Submitted by Angel News Network on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 18:12


Inspired By Ascended Master St. Germain

By Phillip Elton Collins, The Angel News Network


For a long time the world has been “ruled” by the human mind. Where has that gotten us? In spite of the amazing advances humanity has made, the world still does not allow equality for all. Many are fighting for their right to be equal and free. Much of the world lives under oppressive governments, a few controlling the many.


We still believe war and killing each other is acceptable behavior. Our way of thinking really isn’t working very well. In fact, if things stay the same we most likely will not survive as a planet or species. It is time to wake up, or else.


No wonder the planet has now activated an aspect of its divine soul plan that allows an ascension process to move into a more advanced, higher frequency existence where the behavior of the past is simply not allowed. The payoff is we get to live forever to serve the forces that created and love us eternally.


This new way of being is the result of the human mind, at long last, returning in service to our all wise heart. This is our divine destiny.  Our heart holds all the wisdom that we need to grow and expand that is not contained in the intelligent/knowledgeable human mind. This heart wisdom is the result of all past and present wisdom being stored in the DNA/RNA of the etheric heart and passed on from reincarnation to reincarnation. The collection of knowledge becomes wisdom as it accumulates.  Maybe we need to know the important difference between wisdom, and Intelligence/ knowledge. To know something does not make us wise. Our history proves this. Data needs to be stored and used over time. Welcome to the terrific thinking heart.


The word wisdom comes from the phase “wise dominion.” The dominion is dominion over self--to understand and accept and forgive the human self (as a learning tool) and choose to rise above and beyond it to the divine/higher self.  This is “divine” wisdom. There are many messages, tools and teachings coming from higher realms to assist humanity in this process. It has always been this way and will continue until we succeed in freeing ourselves from ourselves. This is our divine destiny and birthright.


Let’s take a closer look at the difference between wisdom and knowledge. We all know a lot of things through memory. Most of us memorized our way through school and soon forgot most of it. Our schools are set up for testing which encourages knowledge, not wisdom. But student’s hearts are hungering for a new paradigm in education that includes wisdom. Memory alone cannot assure us the proper use or release of stored knowledge at the moment it is needed nor does it fully allow timely discernment.


Wisdom does allow discernment since it accumulates over time, many lifetimes. When we study the ascended masters and their many incarnations, it becomes clear how they have accumulated knowledge into wisdom.


So an essential pathway to wisdom is the knowledge (the heart knows, the mind believes) of repeated lifetimes, incarnational cycles. It is truly unfortunate that there are large components of humanity who still do not accept the universal truth of reincarnation. For only through the acceptance of this cosmic fact can humanity achieve the wisdom of eternity and truly know who they are and why they are here.


Western religions have taught eternal souls but have left out the part about repeated lifetimes. It’s easier to control people with only part of the information/truth being given.  By knowing, accepting and understanding our own incarnational reality, we know the “cosmic continuity” of self, and the true love of the forces by which we were created. We are a reflection of that force, and as surely as God is eternal, so are you. You just do it through many embodiments and God stays the same. Once we have the wisdom of the centuries at our disposal, this becomes a game-changer.


Just because we cannot remember previous lives does mean they did not exist. The minds of many individuals will never accept this statement. The knowing must come from the heart where all those past lives are stored. Metaphysics explains that the reason for not always remembering our past lives is so that we can more fully experience and learn what we came here to learn in this lifetime.  The heart remembers through experiences such as déjà vu (flashbacks from previous lives) and past life regressions and channeling experiences that there was some experience before this lifetime. It simply does not make cosmic sense that we are eternal souls with only one chance at being human.


Eastern religions have supported the idea of repeated lifetimes for millennia. Incarnational reality is the universal science of eternal being. Many people have accepted misguided religions without incarnational truth with their dogma that says what we see is all we get.  By withholding the truth, church and state have gained greater control over the people.


Dear Ones, stop and take a breath and connect with your heart and ask for the Wisdom of Your Heart to be imparted to you. There has been so much suffering in our world by denying incarnational reality as an essential component in our being. The truth will now set us free.


The same principles that make a university or library a great place of learning apply to our lives. It is the accumulated and stored information/knowledge that allows us to ascend into our soul plans and destiny. The encoded wisdom stored in our spiritual DNA from many lifetimes allows us to truly know who we are and have access to all the knowledge beyond our planet, connecting us with the Source that created us. Then a unified relationship of service to creation begins. Through becoming a master of self, we master the universe.


For our planet Earth (the Lover-versity, on which we learn to love self and all there is) is a reflection of the universe of learning. And we soon learn there can be no such thing as so-called death.


If death were permanent, as we are often taught, we could not clear and cleanse ourselves in order to become the master of destiny as the divine beings we are. This is the great gift of God (G3): to behold the Mind of God and gain true wisdom. As the ascended masters continually teach, the first contribution of God to humanity is a continuous life stream, followed by our freedom of choice and will, which allows us to gain spiritual wisdom, freedom and blessing forever more.


Once we break free of the confines of the one-life concept, we can break free from the planet itself, revealing other dimensions, worlds and civilizations and true wisdom. When the universal laws of frequencies and dimensions are opened, we enter etheric octaves within the “garden of God”, where Oneness reigns supreme and everything becomes possible as we master the tools of creation. All chains of the past controlling and imprisoning humanity (even karma) are broken and are replaced by glorious guidance from our Higher Self allowing the full birth of the immortal/eternal God-giving beings we are.


We are then able to access all the wisdoms of Earth’s past Golden Ages, to know what created them and why they failed through the disconnect to the higher realms. This creates a vortex of opportunity for world service and we now have the wisdom and knowledge through our God Presence and the Flame of Wisdom to facilitate the final Golden Age of Mother Earth, Gaia. We fully know now who we are and why we are here.


We now have full access to the cosmic universities, the holy wisdom and direct connection to realms that join our mission of world service.  All barriers in our being and consciousness are cleansed and the right use of wisdom comes pouring forth.  We see that love is fueled through true service to wisdom. The ascension of the planet, solar system, galaxy and universe is now at hand….


All is in divine perfect, permanent order.

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