears to be the separations and what appears to be different levels of the God Particle is nothing more than the illusion you placed on yourself long ago, and for good reason dear ones. And so we say to you now that you are no less than any other soul in existence and you are no less God than any other soul in existence.

Those who tell you that you are simply a child of God and will one day receive your inheritance if you listen to them misguide you dear ones. Those who say that they are your God or that they are your Mother and Father mislead you as well. But they do this because they were meant to do this from a well laid out plan from long ago.

You are only being misguided because you asked to be misguided and they “sacrificed” their love for you in becoming the Judas, or one to betray you in life, so that you would become all the stronger for it. The ones who misguide you dear ones are no less your equals and actual selves than any other soul in existence. For without the negative we could never come to understand the positive. Without the evil we could never understand the good. Those who sacrificed themselves dear ones to be the evil one and falsifier of words for your own good did so out of their love for you. So love them for it in the end and appreciate the part they each play in the Grand “Circle of Life.” Because of this you will be misled and misguided each and every day of your life from now till the time of your full awakening and ascension in the world.  

But remember dear ones that you asked for this as you knew it would make you stronger and teach you to easily discern in these last days between the illusion od good and evil; right and wrong; above and below;  asleep and awakened. So we say to you to come to learn in these last days just what is meant in the words to love your enemies in life. Again – your worst and only enemy in life is yourself. You are your friends in these last days and you are your worse enemies, as it should be. You will therefore hear messages every day in the coming days and weeks that are misleading and sometimes simply confuse you, and these were meant to be dear ones. Ponder on them if they make little or no sense to you and let them go for the time being. If you are truly seeking truth your higher self will bring it to you in its time, and as it was meant to be given. You need not another single soul in your world in order for you to receive your truth, and if you go outside of yourself to find truth be prepared to receive many different opinions and messages.


So as we were saying, there are indeed those out there today who will bring you many false messages and these are the “Antichrist.” Do not go looking somewhere else out there for the Antichrist, as he will always be found within you, and will appear to be manifested outside of you in another human form. Still they are all you, and you are the only one who can cause the message to become your truth, or to become a misguiding spirit. With that being said we ask you dear ones to always seek your own truth, and never come to the conclusion that you must latch on to another’s truth in life, no matter who that person is or how famous they may appear to the world. Again you are no more and no less than any other in your world and life.

So what message is there out there today dear ones, that was not meant to be given you if you have received it? Does it go against everything you believe in to date? Does it bother you that others will receive this same message and that it will mislead and misguide them as well, causing them not to awaken and ascend in the end?

Again dear ones it is you who chose to receive all the messages you have received, and will receive, until it has all played itself out and you have ascended. And as this goes with you so goes it with every other soul in your world as they too were at the proverbial roundtable long ago and chose to hear all the messages ( good or bad, positive or negative, bitter or sweet) the souls of the world would offer up to them. Do you think that by your blocking whatever messages you can from the souls of the world that you can or will help them in their awakening and ascension process dear ones? Is it possible that you could actually be harming them by your holding back negative or non- resonant information from your neighbors and that it would be best to let destiny take its course?

What about free will? Do those who have a message for the world, whether positive or negative; right or wrong; bitter or sweet, not have the free will right to offer their messages to the world just as you do? Remember dear ones that in the end there is no right or wrong; no good or bad; and no positive and negative. All is good for all of mankind in the end as each affection helps to equalize its opposite affection in all of life and creation.

So again dear ones you need it all at this day as you are tying up all the loose ends in life, and healing those last wounds you each possess as third density illusions of life. There is not a soul out there today that is not here and has come here for your good in the end. No one is your enemy but you, and once you come to forgive and unconditionally love yourself, as well as others, you have put an end to your enemies. That however will not take place until you have changed and moved over to your new life in the New World Society we have often come to speak of. In the mean time it matters not what messages you receive from another as you will in the end go to that place that was held and made for you long ago.

If you love your neighbor as yourself in the end and live your life to the best of your abilities, seeking to always be the best person you can dear ones then you will do just fine. If you do not live this type of life , in loving your neighbor as yourself, seeking to be the best person you can be then still you will go where you were meant to go in the first place at the change.

