Forgive and be at peace.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/04/2017 - 16:26

All is One.  Each and everyone of you is individual, and, in this same now moment, the only moment, the eternal endless moment, in fact the Holy Instant, you are One with Source, Father/Mother/God.  There is No Separation!  There is only One, but, as humans in physical form, you remain unaware of this.

Intellectually many have accepted this truth, but very few have sufficiently detached from their ego personalities to be able to truly know it and live it.  To awaken is to know yourself as you truly and eternally are – One with the All – and in that knowing you are in eternal peace, joyfully fulfilling your creative potential in the most beautiful and harmonious union with your heavenly Father.  You need nothing and you want nothing because he has already given you everything – Himself and All of Creation.

In your human state, apparently separated from your Source and from the spiritual or heavenly realms, to suggest that you are One with God and with each other seems to make no sense at all to the vast majority who are totally caught up in the 3D physical environment that the illusion so effectively provides.  The physical environment is an enormous distraction!  And yet, because it appears to envelop and surround you, you do, as a human, have to deal with it constantly because your physical bodies, through your egos, make constant and extremely needy demands – food, shelter, sleep, entertainment, love, acceptance, safety.

However, as your spiritual guides, mentors, and channels keep telling you, when you listen to them and hear them, you are One VAST energy field of Love in which all of God’s divine Creation has Its eternal and infinitely joyful existence and expression.  Yes, there is individuality which expresses itself beautifully in an infinite number of creative ways or, more appropriately, through creative thoughts or ideas, while at the same precise moment you are One.

The human experience that you are all undergoing is just a single idea that you each share in your own individual fashion.  That becomes very clear to you when you have disagreements with one another!  But in the vastness that is Love, that is All, that is Father/Mother/God/Source, the Oneness is always in perfect divine harmony.  To put it rather simplistically, it is like an enormous orchestra where each instrument comes together under the conductor to play a divine symphony or other orchestral work, perfectly.

I repeat, there is only ONE!  What you experience as humans is unreal, an ongoing dream that continues for as long as you choose to engage with it.  It seems very demanding – that is its purpose – and so it occupies almost all of your attention.  So much so that even if you want and intend to go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you feel very strongly that you cannot afford the time.  But when you do go within and allow the Love residing there eternally to embrace and comfort you, time seems to stop and your worries just fall away.

Then your ego interrupts your state of intense peace, suggesting to you that it is but a time-wasting reverie from which you need to withdraw to attend to the important things in life.  But that state is not a reverie, it is a brief glimpse of Reality which gives you the strength and faith to renew your intent to be loving in every interaction and in every situation.  And those of you who follow through on your intent know that what you experienced so briefly was indeed Reality, as your loving intentions and motivations smooth your daily living experiences as humans.

All that you need to awaken is with you in every moment, but your ego manages to convince you that this is not so, and then persuades you to stop wasting time and get on with living.  But Reality is where you live, and the more powerfully you can accept that idea and engage only with Love in your daily human life, the more smoothly will flow your experience of being human on Earth.  Then your energy field, Love, will expand as you allow it to do so, affecting everyone with whom you interact in any way at all, quite beautifully.

This is how the awakening process for humanity is put into effect, by each one of you intending and holding the intent to be who you truly are – Love – in every moment.  The more you practice doing this the more effective you become, and the more you believe in yourself and prove to yourself that this is indeed who and what you are.  The power of knowing this is immensely inspiring and uplifting for you, and for those with whom you interact.  It is your divine task, the reason you are presently incarnate on Earth, so make a point of remembering this, and of reminding yourself that you are divinely guided in every moment if you will just allow yourself to accept and follow this guidance or inner knowing; then enjoy the peace and contentment that flows from this acknowledgement.

You are never alone, abandoned, discarded, or rejected, although as a human you experience those feelings very intensely at times.  You are a perfect child of God, infinitely loved in every moment, make a point of acknowledging and accepting this divine truth by honoring and loving yourself as God does.  Love is within you, not outside you, so cease looking for it out there!  Once you truly accept and love yourself as you were divinely created, and also accept that in your human state you make errors of judgment on which you sometimes act, and that these are all learning opportunities, opportunities for you to forgive yourself, and others, instead of dwelling on those errors, just release them and allow them to dissolve, as they most surely will.  Dwelling on them drains you energetically, and for no good purpose.  Instead move on – yes, if you feel the need and can do so, make amends – and remake your intent to be only loving.

God never judges you, He loves you and supports you in every moment.  If He did not you would cease to exist, and that is impossible, because He created you to be One with Him, eternally, in perfect joy.  It is your dwelling on and harshly judging your errors that cause you so much unnecessary pain and suffering.  All humans make errors that hurt and offend others.  But remember, to be hurt or offended is a choice you make.  When you choose only Love you will not be offended or hurt, and everyone has the ability and the loving strength to make that choice.

So, make amends when you believe you have offended someone and then move on.  If that other chooses not to accept your offering then he is choosing to be hurt or offended, and that is his free will right.  You have done your part, and you do not need his acceptance.  You are, just as is he, a divine child of God in the process of awakening.  Honor that in both of you, as does your heavenly Father.

True forgiveness, forgiveness without conditions, offered wholeheartedly to another and to yourself will bring you peace and dissolve guilt, guilt which drains and disempowers you.  So forgive and be at peace.

With so very much love, Saul.


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