Forgive and love yourselves as your heavenly Father does.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 22:31

There is no one on Earth now who is not feeling the energy shifts that are leading up to humanity’s awakening.  As many have told you, your awakening is inevitable, and even those remaining unaware of their true nature, as spiritual beings having a temporary human experience, are aware that enormous change is in the air.  It is impossible not to feel the power of the Tsunami of Love as It sweeps back and forth across the planet empowering the changes that are essential aspects of your awakening process, even if it is not clear to many what it is that they are feeling.

And of course it also shows up all across the world in conflicts that seem insoluble, endless, and utterly insane.  Conflict is insane, and most of humanity now understands that, although they are also unable to see any way to resolve the outstanding issues that are causing conflict all over the globe, without resorting to conflict.  It seems to be a Catch 22 Situation!

Only, of course, it is not, it’s just that people refuse to engage with Love because they are afraid that they will then be betrayed or cheated.  But those of you who have truly engaged with Love know that it works.  And you are spreading the truth of that most effectively and successfully, because, by intending to live lovingly in every moment, you are adding intense power to the individual energy fields that you express through your human form, and no-one with whom you interact, in even the most gentle or seemingly insignificant fashion, is able to remain unaffected by the Love that you are expressing moment to moment.

We in the spiritual realms – your loving guides, mentors, guardian angels, and family members who have discarded their temporary physical forms – are with you in every moment supporting you as you cope with the daily stresses with which human interactions present you.  Please, call on us for assistance whenever you feel overwhelmed.  We are available 24/7 awaiting your call.  We cannot assist you unless you ask us for help, but we are watching over you lovingly in every moment – utterly without judgment – longing for you to call on us.  Truly we mean it, call on us any time, we are always ready, willing, and able to assist you.  Remember, time is illusory, so there is no right or wrong time to call on us, there is only this now moment when you feel the need, so Call!

Our task is to assist you to awaken, just as your task is to assist humanity to awaken.  There is nothing of greater importance for you to do or to engage with.  You are on Earth – Now – purely to assist in humanity’s awakening process.  You may be asking yourselves “how can I assist, I am only a single and utterly insignificant individual, how can I possibly help humanity to awaken?  I’m not even awake myself!”

Well, as we keep reassuring you, you are incarnate in this historic moment for humanity because you were asked to assist in humanity’s awakening, and you wholeheartedly and enthusiastically agreed to do so.  You knew that being human would place you in situations in which you would have minimal memories and understanding of the divine plan in which your assistance is essential.  But you also knew that you would be lovingly guided in every moment as long as you asked for that guidance.  So ASK!  In fact, if you find it helpful, SCREAM for assistance.  We understand your predicament perfectly, and nothing that you can think, say, or do can offend or upset us.  We are here for you, we love you, and nothing you can think, say, or do will alter that.

Cease your worrying and your anxieties about whether or not you are on the right path, because of course you are, there is no other path that you could be following because you designed it with divine guidance before you incarnated upon it.  Stop attempting to make sense of it, that is a major distraction for many of you, instead listen to your intuition, your divine guidance, that gentle nudge that suggests a course of action that is calm, peaceful, and without an egoic agenda – what’s in this for me . . will I get paid . . . will they appreciate my efforts . . . they are so stupid, why don’t they listen to me! – and engage lovingly with whatever arises.  When you do miracles occur!

In fact you are all miracle makers because you incarnated at this moment in humanity’s evolution, in humanity’s awakening process, purely to be of service to humanity, to the divine Creation in which you are all eternally enfolded and embraced.  There is no one who is excluded because Oneness means just that, there is no separation from It.  What may appear to be in opposition is illusion.  Doubtless you are becoming quite disenchanted with that word because the illusion seems very real to those who have chosen to be participants within it, even those of you who are agents of humanity’s awakening.  It is a very convincing environment, as some of you who have been engaged in military conflicts are well aware, as you deal with your vivid and most alarming nightmarish dreams and attempt to cope with and dissolve your resultant Post Traumatic Stress Disorders.

Whether you are involved in military type conflicts or not, the illusion is capable of presenting you with situations that appear insoluble, situations from which the only escape seems to be by terminating your human existence.  And yet, each and every one of you is here by your own choice, a choice you made with divine guidance in order to assist in this awakening process.  Often it seems that you are alone, abandoned, unseen, unappreciated, and unloved, and that is an experience that is extremely painful even though it is unreal.

It does not seem unreal!  In fact it seems to be the only meaningful reality available to you, and consequently one with which you no longer wish to engage.

When this is your experience, Please seek our help!  It is available if you will let your inner knowing, your intuition guide you, because “so called experts,” human psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselors are frequently as confused as you are by the illusion in which you are all enveloped and attempt to use human reason and logic to help you.  It may help a little, if they can listen to you compassionately.  But lasting relief from your pain and suffering can only be found through unconditional Love, so even if it seems to you that you have done some unconscionable deeds, forgive and love yourselves as your heavenly Father does, and know that there is no way that He will ever diminish His infinite Love for you, let alone cease to love you.

Therefore, go within every single day, and open yourselves to the divine flame of Love burning eternally within each one of you.  When you allow, when you surrender to whatever distress is arising and just let it flow through you without judging it or trying to make sense of it, it will ease.  You cannot make sense of it because it is insane.  Your difficulties with PTSD and any other disturbing emotional issues with which you find yourselves dealing can only be solved by Love.  Frequently you condemn yourselves for mistakes or errors that you have made and that you consider unforgivable.  Doing that ensures that you keep reliving them instead of releasing your attachment to them.  Pain and suffering can only happen in the moment in which they occur, but you can keep them alive in the present by constantly remembering the situations in which they happened and judging either yourselves or others as bad, or even evil, for your involvement in them.

Love is Reality.  There is nothing else!  Open your hearts to allow It in and let It sweep away all your fears, your doubts, and your worries, because it is they that are unreal!  Without accepting God’s loving support life appears meaningless for you, and without it it is.  The meaning of Life that so many seek and cannot find is LOVE!  When you refuse It fear and worry flood your minds.  Now is the time to engage fully with your true and eternal nature – Oneness with God in infinite Love – and you have absolutely limitless support from all of us in the spiritual realms because we are in constant awareness of our eternal Oneness with God Who is Love without limit.  And it is this knowledge, this intense awareness that we offer you in every moment.  But it is always your choice whether to accept or reject it. Don’t sulk like small children, forgive yourselves and come fully alive!

With so very much love, Saul.


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