

Submitted by hollyirenecardoza on Sun, 09/04/2016 - 17:20

MESSAGE FROM AN EARTH GUARDIAN YOUTH LEADER, TO THE RAINBOW TRIBE: "Rainbow Tribe- Maybe the thousands of people that spent thousand on tickets to Burning Man, who are now packing up to leave, should detour their vehicles and Caravan up to Standing Rock? If you say you are about building a new society and a new world instead of building a city in the middle of the desert for a week and spending thousands of dollars to demonstrate a sustainable pop up city, Go and support for real defending our Earth, and take action in creating the world you want to see, In a real pop-up sustainable City with thousands of people who are fighting to defend water.

I see a lot of pics from burning man on my feed with a lot of people wearing feathers and dressing like natives, saying they are the Rainbow Tribe and so on... so please go stand with the Native people.... you will make a much bigger difference in the world at Standing Rock then you will at Burning Man.


Submitted by hollyirenecardoza on Sat, 02/14/2015 - 23:11

TODAY's MESSAGE FROM THE UNITY RIDE:  "We took a break at The Unity Ride. Thank you for your understanding. We are now bringing more managers on-board, so that the responsibility of running this page is shared. Pictured here is the The Antakarana, THE GOOD HEART. It is a Star Code & the Symbol of Unity in the EarthStar Peace Calendar--The Sacred Timekeeping Way of the MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN. To activate the Code in your own life, draw it, and then circle it. Mitakuye Oyasin. We Are All Related. Let's Ride On in UNITY. #UNITY"

LightWorkers GO Beyond....

Submitted by Sacredfemale30 on Tue, 01/07/2014 - 18:36

~~~~Hands for the Light-

Remove the Darkness

Find Peace within so much LOVE

That is from Self DeEPly Embedded…

Never forget the skies from which you came

Always remember Galactic/Angelic/ other Beings

 of Light are Always with you…..

Gifting us all with Unlimited POTENTIAL…

With Unlimited Consciousness… 

 with the ways to become even greater,  

to become One with All of LIFE—to see the Truth,

to Know our Animal, Plant, Tree,                                                                         

Human, Galactic Friends,…on Every Level….

That even those who say it is Impossible

to Co Exist on Gaia without Harming any Being

Can/is Becoming POSSIBLE….


That those who say that we cannot have a Golden Age-      


 A world of Peace for All Beings everywhere…..

We say we CAN! 

 We lightworkers KNOW….

We see beyond their Illusions, beyond what they see

We see the Abnormality of their Normal ways….

We see the COLORs/LIGHTs/ENERGIES that they cannot quite Comprehend….yet…..

We see the Love coming from the Beings of LIGHT

The Angels, Fairies, Power Animals, Spirit Guides

We see and Know their Presence are Real indeed

WE know that Something BIG is COMING in our Sphere! 


We have to Prepare all who we KNOW...NOW!

Please Spread the LOVE and LIGHT..................




Mother Mary Blessings of Love

Submitted by Iamlightdivine… on Sun, 11/24/2013 - 15:58

With gratitude and humility and my heart as one with the joy experienced through communion with the divine I share Mother Mary's love. 
Blessings and love,

Jose Sanchez

Hail Mary Mother of love
Thy kingdom is present within me 
Thy joy is my own 
May in bliss my heart greet you 

Your Holy blessed heart with love my soul fills
Your triple fold flame my light awakens 
Your Motherly love with humility blesses me 
Sands of time and infinity dwell within your sacred fold 
Transmutation of the self into angelic wisdom as I gaze upon thy beauty

Hail Mary Queen of Angels 
With your beloved heart and through your divine wisdom you have seeded my soul
with the Christed light

Hail holder of the flame of the Heavenly Mother
Holder of the trinity of love 
Awaken within me the sacred heart and may you as the heavenly mother bless my joy

Hail Mary Mother to the Son of Man
With your loving heart may you mirror my own light
With you sacred flame may my will be strong and  be your own as I serve the most high

Hail Mary Goddess of sacred initiations 
Awaken the light codes within my vessel as I give way to the light of lights

Hail Mary Mother of Radiance
May you shine as the sun deep within my heart 
Surrounded by heavenly roses of the pink light 
My heart I bow before you as I dwell within your embrace 
My lungs filled with your divine fragrance of blissfulness as I declare my love to you 
In your divine unity I find my strength upon your holy gaze 

Upon your embrace the light of lights I call my home 
and so it is now and through all eternity

Amen, Amen, Amen
Adonai, Adonai it Saba E

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