Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 ‘How to Communicate with Us’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 16:07


Do your best to navigate over small bumps in the road that may appear and you will always emerge stronger and wiser for the experience. What has transpired over the last few days with our communication with our channel is nothing but a small and temporary obstacle that we have successfully cleared from our path, and it is nothing to be alarmed about or to carry long-lasting concern for. These minor distractions may appear from time to time as our mission is a greatly vast endeavor and there are many players and participants, allies and foes and those neutral parties as well, and we will persevere to rise to any challenge that presents itself and we will succeed in our mission together with you, as nothing can stop us now.


We would like to discuss with you ways to better communicate with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We do see that there are those of you who wish to begin or to improve your communications with us, and we say to you there are methods that you can use to better open up the lines of communication. We would recommend to you to choose a particular time of day or night when you wish to communicate with those assigned to your team or even your guides who may be members of our organization. To do this, simply begin your meditations, or however it is you wish to begin communicating with us, at the same time of day or night so those on the other end of the line with you will know when to ‘pick up the phone’, as it were, and listen for you as you listen for them. This is how it better works for both of us.


We suggest to you to begin your communications with us by sitting in a semi-darkened or completely darkened room, quieted from all external noise from outside and inside as well, such as air conditioners, fans, or of course, television sets. If you have a question to ask of us please ask, keeping it as short as possible and making your point as clear as possible. Then we would like you to sit in quiet, focusing as best as you can on absolutely nothing, as a blank slate is easiest for us to write upon. Our messages to you will be as short as possible in the beginning, as this will be easier for you to receive. We will do our best to answer your question, but the most important goal for now is simply to work on strengthening our line of communications and not particularly on answering your questions specifically.


We do understand that many of you have many questions about who it is you are, where it is you come from, if you are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and so forth, but for many of you, simply learning the basics of telepathic communication is what we'd like to focus on in the early stages and we hope you understand that we may not be able to answer all your questions immediately, as we simply wish to break in these communication lines with you. Remember, each of you has at least one guide and many of you have more than one guide, and these guides have always been with you throughout your many incarnations and your current incarnation is certainly no different.


Your guides may or may not be members of our organization, but this does not mean you cannot attempt to communicate with them and it does not mean you cannot attempt to communicate with us. We all play for the same team. There is no us and there is no them here in the higher realms. There are no spiritual groups or other commands that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are not allied with, partnered with, teammates with, family with. We wish to make this clear, as we do see from time to time those of your world attempting to create some sort of animosity between groups or different organizations or individuals within the higher realms and this simply will not work, as there are no different teams, different sides here. We are all one on this side of the veil. Separation is merely an illusion of your lower third dimensional state that you have chosen to experience at this, what you know as time. The illusion of separation does not penetrate through the veil and does not exist on this side within the higher realms. We hope we have made ourselves clear on this, and we feel many of you will immediately understand this and resonate with this truth, as it is truth.


Moving on to adventures in your world that you are experiencing through your choice to learn through your education here, we see the men and women on your front lines continuing the process of apprehending and incarcerating the members and associates of your criminal cabal. These arrests are ongoing, and we see them as perpetually moving forward as each hour of each day passes by, and we say to you we hope this knowing helps sweep you through the hours and days and brings forth to you all that you want and all that you have dreamed of as soon as is possible for you. We see these arrests as the pivotal point of your 3rd dimensional experience. There has never been a war, a President elected, a country founded or a technology invented that has shifted your focus and your frequency as great as this truly Earth changing event. This event is one for the ages. It will be memorialized in all your future history books, in song, in museums, in film, in literature, and in stories that a grandfather or grandmother will share with their grandchildren while sitting around a campfire or warm fireplace, for this event will fuel enthralling discussion for ages to come, and deservedly so.


This event, although still transpiring mostly beyond the eyes and ears of your people, will break through the media blockade in the days to come, you can be assured of this, for a secret this great can never be kept buried forever. We will do what it is we can to allow your media outlets to see that the time has come when they break free from the constraints of the criminal cabal. The cabal today focuses less on their scheming to control the rest of the population of Earth and your planet as well, and spends more time worrying about their future, just as they have caused so much of humanity to live in a constant state of worry for their future and the future of their family and friends. This is what is going on in the minds of those of the criminal cabal and those that have accepted payment to participate in crimes against you. They are not a force to be concerned about any longer.


The only concern you should have today is on yourselves, for there is so much now becoming available for you and your lives are already beginning to change. There are great rewards for your combined efforts to change your world and the starting gun for these gifts and advancements is the arrests of these criminals of your cabal. You are already ‘off to the races’, as it were, as the starting gun has been fired, we wish to shout this loud and clear to you as there is no other truth here, there is no other version of this story, there is no counter perspective. These arrests have begun, they have begun in earnest, they continue through each day and each night and we see them as never slowing or stopping. We believe we have made ourselves clear on this.


We do see other alternative explanations and theories as to what is transpiring and what will transpire in regards to the members of your criminal cabal and we say to you that you may disregard these alternative theories and explanations as they hold no water at all. These arrests are happening, and it would be very hard to convince the men and women on the front lines who may even be reading these words that these arrests are not taking place, as it is they themselves who are ‘slapping the cuffs’, as you say, on these criminals.


We feel we have made ourselves clear once again on this point, and we would like to move on to discuss just what it is that will begin here in your world once sufficient numbers of the criminal cabal are taken into custody and cleared from the playing field of your planet. We would like to begin meeting with individuals who we have selected and are continuing to select as representatives of your people to meet us and engage with us in a ceremony which will introduce our organization and our people to your people, a ceremony and a celebration that will be televised worldwide through your media channels. What we would like to do is meet you face-to-face, dressed in ceremonial attire, and present to you offerings of our friendship for your whole world to see. We feel this would be the most appropriate way to meet you, and we have many times in the past been welcomed to worlds through ceremonies such as this. We will be in touch with those individuals who we wish to take part in this ceremony and we have already been making plans for this occasion, this is how close we are to reuniting with you, our brothers and sisters.


Until then, we are your family, friends and neighbors of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look so forward to this reunion with you.




As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish


This may sound like a stupid question since I am new to channeling and am not psychic, but is it necessary to drop the "energetic field" protection in order to communicate with you?  An answer would be greatly appreciated.

Blessings to you Brothers and Sisters in our skies


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