God is. And, like God, so are you.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/05/2017 - 18:49

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are all delighted with the progress that you are making towards the awakening, which is now very close.  You have worked very well and very hard to bring it about, and you will not be disappointed.  To awaken is humanity’s divine destiny, it is inevitable and unavoidable, so relax in the inner knowing that you all have, that your awakening is no idle dream, that it is a real event which cannot be prevented or avoided.  The time for dreaming is over, now it is time to awaken into Reality.

Many of you have doubts – self-doubts, doubts about Reality, doubts about awakening, doubts about your sanity – release them with thanks, because they were necessary to ensure that you did not get caught up in egoic flights of fancy about a new illusion/dream to replace the very unsatisfactory one in which you have been ensconced for so long.  Reality is your eternal Home, and it is into this that you will awaken, and not into another illusion.

As you have been told so often, your awakening is inevitable.  Release your firm hold on doubts, they no longer serve you or humanity.  You are divine beings, perfect divine creations, who have very temporarily forgotten who you are – and you are about to remember.  There is only the One, the Source, the Mother/Father/God, and every sentient being ever created is completely one with and inseparable from that One.

The One is best described as an energy field or an ocean of incomprehensible power and creativity, and best identified – when you have to use words instead of direct knowing – as Love, Consciousness, Awareness.  Words are totally and completely inadequate to even attempt to define or describe the indefinable and the indescribable.  God is.  And, like God, so are you.  You are vast eternal beings, entities of Love, of Light, of Joy, temporarily lost in a dream or nightmare of seemingly endless fear, pain, suffering, and anxiety, in which occasional brief moments of happiness arise.

You were created to enjoy a wondrous life of eternal happiness, so why remain asleep when Reality enthusiastically awaits and encourages your awakening?  The welcome prepared for your awakening will amaze and astound you as you finally come to know how dearly loved you are.  There is nothing you can do to make yourselves more acceptable to Source because you were created perfect and it is impossible to improve on perfection.

Instead, go within daily to your holy inner sanctuary and fully accept the Love that resides there, patiently awaiting the moment when you choose to fully open your hearts to It.  Love is there for you, always, all that separates you from It is your withdrawal from It or your refusal to approach It because you fear that you are unworthy to receive Its divine embrace.  You are not unworthy, you have never been unworthy, you have just chosen to believe – because of your sins, your errors, and your mistakes, which are part of the illusion and are unreal – that Love would reject or condemn you.  But Love is unconditional in Its acceptance of each and every one of God’s beloved children.  Love wants only to reassure you of Its complete acceptance of you, just as you are, just as you were created, perfect.

I know that it is very difficult for you to understand and accept the truth of this while you remain in human form experiencing the illusion, with all its problems, pain, and suffering, as completely real.  You identify yourselves as your bodies, and as the feelings and experiences that the body undergoes.  Because you do that the illusion appears utterly real, and anything that does not have physical form seems unreal, unbelievable, illusory!  The illusion turns everything upside down, as you intended that it should when you built it.  You wanted it to seem utterly and completely real when you invented and constructed it, and so it does, and it will continue to do so until you choose to change your minds about it.  And, of course, it therefore makes the Real seem unreal!

When you go within you do get the sense, the feeling that you are unchanging.  You truly do not feel different to the person you were yesterday, or ten or fifty years ago.  Yes, your bodies have aged and deteriorated, but you, the self occupying the body, has not.  That shows you that you are ageless and timeless beings.  Yes, everyone eventually lays down their bodies.  The living essence that is you departs and moves on, leaving the body, the vehicle, the form that you used to experience the illusion, to decay and disintegrate.  It truly is no loss, because without it and the limitations with which it provided you, you find that are totally free, just as you were created.  Even enclosed in your physical forms you are free, you have just lost sight of that truth, or forgotten it, temporarily.

You are Light, you are Love, you are Free!

And the reason that that is true is because that is how you were created.  You are eternally perfect and everlasting divine creations, always, and without interruption, One with God, in your natural state of peace, harmony, and joy, the only state that exists – Reality.  Without each and every sentient being Reality, God, would be incomplete because all is created within God Who is All, and God, being All, can never be incomplete.  Therefore your eternal existence, without even a momentary interruption, is divinely assured.  Your awakening is just a discarding of your unawareness or forgetfulness of who you truly are.

You chose to invent and construct the illusion to play a game of separation from Source because you wanted to experience that impossible and utterly unreal state.  The only way to do that was through illusion, through unreality, and that meant hiding your true nature from yourselves, and temporarily totally forgetting about it.  Your physical forms are separated from each other, and yet, because you are pure energy, pure Love, you are not truly separated.  As modern science has shown, everything is connected to everything else, and everything affects everything else, even though that occurs outside your severely limited human awareness, and is consequently very difficult for you to understand and accept.  Your scientists have just as much difficulty with this concept, this truth, as you do.

So, to reiterate, separation is unreal, it is an illusory state that you built in which to experience the impossible.  You built it very cleverly and consequently it has convinced you, in your limited state of consciousness as humans, that it is real, just as you intended.  But you have had enough, separation is not fun, it is painful, unsettling, disturbing, in fact it is terrifying when you understand what it really means.  However, it is also impossible.  Therefore rejoice in the certain knowledge that it is utterly unreal and that you will awaken from it.

With so very much love, Saul.



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