Submitted by Angel News Network on Sat, 03/15/2014 - 05:18


From Archangel Uriel and St. Germain, two energies who greatly love Earth.
Received by Phillip Elton Collins, Co-founder of The Angel News Network
There is so much separation, duality and confrontation in your world due to your individual wounds and ego defenses mirroring out into your collective world. As has been taught many times before all this is the result of your unloving relationship with self-reflecting out into your thus, also wounded world. The ascension shift (moving into a higher frequency of existence), as told many times before, will be a personal  peace process of inside out, beginning with each one of you.
The chosen messenger whom we are coming through at this divine moment, like many others, is a brethren within an endeavor called The Angel News Network with many of our various higher realm teachings to assist you in your individuated personal peace process. Can you receive and apply these teachings?
Ultimately as has been explained to you many times, the intention, through the healed loving relationship with self, is to create communities of equality, harmony and balance throughout your world.   Remember dear ones, the purpose of your planet is to learn to love.  As your history reveals, this has not always been an easy process for you. It does not have to be this difficult, if your can simply learn to think with your heart, allowing your mental bodies to also be in service to your heart that knows all of which we speak. All the learning from past lives is stored in the DNA of your heart and pasted on lifetime after lifetime.
Let us now examine how aspects of your higher selves can be applied to achieving the needed peace on your planet. It is your destiny during the creation of your final golden age to learn to live together in peace through all of your chosen diversity. Through your diversity you are learning you are all aspects of the same thing: LOVE.
Acknowledge the divine right of each and every person on Earth to be free of their wounds and defenses and reveal their higher selves; you are in process with this.  Learn how to champion each other’s higher self through speaking your truth, knowing your needs and setting your boundaries. This will allow the opportunity to awaken the full activation of your soul plans; the reason to be here. You each have talents and gifts to bring into world service, knowing the world would be incomplete without each of you. You are all aspects of the Creator experiencing itself. Be and do this with complete acceptance, compassion and forgiveness as to how you have chosen to learn.
Remember through your personal process to have no hidden personal agenda or outcome other than the highest good of all. Surrendering to not knowing will allow the probabilities and possibilities of the universe to come forth. This requires a quieting of the mental body that constantly needs to know. Again return to the source of your knowing heart. Surrendering to not knowing allows the higher self to work.
Dear ones the peace you so hunger for will and can manifest in your lives, the lives of others and your world if you simply apply the above words into action. Select world leaders (governments reflect the people they govern) who have evolved enough to apply these principles and trust and know there are forces higher than humanity who are available to support you through your process. Seriously consider being in service to these forces; after all they created you and all your past golden ages….and if you so choose…your next golden age…

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