So you see during the hours; days; and weeks leading up to your awakening and ascension, or your not awakening and ascending, all things are being pout in place for each soul no matter what. For whether or not you awaken you will still come to ascend in the Universal Ascension. If you do not awaken it is simply because it is not your time, and will do so on the next go around. But we say to you dear ones that all souls will go where they wish to go in the end as you are each in control of your destiny. The fact that some will not know this however is simply for their protection alone. It is not for children to sit at the table with the grownups and discuss matters of society when that child is not yet prepared to discuss matters of society. It is that simply dear ones and it does not need to be made to appear to be any more involved than that.

God sends no one where they do not wish to go, nor does He force them to make a choice, as we simply make our choices unconsciously in life by the lives we live and accept as our own. If you are a third density being and you wish to return to a world such as your present three dimensional world then it will be so. For as we have already spoken, the Grand Man and Macrocosm will require certain numbers of every kind of soul at every different level of maturity in life, and this will certainly include its fair share of three dimensional souls. But because the Grand Man and Macrocosm will now be an Angel Man and no longer a Devil Man, all souls who become a part of the new world and system known ass the New World Society will live out their days in peace; happiness; and freedom within the realms of Paradise. No longer will the world be ruled by the evil generations and the hells, as we are all entering into a new Golden Age.


So everyone will go in ascension, though not everyone will awaken and become fully conscious. Those who do not yet become fully conscious will do so within the timeline of their next reincarnation in human life as they must live out one final lifetime in their present three dimensional lives and system, based on their hopes; dreams; and ruling loves in life. But no one who is alive today in your world dear ones will return to third density life more that one last time, as they will spend their next lifetime coming to love fifth dimensional life even though they will be at home in third density. For whatever those above enjoy in life so too will all these things be offered those below from that point of ascension on. When will this Universal Ascension take place in your world dear ones?

It is already taking place behind the scenes so to speak, for the Universal Ascension does not take place in the material and physical realms of existence, but within the spiritual world. Within the spiritual world as we speak every soul in existence within our spiritual society and soul group is ascension, though they are not all awakening just yet.

The fact that human beings today are not aware of this Universal ascension is simply because it would do them no good to be aware. To put it plainly dear ones, every soul in existence is ascending every moment of every day, and is learning every moment of every day because of it. There are souls in your world at this time who need to awaken and ascend as they will make up the upper parts of the Macrocosm and Grand Man, so as to make up the new Angel Man of this “Circle of Life.” There will be needed lower souls and higher souls, and all will come to love one another unconditionally, though the lower souls will take a little more time than those above them. Still, all in all dear ones there is much to be excited about at this time, for the time is very close, and many in your world today can certainly feel it. When the Universal Ascension comes upon you dear ones you will know it has happened, but it will come as a thief in the night, and will be there and in operation before you recognize it has even come.

If we were to show you sighs in your material and physical world at this day dear ones you would be telling the masses, and they still would not believe you. But you know, and you shall be ready just as you were long ago. Those who will not be told, and do not know what is about to come upon them suddenly do not know because they are being protected from themselves. For you do not give new wine to be put in old wineskins, as the new wine would certainly cause the old wineskins to burst. Neither do you give new information or teachings to those who wish to hold on to old information and teachings as they would explode into anger. Do you see dear ones what is taking place in your world today? Do you see why the children must still be protected and taken into their new lives in safety, rather than trusting them with new secrets that would only get them into trouble?

Ascension is happening all the time at this day in your world and those souls who do not see it do not see it because they are in third density still. To truly see what is tasking place in your world around you simply seek your fifth density self which is found within complete silence from within. You will not receive all you wish to know at first but it will all come in time, as you are asked to remain patient, as time is certainly growing short dear ones.

