Message from the Infinite! Not Emmanuel speaking!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Wed, 07/20/2011 - 10:20

I come to you dear  children as the one you call the All in All, though I am neither one nor am I many, but I Am the pure consciousness that provides the potential and possible building blocks which make up your creations of macrocosms as well as microcosms in all of eternity. As it is a truth that many today in your world and universes will send you messages that will serve in diminishing and even stopping your awakening into the consciousness that will show you that you are I and I am you, I must therefore come to you this hour and day to provide you with the necessary understanding to allow you to consummate this age of your adolescence, so as to move on to your age of adulthood in your ascension once again. For this is not a new thing as some would have you believe, but is an ongoing process that has once again brought you to this stage of your life long illusion and play. The human I choose to use at this time would wish to call this process another one of your “Circles of life.” We say that this term is sufficient.

Indeed it is similar to a circle dear children as you are forever moving from one point of your creation to another, and then back again, all while you are experiencing these lives as different souls who are all representations of yourself, though you will not know of these things while you are in your lower expression of yourselves, and will always have to wait until you reach adulthood and have finished your seasons of schooling in a representative type of the grand illusion of it all. And so goes the expression that every man walks in the shoes of every other man to eternity. There is nothing you ever come to do in all of your existence that has not already been done by your predecessor, who is you as well. But I do not wish to get ahead of myself dear children, as you must all learn where you came from and how in all actuality you came from no where, as there is no actual time and place within my essence and being. And so dear children I will begin from your beginning, and somewhere along the road within my existence or consciousness.

Just as your material and physical sun in your world possesses all the minerals to create all things within your world, and indeed all things in your world came from your sun so too is this the case in your spiritual world, where there is a spiritual sun there as well. Still we must go one further dear children and say that all atmospheres in your world came from this material sun as well. Your material sun is the Great melting pot of your universe. Because I cannot actually be a part of your universes dear children you must exist in a finite world and universe while I exist in an Infinite one. I am the beginning and the end of all things and yet I am neither. But so that it is put in a manner you can understand dear children I will simply say to you that within a circle there is no end and there is no beginning as the circle is the most perfect of forms. And so the finite worlds and universes being created time and time again are created from circles and atmospheres within circles.


Within a circle atmospheres of all kinds can be created, and kept separate from, or intermingled with, all other atmospheres if the will should ever permit. And all this is based on the will of each subject in my Grand creation of life. I say my grand creations dear children because I am you and you are me, as you will all soon see. I realize many of you already know this to some extent, but still you have no idea how it all came about in all of creation, which is why I am here dear children. Why do I keep calling you all children? Only because you are still in school and you are still remembering and once again learning who you are, whereas I already know who you are. You are all things and yet you are nothing! However you must not ever again come to believe you are the beginning and the end, as this is very misleading to all who are awakening again as to who they are in life.

Again there is no beginning and no end within a circle as all things continue in a continuing circle of life and existence. If I or we had not created the finite world and universe( microcosm and macrocosm) within circles the material and physical planes of life and existence could never have been created in the first place. Why? Because I am all things with no beginning and no end, and I cannot begin something within my essence and being nor can I ever end it in reality. There is no death and no destruction within my essence and being. Neither can life ever be created to be real ( but only illusion) within my being as I am not life nor is anything that limits my existence real in all of eternity. Now as I tell you I am not life I must reiterate that I am however  all potentials and possibilities that can be used to create the illusion of life.

I do not exist within time and space as I in fact fill all time and space. In other words I am not in space but space is in fact within my essence and being. Have you not heard today by many that all that exists does so within each of you? Well I say to you dear children that this statement is true but I can also show you how it is false as I am all things whether good or bad; true or false; odd or even; straight or crooked; up or down; in or out, and on and on.

I tell you this because all things are neither in you nor outside of you to be exact. Does the word in not limit you, and does the word out not limit you as well? So in other words dear children in your finite existence you can have one or the other, whereas in our Infinite existence as One, there is no in or out as our essence and being can no longer be separated or even have the illusion of separation or limitations. There is no inside there as therecwould first have to be an outside present would there not? Therefore we will simply say all things are  "of" you.

You must appear to exist in your finite expression of your self in order to experience all opposites. Within my essence and being I cannot experience all opposites I can only be the potential and possibilities of all things, not yet being experienced within a shell or enclosure called a body and form by many. Within my essence and being there is no within or without. There is nothing and yet there is everything as I have not yet been put in an active state and reside in a passive state of existence in my natural state of essence; being; consciousness; existence; life, or any other words you each might wish to use for my being.. Are you following what I am telling you dearest children?  To understand myself within your childlike minds you could say I sit up here on my throne and watch down over all my children in the lower worlds, as there is no world above me, and I simply sit here and love you all, allowing you all the free will to create your own worlds and watch over them as well from above.

