Do not lose heart or surrender to doubt.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/22/2017 - 22:28

Humanity’s awakening process is an enormous undertaking that has been ongoing for eons, but the vast majority of humans have been, and remain, unaware that human life is but a minute portion of what is available to them, and that to awaken from the dream into the utter joy of Reality is their inevitable destiny.  The illusion you collectively invented and constructed seems totally real to those within it, as was your intent when you built it.  However, the intent was not to get lost in it for all eternity, but to experience separation and then make a choice as to whether you wanted Reality or illusion.

Obviously Reality is the only meaningful choice you could make because there is nothing else.  But first you became captivated by what you had built, and then, as you journeyed further and further into it you became lost and utterly confused – Love is your nature, and yet it seemed that you had separated yourselves from It.   The experience of that has been ongoing throughout the eons and, as a result, fear – the opposite to Love, only there is no opposite, there is only Love – arose leading you into distrust, betrayal, and endless conflicts.

Finally you have evolved or developed sufficiently to recognize the insanity of this relentlessly fearful state of affairs, and you have collectively made the choice to disengage from the illusion by allowing it to fall away, thus restoring you to full awareness of your divine nature, at One with God. The divine plan for your awakening from the illusion is, of course, progressing perfectly, just as planned.  It is God’s plan, so there is no other way that it could unfold, because all that is of God is, by its very nature, perfect.

The continuing chaos and confusion, that is the illusion, is presenting you forcefully with all that is not in perfect alignment with Father/Mother/God, Love – fear, hatred, bitterness, resentment, judgment, and dishonesty in all its myriad forms – so that you can acknowledge its presence within you and release it completely.  When you hold on to anything that is unloving you create blocks and obstructions on the path of access to your heart, thus shutting out complete and unconditional love.  Yes, you have love of family, friends, partners, but only as opposed to those who do not fit within those categories, and that is setting limits on the love that you embrace and share.  But LOVE is limitless, boundless, and by attempting to set limits on It you close yourselves off from It.

You are Love, but what appear to you as humans to be vast arenas in which there is only hatred, bitterness, conflict, and violence, are in fact extremely small and insignificant.  They just appear vast when you are focusing your attention on them or engaging with them, thus filling your minds so completely that you have no room for what is infinitely real and vast, namely LOVE. As humans you have all at some time experienced feelings of anger and fear that have disabled your ability to love your loved ones, mostly just temporarily, and, being aware of this, you have seen your fear and anger increase and intensify.

What is presently happening on Earth is similar, it is a massive uprising of denied and buried anger and fear in order that you may acknowledge it and then release it instead of engaging with it.  But, as many are finding, its intensity often blocks your reasoning abilities, and so you react to it in kind, greatly aggravating a very unpleasant situation, and leading to an impasse beyond which you cannot move except through Love.  And in situations like that “a reasonable human” believes that Love cannot possibly work.

Beliefs are frequently destructive because they represent inflexibility, an unwillingness to communicate other than from a sense of righteousness, which is in fact just a total refusal to communicate in any way at all.  Consequently many negotiations in many areas of human society, from one on one right up to nation to nation, collapse in complete disarray purely due to a righteous refusal to even attempt to see the bigger picture, to look at all the possibilities, and to seek areas where agreement can be found that honors all involved equally.

And of course pride is an enormous stumbling block in situations like this, because everyone has at sometime or another been proved wrong and severely shamed, and so never wants a repetition of that experience.  However, the whole point of righteousness is to shame another.  It becomes an endlessly repeating loop from which there appears to be no exit, because to admit that one may have been wrong is seen as the unavoidable path to shame and being blamed, and no one wants to go there.

However, there are now on Earth many wiser and maturer souls who are willing to admit to their mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, and who can then, feeling no shame because in their maturity and wisdom they fully understand that it is only human to make mistakes, move forward to resolve the issues that have arisen.  These wise and blessed souls are appearing in many places as mediators and negotiators to ease or dissolve blocks to progress at many levels of human society where differences can be very divisive – international, political, business, religious, cultural, and ethnic – and are working lovingly and harmoniously together to further assist in the massive and ongoing awakening process that humanity is presently experiencing.

Remember, your individual choices to be loving whatever arises, and your daily visits to your holy inner sanctuaries, give enormous further energy and support to these brilliant mediators and negotiators.  You are all essential participators in the awakening process just by your presence on Earth as humans at this moment of enormous and momentous change.  As you have been told many times, humanity’s awakening is inevitable, and it is happening NOW!  So do not lose heart or surrender to doubt, instead surrender totally to LOVE, and in that choice and intent take part fully and enthusiastically in the awakening process, your own personal awakening process.

Humanity is awakening, but it is an awakening that occurs individually, because, even though the collective has chosen to awaken, you each have, and always will have, free will.  This does not mean you can choose not to awaken, but it does mean that you are free to delay your awakening.  When you choose fear and anger over Love you are effectively making the choice to delay your awakening, and by so doing intensifying your own individual pain and suffering.  And needless to say suggesting to another that they are doing that is extremely unhelpful and inappropriate.  Each of you have your own most holy path to awakening, and there is no way you can ever know another’s path.  Only offer help, advice, or guidance to another when it is asked for, no matter how sure you are that you know what they need to do.  That is extreme arrogance. Only Mother/Father/God understands and knows the path that a soul has chosen to follow and therefore has the wisdom to offer a loving nudge or opportunity to one who is having difficulties.

Remember too that you are all infinitely loved and honored, and that there are no exceptions here, because everyone made the personal choice to be incarnate at this moment in the awakening process in order to take part and assist, and that is what everyone is doing, even if from your human viewpoint that seems extremely unlikely.  You do not know the Mind of God.

With so very much love, Saul.


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