Just as the awakening is happening in the spiritual world and inner man so too is the Universal Ascension. You cannot awaken in third density, which is why all third density friends and family around you think you are not of your senses. As each soul in your world comes to awaken they too will do so in the spiritual and not the material and physical. Because of this they may come to understand what things you have been telling them, but others still will not, who are still too attached to third dimensional life, and service to self. Be patient with them dear ones for you know not who will awaken or when any one soul will do so when their time comes. All is hidden from the masses as this is truly a “Narrow Gate,” and “the road less traveled.” The masses will not believe your stories, in which case it is futile to attempt to tell them your truths in these last hours dear ones.

Those who speak of space ships coming to your world they speak from their truths and what they believe will happen and take place in their world. If you are receiving these messages dear ones they are not coming from the higher realms, within fifth density or higher. Fifth density beings know they cannot enter third density space. They also know they cannot interfere with your ways of society in your world today or any other day. So who will come to help you dear ones? And do you who wish to enter fifth density life wish to receive this type of help or do you seek the life; world; and system where you need none of the things others have come to offer your world at this day? Why do you need world peace forced on your world? Why do you need a new monetary system? Why do you need new governments? All of these things are provided you in fifth density by your own makings. So if you do not intend on remaining in third density, but will in fact be creating the upper parts of the Macrocosm and Grand Man (becoming One) will you not provide all these things for your lower parts, who will consist of the souls who reside in the lower densities of life and the Grand Man or Angel Man?

We however do not go against what others are telling you dear ones about souls who may or may not be coming here to your world from other worlds and systems, so as to offer you aid in repairing certain problems in your present world and society. We sent these souls to you, and they speak to you in the language you can understand and readily believe. For those of you who doubt sometimes we simply give you these words from higher dimensions of your existence who would think as well that there is no need for others to come to your world. However dear ones “your world” is not becoming a fifth dimensional planet, and that planet will benefit each time those above benefit from this day forward.

What we give to those above will be offered to you below, only according to correspondences, as what we see as pleasant and joyful in life above in the higher realms of existence differs from what you would see as pleasant and joyful. That which provides for the happiness of life for all of you in the coming days ahead will be provided to you, as you are our third density selves, and we wish for you to live out your remaining days there on your planet according to your greatest dreams and wishes in life.

So again we tell you dear ones that yes, we have sent our people to your planet in order to provide those we call our family, with complete happiness in your final days of third density life. All who wish to come and be with us may do so according to their free will choosing in life, in the coming days. Because we love all of you and do not wish for you to fear any longer we will also provide you other means of removing yourselves from the world which you fear at this day. Each of you will see this take place according to your own illusions of life however, as there will be no actual mass landings of any kind, and all souls will see the “Consummation of the Age played out in their won way, according to their own illusions of life. If you think or believe you will leave your planet in a space ship of some kind, to be rescued from your captors, then it will be so, as it was meant to be this way in theses last days. Just as life appears so real to each of you now today, so too will it remain to be this way up to the last hour of the change in your world.

If you believe there will be some type of rapture (spoken of in your Christian Bibles) in your world, with you being swept off to heaven with Jesus then it will be so. If you wish to remain here in your world and live out your last days on your present planet, and take what comes to you, then that too will be the case. And last of all, if you wish to awaken and become fully conscious, so as to leave your present world for a better one that too will happen for you dear ones. For creation will be seen for what it really is, and all will see it in the last days of the Consummation of the Age.” Those days are upon you dear ones, and this is why your world is becoming so different with every given hour or day. All will create their new world and life based on their wishes and dreams in life. You still will not know these things for sure (exact dates and times) until it is too late to change your mind, and it is upon you all.

When you see the Son of Man coming in the clouds, do not turn back to get your coat, for when the door closes it will be too late. Not only can this statement be true for the Rapture believer’s dear ones, but this story fits many different end time scenarios in your world. Do not change your mind at the last minute and choose the lower life. The Son of Man has indeed already come, and it is the last minute. Do not go back to what you once were, but continue dear ones to seek that which you know to be the “Narrow Gate.”


 We are the society  Elijah, and we come to you in complete unconditional love and light. Because we are all of you and we love you as ourselves we bring you these words of life.


Do with them as you will!

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