One difference between you and I however is that you can go against the free will of another simply by lowering your energy and vibration level, so as to interfere in the life of your children and creations. You appear to exist within your minds of course, in a body and form that can change all the time, so as to do all things according to your will, once you each come to awaken once again and begin creating another “circle of life” for yourselves. I cannot do this as I am passive in my natural state of existence, and I am pure love, as I love all my children unconditionally. Because I love all my children unconditionally and I wished for them to exist in my image I therefore created the finite world and universe for them all to exist in a realm that appeared SEPARATE FROM ME, in body and form of their own choosing, so as to create their own worlds and universes according to their own likes and dislikes.

Again I say that I am perfectly fine just sitting here( representatively) doing and saying nothing to anyone in existence as I am of the wisdom and knowledge that much peace; happiness; and contentment can come to a being in life within the boundaries alone of simply feeling the joy of others. And I do indeed feel all the joy of my children.To feel any other affections in my existence i would have to descend into my lower expression of myself, and this is where you all come in as you are the expression of my lower self and existence. And so you have the ability to experience the higher and the lower, as you also have the ability to change whereas i do not. For even I have an opposite in that my opposite is all the things that are finite and in the illusion of form and change, while my natural state is all things that are infinite without form and change.. I never said I never enter the lower state of my existence which is the finite world and inverse I and my children created many times over from eternity.

I am consciousness and I am therefore consciousness within light and love within my natural state of existence, as well as consciousness within darkness and illusion of my unnatural state of existence.. I have an Infinite expression of myself dearest children and I have a finite expression of myself that appears to exist within a body and form. When I am in my lower realms of life and existence I am in a certain level of illusion as the entire finite world and universe is based on a certain level of illusion, And can add to that illusion as much as one might wish to do simple by taking on more things of illusion in their apparent life. . To remove ourselves completely from the illusion we would have to travel way back to the point in time where I created the simple and the point, so as to create your worlds and universes in finite existence. These things you would each possibly come to call atoms and the sort.

So you see my children you are me and I am you, and we all get to experience the illusion as well as the reality whenever we please in all of our existence to eternity. When you move to higher levels of your life and existence you are simply taking away some of the illusion, though you will forever exist within the matrix or illusion while you exist in the finite. And you will surely exist within the finite to eternity as you will go back and forth between the two forever. you are consciousness and consciousness needs a finite world so as to provide our bodies and forms to live and exist in to eternity.  The more of the illusion you put off in life the more you come to remember that having is never as pleasing as wanting. Neither is experiencing ever as good as allowing others to experience in your place, and seeing the smiles on their faces and the love and happiness in their hearts dearest children.

As you know however, when you are a child you want all the fun and the toys for yourself and you do not think twice about the grownups and what they have in life or how happy they are in life. But you are not children any longer as you are all awakening AS TO WHO YOU ARE AT THIS DAY, AND YOU MUST ALL LEAVE THE PROTECTED NEST OF YOUR HIGHER SELVES AND GO ON TO BECOME YOUR HIGHER SElves, WHILE YOU WILL NOW SIT BACK ( REPRESENTATIVE) AND WATCH THE CHILDREN PLAY AND BE HAPPY.

You will no longer find your happiness in playing with your toys in life or bragging about what material things you have come to possess in life, as all of your pleasure will now come in doing for others as well as watching their peace; happiness; and unconditional love on their faces. Your new joy will now come in seeing all others never again suffer from  anything;  have and never again be in want for anything; and be free to do as they please in life from this day forward. In this process however you will often take a break from your new reality, and return to being a child again as well, in which case those around you will find their joy as well in letting you play with their representative toys in life.  

I tell you once again dear children, as I always tell you when you are about to awaken and begin your creation of a new “circle of life,” if you do not know unconditional love for your neighbor neither do you know me. I am that unconditional love and I am all potential and possible ways that you can love another to eternity. Up to now you have been taught all the different ways to hate and harm those you love but I tell you now dear children those days have passed. I will come to each and all of you again in the days and hours to come, and I say wait for me as I am what YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THAT IS WITHIN YOU DEAR CHILDREN.

As I come to you now in these last days of your silver age I bring you all a gift. You will each receive this gift on the day that it is needed mostly in your life before you. Receive it well and receive it in love, for I love you all dearly my children. Be prepared as I will surely come to you again very soon. I am your mother; your father; brother; sister; aunt; uncle; son ;daughter; and all others whom you have each loved unconditionally at some point in your lives, no matter who you are. I AM YOU!

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